Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 2012 The Origin of All Evil

Xuanyuan's return to the 'Qinglong Holy Land' has made all races united, and there is no other doubt. You must know that what Xuanyuan said before, every word is full of truth and is extremely convincing. Now Xuanyuan's strength is even stronger. Its profundity can be compared with the reincarnation of the Holy Emperor, and it is naturally stronger than before.

And with the prolongation of the years, more and more people believe in Xuanyuan, which will make his god of faith and protection stronger and stronger, and his words and deeds will be affirmed and trusted by hundreds of millions of sentient beings.

What's more, Xuanyuan also evolved the scene of many holy emperors negotiating at that time. They saw everything that happened. What does this have to do with Xuanyuan? To make such an excessive request, even if Xuanyuan agrees, other reincarnations of the holy emperors would not agree.

So they knew very well that the next step would mean the beginning of the war, so they were all cultivating intensively, or conducting battle drills, preparing to face the enemy.

Every big clan has their own unique means, which must not be underestimated. At critical moments, they can explode with infinite power.

In the 'Blue Dragon Palace'.

Xuanyuan, Xia Ziyu, Bu Jingsha, Shihou, Yin Zhenluo, Qian Duoduo, Bai Youniang, Zhang Tianling, 'Emperor Hongmeng', Ji Chen and others were all present. Xuanyuan sat on the main seat and said in a deep voice:

"Next, I'm afraid there will be another big battle that may happen at any time, everyone must be prepared to deal with it!"

Everyone nodded in unison, Xuanyuan looked at Qian Duoduo: "These resources are for you, use them rationally, and you must maximize the combat power of my 'Qinglong Holy Land'!"

Undoubtedly, the reincarnation of a holy emperor is rich in resources. When Xuanyuan gave these resources to Qian Duoduo, Qian Duoduo's saliva overflowed to the corner of his mouth, a pair of eyes were shining brightly, and he screamed: "My God, Xuanyuan! Xuan, where did you collect these materials? It’s simply unbelievable. Many materials are non-renewable and unique. My God, there are so many supreme tools, compared to last time, there are more And nothing less than that, there are still many precious worries that can greatly improve the medicine refining ability of the Medicine Palace!"

"You don't need to worry about this. The power of the 'Wanhuashen Cannon' must be improved, and it can be continuously activated. This is the key point. As for the reasonable allocation of supplies for the troops and horses of the major forces, it is up to you to master." Xuanyuan knows that this task is very heavy, but only with a lot of money can it be done, and no one else can do it. It can be said that she is a person who can maximize the value of everything without wasting anything.

"Don't worry, no problem, I want to ask..." Qian Duoduo looked at Xuanyuan timidly, like a little girl.

"Huh?" Xuanyuan smiled.

"Is there any more..." Qian Duoduo's eyes were filled with a strong aura of money obsession.

"You squeeze me dry..." Xuanyuan patted his forehead and sighed.

"One day, I will squeeze you dry." Qian Duoduo licked the corner of his mouth and said viciously.

Many people in the 'Blue Dragon Hall' laughed, Qian Duoduo blushed, turned and left, the bells on his body jingled, Xuanyuan was speechless for a while.

"Shihou, let the medicine hall speed up the refining of medicines, war medicine is the main thing."

"Understood." Xuanyuan drew the power of the immortal medicine from his body and merged it into Shihou's body.

Shihou's tender body trembled, feeling the surging medicinal power, and she was excited. It seems that Xuanyuan's strength has been raised to an unprecedented level.

"Zhen Luo, strengthen your military training. You must not be negligent in the slightest. The Tianlong lineage is an elite soldier that I have been hiding. At the critical moment, I will definitely deal a fatal blow to the enemy."

"Yes." Yin Zhenluo stood up, her battle armor clanging and her scarlet cloak rolled up, she walked away without the slightest sloppiness. She always hoped that she could go to the battlefield, but she was kept in the cold by Xuanyuan, and she felt quite uncomfortable But now his words made Yin Zhenluo feel relieved.

Xuanyuan issued a series of orders, so that everyone has a core goal to do.

"Damn it, be careful now it's really amazing." Peng Fei appeared on the 'Qinglong Temple' shaking his body full of flesh.

"Oh? It seems that your improvement is not small." Xuanyuan found that Peng Fei's strength is not only in the realm of the Great Sage, but also unreasonably strong. It seems that he has gained a lot at this stage.

"Oh, why am I so miserable, you kid forgot about me when you had someone else, so you put me in the 'Qinglong Holy Land' as a coolie, placing those restrictions all day long, and letting me live... "The pig-headed emperor lay on the ground like a pissed off daughter-in-law, crying loudly, rolling all over the floor, watching Bu Jingsha and Xia Ziyu cover their mouths and snigger.

Xuanyuan sighed and said helplessly, "You two, follow me!"

In the 'Swallowing Heaven', using 'Swallowing Myriad Transformation Taoist Artifacts' and using 'Swallowing Years', Xuanyuan passed on everything he had obtained from the 'Sage Emperor' and 'Sage Emperor Jade' to them .

Peng Fei was so excited that he was trembling all over his body, his voice was trembling: "You kid actually murdered the reincarnation of the Holy Emperor? And you also succeeded in murdering two of them, my God, you are simply a tricked patriarch, I will never again because of It was much better to be plotted against by you back then and to be worried about it than this Holy Emperor."

"Isn't the 'Eternal Saint Emperor' your younger brother? Didn't he tell you this?" Xuanyuan despised Peng Fei.

"My little brother has been a little busy recently, I guess he forgot..." Peng Fei shrugged, showing disapproval.

"Haha, you're promising, you're really promising, and you can plot against even the reincarnation of the Holy Emperor." The pig-headed emperor laughed, with tears in his eyes. Once upon a time, he could have imagined that Xuanyuan would be able to achieve what he is today, although he couldn't say It has surpassed the 'Emperor Devourer', but it will definitely make the 'Sage Emperor of Wanhua' look differently.

"Cultivate well, and try to surprise the enemy in the turmoil in the future." It's not that Xuanyuan doesn't want to pass on these supernatural powers to other people, such as the 'Emperor Hongmeng', he has more important The thing is to govern a country, he is better at this, so he was not chosen.

Zhutou Dadi, Peng Fei and the others are all people who eat enough for one person, the whole family is not hungry, and can kill people on the battlefield at any time, but the "Emperor Hongmeng" is different. Although the "Qinglong Holy Land" is powerful, he is the spiritual pillar of countless people. If something happens to him, the 'Central Province Dynasty' will be hit hard. Although Fu Xi can inherit it, she is a woman after all, and unlike the 'Emperor Hongmeng', she is in the hearts of every 'Central Province Dynasty' citizen. , has the supreme status.

This time when Xuanyuan came back, Fu Xi never showed up. After all, she was the woman whom the "Emperor Devourer" once loved deeply. The many magical powers and mystical techniques he left for her, I am afraid that there are many means of the reincarnation of the holy emperor. Xuanyuan used to be At the beginning, I couldn't see her through more and more, and felt that as time went by, she became more and more unpredictable. It seemed that she might become a great force in the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land' in the future.

Thinking about it now, she must have the power to fight the reincarnation of the Holy Emperor, at least she won't be killed easily.

As for Xuanyuan's women, he never thought of letting them practice these supernatural powers to risk themselves. What they need to do is to stabilize the rear, not to kill on the battlefield.

The turmoil in the "Qinglong Holy Land" has completely passed. Everyone has woken up from the dream of ascension, worked hard to cultivate, and once again all ethnic groups united as one.

In the 'Heavenly Court'.

Two people, 'Sage Emperor Tianxiang' and 'Sage Emperor Eternal' entered it, and 'Sage Emperor Lingxiao' looked excited, and said, "Why have you been there for so long? Did you succeed? You refined Xuanyuan?"

"Xuanyuan is too cunning. The 'Eternal Saint Emperor' and the 'Longevity Saint Emperor' are hidden in his 'Swallowing Myriad Transformation Artifact'. Even I have no insight and failed." ' looked angry and clenched his fists.

The 'Jade Emperor' roared: "This kid is really treacherous, he seems to be fearless on the surface, he went to negotiate alone, who knows that he is so afraid of death, he has already prepared for it."

"Forget it, if you can't kill him, you can't kill him. Someone can kill Xuanyuan for us, so we don't need to do it."'Sage Emperor Lingxiao' laughed.

"Oh? Did something happen?" 'Sage Emperor Tianxiang' frowned, very puzzled. Did something else happen during these thirty days?

"The 'Origin of All Evil' is about to come, and the 'Central World' seems to be getting a lot of attention this time." The 'Sage Emperor Ling Xiao' laughed, and he created a water mirror that led to the 'Central World', known as The great supernatural power tore a gap, and a large number of strong men from the fierce clan fell from the sky.

The leader of "Origin of All Evil" is the fierce clan. The people of this clan are extremely cruel and cruel, hence the name. They are extremely bloodthirsty, and there is no reason to speak of it. In their world, there is no order. , Only plunder, like locusts, where they pass, they are in a mess, all destroyed, and there will be no construction at all. This is their way of survival.

"Look, they have already begun to descend, really quickly." Through the water mirror of 'Lingxiao Shengdi', it can be seen that they descended over the sky of 'Beiyue Xianzhou', where part of the power of 'Yuehua Shenchao' Occupied, but the fierce clans didn't care about it at all, tens of thousands directly flocked to the 'Beiyue Xianzhou'.

I saw a large number of elites from the "Yuhua Shenchao" counterattack in stages, raining blood all over the sky. Although the elites of the "Yuhua Shenchao" were powerful, they couldn't resist the continuous attack of the fierce clans.

At this moment, the "Emperor Emperor" appeared, and the holy feathers fell from the sky, contaminating the bodies of every fierce warrior, making them disappear between the heaven and the earth in an instant, without the ability to resist.

"Hahaha, is this the Holy Emperor of 'Origin of the Primordial Mist'? I don't know what it tastes like if you eat it." Suddenly, there was an existence that looked like a human but not a human, and a beast that was not a beast, with ferocious claws, and all the twisted and hideous runes on his body , swallowing bloodthirsty, berserk power, fighting towards the 'emergent emperor'.

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