Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 2029 Five Route Army

"That's right, once these thousands of races outside the region are sacrificed, the destructive power they will cause is too terrifying. How do you plan to deal with them? After all, they are all the blood of the 'Great Origin'." The greedy old man deeply agreed.

"Kill them all!" Xuanyuan's eyes were cold and his voice was chilling.

"So ruthless? This is not like your boy's usual style!" The greedy old man was surprised. He originally thought that Xuanyuan would think of a way to resolve it, but he didn't expect such an answer.

"Nowadays the major powers let me take the position of Generalissimo of Soldiers and Horses, so sometimes I can't help myself. They are all the blood of 'Great Origin', but they are cast in 'Curse Origin', from From the moment they betrayed, they should have thought of today's ending, and if there is a trace of women's benevolence at this time, it will bring disaster to the people of the Li people of all major forces! At that time, the people of the 'Qinglong Holy Land' will Bearing the infamy with me, everything can only be based on the overall situation, even if someone is not guilty of death, but life and death involving the origin are always unavoidable." Xuanyuan took a deep breath, and now he looks at things, It is already different from before. If it were changed to before, Xuanyuan might want to purify them and remove the curse on them, but the current situation does not allow him to do so at all. Even the most ordinary people of Wanmin have been killed. Once the curse was planted, once the three great emperors of the "Curse Origin" rushed back, they would sacrifice blood in an instant and curse to kill, then Xuanyuan could not afford the death of a large number of elites from all walks of life.

"Hahaha, it's best for you kid to think like this, karma and reincarnation, nothing else." The greedy old man laughed.

"It's time to do it!" 'Tiancha Xuanyuan' branded that piece of extraterrestrial starry sky without disturbing anyone. This time, 'Origin of the Curse' will never escape.

Xuanyuan's thoughts are pervasive, integrated into the Dragon Demon Hall of the 'Yuhua Shenchao', 'Xumi Buddha Kingdom', and the Heavenly Demon Hall. The reincarnation of the five great emperors received the coordinates of the 'Cursed Holy Land' at the first time.

"Light-packed and simple, soldiers are expensive and fast, pick the most elite soldiers and horses, and gather at the entrance of the space fault in the starry sky outside this area in the most stealthy way, and kill them by surprise with lightning speed!" This is Xuanyuan Transmission A message to the five great emperors.

Behind Xuanyuan, the 'Sage Emperor of Longevity', 'Eternal Saint Emperor', 'Lord of Order' and Old Killer Nie manifested one after another, and they all wanted to go out with Xuanyuan.

Sun Duanfeng, Wu Mingtian, Xiaoman Wang, Shangguan Feiyan, Ya, Yi Feng, and Wang Nidao each led a million elites, a total of seven million, and went out with Xuanyuan.

He used the method of "inspecting the Holy Emperor" to hide the army, blended into the outer starry sky, and moved towards the direction hidden by the "cursed holy land" at an extremely fast speed.

"Haha, I can finally use my skills. I practice non-stop every day just for today. I'm afraid there will be more fighters in the future. At that time, I will see my 'Battle Demon Sect' make immortal military exploits and benefit hundreds of millions of people. !" Wu Mingtian is five big and three thick, standing on the body of a big crab. His strength and that big crab are both in the realm of the emperor of heaven. As the emperor of the War Demon Sect, what he desires most is to fight on the battlefield. This is the way the War Demon Sect protects its people.

"This time, it is no small matter. What we are facing is the 'Curse Origin'. This is not a big force that can solve the opponent with combat power. We must be careful along the way!" Among them, after the Protoss cooperated with the 'Qinglong Holy Land', the supreme treasure of the Sun family, "Sun Shengdao Ji" was also returned to the Sun family.

Sun Duanfeng has done a lot of research on the "Origin of the Curse", including the surrender of the evil race before. Sun Duanfeng has done a lot of homework, how to fight after meeting the "Origin of the Curse".

"Duanfeng is right, don't be careless!" Wang Nidao has completely inherited everything that Xie Daoyun and Wang Niyi left for him, and now his strength has far surpassed his parents' strength in "Central World" , and even went straight to catch up with the current Nie Lao Shasheng.

The army of the 'Qinglong Holy Land', under the formation of Gale Wind Sacred Guards, was speeding across the starry sky outside the territory at an extremely fast speed.

A day later, they arrived at the extraterrestrial starry sky, the fault entrance to the 'Cursed Holy Land'.

Originally, Xuanyuan thought that the 'Qinglong Holy Land' would arrive at the first time, but he never thought that millions of troops had already gathered.

It is the holy guards led by 'Yuhua Shenchao', 'Yuhua Shengdi' and 'Chaos Shengdi', among which 500,000 are named 'Yuhua Shengwei', Xuanyuan can feel that their speed can even be compared to each other' Some of the most elite killers in "Shen Xing Dao Yin Shu" have been cultivated in "Six Paths of Reincarnation", even the "Sacred Wind Guard" is weaker, but "Sacred Wind Guard" can assist others, gather the large blast formation, and promote the overall march .

However, the "Yuhua Shengwei" can only guarantee themselves because of the supernatural power they have cultivated. On the battlefield, the most important thing is to complement each other with their comrades.

The other 500,000 elites are the holy guards that the "Chaos Saint Emperor" has been hiding all the time, "Chaos Holy Guards". The 'Chaos Saint Guards' are not human races, but treasures of heaven and earth, integrated with the power of chaos, and loyal. Their strength is stronger than that of the stronger ancient sages, ancient emperors, and fifth heavens!

Aside from other things, the supreme physical body condensed from heaven, material and earth treasures is beyond the reach of ordinary people, even if it is a special physique.

But there is a difficulty, that is, it will be very difficult to advance to the Great Sage Realm of the Emperor of Heaven, and it will be difficult to move forward. Therefore, among the half a million "Chaos Saint Guards", very few have stepped into the Great Sacred Realm of the Emperor of Heaven.

Even so, this is quite a terrifying force. It is not a problem to tear at least one million elite holy guards of the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land'. Obviously, in these long years, the 'Chaos Holy Emperor' has also planted a It is impossible to be unprepared for everything.

"It seems that the strength of the 'Qinglong Holy Land' has far exceeded our imagination, and today it has opened my eyes." The 'Emperor Emperor' looked at the seven million elite army behind Xuanyuan, very excited Admire, see the whole leopard at a glance.

"Where, although we are all an elite army, in the 'Cursed Holy Land', there are a lot of soldiers and horses, and the number of elite fighters is nearly tens of billions, so we must be careful!" Xuanyuan said solemnly.

"This is natural." The words of the "Chaos Saint Emperor" were still domineering, but there was no contempt in the slightest.

Not long after, the 'Ancestral Dragon Sacred Emperor' also led the holy guards of the Dragon Demon Hall to come. Each holy guard has the blood of the ancestor dragon flowing in their bodies. Their bodies are strong and extremely belligerent. Among the "Origin of Hongmeng", it also has a certain degree of popularity.

The battle armors on their bodies are all engraved with exquisite dragon patterns, like a lifelike ancestral dragon, echoing each other, forming a dragon formation between the positions, if it erupts suddenly, it is no small matter, a total of one million Ancestral Dragon Saint Guards ', but relatively speaking, the lowest combat power of the 'Ancestral Dragon Saint Guard' is in the fourth heaven of the ancient emperor and ancient sage, which occupies a lot, but it is also very impressive.

Immediately afterwards, the 'Sky Demon Virgin' also descended, her holy clothes fluttering in the wind, and behind her were all elite warriors of the Sky Demon bloodline, the most powerful soldiers and horses that she had personally cultivated, and there were also With a size of one million, an unpredictable heavenly demon array can be arranged at any time to attack the enemy.

"I didn't expect, Xuanyuan, that you were able to find out the whereabouts of the hidden holy land of the 'Origin of the Curse' in such a short period of time. It seems that you are right to be the Generalissimo of Soldiers and Horses, and you really did not disappoint us. "'The Virgin of the Heavenly Demon' admired Xuanyuan very much. Although Xuanyuan had some minor ties with the Heavenly Demon Palace before, it was all harmless.

"When will the general attack be launched!" The blood of the 'Ancestral Dragon Sacred Emperor' is boiling, and Xuanyuan can see that with the 'Ancestral Dragon Sage Emperor' as the center, millions of 'Ancestral Dragon Sacred Guards' are surging with blood, turning into invisible streaks The fluctuations stir up the Quartet.

"After Senior Di Shitian arrives, start the attack!" This time, the combat power of the 'Sumi Buddha Kingdom' is the main force. After all, as far as the 'Curse Origin' is concerned, many physical attacks are not comparable to Buddhism. The Supreme Purification came terribly.

Half a day later, Di Shitian led eight million Buddhist elites down from the sky, and each one was at the level of the ancient sages.

This is not the strength of the 'Sumi Buddha Kingdom' alone, but also part of the elites of the 'Jile Buddha Temple' and the 'Da Leiyin Temple', because after all, they are attacking the old nest of the 'Curse Origin'. The elites with strong offensive power came to fight, and the other elites who were good at defending were stationed in the Nuwa clan, setting up restrictions and guarding them with a large formation.

"Hahaha, I'm sorry to keep you waiting for so long!" Di Shitian said in a dignified voice, but there was no apology on his face, and Xuanyuan didn't have any fighting spirit. Anyway, it's enough to arrive within three days. .

"Okay, everything is already here, then let me 'Qinglong Holy Land' be the vanguard, and I will break through many general geomantic omens along the way..." As soon as the words fell, Xuanyuan stepped into the void, transformed the three cleans with one breath, and opened this place The entrance of the space fault enters the holy land of 'the origin of the curse'.

The 'Holy Land of the Cursed' has not been attacked for a long time, and it is extremely secret here, so there are not many prohibition methods and feng shui they have constructed, and more are put on cultivation. No one would have thought that at this moment The armies of the five major forces are approaching them.

As soon as Xuanyuan stepped into the 'Cursed Holy Land', immortal power flowed from him, and he possessed the wisdom to penetrate everything, which made the eyes of many saint emperors present show admiration.

At the same time, they all focused their attention on the 'Cursed Holy Land', trying to break through the strongest layout on the 'Cursed Holy Land' to the maximum!

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