Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 2030 Attack together!

As the existence of the Saint Emperor Realm, they all know that it is impossible for a base camp of origin to not have a killing formation with the most unique origin. This is the most basic, and it is because of this unique Yuanyuan didn't dare to act rashly. Once it rages back, it is very likely that the other party will fall into a place of eternal doom.

This is a means of suppressing the bottom of the box. At a critical moment, inflicting heavy damage on the enemy will be even more terrifying if it is a large formation that all die together.

With the consistent style of "The Origin of the Curse", it is conceivable that it is normal for them to burn jade and stone together.

The 'Cursed Holy Land' in front of me is not a planet, but a continent, suspended in the starry sky. On this continent, there are many powerful people from various clans of the 'Cursed Origin'. They also split into many factions to compete with each other.

In this 'Cursed Holy Land', the man who temporarily controls everything, second only to the three holy emperors, is called Shenxiezi.

He is in the most supreme hall in the entire 'Cursed Holy Land', the Holy and Evil Hall.

Here, the oldest text of the 'Curse Origin' is depicted, and each rune is like a distorted face, revealing emotions that are difficult to understand, and at the same time, exuding a strange magic power!

Above the main hall, there are thousands of giants in the Heavenly Emperor's Great Sacred Realm, and each one's cultivation base is extremely profound.

"I don't know why, these few days, I always feel uneasy, it seems that something big is about to happen, everyone, do you find anything unusual?" Shen Xiezi looks young, with red lips and white teeth, and a handsome face, which makes women feel ashamed , but there is a head of white hair, in his eyes, there is a taste of the vicissitudes of the ages.

"I didn't find anything abnormal. You should be overthinking. Now our 'curse origin' is hidden the deepest. It is impossible for anyone to find us. We have never appeared before!"

"Furthermore, once an enemy invades, so many spells and restraints will inevitably feed back fluctuations in the Dao at the first time, and we will also be able to find out in time that anyone who dares to trespass on my 'Cursed Holy Land' will die, Shen Xiezi Are you overthinking?"

"Ten thousand steps back, even if someone invades, the 'Cursed Holy Land' itself is a large blood sacrifice formation. Once activated, even if it is an invasion from the Holy Emperor Realm, it will suffer greatly! We don't need to be afraid at all!"

Shen Xiezi had an ominous feeling in his heart, but he couldn't find a clue. He searched the 'Cursed Holy Land' and its surroundings, but found nothing. That's why this meeting was held, and there is still no clue. There was no way to get the information he wanted.

Many powerful beings of the "Curse Origin" have spoken in this way, and it is hard for him to say anything, after all, he feels that sometimes it is not allowed, and he can't hold on to it all the time, just like Xuanyuan always feels that there is the existence of the hunter, sneaking into it. I went to the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land', but I couldn't find it all the time, and I could only give up in the end!

However, they didn't know that the five-way army had advanced layer by layer, very close to the 'Cursed Holy Land'.

The "Great Trend Ancient Art" mastered by Xuanyuan now, after he has incorporated the wisdom of many saint emperors, he has cultivated to the extreme of Dzogchen, especially the many insights of the "supervising saint emperor", which have benefited Xuanyuan a lot.

Today's Xuanyuan can communicate with some powerful martial arts, because any powerful martial art is intelligent, and can attack enemies independently and protect its disciples.

Where Xuanyuan passed by, a divine light of the Dao that fits with the heavens and the earth permeated the endless void, making all the power techniques surrendered by him.

Xuanyuan didn't try to decipher it, but used these power techniques for his own use, in case reinforcements rushed back, he could stop them for a while, he thought very carefully.

And those feng shui oddities were not many. After Xuanyuan saw through the flaws, he led the army to bypass them directly, and did not go head-on.

With the help of the 'Sage Emperor' and the 'Sage Emperor' and the 'Eternal Saint Emperor', he completely covered up the aura of the army. When they were very close to the 'Cursed Holy Land', they still didn't have the slightest trace. Discover.

Xuanyuan waved his hands, signaling the major forces to temporarily stop their actions, and said, "Everyone, have you found anything?"

"This 'Cursed Holy Land' is not easy. If we attack rashly, although it can cause huge damage to the enemy, it will also bring us a terrible backlash. So before that, we still have to break through the hidden places in the 'Cursed Land'." The big formation of the Holy Land." The 'Sage Emperor of Longevity' could see the supreme murderous intent contained in it at a glance!

"That's right, so if you want to attack the 'Cursed Holy Land', you must first investigate those hidden formations!" the 'Eternal Holy Emperor' solemnly said.

"Let's work together to detect the 'Cursed Holy Land', where the mysterious array of eyes is all over the place." said the 'Emperor Emperor'.

"No, I can do it!" Between Xuanyuan's brows, he opened his eyes vertically. In addition, on his body, strands of subtle and imperceptible thoughts penetrated into the endless void and merged into the "Cursed Holy Land" Among them, no one was disturbed. An invisible great direction traveled across this continent. Xuanyuan is the "body of all transformations", and he evolved his thoughts into the breath of "the origin of the curse". No one can Discover.

"Xuanyuan..." The pupils of the 'Chaos Saint Emperor' narrowed slightly, and he felt that Xuanyuan's monitoring method was somewhat similar to the 'Supervising Saint Emperor', but not like it, so he felt very strange.

On the side, the 'Sacred Emperor Zulong' and the 'Sacred Mother of the Sky Demon' Di Shitian and others were not worried that Xuanyuan would make mistakes.

Because he was able to find out the whereabouts of the 'Holy Land of the Cursed' in such a vast world, let alone find out the location of the 'Holy Land of the Cursed'.

"I found it..." Xuanyuan's thoughts penetrated deep into the ground of the 'Cursed Holy Land', and when he was marking the eyes, the eyes suddenly disappeared again.

"So that's how it is. The formation eye here is moving. It seems that if you want to hit a sure hit, you still have to grasp the law of the formation eye change." Xuanyuan was not in a hurry, and had already guessed that the "curse origin" must be very strange. easy to deal with.

Hour after hour passed, Xuanyuan stained the formation eyes with his thoughts, and he was able to find the place where they were transferred to in the first time.

Six hours later, Xuanyuan immediately pointed to five directions, and solemnly said: "In these five places, the blood sacrifice formations of 'Curse Origin' were respectively arranged. Breaking through the big formation is considered a great success. Let’s do it now. The eyes of the five formations will change regularly. The next change will be in an hour. There are layers of forbidden protection on the surface..."

"Okay." Xuanyuan marked the positions of the five formation eyes, which was an excellent opportunity.

Immediately, all the great emperors began to form formations. The "Chaos Saint Emperor" held the "Chaos Green Lotus" in his hand, and saw the "Chaos Saint Guard" centered on it, forming an formation. After a while, a portal manifested As soon as it came out, the chaotic air inside was violently tumbling, and a kind of chaotic light made Xuanyuan feel horrified.

The 'Sage Emperor of Feathering' leads the holy guards, assists the 'Sage Emperor of Chaos', guarantees the power of firepower, and integrates a little light feather into the portal, making this method even more terrifying.

The eight million disciples of the Buddhist sect led by Di Shitian gathered their thoughts and evolved into a vast ancient Buddha with an incomparably huge body. It seems that a supreme ancient Buddha descended, covered with golden light, shot around it, and evolved into a Hundreds of millions of golden lotuses are majestic and vast.

And the 'Ancestral Dragon Saint Emperor' set up a dragon array, and from the void, an extremely huge dragon head was born out of nowhere, aiming at one of the eyes of the array.

The 'Sky Demon Holy Mother' led the 'Sky Demon Saint Guard' and laid out an incomparably mysterious formation. Many big monsters, with fighting power in their bodies, once broke out, it would be no small matter. Xuanyuan narrowed his eyes slightly and locked the eyes of the five formations location.

In the 'Qinglong Holy Land', the 7 million troops formed a very tacit understanding of the human race's supreme formation in the ancient times.

The Seven Star Extinguishing Holy Formation occupies seven positions, and countless soldiers mobilize the battle energy in their bodies and quickly condense it.

The five major forces are all ready to go, just waiting for Xuanyuan's order!

"Holy Cannon of Chaos!" The 'Holy Emperor of Chaos' joined hands with the 'Sage Emerald Emperor', and they were triggered instantly, only to see tiny cracks appearing on the ancient portals, and extremely intense chaotic light burst out, piercing the air. out.

"Great Brahma Buddha Palm!" Suddenly, an ancient Buddha descended on the sky above the 'Cursed Holy Land', golden light poured down like rain, and each golden light contained a fatal killing for the disciples of the 'Cursed Origin' , before the ancient Buddha came, there were countless "curse origin" disciples who died and disappeared.

The ancient Buddha struck out with one palm, and the countless prohibitions collapsed layer by layer!

"Ancestral Dragon Sacred Cannon!" Hundreds of millions of angry dragons spewed out from the mouth of the huge dragon, and they gathered together. Suddenly, there seemed to be hundreds of millions of ancestor dragons roaring and roaring above the nine heavens. attack!

"Heavenly Demon Holy Arrival!" From the Heavenly Demon Hall, a piece of void was split alive, and a supreme being walked out. A single blow can cause a whole piece of land to crack, and I saw this supreme being fighting naked, with his own great strength, smashing countless restrictions, and piercing through the depths of the earth with one punch.

The seven million troops of the 'Qinglong Holy Land' manifested out of thin air. If we look at it from the perspective of the 'Curse Origin', seven bright stars burst out suddenly in the depths of the sky. The mighty starlight invaded and Come!

Shen Xiezi, who was sitting in the Holy Hall, suddenly jumped up, and many strong men in the Great Sacred Realm of the Heavenly Emperor felt the incomparably terrifying power, tearing them apart, and they were terrified in their hearts.

"What the hell is going on? It seems that many saint emperors have reincarnated and attacked us..."

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