Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 2035 Dao Soul Xuanyuan

Xuanyuan refined the memory of the "Soulless Saint Emperor" by "swallowing all kinds of Taoist artifacts", as well as his life essence and soul power, which made Xuanyuan's strength grow by leaps and bounds again.

He refined, refined, and evolved the "Soulless God Rule" into the "Tao Soul God Rule", and integrated it into the "Swallowing God Rule", which greatly enhanced its power.

In addition, his three souls have been greatly strengthened, and now even if the "Wuxie Holy Emperor" and "Wuxie Holy Emperor" jointly curse Xuanyuan, he can resist it!

Because his current soul power is not what it used to be. Compared with other holy emperors, he can only get the memory of the "soulless holy emperor", and his secret techniques and supernatural powers cannot be like Xuanyuan. You can get the original power of the other party's soul, as well as life essence, integrate into yourself, and enhance your essence!

So every time a holy emperor is killed, the increase in Xuanyuan's strength can be imagined. This is also the reason why many people regard the "body of myriad transformations" as an enemy!

From the body of the 'Soulless Saint Emperor', Xuanyuan condensed a supreme supernatural power, the 'Hand of Dao Soul'!

'Soulless Saint Emperor' was originally to refine other people's bodies, turning them into puppets for his own use, integrating his own thoughts into the puppets, tempering them with his martial arts, and performing exercises on the enemy. Imagine!

Xuanyuan can infiltrate the opponent's soul and harass him when he is attacking, and he can also control the opponent at a critical moment. With the "Eternal Divine Soul Technique", he is even more like a fish in water.

"What is Xuanyuan's plan next?" 'Zulong Shengdi' looked at Xuanyuan. Although he was a person of the older generation and had experienced many things, compared with young people like Xuanyuan, he was less His kind of sharpness and ruthlessness.

"Hehe, everyone, help me. After baptizing the consciousness of the 'Soulless Saint Emperor', I will control his body and blend into the enemy's alliance. At the critical moment, I will give them a fatal blow!" Xuanyuan said in a deep voice. .

"..." Many saint emperors couldn't help sighing in their hearts when they heard Xuanyuan's words. Fortunately, Xuanyuan is not their enemy, but an ally. They can also understand the reason why the 'Qinglong Holy Land' has grown so rapidly over the years.

Killing the 'Soulless Saint Emperor' unknowingly, entering his body, mastering all his memories, coupled with the characteristics of the 'everything body', it is completely unrecognizable, and there is no flaw to be found. Not to mention, the wealth of the "Soulless Saint Emperor" alone is already a huge treasure house, not to mention that Xuanyuan calculated the three great emperors of "Biluo Origin", the resources and treasure house of the entire heaven can be used He mobilized, how is the 'Qinglong Holy Land' not strong?

This is the scariest part of the "Body of Myriad Transformations", it is extremely weird, even if the "Chaos Saint Emperor" thinks about this issue from the perspective of "the origin of the curse", there is no way to solve it.

"Xuanyuan, you can't treat me like this, kill me, and give me a relief!" From the beginning to now, the 'Soulless Saint Emperor' has no power to resist, he has already accepted his fate, at worst, he will be killed by Xuanyuan, and start all over again.

"The three thousand puppets of the Heavenly Emperor's Great Sacred Realm under your control, why didn't you let them die and shackled their souls, and put them under your control?" Xuanyuan smiled slightly, saying that humans and animals are harmless, "baptism of all transformations" It descended on the head of the 'Soulless Saint Emperor' in an instant, and one could see the despair and violence in his eyes.

"Xuanyuan, I will never die with you!"

However, he has no choice but to accept Xuanyuan's 'Baptism of Ten Thousand Transformations'.

The reincarnation of many saint emperors joined hands, so that the "soulless saint emperor" soon lost the power to resist, and was eliminated by Xuanyuan's consciousness of autonomy, and was occupied by Xuanyuan.

From this moment on, he is no longer a 'Soulless Saint Emperor', but a 'Daohun Xuanyuan'.

Here, Xuanyuan is progressing very smoothly. Originally, he wanted to control the "Sage Emperor Lingxiao". It is indeed much stronger than other origins, so Xuanyuan refined it and greatly improved the essence of his soul, but it is still a bit far-fetched if he wants to control the "Sage Emperor Lingxiao", which will make him feel inferior to other people. The control of the Holy Emperor's body has become weaker, so it is better not to control it.

Next, Xuanyuan and many other holy emperors discussed what might happen next and how to prepare for it. Now that the "Origin of Decay" has come, the other two holy emperors of "Origin of Curse" went to the underworld Pimping, it is difficult to guarantee that they will not be persuaded. If they join the "Origin of the Underworld" at that time, it will still pose a great threat to them!


The 'Innocent Saint Emperor' and the 'Innocent Saint Emperor' descended.

No matter what, they have cooperated before. In fact, the "Sage Emperor Yan Luo" in the underworld doesn't have much affection for the "Sage Emperor Wuxie".

But they all know that the "Origin of Curse" is united with the "Origin of All Evil", "Origin of Blood" and the coming "Origin of Decay". Origin' speaking, this is a great opportunity!

"Hehehe, what's the important thing for the two holy emperors to come?" The "Sage Emperor Yan Luo" invited them to the "House of Yellow Springs".

This hall is also their treasure, which contains the supreme mystery. The whole body is poured with ghost bronze, and the heads of many ghosts are carved on it.

The 'Sage Emperor Yan Luo' sits at the main seat of the 'Netherworld Temple', obviously in the underworld, he has the most right to speak.

'Sage Emperor Asura' and 'Sage Emperor Rakshasa' were by his side without saying a word!

"Hehe, you guys must have already guessed that you have come here this time. Now that the major forces of 'Origin of the Origin' have united, if we are still like a mess, we will only be defeated by them one by one. At that time, if we want to enter It will be difficult to master 'Central World'." 'Sage Emperor Wuxie' said with a smile.

"Then there shouldn't be any selfishness like last time, right?" The Rakshasa Holy Emperor laughed.

The expression of 'Wuxie Holy Emperor' suddenly became ugly, he knew that he understood the meaning of the words 'Rakshasa Holy Emperor', and he was referring to him!

"Hehe, of course not, 'Rakshasa Holy Emperor' I know that you and Di Shitian have a big enmity. Just imagine, if we are all defeated one by one, will you still be alive by then? To put it bluntly Otherwise, the whole hell will be in a bad place, now only our major origins will unite to destroy the 'Origin of the Primordial Mist', and at that time, I promise to hand over Di Shitian to you!" "Sage Emperor without Curse" hit the nail on the head, Speaking of the main point, indeed, not to mention the "Rakshasa Holy Emperor" has a big enmity with Di Shitian, but the entire "Origin of the Underworld" was invaded by the Ksitigarbha King, the hell is not empty, and he vowed not to become a Buddha. The entire "Origin of the Underworld" people hate Buddhism to the core.

"If this is the case, then we promise you! It's just that you should want to attack the 'Tian Yao Lingzhou' now, so we won't send troops. There is a 'Yuhua Shenchao' to the west of us, and a 'Day of Heaven' to the northwest. Lingzhou', there is 'Tianchan Lingzhou' in the southwest, we are here to hold the rear for you, and prevent them from sending a large number of soldiers and horses to help, this is our greatest ability!" 'Yan Luo Shengdi' thought twice, indeed It is necessary to cooperate with the major origins. No matter what the result is, the "Origin of Hongmeng" cannot be broken one by one. The "Origin of Huangquan" wants to get a share of the land under our feet.

"Very good, if that's the case, let's make an oath together on behalf of the holy emperors of our major origins!" The 'Wuxie Holy Emperor' can only swallow his anger now, and the 'Cursed Holy Land' has been destroyed. At some point, He can no longer be tough, and any holy emperor in the "Origin of the Underworld" can compete with him.

"I don't know how Wuhun's negotiations in the 'Biluo Origin' are going!" "Sage Emperor Wuju" sighed.

"Don't mention it, 'Biluo Origin' doesn't want to agree. They seem to want to stand high, stay out of the matter, sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, so that they can reap the benefits of the fisherman!" The Great Sage Emperor has an inexplicable traction, and he can almost reach the opponent's side in the first time. Before the "Soulless Sage Emperor" was plotted to be unresponsive at all, and was also isolated in the "Wanxiang Temple" , You must know that the 'Sage Emperor of Heaven' has integrated everything in the 'Sage Emperor', which has greatly improved the entire 'Temple of Ten Thousand Fragrances', and the means of isolation are naturally not weak, so even if the 'Sage Emperor Without Soul' reacts , and couldn't convey his thoughts, he was restrained all of a sudden!

"Hehe, this is the style of 'Biluo Origin'. They think that 'Biluo Origin' is the closest to the 'Eternal God's Court', and they can stand high above them and look down on the major origins, but don't bother with them, we are united. When the time comes, they I can't run away either!" 'Origin of the Underworld' has always been at odds with 'Origin of the Blue Fall'.

"Haha, okay, since everyone has reached a consensus, the next step will be soon!" The thought of the "Sage Emperor without Curses" fluctuated.

In the next moment, the holy emperors of "Origin of Blood", "Origin of All Evil" and "Origin of Decay" gathered in the "Temple of Underworld".

With such a vast lineup, the war to be waged is terrifying. It is conceivable that this is destined to be an endless war.

Xuanyuan's heart is very heavy, but at least he sneaked in as the 'soulless emperor', and at critical moments, he can deal a fatal blow to the opponent!

He deeply understands that the identity of the "soulless emperor" he has mixed in can play a key role, so how to use this identity is very important, and the difference in ideas can determine the fate of hundreds of millions of people on his side. life!

The holy emperors of the major origins made an oath together, and before the major combined forces of the "Origin of the Origin" are destroyed, they will never plot against each other, otherwise they will be destroyed by the supreme will of the origin!

And Xuanyuan used a very unique secret technique of 'The Body of Ten Thousand Transformations', the 'Oath of Ten Thousand Transformations' to fool everyone into thinking that he had made the same vow!

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