Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 2036 The Battle Curtain Opens

The union between the origins must take an oath. If there is no oath, it will be like a mess of sand. This was confirmed last time when the three major origins were united. Everyone calculated each other behind their backs, so that they broke up unhappy.

This time, they learned the lesson from the last time and made a vow together, so that the major origins can be closely integrated.

"'Soulless Saint Emperor', go find the people from 'Biluo Origin' and tell them that as long as we can unite and attack 'Hongmeng Origin', we are willing to share more benefits with them. This 'Blue Dragon' The Holy Land is becoming more and more powerful, if there is no means of monitoring by the 'Sage Emperor', if you want to attack by force in the future, you will really suffer a lot of casualties!" The 'Sacred Emperor' has obviously observed all the major forces,' The defense method of Qinglong Holy Land' is the most powerful. Everyone hopes to be able to kill the major forces of 'Hongmeng Origin' easily, otherwise, there will be a lot of variables!

"Even if they don't agree, we have to appease them and let them feel that we have no malicious intentions and only want to win them over. If they feel the danger and join the 'Origin of Hongmeng', we will have an extra enemy of Origin. That is necessary!"

'Sacred Emperor Killing Flame' considered things very carefully, even Xuanyuan couldn't help sighing secretly in his heart.

"Okay, then I'll go to 'Biluo Origin' first." 'Daohun Xuanyuan' responded and left.

"'Sage Emperor of Yan Luo', 'Sage Emperor of Shura', 'Sage Emperor of Rakshasa', you will lead the elite of the underworld and sit in the Western Province. There are a large number of soldiers and horses rushing to help, you must help us stop them, and even if you can't stop them, you must notify us as soon as possible, so that we can prepare for the response!" 'Sacred Emperor Slaughter Flame' solemnly said.

"Don't worry, that's for sure!" The three holy emperors of "Origin of the Underworld" knew that this burden was not light.

"'Sage Emperor of the Rotten Immortal', we will support you with our major origins. You can play the vanguard and take down the 'Sky Demon Lingzhou' in one go!" the 'Sage Emperor Tu Hai' said seriously.

"Hahaha, it's up to us, but I've agreed, let us play the striker, and we don't want anything if we fight down. The land of 'Tian Yao Ling Zhou' is ours!" an extremely handsome man said. The man is very strange, holding an embroidery needle in his hand, with a faint green light flowing from his body!

"This is natural!" All the reincarnated characters of the Holy Emperor present had no objection!

'Origin of Decay' is a terrible race, unless it is a last resort, there is no origin, and I want to provoke it.

They are extremely aggressive. As long as they want to, they can pollute every piece of land and take everything for themselves. Although they can purify, it is easy to destroy, but it is difficult to rebuild.

In "Origin of All Evil", except for the "Sage Emperor of Slaughtering Flame" and "Sage Emperor Tuhai", the one who derived rune light armor from the "Emperor Emperor" that day was named "Sage Emperor of Dragon Mark", which is a different species The fierce dragon was cultivated after hundreds of millions of sufferings, and it was extremely difficult!

And of the two holy emperors who fought against the "Chaos Holy Emperor" later, one of them was a holy emperor with a fierce attack and a body made of special metal. Years, finally formed, cultivated into a generation of saint emperor, very powerful.

The second holy emperor was conceived in the vast plane of origin, a spirit stone on a heavenly holy mountain. One year, the "Eternal God Court" did not know what happened, and after a ray of light fell and merged into the spirit stone, it made the conceived adult , Cultivated to the realm of the Holy Emperor, he also contains some secrets of the 'Eternal God's Court', named 'Taishan Holy Emperor'!

The holy emperors of the four origins gathered on Dongzhou. At this moment, the "Origin of Decay" has begun to lay a deep foundation in Dongzhou, isolating the penetration of the power of "Hongmeng Origin", and began to invade this land, making the aura of heaven and earth are all polluted.

To the southeast of Dongzhou is the 'Sky Demon Lingzhou', which can be reached by crossing the 'Eastern Sea'.

Many holy emperors gathered together to discuss how to attack the 'Sky Demon Lingzhou'. Everyone has their own ideas. After all, they are from some aggressive origins, unlike the 'Hongmeng Origin', where a Xuanyuan , can bring together the major forces well!

However, they are also able to comprehensively synthesize each other's opinions and make the best choice.

"While we are discussing, we are waiting for the 'Soulless Saint Emperor'. If the 'Executive Saint Emperor' is willing to join, he must be in charge. This will save us a lot of losses. Breaking through the momentum, none of us can compare with the 'Sage Emperor'!" In the "Origin of Decay", half of the face of the statue was corroded, and only one eyeball was left in the socket of the skull. The Emperor, named 'Rotting Corpse Saint Emperor', also knows the prestige of the 'Executive Saint Emperor'.

"If that's the case, let's wait for the 'Soulless Saint Emperor', but I think that if 'Biluo Origin' wants to cooperate with us, they have already cooperated with us. What they want to see most is that we are self-confident Killing, I always feel that they are very ambitious." "The Origin of Blood" is a holy emperor, five big and three thick, red all over, bald, shiny, black runes embroidered on his body, shaped like flowing water, all over the body, named "Blood Burst" Holy Emperor'.

How can Xuanyuan fail to see their intentions? Now, for the "Origin of Hongmeng", it can be delayed one day at a time, giving the major forces a chance to fully prepare. Of course, this time can't be delayed for too long, otherwise , it will be suspicious.

It's not like he didn't think about using the identity of 'Tiancha Xuanyuan' to command the army, and finally found that this is of little significance. Disorderly command will inevitably be seen through by others. Correct command will be harmful to him, so instead of doing this It's better to hide, wait for the opportunity, and give the enemy a fatal blow!

Under Xuanyuan's delay, the entire 'Qinglong Holy Land' was intensively preparing for all of this, and some pills that could refine one's body and soul were all sent to the front line!

Once the body is invaded by the power of the "Origin of Decay", it will be eroded a little bit, and the vindictiveness in the body will slowly transform into poisonous gas. It is not so fast to refine it out of the body. It is enough to determine the outcome in an instant on the battlefield. It can be seen The army of 'Origin of Decay' is a big threat, so be sure to equip these elixir.

As early as the "Origin of Decay" was known, the entire medicine hall in the "Qinglong Holy Land" began to refine the purifying elixir.

In addition, three thousand great Confucians, the Shenhuo Clan, the Shenlei Clan, and the Buddhist disciples led by Chen Yongjie all joined the refining team.

With their condensed Daoist principles, they can refine Haoran Arrows, Divine Rockets, Divine Thunder Arrows, and Crossing Arrows...

These supernatural powers have great restraint on the origin of the curse. Qian Duoduo can be said to be very busy, arranging various materials to ensure their assembly line production. There is a supply of soldiers and horses from all major forces that are being trained!

Fortunately, the 'Qinglong Holy Land' has strong financial resources, and Xuanyuan controls the 'Heavenly Court', so he can naturally control the heavenly materials and earthly treasures of the Heavenly Court, which can satisfy their needs.

As the 'soulless emperor', Xuanyuan dragged to the critical point of the patience of many saint emperors, seven days.

Then he returned to Dongzhou.

Now the entire eastern state is dying and decaying, and the turbid aura is flowing. Countless fighters from the "Origin of Decay" are practicing happily, enjoying the aura polluted by nature.

The imperial city of the former "Dongzhou Dynasty" has now become a tent where the great saint emperors gather!

"'Soulless Saint Emperor', how is it?" asked the 'Sacred Emperor of Flame Slaughter' hastily.

"In the beginning I persuaded them, and after discussing for a few days, but later the 'Sage Inspector' Lion opened his mouth and said that he wanted the land of 'Sky Demon Lingzhou'. He didn't agree, and the meaning of the "inspector emperor" is that the "Bi Luo Origin" will occupy the entire war, 60% of the resources, including land, he said that only under his leadership can the "Hongmeng" be defeated. The origin of the "major forces!" The "soulless emperor" looked helpless.

"Hmph, I don't know how to flatter you. If that's the case, the six saint emperors from 'Origin of Rotten Immortals' will lead the vanguard, and I, the four saint emperors from 'Origin of All Evil' will be on the left side, and the five saint emperors from 'Origin of Blood' will take the lead." Responding to the right side, the three holy emperors of 'Cursed Origin' unite and use secret techniques to sneak attack the enemy's holy emperor characters!" 'Sacred Emperor' is the commander of the soldiers and horses of each origin, and he is well-known in the plane of origin , once led hundreds of soldiers and horses, and fought to the point that the major origins could not do anything about him!

Although the reincarnation of the Holy Emperor only occupies a sliver of the deity's mind, it is enough!

"Okay, 'Biluo Origin' really dares to speak up. After we wipe out the major forces of 'Hongmeng Origin', it will be their turn. I don't believe that a 'Biluo Origin' can really defy the sky. "The voice of 'Rotting Corpse Saint Emperor' was extremely cold.

"Origin of Decay", the six great saint emperors, led 600 million soldiers and horses, marching towards the "Heavenly Demon Lingzhou" mightily.

The strength of these 600 million soldiers and horses is as powerful as that of the ancient sages. The rotten aura emitted by them together caused all the creatures in the entire "Eastern Sea" to die.

Almost no one was spared. I saw countless corpses floating on the "East Sea", even if they were hidden in the deep sea below 100,000 li, they would not be spared. It is estimated that there are only some deep sea overlords in the Great Sacred Realm of the Heavenly Emperor. Only then can I protect myself from these rotten auras!

The battle between the five origins and the "Origin of the Primordial Origin" was completely opened.

Xuanyuan stood on the land of the 'Sky Demon Lingzhou', looked ahead, and watched the mighty 600 million soldiers advancing. Block them!

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