Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 2037 The Emperor of Ruin

In the entire 'Sky Demon Lingzhou', all people whose realm is below the realm of the ancient sages have all been transferred to the 'Qinglong Holy Land'. They also understand that the strongest barrier in the 'Central World' is 'Qinglong Holy Land', these people are of no use staying in 'Sky Demon Lingzhou'!

Everyone who stays in the 'Tian Yao Lingzhou' is ready to die. No matter what, they must leave a batch of flames of the demon civilization for the demon clan. However, the only place that can keep them is the 'Qinglong' Holy Land'.

"They're already here." Xuanyuan looked ahead, clenched his fists, and said in a deep voice.

"Are we going to take the initiative to attack?" The 'Chaos Saint Emperor' looked at Xuanyuan. Now he is the Marshal of Soldiers and Horses. Even a few of them Saint Emperors must abide by the military orders. For a character like him, he is already bloody It's boiling, he can't wait to lead 500,000 'Chaos Saint Guards' to fight a big battle!

"No, just stick to it. The enemy army is powerful. Although the 'Chaos Saint Emperor' has amazing combat power, there is no need to confront them head-on. The gain is not worth the loss!" Xuanyuan waved his hand, monitoring the situation ahead, the army of 'Rotten Origin' Combined, the corrosive gas emitted is extremely terrifying, and they split into three groups to respond to each other!

The 'East China Sea' is full of dead creatures, and their bodies are decaying at a speed visible to the naked eye, deriving into a corrosive gas that penetrates into the aura of heaven and earth and pollutes it.

The existence of the six holy emperors of the 'Origin of Decay' did not take the lead. Although they were attacking the 'Heavenly Demon Lingzhou', they were still very cautious, allowing the army to open the way ahead and advance quickly.

"'Origin of Decay', the whole army assaults!" The 'Sacred Emperor of Slaughtering Flames' gave an order.

The mighty, 600 million soldiers and horses came crushed, and the green and decayed air that filled the sky penetrated towards the "Nuwa Clan".


At this moment, a restriction on the surface of the Nuwa clan was activated, and a number of resplendent and resplendent ancient Buddhas appeared, with a total of 99.81 million statues.

Their eyebrows were lowered, and the light of purification streamed down, disintegrating all the rotten air that had eroded.

In these ancient Buddhas, there is an eternal rhythm, and eternity and decay are opposites.

How can eternal existence decay.

Obviously, when describing the means of restraint, the 'Eternal Saint Emperor' was integrated into his own Eternal Dao, which took a lot of thought!

"Huh? It seems that the 'Sky Demon Lingzhou' has been prepared for a long time! And it has united with the people of the 'Tianchan Lingzhou'. Besides, there is an eternal rhythm. It seems that the 'Qinglong Holy Land' has also joined It's gone." Seeing this scene in front of them, the 'Rotten Immortal Saint Emperor' couldn't help but frown. Before the battle, they had already learned about the reincarnations of many saint emperors in the 'Origin of Primordial Origin'.

"This has long been within our expectations. After all, the reincarnation of the Holy Emperor is sitting in the city. It is impossible for them to not have the slightest discovery and no precautions." The 'Rotting Corpse Saint Emperor' sneered and said: "But that So what, the 'rotten Dao rain', fall!"

The 600 million strong men of the "Origin of Decay" draw out the blood essence in their bodies at the same time. For ordinary strong men, their blood essence is a tonic, but the powerhouses of the "Origin of Decay" have their blood essence completely. Poison, and integrated into the formation, evolved into a 'rotten Daoyu' is even more terrifying.

It can penetrate everything. Once a person is contaminated, his body will be corrupted, and the same is true for prohibition.

The incomparably dense 'rotten Dao rain' poured down from the nine heavens, and the power of each drop of Dao rain was equivalent to the power of an ancient sage and ancient emperor's full blow, and it was even more terrifying to be contaminated.

Facing such an attack from the enemy, the ancient Buddha, whose sky was full of golden light, still lowered his eyes and smiled.

Above the nine heavens, a huge world has evolved, which is incomparably vast, swallowing all the dense Dao rain!

This restriction is the supreme restriction imposed by Jin Chanzi, Di Shitian, Yang Ling'er and the "Eternal Saint Emperor" in conjunction with tens of millions of Buddhist elite disciples. How can it be easily broken, let alone now? The Four Great Sacred Emperors are presiding over this restriction, so the power is naturally extraordinary!

"What!" In 'Origin of Decay', there is another holy emperor, holding a bone flute in his hand, with delicate features, like a scholar in white and a frail scholar. Seeing this scene, he was surprised. You must know that this is 600 million. The army of "Origin of Decay" and their joint attack were disintegrated in an instant.

"It seems that this 'Nuwa Clan' really cannot be underestimated! But I want to see how they will resist next!"

This holy emperor who seemed to be a frail scholar was named 'Huanyin Holy Emperor'. He stepped forward with one step, and the bone flute was horizontal, which gave him an indescribable sense of beauty as a whole.

The sound of the flute was melodious, and could be heard clearly within a radius of 100 million miles. The moment the sound of the flute was transmitted, the 600 million troops of "Origin of Decay" immediately changed their formation and formed a mysterious formation.

All the fighters of the "Origin of Decay" had their chests puffed up, and in the next moment, sharp voices surged out from their throats, extremely ear-piercing, and the violent sound waves swept towards the "Nuwa Clan".

"It seems that their Saint Emperor still can't help but attack, 'Rotten Sound Saint Emperor', this person is extremely good, he can play the heavenly sound and corrupt the souls of others! He can kill people invisible!" Xuanyuan refined so many saints. The emperor's memory, especially the 'Bone Saint Emperor', is naturally no stranger to these cruel origin saint emperors. He sat in this formation, recited the "Sutra of Rebirth" from his mouth, and integrated into the forbidden , He has no private collection, and he taught the "Rebirth Sutra" to all the Buddhist disciples who presided over this prohibition, as well as many holy emperors!

"So I heard, put down the butcher knife, turn your head to the shore, look at your body in the mirror, both good and evil will be revealed, the evil in the world, karma will be repaid, and the raging good fire will burn the evil body, and you will be reborn!"

The sound is vast, the Sanskrit sounds are rolling, the turbulent waves hit the rocks, piercing the sky and piercing the clouds, sweeping forward!

The large formation presided over by the "Sage Emperor of Rotten Sound" is called "Rotten Heavenly Sound". Once it is eroded by this heavenly sound, the soul will be damaged, making people stop thinking, and even become idiots, unable to control themselves!

The two big sound arrays collided with each other. On the side of the "Nuwa Clan", with the help of the large prohibition array that has been jointly established for many days, combined with countless resources, the power of the prohibition has skyrocketed a hundredfold.

The "Origin of Decay" focuses on the number of people, but after all, it is still inferior to the "Sutra of Rebirth" compared to supernatural powers.

"The Sutra of Rebirth" is classified as one of the great mysteries of Buddhism. It is extremely precious and difficult for ordinary people to comprehend.

However, the people present are all some kind of people, they are all the most elite existences in the Buddhist sect, and they also have instructions from many holy emperors.

The vast "Rebirth Sutra" tossed outwards, not only defeated all the "rotten Tianyin", but also transformed them.

The warriors of the "Origin of Decay" who rushed to the front were also forcibly transformed, and they were reborn in the world, their bodies and souls completely dissipated. Wan, die silently!

For a long time, the aggression of the "Origin of Decay" has always been unfavorable, and this is the first time that it has been so obstructed.

The 'Fuyin Sacred Emperor' presided over the formation, and was naturally impacted by the power of the past life. Blood was bleeding from the corner of his mouth, and his face was extremely ugly. Obviously, he suffered a little injury from the impact just now.

"It turned out to be the "Sutra of Rebirth", so grand! This secret technique is designed to restrain my 'Origin of Decay', and I can't face them head-on. Moreover, I can feel that there are many Saint Emperors who are in charge of the other party's restriction, otherwise Otherwise, it cannot be so powerful!"

"'Origin of Blood', you attack and put pressure on them!" said the 'Rotten Immortal Sacred Emperor' via voice transmission.

Immediately, the five great emperors of the "Origin of Blood" reincarnated and shot at the same time, and the 500 million elites of the "Origin of Blood" turned into a sea of ​​blood and rushed towards the restriction of the "Nuwa Clan".

In this sea of ​​blood, there are countless magic weapons to attack, but Xuanyuan and his party still haven't changed in any way.

Everyone is extremely devout, calm down and recite the "Rebirth Sutra". In addition, Yuan'er also led 100,000 Taoist elites. .

Combining the "Sutra of Rebirth" and "Curse of Rebirth", the power soars!

The combination of scriptures and mantras, the sea of ​​Buddhist and Taoist sounds, swept out. In order to balance the combination of "The Sutra of Rebirth" and "The Mantra of Rebirth", many holy emperors recited the "Mantra of Rebirth". One can imagine how powerful the Rebirth Curse is.

Before the vast sea of ​​blood approached, it began to melt rapidly. The "Sutra of Rebirth" and "Curse of Rebirth" not only suppressed all evils, but also possessed the power to forcibly convert many living beings!

In just one collision, 20 million strong men from the "Origin of Blood" were forcibly transformed. As long as they dare to advance further, they will only pay a greater sacrifice!

It all disappeared between the heaven and the earth in an instant, and the rest of the people, under the impact of the sea of ​​Buddhism and Taoism, couldn't help but shake their minds. If they continue to shake, they will also be transformed.

A cold light flashed in the eyes of the 'Killing Flame Emperor', and he shouted sharply: "Everyone, don't hold back, let's attack together and break the restriction. They are also under a lot of pressure, and they will definitely not be able to resist our joint attack! "

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