Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 2038 Grand Arrow Array

Obviously, the holy emperors of the three armies have all noticed that if they continue to attack with reservations like this, I'm afraid it won't have much effect. The "Origin of Hongmeng" has united together, and it's not just a "sky demon spirit" State', now that the arrow is on the string, it has to be launched, and it can only be done once to completely crush the 'Heavenly Demon Lingzhou'!

Many saint emperors, work together!

The "Origin of All Evil" formed a large formation, with 400 million soldiers and horses, attacking the 810,000 ancient Buddhas with the most fierce attack.

The "Origin of Blood" evolved into a vast sea of ​​blood, rolling up hundreds of millions of blood waves, and slapping the restriction of the Nuwa clan.

The six great emperors of the "Origin of Decay" also took action. They knew that this time the "Sky Demon Lingzhou" must have gathered a lot of powerful people, otherwise, they would never have such a strong protective ability!

Among the 'Nuwa Clan'.

In the face of such a fierce attack from the three armies, Xuanyuan remained unmoved. He transformed into three Qings with one breath, and recited the "Sutra of Rebirth" together with three Taoist bodies.

The 30 million elite disciples of the Buddhist sect are all the existence of the ancient sages and ancient emperors. They recite together and combine with the "Mantra of Rebirth", turning into a sea of ​​Buddhist and Taoist sounds, which fluctuate in all directions.

The three-way army came to attack, Xuanyuan's true self stood up and shouted sharply: "Counterattack!"

From the "Qinglong Holy Land", 10 million Confucian soldiers above the ancient sages and ancient emperors were mobilized, headed by 3,000 Confucianists, they practiced non-stop day and night, and were proficient in archery. Each held a "Haoran Bow", Gather your own awe-inspiring righteousness, form a "majestic righteousness array", draw "awe-inspiring arrows", and bow together!

They shouted loudly, and now the three thousand great scholars have stepped into the realm of the great sages, and it is conceivable how great the power of the formation formed by leading thousands of elites is!

The arrow is as fast as light, and it arrives in an instant.

Grand righteousness is the nemesis of rotten qi, and the light of magnanimity will purify all the rotten qi.

The power of each arrow is also incomparably huge, and the army of the "Origin of Decay" sacrificed their magic weapons one after another, trying to stop the array of arrows.

I saw their various Taoist weapons flying out for a moment, and then they were smashed into pieces. The Mohist's method of refining weapons is not ordinary, it is not comparable to ordinary magic weapons.

Moreover, each of the 'Great Arrows' is only blessed by three thousand great Confucian ideas, and the materials used to make them are also very precious, which can increase the power of an arrow shot by them by more than ten times!

The gathering of tens of thousands of arrows is naturally even more terrifying!

At this time, a holy emperor of the "Origin of Decay" stepped out. On him, he was wrapped in a battle armor, his face was sharp and sharp, and his eyes were very sharp. He waved the battle flag in his hand, and in an instant, tens of thousands of soldiers and horses appeared .

These soldiers and horses are like poured metal, all of which have been refined and are extremely strong. They resist the army of 'Degenerate Origin' and become their shields!

This person is the "Sage Emperor of Rotten Soldiers" in the "Origin of Decay". After he corrupts people, he will refine them into soldiers and horses, which are under his control, which is similar to the "Soulless Saint Emperor".

The only difference is that he can control tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions of soldiers and horses, but the 'Soulless Saint Emperor' cannot.

Of course, there is still a difference in the control of the two. Although the soldiers and horses controlled by the "Soulless Saint Emperor" are few, they are all exquisite and strong, and can also be integrated into the "Soulless Saint Emperor"'s own martial arts ideas. Strong combat power, and wisdom!

And what he controls is like a walking corpse, without martial arts will or intelligence at all, just a purely physical attack, attacking the enemy without the aura of 'rotten origin'!

Tens of millions of soldiers and horses were torn apart by the 'Great Arrow Array' and turned into fly ash, but they also stopped the 'Great Ran Arrow Array' and saved tens of millions of soldiers from the 'Origin of Decay'.

I saw the 'Fighting Banner' in the hands of the 'Sage Emperor of Rotten Soldiers', the bones of those powerful giant beasts that died on the 'East Sea' were all refined by him, densely packed, tens of thousands, culled to the female The ban of the Wa clan!

The 'Rotten Soldiers Saint Emperor' resisted the attack of the 'Great Arrow Array', and even launched a counterattack. The elite soldiers under the leadership of the three thousand Confucians did not take it seriously. Under the guidance of their faith, they smashed back through the air and smashed all the rotting soldiers derived from those giant sea beasts!

Seeing this scene, even the 'Rotten Soldiers Saint Emperor' couldn't help but frown. The grade of each 'Great Arrow' is at least in the realm of peerless Taoist artifacts, and has a deep connection with their hearts, not only In this way, there are still three thousand great Confucian thoughts blessing on it, how many resources does this 'Qinglong Holy Land' have?

These are ten million 'Great Arrows', not a thousand. From this army, I already have an outline in my mind of how powerful the 'Rotten Soldier Saint Emperor' is against the 'Qinglong Holy Land'. No wonder He finally had his own understanding that it was necessary for the major origins to unite to destroy the major forces of the 'Great Origin'.

The "Hao Ran Arrow" returned to the hands of the Confucian generals again, and the "Xuanhu Shengwei" performed supernatural powers to bless the Confucian generals, so that their comprehensive abilities were improved unprecedentedly. Under the leadership of three thousand Confucian generals, tens of millions of Confucian generals shot again. 'Haoran Arrow Array', brilliant for thousands of miles.

A ray of rainbow light tore through the sky, the mighty aura billowed, and the arrow burst was instantly multiplied in power. It was obvious that the arrow just now was just a test!

The second arrow is the real start!

Even the 'Sage Emperor of Rotten Soldiers' felt a torrent rushing towards his face, and he waved the 'Battle Banner of Refining Soldiers' in his hand again.

Tens of thousands of soldiers and horses manifested again. Over the years, the "Origin of Decay" fought many battles in the south, and also won many spoils of war. Naturally, there are many soldiers and horses refined.

It's just that this time, it's not as simple as the last time. The impact of the 'Great Arrow Array' is huge, and everything that the arrows pass by is shattered.

Thousands of decaying soldiers and horses were torn apart by the arrows without even touching the arrows. The 'Origin of Decay' is extremely aggressive. It cannot be denied, but their supernatural powers are also doomed, and their defense methods are extremely poor. This is where their biggest flaw lies!

The warrior who rushed to the front, his body was torn apart, his soul was scattered, and he died unexpectedly.

Where Haoran's arrows are heading, there is almost no one to stop, even the 'Rotten Soldier Saint Emperor' can't help but retreat.

If he resists in the front, he will be severely injured. Three thousand great Confucians will lead tens of thousands of Confucian generals in the ancient holy realm, and then blessed by the 'Xuanhu Shengwei', a full blow, even if it is a stubborn resistance in the holy emperor realm, it is inevitable Beheaded!

In just an instant, more than 40 million soldiers and horses from the "Origin of Decay" were torn apart by the "Haoran Arrow Array", and none of them survived.

"Destroy these arrows, otherwise, they will grind them to death!" The 'Sage Emperor of Rotten Soldiers' looked at the fallen 'Haoran Arrows' and ordered hundreds of millions of soldiers to attack at the same time. Smash these arrows into pieces.

However, at the moment when they shot, tens of thousands of arrow formations formed into an array of 'Haoran Arrows' erupted with dazzling splendor!

The expressions of the six holy emperors of the "Origin of Decay" changed drastically, and they shouted, "Back!"

Inside each arrow, there is an extremely pure Confucian character '正', which contains extremely powerful power!

Haoran's righteousness is extremely fierce, upright and upright, Confucianism is upright, and he shines brightly, forcing many "rotten origin" saint emperors to retreat, and those "rotten origin" fighters who can't dodge are all torn apart.

10,000,000 pieces of the Taoist level, and have been blessed, or the arrows carefully crafted by the Mohists can imagine the power of self-explosion, and everything has been premeditated. At this moment, the arrow array has covered the front core of the "Origin of Decay" army Strip it!

In the distance, one can see an extremely huge ball of light exploding from the center of the elite army of 'Origin of Decay'!

All of a sudden, they suffered heavy losses, countless, and the six great emperors of the "Origin of Decay" felt that they were going crazy.

The 'Qinglong Holy Land' is willing to blew up so many superb Taoist artifacts all at once, and they are still such excellent objects!

Moreover, these 'Majestic Arrows' are terrifying, they condense into a 'Majestic Righteousness Formation', penetrate into the void, and evolve all the rotten aura emitted by the 'Origin of Decay', causing the power of the large formation they condense to drop sharply .

Because the world in all directions is full of awe-inspiring righteousness, once there is rotten air seeping out, it will be purified immediately!

In the sky, Daoguang billowed, a piece of chaos, such an explosion, the space is completely unbearable, countless broken void countercurrents, strangled indiscriminately, and caused the soldiers of the "Origin of Decay" to die continuously!

Originally there were 600 million elite soldiers of the "Origin of Decay" fighters, but now there are only more than 300 million left!

Three thousand Confucian scholars and tens of thousands of Confucian generals were bleeding from the corners of their mouths. After all, the "Great Arrow" was nurtured by them day and night, and it had a great connection with their minds. This time, the self-explosion hurt the enemy, but it also hurt themselves.

"You guys have a good rest. For a while, the 'Origin of Decay' will not become a great atmosphere. I'm afraid they will have to destroy the 'Majestic Righteousness Formation' before they can continue to attack!" Xuanyuan controlled the overall situation, as stable as Mount Tai, and three thousand Confucian scholars led the Confucian generals , One after another, they took pills to repair the damage they had suffered.

In the other time, the sea of ​​blood filled the sky, Dayi clan, Ya led an army of millions, and Xuanyuan's 'Battle Phoenix Sacred Guard' shot out in groups with 'God Rockets'.

In these 'God Rockets', the power of the 'Flame of Origin' is integrated, which is extremely terrifying, and once contaminated, it is difficult to extinguish!

I saw a million sharp arrows bursting out of the air, igniting a raging fire, and a large sea of ​​blood evaporated, followed by the explosion of the god rocket, tearing a large area!

It's a pity that they are not as powerful as the three thousand great Confucians, and there are five holy emperors of the "origin of blood" sitting in the town, only killing and injuring millions of soldiers and horses. superior!

There was a terrifying roar, and on the other side, the 'Origin of All Evil' also attacked the restriction. The powerhouses of the three origins, regardless of whether they would be converted, desperately attacked the restriction, giving the three great sages of Buddhism All of a sudden, an incomparably huge pressure was added!

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