Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 2039 Buddhist will

Jin Chanzi, Yang Ling'er, Di Shitian, none of them had the slightest reservation. At this moment, they all understood that fighting for the 'Tian Yao Lingzhou' was fighting for themselves. Let them deeply understand that if they don't try their best to resist, today's "Heavenly Demon Lingzhou" will be tomorrow's themselves.

They led all the Buddhist disciples to integrate their own power into the forbidden formation. In addition, they recited the "Rebirth Sutra" together, together with the elite Taoists led by Yuan'er, and the "Sutra" recited by many saint emperors. Rebirth Curse" combined!

The sea of ​​Buddha's radiance is turbulent, and it evolves into a halo of light, which fluctuates out. Once the enemy is hit by the impact, people with unsteady minds will have a look of relief on their faces!

I saw the three-way army, and countless strong men were transformed and dissipated between the heaven and the earth without leaving a trace.

However, in the face of such a terrifying transmutation power, they almost ignored their own lives, burning their own blood, soul, and crashing into the sea of ​​Buddha and Dao sounds.

Above the nine heavens, the dense blood light hit the protective barrier formed by the 810,000 ancient Buddhas.

At the beginning, the three-way army attacked the prohibition, causing countless casualties, and seemed to be at a disadvantage, but their number was extremely huge, and each one was a strong man among the major origins, fearless of death, and with their lives, killed One road, this kind of indomitable will, is very terrifying, constantly breaking through the restrictions, making the sea of ​​Buddhism and Taoism weaken!

I saw layers of restrictions being shattered by the impact, and the ninety-nine and eighty-one thousand ancient Buddhas were torn apart again and again, dripping with blood!

You must know that every ancient Buddha here is composed of many Buddhist disciples, condensed with their own souls, will, and relics, and being torn apart by the enemy means the demise of their lives!

It can be seen that one after another, the Buddhist disciples are smiling, their eyes gradually lose their luster, they sit down, their vitality withers, and they leave only a strong body. They have no regrets. Protecting all living beings was originally a great wish in their hearts, and now they are dying. It's just wishful thinking.

This is the will of Buddhism!

"What should we do? The enemy's attack is getting more and more fierce, we can't do this, just sit and wait for death!" Immediately, some Buddhist disciples frowned, saying that going on like this is not an option.

"If I don't go to hell, who will go to hell!" Jin Chanzi sat cross-legged, his face was extremely sacred, golden light swept across, and from his body, nine-rank Buddha lotus blossomed, swallowing incomparably rich vitality !

This is the elixir of immortality that he has conceived for countless years. It has the power to bring the dead back to life. Many Buddhist disciples were severely injured and recovered immediately.

At this moment, he has no reservations!

Yang Ling'er and Di Shitian also drew out the elixir of immortality that they had conceived for countless years, and blessed them on many Buddhist disciples, not only recovering their injuries, but also strengthening their own strength!

All of a sudden, the sea of ​​Buddhist and Dao sounds became stronger. These are the Buddhist disciples of the "Tianchan Lingzhou". change!

Seeing this scene, Xuanyuan frowned. The three origins are too terrifying. This is just one of their soldiers and horses, not all of them. For a long time, if the attack continues like this, the loss will be too great!

But at this time, as the Generalissimo of the Army and Horses, he can only look at the overall situation, and those who do not seek the overall situation are not enough to seek a domain.

Since Jin Chanzi and the others can still resist, they shouldn't mess themselves up, Xuanyuan looked at the three thousand great scholars!

The 'Great Arrow Array' restrained the infiltration of the 'Aura of Decay', making the attack of the 'Origin of Decay' army stagnant, not as scary as before, and relieved the pressure on the Buddhist elite in a disguised form.

Although it is only a few quarters of an hour, on the battlefield, this little time is enough to win enough vitality for the soldiers, at least it will reduce the casualties of many people!

The injured 3,000 Confucian scholars and tens of thousands of Confucian generals all recovered within a short period of time. They stood up one after another, holding the 'Awesome Bow', drawing the 'Awesome Arrow', and once again condensed into the 'Awesome Arrow Array', the 'Hanging Pot Holy Guard' Bless it with a shot, so that the power of the arrow array can be increased to the maximum.

The goal this time is 'the origin of all evil'.

Among the Confucian elites of the 'Qinglong Holy Land', everyone is equipped with three 'Great Arrows'.

It can be seen from this that how much manpower and material resources have been spent on them for today!

Great righteousness, for the disciples of "The Origin of All Evil", it also has a huge restraint. The power they master is against each other in the world. , recognized by heaven and earth, can overcome all evils.

The 'Hanging Pot Holy Guard', at this moment, blessed them, increasing the power of the arrow array to the maximum.


They draw their bows together and shoot an arrow, thousands of arrows are fired like an arrow!

I saw the grand array of arrows pulling out a long river in the sky, where everything it passed was shattered.

Those 'Origin of All Evil' soldiers rushing in front of the formation, in an instant, their bodies were shattered, their souls scattered, and they died unexpectedly.

One volley caused the entire 'Origin of All Evil' to lose nearly 40 million elites. This origin belongs to each warrior. The ability to fight alone is very powerful and extremely fierce. Even in the "Blue Dragon Holy Land" Disciples, at the same level, may not be their opponents, but on the battlefield, the control of the alliance and the battle formation is very poor!

On the battlefield, the most important thing is the previous cooperation of comrades-in-arms, and personal ability can only be second.

Tens of thousands of Confucian generals attacked the 'Origin of All Evil' with arrow arrays, which relieved a lot of pressure for Buddhist disciples at once.

Even so, two-thirds of the 99.81 million ancient Buddhas have disappeared, and the line of defense is gradually weakening.

Although the immortal medicine of the three holy emperors has been bred for countless years, its ability is limited after all, and it cannot last for a long time. You must know that what they want to nourish is tens of millions of people, no matter how powerful their immortal medicine is, they cannot last forever!

The elite Buddhist disciples in the entire "Tianchan Lingzhou" originally had a total of 60 million, but now there are only less than 20 million left, and every Buddhist disciple has been seriously injured. Once the most powerful backbone of Tianchan Lingzhou dies, it will be very difficult to train such a group of people again!

Xuanyuan frowned, even so, the soldiers and horses of the third army also suffered heavy casualties. The 600 million soldiers and horses of the "Origin of Decay" are now only 100 million, while the 500 million soldiers and horses of the "Origin of Blood" are Less than 80 million, and "Origin of All Evil" less than 50 million, the originally mighty army suddenly became much lonely!

Even with such a huge battle result, Xuanyuan didn't feel satisfied at all. He ordered the 'Xuanhu Shengwei' to treat the Buddhist disciples with all his strength, and took the elixir refined from the immortal medicine for them, To ensure their vitality, fully repair their damage.

You must know that the major forces of the 'Great Origin' are in an alliance, and it is absolutely impossible to let the 'Tianchan Lingzhou' sacrifice in vain.

This time they paid so much and sacrificed themselves, which shocked the hearts of countless fighters in the 'Sky Demon Lingzhou', and everyone wanted to fight to the death!

"Guardian Nuwa, Qi!" Xuanyuan gave an order!

The magic circle that was imprinted on the land of the "Nuwa Clan" and passed down from generation to generation was activated.

Countless strong men of the "Nuwa Clan", they mobilized the power in their bodies to condense a powerful restriction.

I saw 88,640,000 Nuwas, holding a white jade purification bottle, dripping pure holy water, and in an instant, the injured Buddhist disciples recovered seven or eighty-eight, plus the "Hanging Pot Holy Guard" Treat them with all their strength so that they can fully recover.

This time they came back from a desperate situation, which made all Buddhist disciples greatly improved. Those who survived were almost all in the realm of the fourth heaven of the ancient sages, and almost all of them stepped into the fifth heaven of the ancient saints.

Those who originally existed in the fifth heaven of the ancient sages either completely stepped into the great sage, or stepped in with one foot.

Although the number has decreased, their combat power has also been improved. The determination of who will go to hell if I don't go to hell has made countless people realize it.

The ancient Buddha formation collapsed, Jin Chanzi, Di Shitian, and Yang Ling'er were bleeding from the corners of their mouths. They struggled to support and endured a large part of the attack. Xuanyuan drew the Wanhua essence and blood in his body to heal them.

You know, Xuanyuan's body now has the power of many immortal medicines, and his blood essence is better than all immortal medicines!

"Cultivate well! Next, we will start to fight back!" Xuanyuan said in a deep voice, "Kill them back!"

I saw the formation of the Nuwa family began to change, and the 640,000 Nuwas holding white jade bottles suddenly evolved into Nuwas holding spells. Suddenly, from the nine heavens, the 'Nuwa Saint Thunder Curse' fell.

Overwhelming, bombarding the three armies, the red light flickered, and the 'Sky Demon Lingzhou', which had been defending all along, suddenly launched an attack, which caught the troops of the three origins by surprise.

"Origin of Decay" killed more than half of them in an instant, the sea of ​​blood condensed by "Origin of Blood" shrank rapidly, while "Origin of All Evil" was scattered, many people were emitting black smoke and spitting blood, extremely Embarrassed.

"Hateful, hateful!" The 'Sacred Emperor of Killing Flame' did not expect that almost all the major forces of 'Great Origin' would unite and concentrate on the 'Sky Demon Lingzhou' to fight against them desperately .

"Escape today, I want to see if you can escape tomorrow, retreat first, and fight again with the whole army. I don't believe that a small Heavenly Demon Lingzhou can resist our steps!"

"That's right, when I wait for the soldiers and horses to arrive tomorrow, it will be the day when your entire army will be wiped out." The 'Rotten Immortal Emperor' condescended and despised the world.

"Let's go!" Three groups of soldiers and horses, many saint emperors, led the remnants of the defeated generals and left!

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