Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 2040 The Holy Emperor's Banquet

The major origins, the first wave of offensives, ended here, and they returned in a big defeat, and their morale was shattered!

They had expected that the major forces of the "Origin of the Grandmist" might unite, but they did not expect that this would almost gather the forces of the "Origin of the Grandmist" to resist, and they were caught off guard!

No one is blind, among other things, the will of the emperor contained in the "Sutra of Rebirth" and "Curse of Rebirth" is so majestic that ordinary people can't compare it at all.

The "Rebirth Sutra" and "Rebirth Mantra" recited by the reincarnation of the holy emperor are completely different from ordinary people.

Otherwise, how could the power of transmutation be so strong that a large number of elite fighters would be reborn in the world as soon as they were contaminated.

This is the result of at least ten reincarnated saint emperors chanting the "Rebirth Sutra" and "Rebirth Mantra" together, which can have such power, because they saw that many existences in the Great Saint Realm of the Heavenly Emperor were instantly wiped out. transition.

Of course, what is more important is the tens of millions of Buddhist elites. I will not go to hell. Who will go to hell? The existence of the Saint Emperor Realm should also be avoided, and once it is affected, it will also be severely injured.

The reincarnation of the Holy Emperor on the battlefield has a great effect, but in such a large-scale forbidden attack, even the reincarnation of the Holy Emperor will be severely injured!

However, the combination of the major origins and the desperate attack also caused heavy losses to the Buddhist elite, and even the three great Buddhist emperors were injured, which laid a good foundation for their second wave of attack!

In this way, the next attack can relieve them a lot of pressure, because like the "Sutra of Rebirth" and "Curse of Rebirth", only when Buddhism and Taoism are united can they exert their power to the maximum. It is not very useful in the face of a dense army attack!

Among the Nuwa clan, the strong men of all major forces breathed a sigh of relief. It has to be said that the combined offensive power of the three origins is extremely terrifying. If they hadn't been prepared before, they would join forces to lay down a heavy blow. Forbidden, I'm afraid there will be more serious damage, all thanks to Xuanyuan, who united them in advance, and helped them with all their strength, and set up such a powerful prohibition, combined with Fengshui and Positive Art.

"Thank you 'Tianchan Lingzhou' for guarding my 'Tianyao Lingzhou'!" Nuwa's guardian, the Zulong Emperor, and the Tianyao Virgin are grateful in their hearts. At this moment, the hearts of all major forces have been connected together up.

"Pursuing sentient beings was originally the duty of my Buddhist sect. Now that all living beings in my 'Hongmeng Origin' are under such a serious threat to survival, why don't we do our best?" Jin Chanzi's voice was calm, and so many people who had died Buddhist disciples, he also felt very sorry.

"I must completely kill these foreign origins!" Di Shitian was originally a man with great ambitions. Symbol of wrath.

This time, the death and injury of the Buddhist disciples were so serious, he would never let it go!

Xuanyuan looked at the corpses of the Buddhist disciples, with a heavy heart, and asked in a deep voice: "Everyone, do you want to keep these holy corpses, if you refine powerful puppets for me in the 'Qinglong Holy Land' Mo family, and continue to protect all living beings?"

Yang Ling'er looked at Xuanyuan, paused, sighed softly, and said, "Let the Mo family refine it into a puppet. Now facing the three major origins, we have too little combat power to survive. Use it rationally and let it be puppet." It is also a good thing that they can protect all living beings after death, and it is useless to keep them!"

Neither Jin Chanzi nor Di Shitian had any objections. Xuanyuan looked at Mo Ming. Numerous Mohist disciples present began refining under the watchful eyes of everyone. Qian Duoduo also sent various supplies immediately. All the treasures left by the 'Soulless Saint Emperor' were handed over to Duoduo Qian. Once there is a war, it can be said that she will be under the greatest pressure. All the supplies must be mobilized, distributed, and delivered in time. , otherwise, it will be delayed to the fighter plane, and she is not even in the mood to talk to Xuanyuan at this moment.

'Soulless Saint Emperor' is a master at refining puppets. He has countless rare materials on his body, which can make the body of the dead have a higher leap in strength. Xuanyuan leads out several of them. Manipulating the puppet, and telling Mo Ming some of the essentials when a holy emperor was refining the puppet, which greatly expanded his thinking, and made the puppet of the Mo family even more diligent!

"Everyone, please return to your respective territories. Take this time to build a channel to connect with my 'Qinglong Holy Land', so that our army can gather at the first time for rescue!" Xuanyuan said in a deep voice.

"Okay!" Immediately, the reincarnations of the emperors of the 'Tianchan Lingzhou' and 'Yuhua Shenchao' all returned to their own territory. They all knew very well that in such a general situation, the importance of such a passage !

'Eternal Saint Emperor', 'Longevity Saint Emperor', 'Lord of Order' and many powerhouses in Xuanyuan joined forces to communicate with the 'Origin of Primordial Mengmeng', connect with them, and build a channel in secret. The two sides built it at an extremely fast speed. In the race against time, if the next attack on the major origins has not been completed, they will be in great danger, so they almost mobilized all the elites to jointly build this channel!

In the darkness, someone has been watching this battle, they have never made a move, quietly waiting for the opportunity!

"Hehe, this battle was really exciting. The major origins are not weak at all. They wiped out two-thirds of the elite existence of 'Tianchan Lingzhou' at once. These people are all irreproducible. , the second wave of attack, it will not be so easy for the 'Origin of the Origin' to resist!" Needless to say, these people are naturally the existence of the hunters, they are the reapers walking in the dark, looking for the wounded It is precisely because of their existence that Xuanyuan has always been very cautious.

"What shall we do next?" someone asked.

"Hehe, we are the kings of all origins. We must remember the balance and grasp the balance. This is what we have to do. Once the joint offensive of the major origins is stronger than the 'Origin of Hongmeng', we will help 'Origin of Hongmeng' attack Kill their reincarnation of the Holy Emperor, once the 'Origin of the Grandmist' is stronger than the joint offensive of the major origins, we will kill the reincarnation of the emperor of the 'Origin of the Grandmist', but now it seems that the 'Origin of the Grandmist' is the defender, We have to kill the reincarnations of their holy emperors first, otherwise, the origins will be a bit difficult!" A voice came out, very flat, but when people heard it, there was a feeling of excitement!

"Who is better to attack?" This is indeed a very important question. Once the target is wrong, the opportunity will be missed. Hunting Saints rarely fail. The only time "Lingxiao Shengdi" is one of them.

"The speed of the 'Emperor Emperor' is very fast, erratic, difficult to catch, and impossible to strike!"

"The 'Chaos Saint Emperor' is extremely domineering, his combat power is only higher than ours, and he cannot be attacked!"

"Xuanyuan is the 'body of myriad transformations', with thousands of incarnations, and the reality is unpredictable. It is difficult to kill his true deity, so we can't do anything!"

"The battle power of the 'Sage Emperor of Longevity' has increased greatly. Compared with us, he is only stronger than us now, so we cannot attack him!"

"The same is true for the 'Eternal Holy Emperor'..."

"The only ones who can attack now are the three Buddhist saint emperors of the 'Tianchan Lingzhou'. Their immortality medicine is exhausted, so they can attack."

"However, their strength is mainly to protect themselves. It may not be easy to surprise them. Compared with the Nuwa guardians of the 'Sky Demon Lingzhou', 'Ancestral Dragon Emperor' and 'Sky Demon Virgin', it is better to attack them Yes, it should be the three great emperors of the 'Sky Demon Lingzhou'!"

"That's right, then it's decided like this. It depends on the situation. At this time, I, the hunter, should unite and share this last dinner of the great origin saint emperors..."

In Dongzhou, the holy emperor of the three-way army came back in a big defeat, his face was very ugly, and it was pitch black.

"Damn it, 'Origin of the Primordial Mist' is completely combined, who combined them?" 'Sacred Emperor Killing Flame' did not expect such an ending.

"Does it need to be said? Besides the 'Qinglong Holy Land', who else can have such abilities. This Xuanyuan has always been regarded as a serious problem by us. We didn't do everything that day. Killing it was the biggest mistake. !" The 'Wuxie Saint Emperor' was ruthless, and the person he hated the most was Xuanyuan.

"Although this person is not the reincarnation of the Sage Emperor, he has the power of the Sage Emperor's reincarnation. The 'Physical Transformation' must not be underestimated!" the 'Sage Emperor Without Curses' shouted sharply!

"It's not too late, we should gather the army and then attack the 'Sky Demon Lingzhou'." The 'Dao Soul Xuanyuan' was among them, misleading!

"That's right, the elite disciples of the Buddhist sect have suffered numerous deaths and injuries, and their new force is limited. We should pursue them fiercely, break through the line of defense, and catch them by surprise!" 'Sage Emperor of the Rotten Immortal' also agrees with 'Dao Soul Xuanyuan'!

"Let's gather our soldiers and horses, and gather at the 'Beiyue Xianzhou'!" The "Sacred Emperor of Killing Flames" gave an order and said in a loud voice.

"Huh? What is this for?" A strange color flashed in the eyes of the 'Molten Blood Saint Emperor'.

"You will know this when the time comes!" The 'Sage Killing Flame' left only one sentence, and he and the 'Sage Tu Hai', 'Sage Emperor Jin Ge' and 'Holy Land of Mount Tai' led the defeated soldiers back to the 'Beiyue Xianzhou' 'among.

The five great emperors of "Origin of Blood" also left together. This time, since the "Sacred Emperor of Slaughtering Flame" is the commander-in-chief of soldiers and horses, they will naturally obey. This is the rule of the game!

The 'Origin of Decay' has no objection either. The 'Sacred Emperor of Slaughter Flame' is the best at war among the many holy emperors, and no one can figure out what he is thinking.

The three holy emperors of 'Curse Origin' have nothing to do, and now there are only three bare commanders left. Naturally, they followed the 'Beiyue Xianzhou' immediately.

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