Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 2041 Hyoju Kitadake

On the way to the 'Beiyue Immortal State', 'Tao Soul Xuanyuan' did not dare to slack off at all. Why did he suddenly want to gather in 'Beiyue Immortal State'? Could it be that 'Sacred Emperor Killing Flames' guessed something? Or did he discover something?

After all, he was hiding among the enemy troops. If he was discovered, they would set up a big picture, and it would be difficult for him to escape.

But at this time, he couldn't mess up his own position. Xuanyuan felt that he had done a perfect job, and the enemy should not be able to find out, so he had to stop with silence!

On the battlefield, everything is unpredictable, and it is impossible for everything to go according to one's own ideas. This kind of thing has long been within Xuanyuan's calculations, and now he can only wait and see the changes.

Many of the saint emperors present were very remarkable figures, Xuanyuan never thought that they would make him play around.

So from the very beginning, he dismissed the idea of ​​joining the alliance as the "Sage Emperor of Execution" and conducting random command.

This is simply impossible, because once it is discovered, the "Biluo Origin" will be besieged by people, and it will fall into a place of eternal doom. Its only trump card will also be exposed, and everything must be maximized.

"What's the matter? What's the idea of ​​the 'Sacred Emperor'? No, I always feel that something is wrong, but where is it?" 'Daohun Xuanyuan' thought hard and made various calculations, but he still couldn't come up with a correct one. As a result, because his understanding of the 'Sage Emperor of Slaughtering Flames' is very limited, knowing himself and the enemy is the only way to win a hundred battles. However, he has not had much contact with this enemy at all, and it is not enough to judge the 'Sacred Emperor of Slaughtering Flames' based on the impressions and evaluations of other Sacred Emperors. 'What's next.

"Forget it, we'll know when the time comes, I hope to pass on the opportunity as soon as possible!"

Among the 'Beiyue Xianzhou', the 'Sage Emperor Killing Flame', 'Sage Emperor Tuhai', 'Sage Emperor Jin Ge' and 'Sage Emperor Taishan' each selected 50 million elites from their subordinates, and they may not be the strongest Yes, but the marching speed is definitely the fastest, which made Xuanyuan's heart tremble.

"What is this? Soldiers and horses based on marching speed, don't they want to harass, fight guerrilla warfare, and lure snakes out of their holes? It doesn't seem to make much sense to do this!" Seeing this scene, 'Daohun Xuanyuan' had a lot of thoughts in his heart , but he still couldn't guess what's in the mind of the "Sacred Emperor of Killing Flames", and it was difficult for him to ask, because he was afraid that the "Sacred Emperor of Killing Flames" would become suspicious, so now he could only wait for the development of the situation.

However, no matter what the enemy's plan is, as long as the construction of the passage between the 'Qinglong Holy Land' and other major forces is accelerated, it will be able to respond to all changes without change. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this!

With Xuanyuan's order, more powerhouses from the 'Qinglong Holy Land' came to build the 'Qinglong Holy Land' and the construction of the channels of other major forces.

Xuanyuan discusses all the information obtained by 'Tao Soul Xuanyuan' with the 'Sage Emperor of Longevity' and the 'Sage Emperor of Eternity', hoping to get a result from them!

"Now that the 'Sacred Emperor of Slaughter Flame' has gathered his troops to the 'Beiyue Immortal State', what is his purpose?"

"We can't guess this. This person is a ruthless character. 'Origin of All Evil' is one of the most terrifying holy emperors. He once led hundreds of soldiers and horses to attack some other origins. Guerrilla warfare is what he is best at. , often makes some original saint emperors exhausted, played with applause, and even returned in a big defeat, so be careful." 'Eternal Holy Emperor' warned!

"It doesn't matter, as long as we don't move like a mountain, they have nothing to do with us." The 'Sage Emperor of Longevity' is very optimistic, indeed, as he said, with the current alliance of the major forces of the 'Great Origin', even if it is the The soldiers and horses of the Great Origin come to harass, as long as they stick to it, there will be no big problem.

"Forget it, no matter what, let's build the passage between the major forces and the 'Qinglong Holy Land' first. No matter what conspiracy they have, as long as we can combine the forces of the major forces in the first place, they will There is nothing we can do about it!" Xuanyuan nodded.

Jiang Wushen, the son of Emperor Tongtian, led hundreds of millions of Taoist elites to the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land'.

"You guys are finally here!" Xuanyuan sighed. When the 'Sky Demon Lingzhou' was attacked before, he passed the message to the 'Heavenly Dao Lingzhou'. Originally, it was left to deal with other forces of the 'Hongmeng Origin'. Give the enemy a fatal blow at a critical time, but the situation has changed too much, and the plan cannot keep up with the changes, so there is no need to hide it now.

"The major forces of 'Origin of Hongmeng' have already united, and we in 'Tiandao Lingzhou' don't have to hide it. It's time to contribute to 'Origin of Hongmeng'!" Jiang Wushen led the elites of elucidation and education, descending from the sky For a long time, there has been some opposition between the interception of teaching and the interpretation of teaching. The relationship is not bad, but it is definitely not harmonious, but now facing such a general trend of the world, they have to combine together!

"That's right, the disciples of our Taoist sect already want to have a good fight with those who came from the origin, and they actually want to kill us all, it's simply wishful thinking!" The 'Tongtian Emperor' was full of fighting spirit, all sharp Yi, four immortal swords surround his body.

"Okay, you are stationed in my 'Qinglong Holy Land' first, and now we are building channels with major forces!" Xuanyuan asked them to settle down first. The secret passage has been constructed in secret, in case of emergency, the Taoist soldiers can descend from the sky at the first time, catching the enemy by surprise!

Jiang Wushen and the soldiers and horses brought by Emperor Tongtian settled down and waited for Xuanyuan's orders at any time.

Without him, the 'Yiqi Dao Sword' is in the hands of Xuanyuan. No one can break the rules established by explaining the teaching and cutting the teaching!

At this moment, Xuanyuan sent a voice transmission to Jiang Wushen, the son of Emperor Tongtian, and said, "Brothers, the reincarnation of the Holy Emperor who explained and cut off the teachings didn't show up?"

"No, even we have never seen them!" Jiang Wushen and Emperor Tongtian were both very helpless.

Now the 'Heavenly Dao Lingzhou', like the 'Heavenly Demon Lingzhou', is the only major force that has not seen the reincarnation of the Holy Emperor.

One of the reincarnated saint emperors in the 'Heavenly Demon Lingzhou' was killed. Could it be that the reincarnation of the holy emperor of the 'Heavenly Dao Lingzhou' was also?

This is what everyone is most worried about, but even so, the combat power of the 'Tiandao Lingzhou' is still not to be underestimated. Although the Holy Emperor is strong, it still depends on the overall strength, especially in such a large-scale war , as long as it can be used well, it can beat the reincarnation of the Holy Emperor!

Xuanyuan thought about it and made the worst plan.

"Seniors, speed up the construction of the channel. Now the major origins have gathered soldiers and horses in the 'Beiyue Xianzhou'. I can't guess their thoughts. Only after the channel is built as soon as possible can we be able to respond to all changes without change. !" Xuanyuan transmitted his thoughts to the hearts of the emperors of the 'Yuhua Shenchao' and 'Tianchan Lingzhou', and they all received immediate responses.

"Okay!" All the saint emperors knew that the situation was tense.

Almost at the same time, the holy emperors of all major origins all selected the elite who marched the fastest, and gathered towards the 'Beiyue Xianzhou'.

In less than three days, 700 million elite soldiers and horses gathered in the 'Beiyue Xianzhou'!

The 'Sacred Emperor of Slaughter Flame' is the Generalissimo of the Army and Horses, and everyone focused their attention on him. Obviously, no one knew what his intentions were, and they also questioned his behavior!

"Lu Yan, you asked us to lead our troops and gather in the 'Beiyue Xianzhou', wasting nearly three days. Now the 'Sky Demon Lingzhou' has recovered and repaired many broken restrictions. Now I want to If we want to attack again, I'm afraid it will cost a lot of soldiers and horses!" Apparently, the several emperors of the "Origin of Decay" have great opinions on the actions of the "Sacred Emperor" The powerful force crushes the past, making it difficult for the enemy to breathe.

During the last wave of attacking the 'Sky Demon Lingzhou', the 'Origin of Decay' suffered the most casualties, and their biggest goal was to take over the land of the 'Sky Demon Lingzhou'. If the emperor doesn't give them an explanation, they won't let it go.

"Follow me, I will definitely give you a very good result!" The 'Sacred Emperor of Slaughtering Flames' said nothing, his eyes revealed absolute confidence, leading the soldiers and horses under his command to open the way ahead!

The marching speed was extremely fast, and many reincarnations of the holy emperors almost urged the big formation to bless them!

'Daohun Xuanyuan' also followed the marching route, but this walk made him even more confused!

Because their marching route was not any major force, but went directly to the North Sea and went south from the 'Beiyue Xianzhou'.

Beihai is in the direction of the north of Beizhou. Xuanyuan once came here, and killed the little prince of the 'Dragon Forbidden Royal Family'.

The climate here is very harsh, the cold wind is rolling, sweeping across the vast expanse, and even making people confused, especially after the completion of the 'Central World', the climate here is even worse.

The North Sea is extremely large, containing many mysteries and many secrets unknown to everyone.

"'Sacred Emperor Slaughtering Flame', what is the point of our coming to Beihai? The vitality here is withered, and there is no great power of 'Origin of Primordial Mist'!" 'Dao Soul Xuanyuan' finally couldn't help asking.

"Be safe and don't be impatient, you will know soon." The 'Sacred Emperor of Flame' led the army and marched quickly.

Finally, when they came to a core area in Beihai, everyone suddenly discovered that there was a natural teleportation circle here, which was extremely huge.

After the improvement of "Origin of All Evil", a large number of soldiers and horses can be teleported!

The 'Sacred Emperor of Killing Flame' sneered, raised his thick eyebrows, and murderous aura permeated the sky: "Kill in, no one will be left alive!"

In an instant, the soldiers and horses of the three routes rushed into this mysterious natural teleportation circle!

Xuanyuan was terrified, he never expected that there would be such a place in the "Central World", where this natural teleportation circle would lead to, because the North Sea area was dying and almost no one was stationed, but he did not expect, The 'Sacred Emperor of Killing Flame' quietly laid chess pieces here!

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