Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 2042 Heaven Zen Great Tribulation

In the North Sea, the wind and snow were violent, and the overwhelming snow fell.

The cold wind is fierce, but anyone who is below the realm of the ancient sages will be torn to pieces when they come here.

Today's Beihai is not what it used to be. There are many chaotic spaces here that can transport people to unknown places.

This large teleportation array was also discovered by the subordinates of the "Sacred Emperor of Slaughter Flame", and then quietly modified to make it stable before it can be used. Originally, it was intended to be used by the "Sacred Emperor of Slaughter Flame" in the future, but he never thought about it. Attacking the 'Tian Yao Lingzhou' was countered by an army, and their spirit was frustrated. Naturally, they need to improve their morale now, so they can only use this sect.

The three origins, 700 million elite soldiers with the fastest marching speed, gathered before the teleportation formation, which suppressed the violent snowstorm. Under the order of the "Sacred Emperor", their murderous intent burst out, and a large The land was torn apart, and the avenue of nine heavens and ten places was trembling, and a mighty army was seen rushing into the mysterious teleportation circle!

'Daohun Xuanyuan' looked at this scene and knew that there would be a tragedy that would happen next. He had calculated thousands of times, but he missed all of them.

But the fact has already happened, and he can only accept it. He immediately followed in, and the space was distorted. state'.

The people of Li live and work in peace and contentment. In the temples, the incense is flourishing, the traffic is busy, and the faint Sanskrit singing is passed on, making people feel peaceful and calm.

However, in the next instant, everything was broken!

His heart was shocked. Almost at the same time, the three origins of the holy emperors existed and shot at the same time. They joined forces to perform thousands of great avenues, breaking some key restrictions, where the powers were placed.

All of a sudden, the 'Tianchan Lingzhou' could not be well connected. All the temples that were full of incense were all razed to the ground, and countless Buddhist disciples and people were wiped out in ashes in an instant.

There are hidden restrictions in these temples, and they can be activated at the same time to form an extremely powerful restriction, drawing the power of the land of "Tianchan Lingzhou" to fight against foreign enemies.

However, the three origin armies came too suddenly, and they didn't react at all. The "Degenerate Origin" even joined forces to destroy the depths of the "Tianchan Lingzhou" and those forbidden formations, making it impossible to activate.

There is almost no protection at all, and it is difficult for the surrounding Buddhist gates to form an effective resistance force for a while, and there is no resistance at all. Even if they can form, they are powerless with so many holy emperors pressing the formation. The gap in strength is too great.

The "Sacred Emperor of Killing Flame" gave an order, and thousands of flames flew from him. No matter where it was contaminated, it immediately killed the fire. The fire was like a knife, tearing people apart and burning them into ashes: "Kill, don't Stay alive!"

You must know that at this moment, the "Tianchan Lingzhou" has almost gathered most of the strong men to construct the secret passage, and the disciples left behind cannot resist the fierce power of the elite soldiers and horses of the various origins.

The people of 'Tianchan Lingzhou' have a peaceful mind and do not fight with others. At this time, they are not opponents at all, and can only be slaughtered by others!

Wherever the "Origin of Decay" passed, the people of "Tianchan Lingzhou" were all corroded into bones, and their flesh and blood melted away. People are in pain, with extreme fear in their hearts...

The 'Origin of Blood' army evolved into a vast sea of ​​blood, like a tsunami raging, engulfing all the way, where the sea of ​​blood overflows, everything is refined, the power of attack is extremely terrifying, and the more they are swallowed, the more powerful they become Grow like a snowball.

'Origin of all evil' is like a murderous maniac. Every warrior from this origin is extremely bloodthirsty. Killing people is like mowing grass. A large number of people fall down, dripping with blood, staining red and yellow sand, and stumps everywhere A corpse with a severed arm and decapitated body.

Seeing this scene, 'Tao Soul Xuanyuan' was about to burst into tears, but he couldn't stop it. He could only let some people survive as much as possible with his current status!

"You holy emperors, killing these people doesn't make much sense. It's better to capture them alive and give us a blood sacrifice at that time. Wouldn't it be better to curse the 'Origin of the Primordial Mist'? Now you are killing like this, it's just a waste of sacrifices That's all, why not give it to us, to bring out their maximum value!" 'Daohun Xuanyuan' laughed.

"Haha, that's right." The 'Tuhai Shengdi' laughed loudly, offering a treasure box, and raised a small city with tens of millions of people in it, and put it into the treasure box. There are tens of millions of offerings!

"That's right, kill those who should be killed, and those who should be kept alive!" The holy emperors of various origins gave an order, and those elite soldiers and horses began to capture alive in various ways.

"Run away..." The people of 'Tianchan Lingzhou', what they are facing are the three origin fierce soldiers who are like wolves and tigers, and there are many reincarnated emperors. Fear, die, they have nothing else to do!

'Daohun Xuanyuan' saw this scene, even though his heart ached, he could only let it happen. With such an excuse, he could only temporarily save some people's lives, only temporarily.

The three holy emperors sensed everything that happened in the 'Tianchan Lingzhou' almost immediately.

"The major origin alliances have invaded my 'Tianchan Lingzhou', and I'm going to kill them!" Di Shitian was furious.

"Don't go! Speed ​​up the construction of the channel, sacrifice the small self, and complete the big self. As long as the channel is built, our army will be able to arrive in the first time, and we will be able to save more Buddhist people. If you go, the channel The construction is stagnant, not only will our army be unable to catch up, but it will also be difficult for you to transfer the people of 'Tianchan Lingzhou' quickly!" Xuanyuan said in a deep voice.

"Ahhhhhhhh, I must make them repay them twice..." Di Shitian had never been so aggrieved before. He wanted to watch his people being slaughtered like this, but he had no choice.

The soldiers and horses of the three origins launched a vast massacre in the "Tianchan Lingzhou". The Temple of Blissful Buddha, the Great Leiyin Temple, the Kingdom of Sumeru Buddha, and the three holy places gathered the strength of all their disciples, and they shot again and again. Defensively with all their strength, many guarding holy monks resisted very hard.

The vast sea of ​​Buddha light fluctuated again and again. They used various methods to absorb all the surviving Buddhist people into their respective mountain gates. Now this is the most urgent thing. The Buddhist elites resisted desperately and recited the "Sutra of Rebirth" "caused great damage to them, 'Sacred Emperor' realized the seriousness of the situation.

He had long wanted to attack the 'Tianchan Lingzhou', but it was too far away. Recently, his subordinate holy guards detected such a mysterious teleportation array, which made him very happy. In fact, this one The mysterious teleportation array can lead to many places in the "Central World", but it is very unstable, but under his transformation, it can reach the center of the "Tianchan Lingzhou".

The 'Sacred Emperor of Slaughter Flame' is a war madman who can bring hundreds of soldiers and horses to kill a person who is exhausted by the original holy emperor. He has studied the environment extremely thoroughly and refuses to let it go in the slightest.

On the contrary, Xuanyuan's "Qinglong Holy Land" has always been in a state of shrinking and holding on, living in a corner, and rarely actively invades, so there are many places that are not in place for some geographical detection.

That's why this time, they were caught off guard and couldn't reflect at all. The saint emperors of the three origins were all very satisfied with the command of the "Sacred Emperor of Slaughter Flame". The disciples of Tianchan Lingzhou, the people finally relieved them of their bad breath!

Jin Chanzi, Yang Ling'er, and the Buddhist powerhouses led by Di Shitian saw this scene, and their hearts were bleeding, and Xuanyuan was the same.

The three origins are too cruel, and such a situation has long been expected by them. Everyone is surprisingly silent, because at this time, it seems superfluous to say anything, and they can only concentrate on building secret passages , so that the reinforcements can arrive at the first time and come.

During this period, Xuanyuan had sent an order to let the 'Yuhua Shenchao' lead the elite and prepare to meet them.

Xuanyuan did not set off from the 'Nanyan Xianzhou' because the 'Origin of Huangquan' had already sent soldiers and horses to ambush, and they would inevitably block them, so they could not go deep into the hinterland and disrupt the soldiers and horses of the major origins. To win!

At the same time, the "Origin of Huangquan" and "Tianchan Lingzhou" have a great enmity. After the arrival of the three origins, the "Sage Emperor Shura", "Sage Emperor Rakshasa" and "Sage Emperor Yanluo" also led a large number of soldiers and horses , into the 'Tianchan Lingzhou.

During this period, Xuanyuan ordered again and again, the 'Zulong Shengdi' led 100 million elite dragon demon halls, the Nuwa guardians carefully selected 100 million war nuwas, and the 'Sky Demon Virgin' also selected one The elite of the Hundred Million Heavenly Demon Palace gathered in the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land'.

And in the "Qinglong Holy Land", the Confucian generals led by Kong Yuan, Wang Nidao, Xiaoman Wang, Sun Duanfeng, Shangguan Feiyan, Wu Mingtian, Yin Feng, Ya, and Xiangliu Li led ten million elites. , Gathered up, Lao Nie killed the saint, the 'Lord of Order', 'Sage Emperor of Eternal Life' and 'Eternal Saint Emperor' were in charge.

Everyone can see through a 'Mirror of Primordial Origin' that the 'Tianchan Lingzhou' is facing a brutal massacre at this moment.

The "Origin of Decay" has caused hundreds of millions of miles of land to be heavily polluted and turned into a dead place, where ordinary people cannot survive at all.

Wherever the "Origin of Blood" passed, all the bones of the living beings would be wiped out, and everything would be refined and taken as their own.

The 'Origin of All Evil' is even more cruel, cutting people into pieces, and the method of killing is outrageous!

"They are so cruel..." The soldiers and horses from all walks of life were already furious. 'Tianchan Lingzhou' is the most aloof from the world, and the people of Li are even more friendly with others. People are killing people like this, and the anger in everyone's hearts can be imagined.

"Everyone, once the passage is opened, do you know what to do?" Xuanyuan's face sank like water, and with every word, murderous aura filled the air.

"Of course I know." At this time, Tsing Yi also came, but what she led was the "Six Paths of Reincarnation" in the "Qinglong Holy Land", and now there are many stabbing geniuses here, and it is time to come in handy up.

Everyone is very anxious, and they all hope that the passage will be completed as soon as possible, so that they can unite and defeat powerful enemies.

Finally, after six hours, the channel was completely completed!

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