Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 2043 Fighting against the Second Saint Emperor

Everything derived from the "Mirror of Primordial Origin" is so tragic, and the three origins are so cruel and bloodthirsty that the warriors of the major forces have been furious to the extreme. Facing such a cruel origin, they all want to kill them. Deportation, so that they can never appear in the 'central world'.

Of course, they will not be eroded by anger, but as the saying goes, the underdog must win. At this moment, their hearts are united like never before, their beliefs are the same, and all distracting thoughts are eliminated!

Xuanyuan issued an order, took the lead, and shouted sharply: "Kill! Kill a way out for the people of 'Tianchan Lingzhou', and drive these people away!"

He led the soldiers and horses of the 'Qinglong Holy Land' into the passage, and tens of millions of powerful elites descended from the sky. They appeared in the center of the 'Tianchan Lingzhou', each of them condensed into a powerful battle formation, and tore it apart in all directions. Crack it!

Xuanyuan turned into three cleans with one qi, held the 'Karma Wisdom Sword', 'Feng Tianyin', 'One Qi Dao Sword' and 'Swallow Ten Thousand Transformations Dao Artifact', and hit with all his strength, and saw four rainbow lights converging into a river, hundreds of thousands of miles wide In, swept out.

Today, he is more powerful than many reincarnations of the holy emperors. I saw that where the rainbow light gathered by the four attacks swept across, everything was dust, scattered between heaven and earth, swallowed by Xuanyuan, and merged into the "swallowed myriad" Transformer 'among them.

The "Six Guards of the Sun Family" led by Sun Duanfeng immediately gave blessings, causing their marching speed to skyrocket, and their bodies were surrounded by a mysterious force, which was faintly visible, like ghosts and gods, making people unpredictable.

The 'Champion Guard' led by Wang Nidao is also weird, submerged in the void, with a sharp sword in his hand, and every time he appears, he must harvest millions of lives, but in less than a split second, the 'Champion Guard' disappears again In everyone's field of vision, it was like a god of death walking in the dark, harvesting the lives of the enemy. In the blink of an eye, there were millions of corpses with their heads in different places.

The "Barbarian God and Witch Guard" led by the little barbarian king is extremely domineering, communicating with the "Origin of Hongmeng", I saw a looming one with a thousand hands, holding various weapons, and countless witch clan runes tattooed on its body , the patterned gods descended from the sky and manifested behind them, making their combat power double, punch and kick, each blow was extremely violent, smashing the enemy to pieces!

The three major origins and major forces were originally very relaxed. They did not form an effective large formation at all when they launched a massacre against the 'Tianchan Lingzhou'. They scattered to every direction of the 'Tianchan Lingzhou', killing to their heart's content , capturing alive Buddhist disciples and common people who have no resistance.

Xuanyuan suddenly led such an elite team, which caught them off guard for a while.

Tens of thousands of Confucian generals led by three thousand great Confucianists formed the "Hao Ran Arrow Array". Every time an arrow is shot, it can tear apart tens of millions of soldiers and horses, making the three-way army fearful and dare not resist.

"Xuanyuan boy, don't be insane!" The Holy Emperor of 'The Origin of All Evil' happened to be nearby, and the 'Jin Ge Holy Emperor' rushed over immediately.

He knew Xuanyuan's strength. He was hunted down by the 'Sage Emperor of the Bone' that day, and he had no power to resist. In the end, he injured the 'Sage Emperor of the Bone' with the help of the 'Origin of Primordial Origin'. He had wanted to kill him a long time ago. Xuanyuan is gone, this time he doesn't even have the chance to use the 'Origin of Primordial Mengmeng'.

'Golden Sacred Emperor', his body turned into a beam of light, his attacking speed was extremely fast, his gestures showed the sharpness of the world, his killing power was astonishing, before he arrived, the space in all directions had been cut into pieces by him, Wrapped by the "Jin Ge Shen Ze", the space is locked, making it impossible for people to escape!

Xuanyuan did not retreat but advanced, which made the 'Golden Emperor' a little surprised, and saw four Xuanyuan shot together, and the 'Fengtian Seal' evolved into a size of a million miles, and fell towards the 'Golden Holy Emperor'. Holding a long spear in his hand, with great strength, he picked up the 'Feng Tian Yin' and flew it flying, smashing a piece of space into collapse.

With a shot of the spear, he took advantage of the opportunity to stab Xuanyuan who was holding the 'Wisdom Sword of Karma', only to see that Xuanyuan evolved into the myriad ways of heaven and earth, which made him stab in the air. The "Jin Ge Shen Ze" in his spear was torn apart in all directions, like a thunderstorm, like a branch splitting into thousands of branches, Xuanyuan, who had escaped into the world, couldn't dodge, was hit, a mouthful of blood It overflowed, revealing its original shape. After all, it was just a dao body, not as powerful as the deity.

At this moment, another Xuanyuan, holding the 'Yiqi Dao Sword', whose speed is unpredictable, surpassing the speed of time, struck the back of the 'Golden Emperor' with a sword. This Xuanyuan has been hidden in it, and there is no one It was found that the blatant attack of the first two statues was to attract the attention of the 'Golden Emperor'.

With one Qi transforming the three Qings, the four Xuanyuans attack together, even if the "Jin Ge Saint Emperor" is brave and good at fighting, it is still difficult to resist. You must know that Xuanyuan now has the combat power of an ordinary Saint Emperor, which cannot be underestimated.

Puff, 'Yi Qi Dao Sword' was about to pierce the heart of 'Jin Ge Sheng Di', he leaned his body and only stabbed the shoulder, 'Yi Qi Shen Ze' burst out from the sword body, tearing apart There was a gap in the shoulder of his 'Golden Ge Saint Emperor', and Xuanyuan swallowed a small part of the 'Golden Ge Saint Emperor''s body into the 'Wanhua Furnace' for refining, from which he could extract the 'Golden Ge Holy Emperor' Holy Emperor's supernatural powers, thus restraining.

Finally, Xuanyuan himself descended, with speed and strength far exceeding those of the three Dao bodies just now, and the 'Swallowing Myriad Transformation Dao Artifact' was integrated with his body.

"Wan Hua Shen Fist!" As Xuanyuan Fist waved its arms, it seemed that the entire world was darkened, covered in dense black holes in all directions, and many elites of the "Origin of All Evil" were all swallowed up in it, strangled to pieces, Turn it into a steady stream of power and use it for Xuanyuan!

The 'Golden Emperor' reacted very quickly, returned his carbine and assassinated Xiang Xuanyuan.

Guns and fists collided, and golden arms roared!

Xuanyuan collided with the supreme magic weapon of the 'Golden Emperor' with his pure body, but he didn't suffer the slightest damage!

I saw that the golden spear was bent by Xuanyuan's punch, and six ancient characters came out from his body under suppression.

"Eternal God Court!"

These six ancient characters are extremely mysterious, and now Xuanyuan has been derived again, and its power is unimaginable for ordinary people.

I saw that the golden spear was punched by the six ancient characters, the body of the gun trembled, and it was bent to the extreme by a punch, and it was about to be broken by Xuanyuan's punch.

The 'Sage Emperor of Golden Ge' didn't put up any resistance, and loosened his grip on the gun. The tail of the gun was like a poisonous dragon swaying its tail, and it shot towards Xuanyuan. With the power of Xuanyuan's punch, it hit him twice!

Xuanyuan punched out with his left hand again.

There are no complicated moves, only the boxing and will to protect the common people and the avenue of heaven and earth!

Without a trace of breath, simple and unpretentious, the avenue is simple.

With this punch, Xuanyuan hit the butt of the gun, and there was a loud bang, and terrifying fluctuations surged in all directions.

On the end of the spear, there was a rupture, and Xuanyuan only had a little blood from his fist, and it was repaired in an instant.

"How can you be so powerful, how long has passed!" The 'Golden Emperor' was shocked when faced with such a powerful Xuanyuan.

Among other things, Xuanyuan refined the "Bone God Rule" of the "Bone God Emperor" that day, and evolved into the "Bone God Rule", which strengthened his physical body to an unprecedented level, let alone refine it later "Sage Emperor Lingxiao" and "Sage Emperor Wuhun" have made him a huge leap in all aspects, which is beyond comparison to what they saw that day.

It is extremely difficult to promote the "Body of Ten Thousand Transformations" in the early stage. Once it is mature in the later stage, it grows up so fast and changes with each passing day. , the road is extremely difficult, Xuanyuan is the only one, unprecedented, at least he has reached his level, and is known to the world, unique, of course there are also some great people, wandering in the outer starry sky, and even reaching other worlds It is not impossible to fight for world hegemony!

Xuanyuan didn't talk nonsense with the 'Golden Emperor', his speed surpassed time, and he seemed to be able to smash the sky and the earth with a punch, and attacked the 'Golden Emperor'.

The 'Golden Emperor' remained motionless, his way of fighting evolved, allowing Xuanyuan to attack him, as if he had given up resistance, suddenly the spear was like a provocative dragon, piercing directly between Xuanyuan's eyebrows, this spear was almost at its peak , was about to pierce through Xuanyuan's eyebrows, but at the moment of touching, Xuanyuan turned into light spots and spread out from all directions, making the spear go in the air, before he could even pursue him!

Before the next moment, Xuanyuan punched the back of the 'Sage Emperor Jin Ge', and the incomparably domineering 'Swallowing God Rule' penetrated into his body, piercing the body of the 'Sage Emperor Jin Ge' with one punch!

The other three Dao bodies appeared at the same time, and they were about to dismember the 'Golden Holy Emperor'. However, at this moment, from behind Xuanyuan, there was a big mountain, with the power only available on the plane of 'Great Origin', heading towards Seeing himself hit on the head, it was obviously another holy emperor reincarnated to attack him.

He twitched his fist from the body of the 'Sage Emperor Jin Ge', and punched him straight up, as if he wanted to blow this piece of sky to pieces!

The 'Wanhuashen Fist' collided with the falling mountain, and the mountain cracked from bottom to top and shattered in all directions. Only the 'Sage Emperor of Mount Tai' appeared from it and looked at Xuanyuan in shock.

"It's unbelievable that a mortal has cultivated to this level. Is the 'Body of Myriad Transformations' really so powerful?"

At the same time, with a flick of the spear in the hands of the 'Golden Emperor', Xuanyuan's two Taoist bodies were thrown away, and he hurriedly retreated far away. He was conceived from a piece of holy iron, and he was not a body of flesh and blood in the first place.

He looked at his pierced body and was swallowed by Xuanyuan. Once the battle continued like this, he would definitely be sealed!

Xuanyuan is like the overlord of heaven and earth, standing in the sky, looking down on the two great emperors, his figure is reflected in the pupils of countless people!

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