Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 2044 Capture and Kill the Sky Demon

The saint emperors of the three origins never thought that Xuanyuan, a mortal, could reach the level he is today. Xuanyuan's growth far exceeded their imagination.

"Taishan, this kid's combat power is really terrifying. I can feel that he has swallowed up many powerful beings in his divine rules. Could it be that many holy emperor figures have fallen into his hands before, otherwise? , how could he have such a tyrannical combat power!" The face of the 'Golden Emperor' is extremely ugly, and it's okay to be crushed by the existence of the 'Chaos Saint Emperor' who is famous in all major origins. , because the "Chaos Saint Emperor" is really terrifying, but now he is beaten to such a degree by a brat like Xuanyuan, he feels really uncomfortable!

"He gathers the reincarnated characters of the great emperors, and maybe they share resources among them. As a body of all transformations, he melts all the supernatural powers and gods and merges them into his own gods. This is not impossible. Now For the time being, no holy emperor has fallen, except for the white bones, I even feel that Xuanyuan has some reservations about dealing with us!" The 'Taishan Holy Emperor' frowned, and the two of them must be careful when dealing with Xuanyuan together, not daring to have the slightest negligence.

"Do you mean that he still has the strength to defend against other people's attacks?"

I saw the mutilated body of the 'Golden Emperor', which was quickly repairing, and his face was extremely gloomy. For some reason, he suddenly felt that Xuanyuan was more terrifying than the 'Chaos Holy Emperor' back then. The 'Golden Emperor' miscalculated Xuanyuan's combat power at the beginning, which had a lot to do with it. With a single thought, Xuanyuan's attack was like a violent storm, which continued continuously, making him unable to react for a while, and it was difficult to resist!

"That's right, although the Saint Hunter organization didn't appear, it doesn't mean they don't exist. Xuanyuan can pay attention to the Saint Hunter while dealing with us, which means that he still has power, so be careful!" He was very cautious. In fact, he and the 'Golden Emperor' also kept a hand, otherwise, if the hunting saint took action against them, this would be the end of death!

"It's fine if you want to rule the 'Central World', but what does it have to do with ordinary people? You are so cruel, killing innocent people, what you sow reaps the cause, and what you sow reaps the fruit, confer the head!" Xuanyuan's body turned into nothingness, punching The bombardment came out, and the sky and the earth swayed. This punch contained the hope in the hearts of countless living beings, and it was the will of all living beings in the "Central World".

"Joke, just because you want to stop my major origins, it's just a dream, do you really regard yourself as an invincible existence?" Unwilling, the 'Golden Emperor' shook the battle gun in his hand, and the gun probed like a dragon , fierce and fierce.

On one side, the 'Sacred Emperor of Mount Tai' moved his hands and feet, shaking the world, and the shadow of Mount Tai appeared behind him, with great power.

Xuanyuan looked down upon the two great emperors. On him, the black hole swallowed, and the majestic "Swallowing God" was restrained and melted into his body in an instant.

Fists and guns collided, Xuanyuan was one against two, every time they collided, invisible ripples shot out from the center of them, tearing apart the space, the void flowed violently, and everything was a mess!

There is no joy or sorrow in Xuanyuan's heart, there is no emotion at all, only the common people in the world in his heart, his thoughts are concentrated, wherever he punches, he beats the two holy emperors of "Origin of All Evil", and they retreat steadily. , raised to the extreme.

"Okay, you see, the two great emperors of the 'Origin of All Evil' have been beaten so badly by our Holy Lord Xuanyuan, we can't lose to Holy Lord Xuanyuan!"

Wu Mingtian held a battle ax and laughed loudly, very arrogantly. He led the elite of the War Demon Sect to evolve into a "War Demon God's Axe Formation". As soon as he struck out, millions of enemies were chopped off at the waist, and their blood spilled into the sky.

Many Buddhist disciples who were captured alive, the people were relieved, and the pressure on the people in the three holy places of 'Da Leiyin Temple', 'Ji Le Buddha Temple' and 'Sumi Buddha Kingdom' was greatly reduced. They are looking for survivors and taking them in. Now this is their top priority!

The three holy emperors of Buddhism also made their move almost at the same time. A total of 50 million elite disciples of the "Tianchan Lingzhou" recited the "Sutra of Rebirth" together. Hell, the idea of ​​who goes to hell, wherever it affects, the soldiers and horses of the three origins are all converted and reborn between heaven and earth.

With such a strong counterattack, for a while, the three origin powerhouses scattered all over the place to slaughter and capture the people of "Tianchan Lingzhou" were completely unable to resist.

Soldiers and horses from the three major powers of "Tian Yao Lingzhou", "Heavenly Dao Lingzhou" and "Yuhua Shenchao" descended one after another, entered the "Tianchan Lingzhou", entered the fierce tiger down the mountain, and the dragon went out to the sea, blooming in all directions, with the great saints Headed by the emperor, the entire 'Tianchan Lingzhou' was completely covered in blood!

The 'Chaos Saint Emperor', a lotus in the eternal chaos, shattered the nine heavens of the Dao. Wherever it passed, the three origin saint emperors all avoided, and no one chose to fight the 'Chaos Saint Emperor' head-on. Few people are his opponents!

"Evacuate the 'Tianchan Lingzhou' first, and shrink the front line!" The 'Sacred Emperor' did not expect that the opponent could arrive in such a short time, and from the very beginning, he let the 'Yellow Spring Origin' deploy Soldiers and horses tried to stop them, but the enemy almost fell from the sky, which made the defense of "Origin of Huangquan" meaningless. Otherwise, just wait for them to kill all the disciples and people of "Tianchan Lingzhou" and then use the "Origin of Curse" three The Sacrifice by the Great Sage Emperor will definitely cause great damage to 'Origin of Primordial Origin'!

This time, when attacking the 'Tianchan Lingzhou', the 'Sacred Emperor of Slaughtering Flames' had long had the foresight, and the main force was to use soldiers and horses with fast marching speeds.

At his command, the reincarnations of the holy emperors of all origins led their soldiers and horses to evacuate from the 'Tianchan Lingzhou'!

However, the major forces of "Hongmeng Origin" are chasing and killing them with all their strength, but the enemies are too scattered, and they march very fast. They can use the secret techniques of the major origins to bless each other, and they can escape in an instant, making some people in "Hongmeng Origin" It can't even catch up, it can only be far behind, only the "Yuhua Shengwei" and "Chaos Shengwei" led by the "Yuhua Shengdi" and Xuanyuan's "Qinglong Holy Land" elite, with the blessing of the Sun family's six guards, so they can kill all directions , Chase the enemy!

In the darkness, several voices sounded, they have been watching this battle for a long time!

"It seems that 'Hongmeng Origin' still has the upper hand. They have established various secret passages, and they can come to a certain big force at any time to guard them. They are not very familiar yet, and they fight on their own, they are not as proficient in tactics as 'Great Origin', with such a strong command and well-organized attack, it seems that we still need our help..."

"Let's do it, we must first help the three origins, otherwise, when they are really expelled by the 'Hongmeng origin', it should be our turn, and now Xuanyuan has been paying attention to us Trend, have you noticed? His two guards, 'Xuanwu Sacred Guard' and 'Zhanhuang Sacred Guard' have never moved, they are always guarding us!"

"Hehe, how does a brat know how powerful we are? As everyone knows, we are the ones who control the balance of the entire 'Central World', let's do it!"

Suddenly, from the void, the reincarnations of the saint emperors among the hunters rushed out one after another, so silently that no one noticed.

Their target is none other than the 'Sky Demon Virgin'!

At this moment, Xuanyuan, the 'Chaos Saint Emperor', 'Eternal Saint Emperor', 'Longevity Saint Emperor' and the others felt their hearts skip a beat, they felt something, and wanted to help, but it was too late!

Fast, fast, fast, everything is too fast to reflect!

The hunting saint had planned it long ago and ambushed it, making it impossible for people to find out. When they turned their heads, they saw the 'Sky Demon Virgin' being pierced through the body by three sharp swords, making a miserable howl, and the blood stained the white clothes. Among the three sharp swords, powerful seals emerged, and together with the three iron locks engraved with mysterious ancient runes, they tied up the body of the 'Sky Demon Virgin' and took her away immediately.

At the same time, the three great saint emperors reincarnated and killed the 'Saint Emperor Ancestral Dragon'. The ambition of hunting saints is not small, and they want to get rid of the two great saint emperors of 'Origin of the Primordial Origin' at once!


'Ancestral Dragon Sacred Emperor' had a feeling in his heart. With a roar, his body suddenly expanded to a size of a million miles. The huge dragon tail swung, and he struck out fiercely, almost using all his strength. He knew that if he didn't fight back, he would be killed. In desperation, a holy emperor who was about to assassinate him was sent flying by a tail swing. The reincarnation of that holy emperor was none other than the 'immortal holy emperor' who had fought against Xuanyuan that day.

The other two sharp swords pierced his body, and the seal rune spread rapidly, trying to shackle his body, but without the sword of the 'Undead Saint Emperor', the three swords could not be sealed together, which suddenly made the 'seal The power of the holy sword array has been greatly reduced, so it cannot completely restrain the actions of the "ancestral dragon saint emperor".

It roared crazily, its huge body twisted, and it kept breaking free from the shackles, gradually getting rid of it!

At this time, Xuanyuan, the 'Holy Emperor of Chaos' had already arrived, and the other two hunting saint emperors could not do anything, and immediately disappeared into the void, not daring to stay in the slightest, even they did not dare to stand up to Xuanyuan and With the cooperation of the 'Chaos Saint Emperor', the 'Immortal Saint Emperor' wiped the blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth, gave Xuanyuan a venomous look, and left as well.

After all, there are only nine reincarnations of the holy emperors in the hunting saint organization. The "Sacred Mother of the Heavenly Demon" naturally does not have much chance to break free when facing the siege of the six reincarnations of the holy emperors, but the three are different, and the "ancestral dragon saint emperor" 'There is also the blessing of the battle formation, it is difficult to subdue in an instant!

Xuanyuan's face was ugly, his face sank like water, the loss of a holy emperor was too heavy, and he immediately gave an order: "Don't chase after the poor, gather the army!"

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