Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 2047 Nameless Sky

But all the existences who have reached the realm of the Holy Emperor have incredible insight, they can see clearly, and every detail can arouse suspicion.

Xuanyuan is the "body of all transformations", and he has controlled the "soulless emperor" in a unique way so that he will not be discovered by others.

Even so, he can't do whatever he wants. The 'Sacred Emperor of Killing Flame' convenes many holy emperors to discuss tactics. If he is discovered in advance, then he will suspect that there will be spies among the many holy emperors. This made the 'Sacred Emperor of Killing Flame' more cautious and suspicious. When he tries to get rid of the cocoon again, he will inevitably doubt himself and ruin his future plans. Therefore, he must be extremely cautious in every step, otherwise, The loss outweighs the gain.

You know, among the four origins, there are many prisoners of war, including the previous battle in the "Tianchan Lingzhou", they also captured many Buddhist disciples and ordinary people, and they were all held in one place. You can guess that they want to gather more lives, and then sacrifice together to launch a fatal attack on a holy place, so their identities are very important!

This time, the four origins, with the "Origin of Huangquan" as the vanguard, will take some time to attack the "Xiji Xianzhou" and gather troops. After the order is given, Xuanyuan doesn't want to wait, and Xia Ziyu will select the elite to replace them. He follows up.

Now there are still the last six floors left in the 'Swallowing Treasure House', and he came to the thirty-first heaven of the 'Swallowing Treasure House' alone.

nameless days.

Xuanyuan guessed in his heart, and didn't know what treasure was hidden in it. After thinking for a while, he stepped into it.

Here, there is a vast expanse of wilderness, and there are bronze fairy palaces standing in it, which are extremely majestic.

The whole body of the Bronze Immortal Palace is poured with a kind of ancient immortal copper, exuding a long and vicissitudes of life.

There are nine Bronze Immortal Palaces, each of which is one million feet high, towering into the clouds, covering an area of ​​one million miles, and exuding a kind of vicissitudes and majesty that dominates the ancient times.

Xuanyuan was divided into nine parts, as quickly as a passing light, and walked to the nine fairy halls respectively, pushed open the door of the hall with one palm, and entered them.

In each Bronze Immortal Hall, the dome is like a cosmic starry sky, extremely vast, with thousands of stars falling down, covering the ground of the Bronze Immortal Hall with a layer of cold breath.

I saw that the main hall of each fairy temple is the center, and there is an ancient bronze coffin, where countless starlight focal lengths lie there quietly. The tranquility here makes people feel suffocated. Stretching his body, he involuntarily wanted to rush out, causing Xuanyuan to sense the inside of the ancient coffin, and have a kind of original resonance with his own body!

"This kind of feeling..." He took a deep breath, and the ripples in his heart were turbulent. The moment the nine Xuanyuans opened the ancient coffin, they saw the person lying quietly in the ancient coffin, and their hearts were shocked: "' The body of myriad transformations'!"

These are the owners of the "Body of Myriad Transformations" from generation to generation. Their physical bodies have been preserved without their own names. They are obviously collected by the "Sage Emperor of Myriad Transformations". Every body here, they His physical strength is comparable to the existence of the Saint Emperor Realm.

Each 'Physical Body of Myriad Transformations' exudes a domineering and extraordinary aura of majesty, which makes Xuanyuan's blood boil and resonates with it.

"Hahahahaha, that's great, that's great! Unexpectedly, there are nine corpses of the 'Body of Ten Thousand Transformations'. Let me refine them all into the 'Swallowing Myriad Transformation Dao Tool', which can make me The strength has skyrocketed, the impact artifact is more stable, and it can also evolve into a body to fight side by side with you! Ninety-nine transformations, this body is stronger than you but not weaker!" The greedy old man was extremely excited. It is a great chance. You must know that the "Physical Body of Wanhua" has been extremely rare since ancient times. Either young people die young or fall in middle age. This kind of physique is a late bloomer. To fall.

But he didn't expect that so many "Physical Transformations" were collected here, a total of nine statues, and each of them was at least in the realm of the Heavenly Emperor and Great Sage, extremely powerful!

Xuanyuan knew how great the value of these nine "Physical Transformations" were. Although he was excited, he still didn't dare to show disrespect. This is an extraordinary time, and the younger generation would like to use your corpses to save sentient beings from fire and water, I hope you can agree."

Every "body of myriad transformations" has gone through many wars, even if they are dead, but the corpses have already conceived their own spirituality, but they can't force it, otherwise, the effect will be counterproductive. The moment these corpses were moved, the aura contained in the nine 'Body of Ten Thousand Transformations' swept across the Bronze Immortal Palace, extremely domineering.

I saw the nine 'Body of Myriad Transformations' standing up from the ancient bronze coffin, and crashing into Xuanyuan's body.

Nine statues of Xuanyuan exited the ancient bronze coffin and merged into one. The 'swallowing myriad of Taoist artifacts' evolved into a 'Wanhua Furnace', and condensed the corpses of the nine 'Wanhua Body' to remove impurities in advance and condense them. A very perfect body.

A day later, a man emerged from the 'Swallowing Myriad Transformation Dao Artifact'. It was none other than a greedy old man. The lines of his body revealed a kind of domineering beauty, and the aura that flowed out was even more captivating.

He has a handsome face and full of heroic spirit, and his every move has the power to tear the sky and the earth.

"Okay, I didn't expect that I could get such a body..."

For the greedy old man, the 'Swallowing Myriad Transformation Artifact' was originally his only carrier, but now that he has such a 'Myriad Transformation Body', even if the 'Swallowing Myriad Transformation Dao Artifact' is destroyed, he can still survive down.

"Hey, boy, from now on, you have to manipulate the 'Swallowing Myriad Transformation Artifact' by yourself, and I will be by my side to help you kill the enemy!" With the blood of Zhicha, Jade Emperor, Ling Xiao, Bai Gu, and Wuhun, the five great emperors, he is now comparable to Xuanyuan.

"Okay! Since then, my 'Origin of the Primordial Mist' has gained another strong man of the Saint Emperor realm!" Xuanyuan's mind moved, and a treasure of heaven and earth was hidden in the center of the nine bronze fairy palaces, and he drew it out , the texture is warm and moist, exuding a radiant light, and exhaling the vast power of mending the sky.

"The sky-butting jade, such a large piece, should not be a remnant of the time when Nuwa mended the sky in the ancient times, but was found in the ancient times and buried until now."

Xuanyuan was overjoyed, even though he was closely connected with the 'Origin of Primordial Mengmeng', it's not that he didn't try to find other things to mend the sky, but he couldn't find them. It's best to have them in the 'Treasure of Devouring'.

The huge butian jade was introduced by Xuanyuan into him and condensed, making his skin moist and delicate, with a layer of shining fairy light flowing.

The sky-buttering jade turned into water and filled every corner of his body, making every inch of his flesh and blood contain the power of mending the sky, and his essence has once again taken a leap forward. Now even if he confronts the "Chaos Saint Emperor" face-to-face, he will not have the slightest chance The question is, Xuanyuan is very confident that if he can find the sky-replenishing stone, the source of the sky-replenishing god, and the earth-replenishing breath, then his physical body will reach an unprecedented peak!

"Hey, I've gained a lot this time." The greedy old man stood beside him, wearing a black robe and smiling.

"Since I'm going to control it, then you also need a weapon. I'll give you one. I hope you can use it well!" , A sharp blade broke through the ground, the whole body seemed to be made of bronze, two feet long, with a little mottled on it, but it contained the power to tear and cut the avenue of heaven and earth.

"Blade Broken Dao!" The greedy old man was taken aback. Now his knowledge is naturally extremely extraordinary. After all, he also refined so many memories of the Holy Emperor together. He still knows about this thing.

This is a supreme Taoist tool brought down from the "Origin of the Primordial Origin" in the ancient times. It is an existence that can impact the divine weapon at any time. People brought back the "Origin of Hongmeng", but they never thought about it but were buried in the depths of this unknown sky.

"That's right, greedy old man, I've given you a mission. You don't have to be by my side to help me kill the enemy. You have also smelted everything about the 'Sage Emperor' and the memory of the nine 'Body of Ten Thousand Transformations'. Supernatural powers, the means of surveillance are not inferior to me, you can observe the existence of the hunter hidden in the dark all the time, if they appear, you can notify us, and you can fight back at any time!" Xuanyuan carefully explained.

"Haha, of course there is no problem!" The greedy old man felt his powerful physical body, he had been looking forward to this day for a long time, but he is a 'swallowing myriad transformation Taoist weapon', not every physical body is suitable for him.

"Let's go!" Xuanyuan said in a deep voice.

"Let's take a look at the Thirty-Second Heavenly Layer, maybe there will be a sky-replenishing stone, which can further improve your physical body!" The greedy old man laughed.

"It's too late. The four origins are really expensive and fast. They have already rectified the elite soldiers and horses, and started to march in two ways. We have to make preparations in advance." Xuanyuan received the message of "Dao Soul Xuanyuan" at the first time information coming.

Immediately, the two of them left the 'Swallowing Treasure House'. In the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land', there were already hundreds of millions of elites ready to go.

This time, the soldiers and horses of the 'Qinglong Holy Land' were led by Sun Duanfeng, Wang Nidao, Wu Mingtian, Xiaoman Wang, Shangguan Feiyan, Zhuge Tianxing, Sima Yi, Ya, Yin Feng, and Guan Zizai. A total of 100 million soldiers and horses, because Xuanyuan and Xia Ziyu solemnly emphasized the importance of defending the 'Yuhua Shenchao'.

In addition, there are 'Xuanwu Saint Guards', 'Zhanhuang Saint Guards', 'Qian Kun Saint Guards' and 'Six Paths of Reincarnation' each with 100,000 elites!

In addition, "Tianchan Lingzhou" also dispatched almost all the elites, a total of 50 million, and the three great Buddhist emperors will dispatch, and "Heavenly Dao Lingzhou" also has 100 million elites, led by Jiang Wushen and Tongtian Emperor , Yuan'er also joined in!

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