Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 2048 The means of lore

A large number of elites are ready to go out in the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land'.

Xuanyuan sent a message in his heart: "Senior Yuhua, Senior Chaos, you hold on for a while, if it is difficult to fight, we will rush there as soon as possible, in order to prevent them from being suspicious, we can only do this."

"Okay!" Xuanyuan got their response immediately.

'Sage Emperor Wuhun', 'Sage Emperor Wuxie' and 'Sage Emperor Wuxie' led an army of three billion, and the sound of killing shook the sky, and they rushed towards the direction of 'Sky Demon Lingzhou'.

If it wasn't for Nuwa's guardians, Zulong Sage Emperor and Eternal Sage Emperor, they would have been deceived if they were just bluffing. Now they can only stick to the 'Sky Demon Lingzhou'.

The entire 'Sky Demon Lingzhou' was on strict alert, confronting an army of three billion in the distance, covered in clouds and mist, it was impossible to see how many soldiers and horses the opponent had, only that they were incomparably numerous.

At the same time, in another direction, each of the saint emperors of the major origins led 30 million elites to kill the "Yuhua Shenchao"!

Four origins, a total of eighteen holy emperors, led by 540,000,000 soldiers and horses, each formed an array, faintly connected, and with lightning speed, they reached the first stage of the "Yuhua Shenchao".

Shenyu Pass.

And the "Emperor Emperor" and "Chaos Saint Emperor" have already made preparations. Ruo Da's "Xiji Immortal State", the prohibition circles and powers that have been laid down for many years all explode in an instant!

Huamang flew, radiant, sweeping the vast expanse, "Origin of the Yellow Spring", the three great emperors, led 90 million soldiers and horses, struck a blow, the light of the Yellow Spring surged, evolved into a stormy wave, pierced the sky and pierced the clouds, making the entire film The sky and the earth were darkened, like hell descending.

Hundreds of millions of ghosts, with ferocious and distorted faces, thousands of yellow springs hanging down, with a strong dead air, once they are contaminated, they will undoubtedly die, they gather together, rush out, hit the prohibition of Shenyu Pass, and the restriction barrier trembled for a while , set off a series of fluctuations, two completely different avenues collided and shattered each other, the resulting fluctuations swept towards the nine heavens and ten places, and all the mountains with a radius of tens of thousands of miles that were not protected by the prohibition were all swept into fly ash.

Many soldiers guarding the Shenyu Pass vomited blood, their bodies ruptured, and many died. Although they did not directly attack them, the blow from the three holy emperors of the "Origin of the Underworld" combined with 90 million elites was not unusual. It is the power of this wave that is unbearable for ordinary people!

The face of the 'Chaos Saint Emperor' is also unprecedentedly dignified. Although he knows that this is not the ultimate strength of the four origins, it is because of this that it is even more terrifying. He thinks that even if he exists, he cannot resist these ten powers. The eight holy emperors led their respective elites to attack.

Even so, they still have to resist with all their strength, only to see that a sea of ​​chaos has evolved on top of the restriction of Shenyu Pass, making the restriction of Shenyu Pass thicker, and its power has skyrocketed ten times compared to before .

This is the method deployed by the "Chaos Saint Emperor". According to legend, the "Chaos Saint Emperor" is the inheritance of the ray of Chaos Qi from the beginning of the world. There are countless methods that can strengthen the restriction.

The world was just opened, and there was chaos. Yin and Yang came from chaos, and all things were derived from yin and yang. It can be seen how powerful the inheritance obtained by the "Chaos Saint Emperor" is. Fighting is not blind, but he really has the capital.

"Look at us, no matter how powerful the restriction is, we can still corrode it!" The six great emperors of the "Origin of Decay" led nearly 180 million soldiers and horses, forming an array to attack.

I saw the overwhelming rotten Dao rain falling from the sky, and the power of every drop of rotten Dao rain falling has the power of a powerful blow from the ancient emperor, ancient sage, and fourth heaven. However, it did not stir up any waves.

There are many ways in the world, many of which are derived from chaotic qi, so this rotten rain cannot cause great damage to the sea of ​​​​chaotic qi, and coupled with the powerful prohibition of the 'Yuhua Shenchao', needless to say, but the Hardship, only the 'Chaos Saint Emperor' knows that even if the 'Chaos Sea of ​​Qi' restrains the decadent Daoyu, such an intensive attack cannot be completely resisted by his means alone. In the process, the broken space is torn apart, and these "rotten Dao rain" are led to a void, but they can't see it!

The Six Great Sage Emperors of the decadent origin frowned. The "Sage Emperor of Chaos" is indeed a difficult character. To be honest, not everyone wants to be his enemy.

In his peak period, he once fought against the existence of three holy emperors with the strength of one person. It was at the time of "Origin of the Primordial Origin". I dare not fight anymore, because at that time there were already a lot of unruly saint emperors hiding in the dark, wanting to take advantage of it. If they continue to fight, the result is likely to be a loss for both sides, but the "chaos saint emperor" did not Retreat, the more they fought, the more courageous they became. They all took care of themselves, so they retreated one after another, leaving nothing to be desired.

This is something that many people know, so even if it is an existence like the 'Sacred Emperor of Slaughtering Flame', he is only good at leading troops to fight. Although his personal force is extremely powerful, it is still inferior to the 'Sacred Emperor of Chaos'.

"Haha, look at us, I don't believe that the method of the 'Chaos Saint Emperor' can withstand us!" The five great emperors of the 'Origin of Blood' laughed wildly, and at almost the same time, they chanted the blood curse, From their bodies, and from the bodies of the 150,000,000 elites they lead, a drop of blood essence is isolated, which is extremely pure and is the condensation of their spirits and spirits.

Their blood can be used to nourish others, and it can also be used to kill powerful enemies. This is the unique attack method of 'Blood Origin'. The blood drops all over the sky are dense like rain, and they are faintly combined into a method. In the formation, the blood light converged into a long river, and faintly, it manifested into the appearance of a fierce dragon, which was jointly presided over by the reincarnation of the five great emperors.

Accompanied by the blood curse they were chanting, in the dark, the power of the "origin of blood" was summoned, a portal opened, and mysterious power descended from the sky, and tens of thousands of bloody warriors could be seen, blending into the bloody In the long river, with their thoughts.

A blood-colored river with a length of tens of thousands of miles, like an angry dragon, attacked Shenyu Pass.

The power is so terrifying that the 'Emperor Emperor' and 'Chaos Saint Emperor' couldn't help frowning.

The bloody long river impacted on the sea of ​​chaotic air, causing the chaotic air to dissipate, and the restriction of Shenyu Pass was eroded and refined bit by bit, showing signs of rupture.

The soldiers guarding the Shenyu Pass were eroded by the power of the 'Blood Origin' and turned into pools of blood.

Seeing this scene, the face of the "Yuhua Sacred Emperor" was extremely gloomy. He asked the soldiers of the "Yuhua Shenchao" to take ordinary people to the "Qinglong Holy Land" early in the morning. This time, they planned to fight to the death.

Shenyuguan was about to lose its hold, and he didn't want to have any reservations, to fight to the death!

"The 'Sacred Cannon of Feathering' is fired!" The 'Sage Emperor of Feathering' gave an order, and immediately in the huge 'Xiji Immortal State', all the prohibition circles were in operation, and I don't know how many resources were burning.

In the "Emperor Temple" of "Xiji Xianzhou", a white light was aimed at the soldiers and horses of "Origin of Blood"!

At this moment, everyone could feel that the whole world was shaken, and saw a beam of light with a thickness of one hundred thousand miles, piercing through the air, and countless densely packed sacred ways of ascension were hidden in it.

This is the holy way, not the rules of the gods. The 'Yuhua Shenchao' is an existence with a strong background.

The terrific means of fighting to the death is beyond the imagination of ordinary people. At this moment, the five great emperors of the "Origin of Blood" turned pale and retreated one after another!

I saw that the 'Fathering Sacred Cannon' ignored the formation formed by all the soldiers and horses of the origin, and tore it apart instantly. It can be avoided, there is no violent roar, only everything silently dissipates into the heaven and the earth, and the power of these creatures is integrated into the land of "Xiji Xianzhou" independently, and becomes the power to support the operation of the guardian ban. Originally, "Shen Yu Guan' is about to be breached.

This blow directly restores the restriction of Shenyuguan again!

With just one blow, nearly 60 million of the 150 million elites of "Blood Origin" died directly.

In addition, the people of "Origin of All Evil", "Origin of Huangquan" and "Origin of Decay" are unlucky enough to be wiped to the edge and contaminated by the Holy Way of Feathering.

"Hey, it seems that they have no other means, they can only use the last killing move!" The voice of the "Yan Luo Shengdi" became cold, and it was urgent to kill the "Yuhua Shenchao", and he gave an order in his heart.

The entire Western Province is in hell. At this time, he doesn't mind the 'Origin of the Underworld' using the strongest means, because they want to sweep the 'Origin of the Primordial Mist' with thunder.

I saw a prison light soaring into the sky, containing hundreds of millions of ghosts and gods, the hell of the underworld, like the scene of the end of the world, almost without any omen, this prison light with a thickness of hundreds of thousands of miles descended from the sky, bombarding the "Yuhua Shenchao" center.

Numerous prohibitions collapsed, and the destruction of large cities caused the collapse of many important connections. The land with a radius of millions of miles turned into a piece of wasteland. The collapse of many prohibitions broke the supply between them. Shenyu The pass can no longer be resisted, and the attacks of the major origins have broken the pass.

In the center of the 'Yuhua Shenchao', countless ghosts and gods evolved, which was extremely real. The once majestic and imposing fairyland suddenly turned into a purgatory on earth. This blow made the entire 'Yuhua Shenchao' at least Fortunately, most of the hundreds of millions of soldiers and civilians who died have begun to move to the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land', otherwise, the consequences would be even more disastrous!

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