Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 2051 Lord of the Hunting Saints

The entire battlefield was almost focused on the battle between Xuanyuan and the 'Sage Emperor Yan Luo', because they fought the most intensely, it seemed that it was life and death, and there was no hand left. Everyone was looking forward to the war between these two people, Who will win, and how powerful Xuanyuan's combat power is.

Finally, the result came out. Xuanyuan thought carefully, and an incarnation buried in the underworld played a vital role at this time. With his full strength, he hit the "Yan Luo Shengdi" severely, and shackled his actions, making him He was caught off guard and was suppressed and sealed by Xuanyuan's successive methods.

Seeing this scene, the 'Sage Emperor of Chaos' couldn't help sighing, and said with a smile: "This kid, even my limelight was taken away by him, 'Sage Emperor Yan Luo' is not so easy to deal with, but he can take the Its seal suppresses, it seems that everyone is blessed again..."

The expressions of Saint Emperor Shura and Saint Emperor Rakshasa changed drastically. They never imagined that the 'Sage Emperor Yama' would be sealed by Xuanyuan. To this day, they still feel that this kind of thing is too unbelievable. It must be Fake, how could the 'Sage Emperor Yan Luo' be suppressed by Xuanyuan all of a sudden because he was so powerful? What tricks did he hide?

Indeed, if there were no hidden "Tianxiang Shengdi" and "Tiancha Xuanyuan" and "Jade Emperor Xuanyuan" in the "Swallowing Myriad Transformation Dao Artifact", it would be difficult for him to achieve this step.

Beside the three holy emperors of the underworld, there is an incarnation of Xuanyuan hidden. Not only them, but even the reincarnation of other holy emperors from other origins are unaware, because this is the one most trusted by the "Sage Emperor Yan Luo" and most wants to be cultivated into one of his own. The fighters, they have all seen this person, but they didn't realize it at all.

Everyone raised their hairs and looked at the people around them. The 'Body of Myriad Transformations' was pervasive, making it difficult to detect the truth.

If there is Xuanyuan's incarnation hiding around, it will be like a time bomb at any time, causing fatal damage to them.

Many warriors who had been following them all had terrified faces, fearing that they would be suspected of being Xuanyuan's incarnation and die unexpectedly.

"It seems that this battle can no longer be fought. We need to conduct a check on the people around us, otherwise, it will cause fatal losses to us." The face of the 'Tuhai Shengdi' sank, and the other saint emperors The reincarnations all took it seriously, especially the 'Sage Emperor Shura' and the 'Sage Emperor Rakshasa' felt like they were sitting on pins and needles.

For a long time, the saint hunters hidden in a void were shocked to see the scene evolved in the mirror of the saint hunter they condensed.

"Xuanyuan can suppress the existence of seals like the 'Sage Emperor Yan Luo' with just one person, and it is difficult to kill him even when the holy way comes, and he has refined a little bit of it for his own use, using his own' Devouring God is "integrating into the holy way of life and death. It seems that he cannot be kept, otherwise, it will inevitably pose a huge threat to us in the future. The strength of this "body of all transformations" has far exceeded our imagination. .”

"Then let's join forces now and go to the 'Xiji Immortal State' to kill Xuanyuan?"

"No, Xuanyuan has always been hiding his hole cards. There are many tricks that he has not shown. He has always wanted to guard against us. I think he must have laid a net around him waiting for us to take action, so we cannot attack him for the time being."

"Then what should we do? We can't just watch him grow up bit by bit like this. If this happens, sooner or later, we will end up like the 'Sage Emperor Yama'."

"Of course not, so we have to cut off his left and right hands, leaving him alone and helpless. In this 'Heavenly Demon Lingzhou', we killed the 'Ancestral Dragon Sacred Emperor'. This time, nine of us took action to prevent any accidents." .”

"He escaped last time, but this time it's not so easy. The 'Ancestral Dragon Sacred Emperor' is already in our possession. His blood, his body, are unparalleled treasures in the world. !"

"As long as the reincarnations of the holy emperors around Xuanyuan are beheaded one by one, will he be able to defeat the nine of us by himself? And the Lord of Saint Hunting has never appeared. I think he will keep watching all of this. In my eyes, when necessary, the Lord Hunter will definitely take action and assassinate Xuanyuan!"

"The Lord of Saint Hunting, the Saint Emperor who created Saint Hunting, I have only seen him once before, and I have never seen him again since then. I think his combat power should be comparable to that of the 'Wanhua Saint Emperor', 'Chaos Saint Emperor'?"

"We have only seen him once, and we don't know when he will appear. Once he appears, it will be the time for us to hunt and sweep the 'Central World'!"

"Stop talking about this, kill him first, and improve our strength first!"

The nine holy emperors who hunt the saints are not in the battlefield of the "Yuhua Shenchao", but in the "Sky Demon Lingzhou". Let Xuanyuan completely miscalculate.

In the void, nine different Dao Gods burst out of the void. It was only a matter of an instant. The 'Ancestral Dragon Sacred Emperor', Nuwa's guardian and the 'Eternal Sacred Emperor' who are facing each other are not far away. They all noticed it at the first time, but it's easy to be aware of it. It's not easy to react.

The nine sharp swords of Lie Sheng are extremely fast, and the trajectory and aura contained in each sword are extremely Xuanyuan. In an instant, they penetrated the body of the 'Ancestral Dragon Saint Emperor', and then a thousand swords surged out from the sword. Wan Dao Wan Dao runes wrapped him like a rice dumpling and sealed it instantly.

They were like a ray of light, fleeting, and the 'Saint Emperor Ancestral Dragon' was taken away like this.

Nuwa's guardian and the "eternal emperor" were shocked: "It's the hunter again!"

"Their speed is too fast. Although we could detect it in advance, we didn't react at all!"

At this moment, Nuwa's guardian and the 'Eternal Saint Emperor' realized that if the hunters locked them, they might not be any better than the 'Ancestral Dragon Saint Emperor', so Xuanyuan sent them to guard the 'Sky Demon Lingzhou', Just in case, let them think that even if the hunting saint will appear again, they will choose the battlefield of 'Xiji Xianzhou'.

The entire 'Dragon Demon Palace' warriors roared angrily.

Thousands of warriors with the blood of the ancestor dragon turned into their own bodies, and their bodies were extremely huge. They were raging non-stop on the nine heavens. They were crazy. They never thought that the supreme "Ancestor Dragon Sacred Emperor" in their hearts would be killed like this. People captured the seal alive.

After the 'Sky Demon Virgin', the second holy emperor of 'Origin of Primordial Origin' was plotted against again.

Although it was only for a moment, the 'Eternal Saint Emperor' felt that the strength of the reincarnation of the nine holy emperors who hunted the saints had obviously improved. The strength will be raised to an unprecedented height, and the hunting saint will be even more terrifying at that time.

In Xuanyuan's heart, the connection with the 'Saint Emperor Ancestral Dragon' was broken all of a sudden, and he knew something had happened!

"Everyone, I'm afraid that the 'Ancestral Dragon Sacred Emperor' will be captured by the Saint Hunter, so be careful!" It was felt in the hearts of all the reincarnations of the Saint Emperor.

The soldiers and horses of "Origin of the Primordial Mist" fought with all the major forces in full swing, and it became white-hot. The sky was filled with brilliant lights, filling the whole world. It was clear that the night had fallen, but it was illuminated like day.

All kinds of avenues swept across the world, and every time they collided, countless people's blood was spilled in the sky, their bodies were broken, and their souls were scattered.

The elite of the "Yuhua Shenchao" led by the "Yuhua Shengdi" died less than 30 million, but they still used the "God Yuhua Dao Formation".

The soldiers and horses of the four origins originally totaled 540 million, but now less than 200 million have died, which can be said to be a heavy loss. The soldiers and horses led by each holy emperor are less than 10 million, "Sage Emperor Yan Luo 'It also fell into Xuanyuan's hands.

In the center of the 'Yuhua Divine Dynasty', the 'Yuhua Temple' slowed down, and everyone who was reincarnated from the Holy Emperor noticed it.

The sealing of the 'Yan Luo Shengdi' greatly boosted the morale of the entire 'Origin of the Primordial Origin'. This time they have completely destroyed the 'Yuhua Shenchao', and their goal has been achieved.

Immediately, the "Sacred Emperor Killing Flame" gave an order: "The army retreats!"

The great saint emperors gathered into formations and retreated all the way, resisting the attack of the major forces of the 'Origin of the Primordial Origin'.

In fact, Xuanyuan has no intention of fighting anymore. The hunter went to the 'Sky Demon Lingzhou' and captured and killed the 'Ancestral Dragon Saint Emperor'. If he doesn't go back in time, no one knows if there will be a second Saint Emperor sacrificed. , everyone should gather together, and it would be a mistake for the three of them to guard the 'Sky Demon Lingzhou' separately.

The army of the four origins retreated extremely fast, and Xuanyuan did not chase after them. All this was also expected by the "Sacred Emperor of Slaughtering Flames". Obviously, the major forces of "Origin of the Primordial Origin" are also very afraid of the hunter who hides in the dark!

However, the "Emperor Emperor" did not want to let it go. This time, on the land of "Xiji Xianzhou", more than one billion holy spirits were swallowed up, most of which were the blood and soul power of the strong. Adding the power of the 'Emerging Temple' itself, the power of the 'Emerging Holy Cannon', one can imagine how powerful it will be.

Together with the remaining 'Yuhua Shenchao', he sacrificed his blood essence and melted into the ground under his feet.

I saw that the 'Ascension Temple' shook for a moment, emitting a ray of light against the sky, turning into hundreds of millions of Ascension Holy Paths, scattered over the sky of the underworld, and for a moment, countless people living in the underworld were contaminated. All turned into light and disappeared between heaven and earth.

After being hit by the "Wanhua Divine Cannon", the huge underworld was wiped out by the "Yuhua Holy Cannon" on a large scale, causing countless casualties in an instant. .

The holy emperors of the four origins led their troops back to Xizhou. Looking at the underworld, there was a desolation. The elite soldiers who could survive were scattered all over Xizhou. Almost no one in the underworld could escape this catastrophe. That's it, in the situation of life and death, some weak existences have been ignored.

This is the background of a great power, even if the 'Western Immortal State' is destroyed and devastated, it can still make the underworld wither.

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