Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 2052 Refining Yama

'Western Immortal State' was originally prosperous, majestic and domineering, with mountains stretching like dragons, lying on the fairy state, with a myriad of phenomena. Everything is managed in an orderly manner, and the domineering behavior of the "Yinhua Shenzi" is swept away.

Now the mountains are collapsing, the soil is everywhere, and there are thoughts left over from the collision of the avenues everywhere. Ordinary people will suffer great damage when they enter this territory. They will be attacked by these avenues with the thoughts left by countless strong Rip to death.

"Yuhua Shengdi" looked at the appearance of "Yuhua Shenchao" now. There are ruins everywhere, destroyed land, filled with dead air, extremely cloudy, and has turned into wasteland. His expression is very ugly. He clenched his fists tightly, blaming himself in his heart, only blaming himself for not protecting the 'Yuhua Shenchao' well.

Although he had already ordered the people of the 'Yuhua Shenchao' to transfer to the 'Qinglong Holy Land' through a secret passage, but the opponent's attack was so fierce that it was too late for everyone to transfer all of them, and there were a large number of scattered people People are unwilling to leave, soldiers plus civilians, this time the casualties exceeded tens of billions.

It can be said that the "Yuhua Sage Emperor" loves the people like a son, otherwise, how could the entire "Yuhua Shen Dynasty" be so prosperous in the "Origin of Hongmeng", and now that so many people have died, it makes his heart bleed.

Some people were hiding deep inside the big city, and he originally thought that under the core protection of the 'Emperor Temple', nothing would happen.

But under the blow of the 'Huangquan Holy Cannon', all of them were turned into fly ash, which was beyond his expectation...

"Hey, it seems that the 'West Pole Immortal State' can't be defended after all. We should retreat to the 'Qinglong Holy Land'. If the 'Yuhua Shenchao' insists on going on, it will only kill itself!" He sighed faintly , the four origins are raging, and the eighteen holy emperors join forces to attack, it is really difficult to resist, although there is one "Yan Luo Shengdi" missing now, but if they lead troops to attack, it will be difficult to resist.

The 'Chaos Saint Emperor' also fell into an unprecedented silence. All along, he did not want to establish a big power. The half a million 'Chaos Saint Guards' were cultivated in his spare time. If he paid more attention to the big power from the beginning The cultivation of influence will not be reduced to such a point today.

In this battle with the four origins, excluding the losses of the 'Yuhua Shenchao', more than 10 million people died in the 'Qinglong Holy Land', and more than 20 million people were injured.

The elite of the three major Buddhist sects, 50 million, died 5 million, and nearly 10 million were injured.

'Tiandao Lingzhou' suffered the most casualties, because there was no support from the reincarnation of the holy emperor, and fortunately there was a combination of the "Sutra of Rebirth" and "Curse of Rebirth". Injuried.

Of course, this is also related to the strength of the soldiers and horses they brought. A large part of the 100 million elites are in the realm of the sixth heaven of ancient sages, because they are soldiers brought out by Jiang Wushen and the son of Emperor Tongtian. Ma, to a large extent, they want to hone themselves and break through the realm, but they didn't expect the enemy to be so tyrannical, far beyond their expectations.

Less than 10,000 soldiers and horses of the "Chaos Saint Emperor" were killed in battle. It can be seen how powerful his "Chaos Saint Guard" is. It is very difficult to kill. This is a very powerful army. In a big battle, if used reasonably, it can kill thousands of troops, take the head of the general, and cause huge damage to the enemy.

"Everyone, the relocation of the 'Yuhua Shenchao' can be arranged by Ziyu. Let's go to the 'Tian Yao Lingzhou' to have a look. I am afraid that the 'Zulong Shengdi' has already died, and we still need to discuss countermeasures. Let's see how to deal with Hunter Saints, they will be our enemies in the future, if we let them behave like this again, the result can be imagined..." Xuanyuan's voice was gloomy, and the 'Ancestral Dragon Saint Emperor' was captured and killed again, one after another Going on, the reincarnations of the saint emperors of "Origin of Hongmeng" will be cut off one by one.

Xuanyuan, the Holy Emperor of Longevity, the Holy Emperor of Chaos, the Holy Emperor of Feathering, Jin Chanzi, Yang Ling'er, and Di Shitian all descended in the "Sky Demon Lingzhou". Roaring and roaring above the nine heavens, if Nuwa's guardians hadn't sealed off the entire 'Sky Demon Lingzhou', they would have broken through long ago.

"Amitabha!" Yang Ling'er recited the Buddha's name for a long time, and the Sanskrit sound was like thunder, and it exploded in the air.

At this moment, overwhelming the roars of all the experts in the Dragon Demon Hall, the mighty sound of the Buddha swept across their minds, making the originally extremely angry mood instantly turn into calm, and their minds became clear and calm.

The reincarnation of many saint emperors came, and they all began to calm down. Even if the 'Saint Emperor Ancestor Dragon' was gone, there were still so many reincarnated figures of saint emperors standing behind them, and they would never abandon them.

"Everyone, I can understand your inner feelings. We are also very angry, but we must calm down. The Dragon Demon Palace first elects a palace master to take charge of everything!" Xuanyuan walked out of it, and now he speaks with great authority. You must know that Xuanyuan is the Generalissimo of the three armies.

Competing against the major origins with 21 saint emperors, in addition to that, there are nine holy emperors who are hunting saints in the dark. It is extremely rare for him to be able to maintain such a record.

Soon, a man came out from the Dragon Demon Palace. He was wearing a dragon armor and was tall. Very mature, there is still a long way to go if he wants to truly be able to compete against the reincarnation of the Holy Emperor.

"I am the closed disciple of the 'Ancestor Dragon Sacred Emperor', Long Qingfeng!" He bowed his hands and saluted with a thick voice.

"Alright, Qingfeng, let the disciples of the Dragon Demon Hall calm down first, and stabilize the hearts of the people. Even if the 'Ancestral Dragon Sacred Emperor' is gone, you still have to pass on the Dragon Demon Palace. We will not abandon any race!" Xuanyuan said heavily.

"Yes!" Everyone knows that Xuanyuan is very fair in doing things. He will never annex a race, but will only increase his efforts to support the development of other races. This is why the great emperors want Xuanyuan to be the general of the army. Factors, his prestige is invisible, and it has surpassed many holy emperors.

"Everyone, enter the 'Nuwa Temple' and discuss important matters together!" Xuanyuan dodged, and in the next moment, he came to the high platform of the 'Nuwa Temple'.

The Holy Emperor of Longevity, the Holy Emperor of Eternity, the Holy Emperor of Chaos, the Emerald Emperor, Yang Ling'er, Jin Chanzi, Di Shitian, Guardian of Nuwa, plus Xuanyuan, Greedy Old Man, now in the "Origin of Hongmeng", there are ten In addition to the existence of the reincarnation of the Holy Emperor, there are also two Nie Lao Shasheng who are likely to cultivate to the strength of the reincarnation of the Holy Emperor, and the "Lord of Order". At the critical moment, the existence of many holy emperors of the enemy was forcibly shaken.

But if the hunting saint continues to be cut off like this, then the entire 'Origin of the Primordial Origin' will be in unprecedented danger!

"Not much to say, let's refine the 'Sage Emperor Yan Luo' together to improve our own strength. This is the number one."

Xuanyuan used the 'swallowing myriad transformations' to wrap everyone up, and he was connected to everyone's thinking.

Then, the refinement began with the 'Wanhua Furnace', and the 'Yan Luo Shengdi' was sealed tightly, without the slightest resistance at all.

"Xuanyuan, you actually colluded with the Protoss and 'Biluo Origin' in secret. I hate you, I should have guessed that 'Yellow Spring Origin' and 'Biluo Origin' are inseparable. How could they not help you!"'Yan Luo The Holy Emperor never imagined that he would be sealed and suppressed by a junior, all of this happened so suddenly.

Xuanyuan didn't pay any attention to him, tens of thousands of black silk threads penetrated the body of 'Sage Emperor Yan Luo', devoured his majestic blood essence and powerful soul power, and led them into the 'Million Furnace' , refining bit by bit.

Everything about him, memory, and supernatural powers have been extracted and perceived by everyone.

The existence of every holy emperor present has benefited a lot, and their own strength has been greatly improved.

Xuanyuan even condensed the "Spiritual Law of Life and Death" and integrated it into the "Swallowing God's Law", making the power of the "Sacred Way of Life and Death" he refined even stronger!

Now it only took a day to refine the 'Sage Emperor Yan Luo', and Xuanyuan has made great improvements in all aspects. For some soldiers who fought in battle, they were also inspired by the wisdom of the 'Sage Yan Luo'. Tao, Xuanyuan is more proficient, and now other holy emperors, even those who are not good at fighting, can also play a great role on the battlefield.

At least it can make the soldiers and horses under their command several times more powerful than usual, which is why Xuanyuan attacked the 'Sage Emperor Yan Luo'.

The "Sage Emperor Yan Luo" was locked by many saint emperors, knowing that he would be suppressed forever, and there was no way to escape.

"Xuanyuan, my deity will chase you down to death in the future, and make you regret what you did today." There was a hint of cruelty in the eyes of the 'Sage Emperor Yan Luo', and he was fearless at all.

"I don't know if you will have that chance!" Xuanyuan immediately joined hands with many saint emperors to perform the 'baptism of all transformations'.

In less than a moment, the 'Sage Emperor Yan Luo' had completely lost his consciousness and became a walking dead, waiting for Xuanyuan to take control.

Everyone is precipitating, everything they have obtained, Xuanyuan wraps everyone up with 'swallowing years'.

"Okay, the battle situation is critical now, and I don't know what the enemy's plans will be next, but one thing is that we can't disperse anymore, otherwise, there will be a great opportunity for the hunter to take advantage of it." Opportunity!" Xuanyuan's voice was heavy, and he looked at the saint emperors. In fact, he also understood that many saint emperors present were very helpless when they met the hunter. Figure out how to deal with it.

"I don't know what you think, just speak up!"

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