Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 2054 The Mysterious Fatty

Whether it is the 'One Qi Dao Sword' or the 'Tiantian Dao Sword', they have long been integrated with the 'Heavenly Dao Lingzhou'. For them, the land under their feet is an unbreakable bloodline that cannot be cut off.

The meaning of their existence is to protect this piece of land, and Xuanyuan will not stop it. Only in this way can the great formation set up by the entire 'Heavenly Dao Lingzhou' be brought into full play!

Now the "Xiji Xianzhou" has been broken, the "Heavenly Dao Lingzhou" is isolated in the northwest, and the bitter sea where the "Shenmen of Longevity" is located is surrounded by Xizhou, "Xiji Xianzhou", "Tianchan Lingzhou" and "Tiandaoling". states' surrounded by.

Therefore, the goal of the next major origins must be the "Heavenly Dao Lingzhou".

Under the leadership of Xuanyuan, many saint emperors of the "Origin of Hongmeng" arranged everything intensively, waiting for the attack of the four origins.

Xizhou is full of feathered power everywhere, and anyone who is not strong enough will be able to transform when they reach the core area of ​​Xizhou, and they will not be able to resist the aftermath of the 'Sacred Cannon of Feathering'.

The 'Origin of the Underworld' was hit hard all of a sudden and became depressed. Now there are only a few remnants and defeated generals left. The elites they had hidden before were all annihilated by the blow of the 'Wanhua Cannon', along with the 'Holy Palace of the Underworld' 'It's already been annihilated between the heaven and the earth, that's fine, the cover of the last 'Emerging Holy Cannon' made it even more difficult for them to survive in the land of Xizhou.

Now the battlefield in Zhongzhou has been occupied by them. Due to the influence of the 'Yuhua Avenue', the underworld had to move out of Xizhou and temporarily live in Zhongzhou.

It's just that they have lost their foundation now, and it's okay to suffer such a huge loss. The "Yan Luo Shengdi" was suppressed in full view, which caused the entire "Origin of the Underworld" to be hit hard, and their negativity can be felt. It is impossible to return to the peak period. The "Sage Emperor Yan Luo" was suppressed, and the loss of a Sage Emperor will have a huge impact on a big force.

In the land of Zhongzhou, the holy emperors of all major origins gathered. They all expressed anger, sympathy, and grief for what happened to the "Origin of the Yellow Spring". .

In this way, once the 'Origin of the Primordial Origin' is destroyed, it will be convenient for them to monopolize the entire 'Central World' in the future!

"I didn't expect that Xuanyuan's strength has reached such a level that he can suppress and seal a holy emperor figure with his own power. This is really terrible. If he continues to develop, we will all be in danger!" 'Sacred Emperor Slaughter Flame' frowned Wrinkled, this is what he is worried about, the development of Xuanyuan is unstoppable, so we must combine the power of the various origins to completely obliterate Xuanyuan.

"Although it feels strange, it is what I saw before my eyes. I have to believe it. A mortal can grow to such a level. The 'Body of Ten Thousand Transformations' is as heaven-defying as the legends say!" the 'Rotten Immortal Emperor' sighed. With a cry, he said: "Moreover, the means of the 'Ten Thousand Transformation Body' is unpredictable, and the incarnation is thousands of. If the 'Sage Emperor Yan Luo' had not been conspired by the people behind him, he would not have been suppressed and sealed!"

"That's right, the 'Body of Myriad Transformations' can take countless forms, and fish in troubled waters. I think we have to investigate all the people around us, otherwise, we may all be killed by him!" 'Sage Emperor Tu Hai ' is also strongly recommended.

"This matter is indeed worthy of attention, but before that, we should agree on what to do next?" 'Sage Emperor Wuxie' gloated: "The 'Sage Emperor Zulong' was assassinated by the hunting saint, Now that "Origin of Hongmeng" has lost another holy emperor figure, although "Xiji Xianzhou" has not completely fallen, but it is not meaningful to keep it. I think they should abandon this land, otherwise, it will only increase casualties !"

"That's true, so our next goal is to attack the 'Lingzhou of the Heavenly Dao', and then hold the 'Longevity Gate' in our hands. Even if the 'Qinglong Holy Land' can't shrink back, we only need to master this portal , It is also possible to divide the quotas of the major origins. If it is necessary, we can afford it. As long as our people ascend to their respective origins, the cause and effect with the "Central World" will become deeper and deeper. I think It will be easier to open the passage again and descend to the soldiers!" 'Sacred Emperor Killing Flame' pointed to the northwest.

'Daohun Xuanyuan' stared coldly, and I have to say that the method of 'Sacred Emperor Slaughtering Flame' is very vicious, but he won't say much, because he also has great confidence in 'Qinglong Holy Land', as long as he gives He has enough time to allow the major forces to accumulate enough savings, and after a few thousand years, it will not be difficult to sweep the major origins.

It is absolutely hard for them to imagine the speed at which many emperors are progressing and growing in the 'Qinglong Holy Land'.

"Hmph, my 'Cursed Origin' army was annihilated in ashes. What's the use of ascension quota? When that day comes, the portal can only be opened once. Now, for us, we want to wipe out all the major forces of the 'Great Origin'. That's our goal!" The 'Curseless Saint Emperor' was extremely hostile, and if he didn't avenge this revenge, he would definitely not be able to swallow this breath.

"That's right, we have already paid enough to attack 'Hongmeng Origin', but none of your three major origins have put in much effort. Next, we will attack 'Heavenly Dao Lingzhou', 'Tianyao Lingzhou' and 'Nanyan Xianzhou' ', you have to do your best, this person Xuanyuan, we fought against him very early, it was because we didn't think highly of him and underestimated the enemy all the time, which led to today's results, if we killed him earlier, there would be nothing So many things have happened, you can learn from the past and learn from the future, and you should consider it in your own mind!" The voice of the 'Luosha Shengdi' was very cold, he knew that the 'Tianchan Lingzhou' was integrated into the 'Qinglong Holy Land', he and Di Shitian were sworn enemies, if If he doesn't rely on other origins to destroy the 'Qinglong Holy Land', how will he compete with many powerful people in the 'Qinglong Holy Land' in the future?

"Don't worry, Xuanyuan has great luck and has inherited everything from the 'Wanhua Sage Emperor'. It is absolutely impossible for us to underestimate the enemy. Our next goal is to win the 'Heavenly Dao Lingzhou'. Pay attention, this hunter As an organization, you must guard against it, don't look at them killing the two great emperors of the 'Origin of the Primordial Origin', it is very likely that they will turn their finger on us in the future, so we must be prepared!" For a moment, he was selfless. As the Generalissimo of soldiers and horses, he knew very well that facing opponents like "Hongmeng Origin", if he didn't kill them thoroughly, it would bring them endless troubles.

"Understood!" "Origin of Decay" and "Origin of Blood" also deeply understood that the combined strength of the "Origin of Primordial Origin" would not hold back at all.

"Go back and gather troops first, and then thoroughly investigate all the people around you to prevent Xuanyuan's avatar from taking advantage of the troubled waters. After seven days, gather here, and when the time comes, send troops to the northwest and take down the 'Lingzhou of the Heavenly Dao'."' Sacred Emperor Slaughter Flame gave an order, and the holy emperors of all major forces responded and left one after another.

The great saint emperors returned to their respective territories, and then began to conduct an unprecedented thorough investigation of the people around them, almost checking their sea of ​​consciousness, mind, and soul origin. Almost all of them open their hearts and dare not hide anything.

In fact, Xuanyuan also understands that the same trick is useful for the reincarnation of the Holy Emperor the first time, but it may not be effective the second time. method to deal with.

In seven days, Xuanyuan invited Peng Fei, the Pig-headed Emperor, and asked them to work together to set up all kinds of illusionary restrictions and geomantic omens.

It can make the enemy feel that the entire "Heavenly Dao Lingzhou" is still prosperous, as usual. In addition, it strengthens the cover-up of the lore big formation eyes, and creates fake formation eyes to deceive the world.

"Damn it, it's only at this time that you kid will think of my Daoist. It's really sad." Peng Fei cursed, dangling his fat body, wiping unwarranted tears.

What surprised Xuanyuan is that now he feels that Peng Fei has the strength to compete against the reincarnation of the Holy Emperor, and his identity is still a mystery. The 'Eternal Holy Emperor' cannot be his younger brother, but the relationship between the two is inevitable. It is close, Peng Fei's identity, 'Eternal Saint Emperor' did not say, Xuanyuan is not easy to ask more!

Mysterious fat man.

"You are the hole card of our 'Qinglong Holy Land'. I don't want to invite you unless it is absolutely necessary. Otherwise, what if we scare the enemy away? Our goal is to wipe them all out!" Xuanyuan boasted to his friend. Fei, although the fat man knew he was bragging, he felt very comfortable listening to it, smiling like Maitreya Buddha, the fat on his face trembling: "Haha, you finally know the importance of my Daoist!" ? Hey, life is lonely, the realm of the Holy Emperor, invincible, this is not a kind of sadness!"

The corners of Xuanyuan's mouth twitched and his eyelids twitched wildly when he heard it. This fat man kicked his nose up and gasped immediately when he said he was fat. However, his unique feng shui thaumaturgy was really needed for the arrangement of "Heavenly Dao Lingzhou", so Xuanyuan could only stand aside I apologize for laughing and say yes again and again.

"Damn it, you fat bastard is becoming more and more shameless. What kind of onion is he compared to this emperor? The underworld was turned into dust by this emperor's blow. I don't know when we can do it again!"

On the side, the pig-headed emperor boasted even louder. The last time he was in charge of the "Wanhua Cannon", he hit the core area of ​​the underworld and turned it into fly ash. It was very enjoyable. Now he wants to be in charge of the "Wanhua Cannon" all the time. Huashen Cannon', Li Ting swept the hole and wiped out the opponent's lair!

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