Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 2055 Disdain for All Saints

"You idiot, this cowhide blows bigger than me, I really want to slap you to death!" Peng Fei rolled his eyes, drooling wildly, and found that this idiotic emperor was even more shameless than him.

"Hahaha, that's the truth. This emperor is unparalleled in the world, and all the reincarnations of the holy emperors kneel at my feet. Is there anyone else in this world who is my opponent?" The pig-headed emperor looked aloof, and his tone was a little lonely. , "Eternal Saint Emperor" and "Chaos Saint Emperor" turned around, he shrank his neck, haha, haha ​​laughed a few times, almost peeing in fear.

"Hahahahaha, you idiot, I tell you to pretend!" Peng Fei laughed gleefully at the side.

In the past few days, almost everyone has worked hard to create the most perfect everything in the 'Heavenly Dao Lingzhou', so that the enemy can't find it at all. This is done according to Xuanyuan's idea, although they don't understand Xuanyuan What is in his mind, but he absolutely believes in Xuanyuan.

Xuanyuan and the "Lord of Order", the two of them mobilized the power of the "Original Origin" and merged into it, causing the power of the killing formation to skyrocket.

"This time, is there any hope of taking the lives of a few saint emperors?" Xuanyuan looked at the many saint emperors.

"I'm afraid it will be difficult. Although the lore killing array is powerful, it is still difficult to kill a reincarnation of a holy emperor. However, since the hunting saints are not allied with them, naturally they will not let go of this opportunity!"'' The Emperor of Longevity gathered his will, made a mark, blended into the ground under his feet, and let out a long sigh.

"I think we can only hunt saints cheaply. We have no way to make a move unless we are also covered in the big formation!" Although the 'Emperor Emperor' felt a little reconciled, after all, their main purpose was to It is crucial to kill the elite soldiers and horses of the major origins, as long as they can weaken their strength.

"Hehe, it's hard to say, maybe I will have a better way at that time." Xuanyuan suddenly thought of something, which made many saint emperors happy. Xuanyuan can say this, and he is absolutely sure.

Time passed bit by bit, in Zhongzhou, various armies gathered, and now the "Curse Origin" and "Huangquan Origin" have become bare commanders, they have no soldiers to fight, and the Curse Origin is really only left The existence of the reincarnation of the three holy emperors.

Everyone also knows that the 'Origin of the Underworld' has suffered heavy losses, and they can see how many soldiers and horses they can participate in the battle. Naturally, it is not easy for them to send extra remnants of defeated soldiers to join them on the battlefield, but the two holy emperors Combat power is still not to be underestimated.

Especially the 'Sage Emperor Shura' and the 'Sage Emperor Rakshasa', they are not good at leading troops to fight, but their personal combat power is absolutely unmatched by ordinary saint emperors, after all, only the No one in the Saint Emperor realm would choose to turn his face at this time.

As for the three holy emperors of the "curse origin", they cast curses in secret, which can also pose a considerable threat to the enemy.

"No evil, no curse, no soul, this time you are targeting the reincarnation of the enemy's holy emperor and cursing, don't capture or kill the enemy's soldiers and horses alive, now there are not many reincarnations of the holy emperor left in the 'Hongmeng Origin' , kill one more, their morale will be more chaotic, I don't believe that the reincarnation of a few of their holy emperors can support the overall situation in the end!" 'Sacred Emperor Killing Flame' issued an order, he knew that for all the major In terms of power, the Holy Emperor is the biggest belief in their hearts, like the Dragon Demon Palace and the Sky Demon Palace are no longer a thing.

"Hehe, how about we concentrate on killing Di Shitian first?" The 'Wuxie Holy Emperor' looked at the Rakshasa Holy Emperor and the Shura Holy Emperor.

Buddhism and them are deadly enemies, if they kill Di Shitian, they will naturally use all means.

It is not difficult for the five holy emperors to join forces to kill Di Shitian, at least they can all seal him!

"That's exactly what he meant!" Hearing this, the 'Sage Rakshasa' naturally wished for it. Now that the underworld has been completely destroyed, it is almost impossible for 'Origin of the Underworld' to open the passage again and descend to the 'Central World'.

Because the last time they came, they had exhausted the karma accumulated since ancient times.

If you want to open up the power of the major origins to the lower planes of other origins, you need a certain cause and effect, that is, from the "Central World" to the major origins, you will connect an inexplicable causal relationship, you can find This trace of relationship opens up a channel and falls from the sky, but it is not endless.

Because this is the "Central World" created by the "Origin of the Primordial Origin", the cause and effect are extremely deep, and there will naturally be more people who can come down.

Other origins are different, that's why they want to unite and destroy the 'Origin of Primordial Origin' first!

"Origin of Blood", "Origin of Decay" and "Origin of All Evil" This time, they each led 200 million elites.

A total of 600,000,000 troops advanced, and the wars of the previous days had greatly transformed and improved their surviving fighters. Combined with their newly selected soldiers and horses, they were extremely powerful.

Although the soldiers and horses they lead this time are not top-notch, they are definitely the core strength, stronger than before!

"'Tiandao Lingzhou' is extraordinary. The Buddhist way of life is to stand aloof from the world. We can destroy the 'Tianchan Lingzhou' by making a surprise attack, but the 'Tiandao Lingzhou' is different. This One time, we will form an formation together and advance layer by layer to ensure safety, and don't forget to guard against the hunting saint!" 'Sacred Emperor Slaughtering Flame' said in a deep voice.

"Yes!" Many saint emperors have learned their lesson from the last truth.

Under the order of the 'Sacred Emperor Killing Flame', the army moved towards the direction of the 'Heavenly Dao Lingzhou', advancing layer by layer.

Xuanyuan led one hundred thousand War Phoenix Sacred Guards and had been waiting for a long time. He had a great connection with the 'Original Origin' and knew the enemy's actions like the palm of his hand. After all, he was on the land of the 'Central World'.

"Boy, are you sure this is really okay?" The greedy old man hid between heaven and earth.

"No problem, a person like the 'Sacred Emperor of Killing Flame' will not be easily fooled, and will feel that there is a fraud in it, so...hehe..." Xuanyuan fought with the 'Sacred Emperor of Killing Flame' several times, and his psychology has already been shaken. I can feel it clearly, but on the contrary, 'Sacred Emperor Killing Flame' doesn't know much about Xuanyuan.

After all, it is an attacking side, and the other is defending. For Xuanyuan, it is enough to just stick to it, but it is different for the 'Sacred Emperor'. His tactics change a lot. The raid on 'Tianchan Lingzhou' caught people off guard, and the other time the troops were divided into two groups, one side feigned an attack and the other side fought fiercely.

It can be said that this is the first time that someone can push Xuanyuan to such an extent. This person has an exquisite mind, which is beyond the comprehension of human mind.

The army of the three origins advanced extremely fast, and soon came to the outside of the 'Heavenly Dao Lingzhou'.

Xuanyuan stood alone, and he led one hundred thousand Zhanhuang Saint Guards to face the mighty six hundred million soldiers!

"'Sacred Emperor Slayer', I have been waiting for you for a long time."

"Hehe, Holy Master Xuanyuan, are you going to stick to the 'Heavenly Dao Lingzhou'? Don't forget, the hunter is always watching you. If you disperse your forces, it is very likely that my other soldiers will also attack the 'Heavenly Demon Lingzhou' ', you may not be able to hold it at that time!" The 'Sacred Emperor of Killing Flame' did not make a move, but talked with Xuanyuan to attack his heart.

"I've always known that the 'Sacred Emperor of Slaughtering Flame' used his troops like a god, but I just don't know what his personal combat power is? Why don't we fight a battle?" Xuanyuan began to provoke.

"Haha, Holy Lord Xuanyuan is the 'Body of Myriad Transformations', which is more powerful than an individual. Among the major origins, there are few people who can match the 'Body of Myriad Transformations', so I won't be ashamed!" An old fox like Di' would naturally not be provoked by Xuanyuan, he could seal the 'Sage Emperor Yan Luo', and he could also pose a threat to him.

"The five great origins unite, so no one can fight me?" Xuanyuan sighed leisurely, and said: "From ancient times to the present, the body of all transformations is lonely, and there is no opponent in the world."

"This kid is really too arrogant, I'll go meet him for a while!" The "Rotten Heaven Sage Emperor" in the "Rotten Origin" has amazing combat power and extremely powerful destructive power. It can even be imagined that it can corrode the sky.

"Wait a minute, don't you see that Xuanyuan is the only one? Maybe he has already set up an ambush!" The 'Sacred Emperor' quickly stopped him. Be careful, otherwise, you will suffer a huge loss.

"There are many holy emperors in the world, but no one is my opponent, 'Sacred Emperor', do you know how lonely I am?" Xuanyuan sighed with emotion.

"Hahaha, if you are really invincible in the world, you just need to resist the joint attack of our five origins, so that you can demonstrate your combat power!" The 'Sacred Emperor' still had a bright smile on his face, but the people present, They are all saint emperor figures who have cultivated for countless lifetimes, and it is really uncomfortable to be humiliated by Xuanyuan, a mortal.

The 'Physical Body of Myriad Transformations' can capture people's countless lives of cultivation and turn it into their own, but there is no way for other physiques.

"Otherwise, how about I fight three against one?" Xuanyuan stepped forward with a domineering aura, and the "Swallowing God" behind him was like thousands of black dragons, rushing straight to the sky, with overwhelming momentum.

The hearts of many saint emperors present were chilled, Xuanyuan's methods were too terrifying, even the "Rotten Emperor" who wanted to fight Xuanyuan before, had nothing to say at this moment, because this This gap is too obvious.

Many saint emperors from the five origins looked at each other, and at this moment, an extremely terrifying curse suddenly fell on Xuanyuan.

He didn't even look at it, and directly punched out: "Wan Hua Shen Fist!"

This punch covered everything in the world, and under the watchful eyes of everyone, it devoured all the curses of the joint attack of the three holy emperors of the "Curse Origin"!

"It seems that 'the origin of the curse' is nothing more than that. That's right. I haven't stepped into the realm of the emperor of heaven, and you are so shameless that the three of you jointly assassinated me, and you were defeated before the battle. In fact, from that day on, you have been doomed today. It's the end." Xuanyuan retracted his fists and stood with his hands behind his back. His black hair was flamboyant and he was clad in battle armor. He looked down upon many holy emperors, and said, "Is there anyone else who wants to try?"

The saint emperors of all origins were shocked. The three saint emperors of the "Curse Origin" joined forces to curse. Although it was not a desperate blow, it was not something ordinary people could resist. Xuanyuan was able to forcibly shake it with one person!

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