Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 2056: The Killing Formation!

Behind Xuanyuan, there are one hundred thousand battle phoenix holy guards, they stand in the air, and behind them, the phantom of the immortal god phoenix manifests, they not only have powerful killing power, but also contain huge vitality, because Xuanyuan has already put " A part of Immortality Defying Heaven Art", taught to them.

The combat power of every Zhanhuang Saint Guard is at least at the peak of the ancient sages and emperors, and some of them have already stepped into the realm of the fifth heaven. They are also a rare elite. 'Chaos Sanctuary' is not much different!

The magic weapons on them have all been forged by Qian Duoduo and Mo Ming into human-level supreme Dao weapons. When combined, their power is astonishing.

Only these two people have the ability to create the supreme Taoist weapon and consume the natural materials and earthly treasures.

It is such an army, facing the enemy's 600 million elite, it is not afraid, and there is an urge to try, this is an undead army!

With the power of one person, Xuanyuan smashed the combined curse of the three holy emperors of the "Origin of the Curse", which shocked many people, and made the Zhanhuang Saint Guard even more powerful!

"It's really lonely, how about I fight four with one?" Xuanyuan took another step, evolved into three Taoist bodies, and continued to provoke many holy emperor figures. His fighting power is as good as eight days.

The corners of the eyes of many enemy saint emperors jumped. Xuanyuan is indeed very arrogant and arrogant, but he does have such a capital. Any saint emperor who fights alone with Xuanyuan is bound to lose,' Wan Hua Zhizhi's personal combat power is beyond doubt.

The 'Sacred Emperor of Killing Flame' knew that Xuanyuan could not be allowed to continue provoking like this, otherwise, the morale of the 600 million army would be frustrated again and again. Waving the battle flag in his hand, he shouted sharply: "The army advances and destroys everything!"

Even if Xuanyuan's combat power is boundless and the Zhanhuang Saint Guard is unmatched, but with one hundred thousand against six hundred million, there is absolutely no chance of winning. Xuanyuan has other plans, and naturally he will not hit a stone with an egg.

He looked sharply at the many saint emperors, and sighed: "Is it true that no one dares to fight me? Sad..."

He turned around and left with the Zhanhuang Saint Guard. The expressions of the "Wuxie Saint Emperor" and "Wuxie Saint Emperor" were complicated. They did not expect that an inconspicuous boy would turn over in a short period of time and become It is so powerful, beyond their imagination!

"Kill!" The sky-shattering roar resounded through nine heavens and ten earths.

With 600 million soldiers and horses, the attack on the 'Heavenly Dao Lingzhou' has begun.

The overwhelming Dao Shenze swept through Xiongguan, and there is an invincible Xiongguan in the "Tiandao Lingzhou", named Tianguguan.

The powerful prohibition urges it, and in an instant it has a radius of tens of thousands of miles, flying down an incomparably dense meteor fire shower, which contains the Thunder God, triggering a sea of ​​​​thunder, rolling and galloping, tearing apart the wilderness.

Each shooting star is extremely straight, pulling a long flame, hitting straight down, where it lands, thunder and light riots, tearing into the 600 million enemy troops, causing them to suffer a lot of damage.

However, 600 million elites formed a battle formation and shattered the formation of meteor fire rain one by one. After an hour, the restriction of Tiangu Pass was torn apart, and the entire pass was directly razed to the ground.

Countless warriors and civilians, descended from the Soybean Soldiers, flee wildly, and it is almost possible to confuse the fake with the real one.

The 'Sacred Emperor Killing Flame' saw the scene in front of him, and used his own way to capture several people alive, and checked it, it was the means of many holy emperors.

His eyes turned cold, and he said in a deep voice: "It seems that 'Origin of Primordial Origin' is planning to abandon 'Heavenly Dao Lingzhou' and concentrate its living power in 'Qinglong Holy Land', now I'm afraid they are transferring troops, don't worry about these people, It's pointless, kill them, Xuanyuan wanted to fight us just now, I'm afraid there are too many people, they don't have time to move, they want to delay time!"

"Yes!" All the saint emperors received the order together, led the elite, and advanced forward. The blessings of various magic circles made their marching speed soar, and the prohibition along the way could not stop them for too long.

While advancing, they did not destroy the terrifying formations hidden underground, and they were not negligent at all. I have to say that the 'Sacred Emperor of Slaughtering Flames' is indeed remarkable, and there is almost no omission.

Wherever they passed, the big cities were torn apart, and those hidden formations deep in the ground were completely penetrated, so that they had no worries.

All major origins, 600 million elites, wherever they pass, they are like a broken bamboo, destructive, and nothing can stop them.

When they reached the center of the 'Heavenly Dao Lingzhou', they saw that the two holy places of Jiejiao and Chanjiao had entered the secret passages respectively, and Xuanyuan also led a hundred thousand Zhanhuang holy guards to make the final cut off!

"Everyone, you are one step late, there will be a later date!" Xuanyuan only left one sentence, which made many saint emperors turn blue.

"It's too late, they escaped!" The 'Sacred Emperor of Slaughter Flame' clenched his fists, feeling a pity.

He inspected the entire 'Tiandao Lingzhou', all the people and soldiers derived from some supernatural powers. Suddenly, he seemed to feel something was wrong. If it was him, give up the 'Tiandao Lingzhou', but definitely not Will give up this piece of land to the enemy in vain, at least give them a fatal blow!

Almost at the same time as the 'Sacred Emperor of Slaughtering Flames' woke up, these common people and soldiers, whom they almost ignored, burned themselves one by one, sacrificed themselves, and merged into the ground under their feet.

At this moment, the killing array of the entire 'Heavenly Dao Lingzhou' was completely mobilized.

In the vast 'Lingzhou of the Dao of Heaven', a total of seventy-nine forty-nine killing array eyes were set up, and a beam of divine light was shot out, which went straight to the sky, which was very terrifying.

The formation holes that the 600 million elites penetrated all the way before were all deliberate illusions.

Everything is within Xuanyuan's calculations.

"No, we've been tricked, we'll form an formation with all our strength, and protect ourselves!" When the 'Sacred Emperor of Slaughter Flames' gave the order, he was furious. For so many years leading troops in battle, he had never been tricked like this before.

The 600 million elites activated the avenues in their bodies one after another, making the battle formation formed by them shine brilliantly.

If you look at it from a distance, the entire 'Heavenly Dao Lingzhou' is filled with black and white rays of light, and a terrifying aura of destruction fluctuates in all directions.

"Xuanyuan's wonderful plan!"

"Even if we face such a large formation, even if we don't die, we will suffer great damage!"

"This time is really satisfying, causing the major origins to suffer heavy losses, which can reduce a lot of pressure for us in the future!"

All the soldiers and horses of various origins were trapped and killed in it, and this black and white light contained the power of life and death of yin and yang.

Combining the power of power, feng shui, and restraint, the power is huge, and the moment it is pierced, life and death will be judged.

I saw a large number of elite fighters disappearing quickly, their bodies and souls turned into the purest essence of heaven and earth.

"What's going on, are they going to sacrifice the entire 'Heavenly Dao Lingzhou' and inflict heavy damage on us?" the 'Rakshasa Holy Emperor' roared angrily.

They didn't have time to break through, and were bound by the lore-killing formation. Even if it was the realm of the Holy Emperor, they couldn't break through in the chaos!

"They want to exhaust our elite soldiers and horses, how can we let them succeed!" The 'Sacred Emperor' spat out a mouthful of blood, and the battle flag in his hand evolved into tens of millions of soldiers and horses, covering all directions, protecting The soldiers and horses under his command.

These reincarnated figures of the holy emperor sacrificed their own treasures to resist the attack of the lore-killing formation.

At this moment, in the seventy-nine forty-nine eyes of the 'Heaven Dao Lingzhou', forty-nine Supreme Dao swords evolved, clanging and clanging.

The ferocity of its power shocked the hearts of these holy emperors. Every supreme sword was so huge that it could tear the sky with one sword.

Seventy-seven forty-nine strikes slashed towards 600 million soldiers and horses. Wherever they went, sword waves rolled, yin and yang sword energy, the power of life and death swept across the wilderness, contaminated by the sword energy, and all elite soldiers turned into heaven and earth spirits Qi, after being integrated into the large formation under the feet, evolved into the shattered and dead Qi to kill the enemy again, and the yin and yang life and death qi circulated, with great power.

Even if they form a united formation, it is difficult to resist and contend, and the endless black and white rays of light have evolved into the appearance of two Taoist ancestors.

They presided over the lore-killing formation, triggered the killing sword, and made the whole world tremble and tremble!

The means jointly deployed by the ten reincarnated figures of the holy emperor also exploded at this moment. Their will and supernatural powers are contained in it. There are immortality medicines in the body, and they can be repaired in the first time.

By now, they finally understood that under this killing array, the soldiers and horses they brought would never survive, except for the existence of these saint emperors.

They began to abandon their soldiers and horses, and the reincarnations of many saint emperors united to share the power of the immortal medicine, because they knew that if they were protecting their soldiers and horses, they would also put themselves in a dangerous situation. They can all be discerned.

I saw that without the protection of the holy emperor powerhouse, the soldiers under their command were all torn apart, their souls scattered, and their bodies died.

One must know that in the face of such a well-arranged lore formation, even the reincarnations of these holy emperors can only barely protect themselves, let alone protect their soldiers and horses.

The guarding restriction they combined contained many gods to unite, but it was still smashed to pieces by the lore-killing formation, and they could only urge to resist with all their strength!

Many saint emperors had ugly faces, vomiting blood again and again, black and white sword waves, and the will of the two Taoist ancestors, constantly impacting, mobilizing the power of Fengshui in the entire "Heavenly Dao Lingzhou", how powerful it is, one can imagine.

In addition, the power of the 'Original Origin of the Primordial Mist' also echoed with it, clanging and clanging, smashing the sky and the earth apart.

The lore attack lasted for a day and a night, 600 million elite soldiers and horses died cleanly, and the 20 reincarnated figures of the holy emperor struggled to support them, but they all suffered a lot of damage. Fortunately, there were countless pills on them , so that they can recover quickly, and the immortal medicine is nourishing their bodies all the time.

Then this is just the beginning, the real war has just begun!

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