Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 2057 Standing Holy Puppet

Countless people have been paying attention to this war from the very beginning, because this battle will have a key impact on the atmosphere of the war between the entire "Great Origin" and the major origins.

Including Saint Hunting, everyone wants to know what kind of result this war will usher in.

Does this result give them an opportunity? There is no doubt that 600 million elites were murdered, 20 reincarnated figures of the emperor suffered huge losses, and some people were seriously injured. This is the best opportunity!

"I didn't expect Xuanyuan to be so ruthless, taking advantage of the psychology of the 'Sacred Emperor' to plot against him."

"Six hundred million soldiers and horses were killed, and now they have not recovered from the injuries of the lore. This is the best opportunity!"

"Let's go, three people, one statue, each of them will kill a wounded emperor. As long as we refine them again, our strength will reach unprecedented heights!"

"We will become the supreme overlord among all the reincarnations of the emperors in the future, and they will not be able to compete with us!"

Almost at the same time, Saint Hunter made a move, and the murderous intent was overwhelming, as if the whole sky was about to burst.

The existence of the reincarnation of the twenty holy emperors and the joint arrangement of the restrictions have now been smashed to pieces, and the power of the lore-killing formation has been completely consumed. At this moment, although they dare not relax, it is theirs. When they were at their weakest, the powerhouses of the nine holy hunters tore through the restraints and finally attacked them.

All of this was within their expectations, but this earth-shattering murderous intent still made many reincarnations of the Holy Emperor terrified. Heavy, an unprecedented sense of crisis emerged in their hearts.

However, at the same time, Xuanyuan also made a move, but what he killed was not the Saint Emperor figures of the major origins, but the members of the Saint Emperors who hunted the saints, because in his opinion, it is impossible to kill the saint emperors of the major origins. Emperor, in the future on the battlefield, there will be opportunities, but it is different for the Saint Emperor Hunting.

I can't see it, I can't touch it, they appear only at this moment, fleeting, if you don't seize this opportunity to weaken their strength, it will be too difficult to catch the next time, and the 'Ancestral Dragon Emperor' and 'Heaven The Demon Holy Mother was murdered one after another, and he wanted to give an explanation to the Yaozu!

He absolutely will not allow this great force to be so arrogant and wreak havoc on the world!

Within his 'Swallowing Myriad Transformation Artifact', 'Chaos Saint Emperor', 'Emerging Saint Emperor', 'Eternal Saint Emperor', 'Longevity Saint Emperor' greedy old man, Nuwa guardian, Yang Ling'er, Jin Chanzi, Di Shi Let's work together!

They worked together, in groups of five, to form an extremely powerful sealing circle, which enveloped the two Saint Emperor figures respectively.

Such a powerful surprise attack from "Origin of Hongmeng" was not expected even by the hunting saints. They were concentrating on hunting their prey, but they did not expect that the mantis stalked the cicadas, and the oriole was behind them. They were completely caught off guard. , and another "Tianfeng Shengdi" was sealed by many powerful people from "Origin of Hongmeng".

The minds of countless saint emperors were closely intertwined, and their bodies were completely sealed off with one after another seals!

"Retreat!" The "God Emperor Qingming" knew that this time, he would never succeed, so he could only retreat immediately.

On the other side, the 'Sacred Emperor' had been prepared for a long time, opened a space, and left the battlefield in an instant with twenty reincarnated figures of the holy emperor. After realizing it, don't say that the hunt for the saint was unsuccessful, even if a saint emperor was injured by them, it is impossible to take it away!

It can be seen from this that the 'Sacred Emperor Slaughtering Flames' is cautious in doing things, and has already thought out all the options. He will be recommended by many reincarnated figures of the Sacred Emperor, after their careful consideration.

Before they left, they joined hands to kill the Saint Hunter's 'Thunder Saint Emperor'. You must know that a joint strike by twenty saint emperors was no small matter, and the body of the 'Thunder Thunder Saint Emperor' was instantly smashed to pieces by them.

It is conceivable that the power of the twenty holy emperors joining forces is hard to resist!

However, to everyone's shock, the body of the 'Thunder Emperor' jumped out from the shattering, intact. Seeing those fragments, Xuanyuan and the saint emperor were startled: "Stand-in substitute saint puppet."

It is similar to a stand-in puppet, except that this kind of refining requires more materials and is extremely difficult to refine. If this 'Thunder Emperor' also has it, the Holy Emperor they sealed will also have it!

Sure enough, the "Immortal Saint Emperor" and "Tianfeng Saint Emperor" they sealed were freed from it one after another, but the ones who were sealed were only the "Stand-In Saint Puppet"!

The Saint Hunting action failed and he retreated immediately, making it difficult to catch and chase. Xuanyuan had expected that the Saint Hunting would not be so easy to deal with.

The enemies had all retreated, so Xuanyuan naturally returned to the 'Qinglong Holy Land' with many saint emperors.

"I didn't expect that the hunters would have such means. I really underestimated them. That is to say, the other six reincarnations of the saint emperors all have a 'stand-in saint puppet'. It seems that the next time you fight against them, you must be careful." Otherwise, it may be harmed, there is another feature of the 'Stand-in Stand', the power contained in it is enough to restore the reincarnation of a holy emperor to the best state." 'Chaos Holy Emperor' was amazed, Originally they thought they were safe, but they never thought that they would be escaped by these two holy emperors!

"It doesn't matter, if we do this, we can take their lives away. If we catch them next time, these saint emperors will surely die." The eyes of the "Emperor Emperor" are sharp, and these hunters are really annoying. up.

"This time there is such a situation, if they do it again next time, I'm afraid they will be more careful, it will not be so easy, and with the style of hunting saints, they will definitely target everyone in the 'Origin of Hongmeng'!" On the side, Mr. Nie Killing saints are the ones who understand the nature of these saint hunting killers best. They have enough patience. They did not kill two of them this time, and they have already made a complete enmity with them. They will hide every day and try their best to destroy what the enemy has. everything.

"Now that we have decided to attack them, we have already made all preparations." The 'Lord of Order' is now extremely close, reaching the realm where he can compete with ordinary Saint Emperor characters.

"This time it's not a waste of time, the two 'Stand-In Stand-in Puppets' will be given to Ancestor Nuwa and Senior Shitian!" Xuanyuan looked at the two of them.

"What, do you think I'm weaker than other holy emperors? That's why you gave me this 'Stand-In Stand'?" Di Shitian was very dissatisfied and looked at Xuanyuan.

"No, I just think that if you dare to fight and rush, it is more appropriate to give it to you. In addition, you are so hated by the 'Rakshasa Holy Emperor' and the 'Asura Holy Emperor'. The information I got before is that they will kill you first , five people join forces, you should decide for yourself!" Xuanyuan smiled casually, not caring.

"Since this is the case, I'll take it! Sure enough, people who are more handsome are hated! There is really no way." Di Shitian said with emotion, and took the "Stand-in Puppet Stand" from Xuanyuan's hand, and everyone was speechless for a while.

"Now there is only the old ancestor Nuwa left in the monster clan. You have not been captured and killed. You can be said to be the figure who supports the overall situation of the entire monster clan, so you must not allow any mistakes. If something happens to you, then the group of monsters will be defeated. First!" Xuanyuan handed her the other 'stand-in holy puppet', speaking solemnly.

"I will definitely protect myself with all my strength, and I have also arranged the way out. Even if I am captured, I will not be afraid!" Nuwa's guardian said in a deep voice.

Xuanyuan was silent for a moment, after all, he didn't say much, looked at the many saint emperors, and said: "Now the next step is to see what the major origins do!"

"Well, let's wait for the news!" Jin Chanzi sighed with emotion. This time, it can be said that he has won a complete victory. Although he said he abandoned the "Tiandao Lingzhou", it did not harm a single soldier.

"Let's stay in the 'Sky Demon Lingzhou'. We must not give up on this place easily. This is the last barrier of the 'Origin of Hongmeng'. If it breaks, the 'Qinglong Holy Land' will be enemies from all directions. That is too risky !” Yang Linger whispered.

"Well, let's go!" the 'Eternal Saint Emperor' sighed!

A group of holy emperors reincarnated and left to go to the 'Sky Demon Lingzhou', Xuanyuan did not follow him, looked at Old Killer Nie and the 'Lord of Order', and said: "You two take advantage of this period to improve your strength, I I will send you all to the depths of the 'Original Origin of Hongmeng', and I hope that next time you appear, you can stand alone!"

"Yes!" Xuanyuan waved his hand, and immediately Old Killer Nie and the "Lord of Order" disappeared, and merged into the "Central World", the depths of the "Origin of Primordial Origin"...

This place is especially important for the 'Lord of Order'. Once he can break through, he will definitely be able to receive greater blessings, because its body is suppressed on this piece of land, and it is almost integrated with the 'Original Origin'.

When Xuanyuan came to the 'Qinglong Palace', he saw that Bu Jingsha was very busy, he was immersed in the official case, and he didn't even have time to raise his head. The addition of the 'Heavenly Dao Lingzhou' and the integration of various aspects required him to review many memorials.

Even Xia Zikai, who has been outside the Lord, is surrendering from the sidelines and solving some relatively unimportant matters. Qian Duoduo is sitting at His Highness, waiting for a batch of memorials.

"Xuanxuan, you finally appeared?" Seeing Xuanyuan's arrival, Qian Duoduo was very happy, but there was an unconcealable tiredness between her brows.

"Thank you for your hard work. It is a tense situation and there is no room for any mistakes. All the major forces are making the biggest impact on the strength of the disciples under their command. It is necessary to rationally allocate materials to their hands and convert them into theirs. Strength!" Xuanyuan patted Qian Duoduo's shoulder and comforted him.

"Don't worry, Xuanxuan, don't worry about what I do!" Xuanyuan's words swept away the tiredness in Qian Duoduo's heart.

Xuanyuan looked at the Qinglong Hall, facing Xia Ziyu's eyes. Compared with Qian Duoduo, her determination is more tenacious. As a leader, she does not allow herself to show a little tiredness. Xuanyuan asked: "Now the soldiers of the major forces How did the horse break through?"

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