Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 2059 Perishing Holy Heaven

Xuanyuan came to the treasury of the Thirty-Three Heavens, and looked at the three large characters floating in the air, "Death to the Holy Heaven."

His heart trembled, he must be an extraordinary existence in this heaven, otherwise, he would never have taken such a name.

Just when he was about to enter, Peng Fei and Zhutou Dadi appeared one after another. They obviously heard the news that Xuanyuan had opened the Thirty-Second Heaven and knew that Xuanyuan might open the Thirty-Third Heaven next, so they immediately rushed coming.

The two were drooling, feeling the power of the 'Tao God Kaihui Pill', very excited.

"Boy, hurry up and enter the Thirty-Third Heaven, we are already hungry and thirsty." The Pig-headed Emperor was very excited and shouted loudly.

Zhutou Dadi didn't know what the 'Wanhua Saint Emperor' put in the treasury, let alone him, even Xuanyuan was full of curiosity.

Peng Fei's saliva was dripping onto his shoes, and his eyes were shining brightly: "These are the last few treasure houses, and those who can be kept here by the 'Sage Emperor of Wanhua' must be supreme treasures!"

"You guys are really..." Xuanyuan's mouth twitched.

"Okay, kid, stop talking nonsense, hurry up and open the Thirty-Three Heavens, let's open our eyes!" The Pig-headed Emperor was so excited that he jumped up and down, feeling extremely urgent.

Xuanyuan shrugged helplessly, sighed softly, opened the door of the Shengtian, and stepped into it, followed by the pig-headed emperor and Peng Fei.

There is a boundless universe in front of you, and here, there are planets with extremely rich vitality.

Each planet can accommodate at least one billion living beings, but these are just small planets, there are ninety!

In the nine directions around the small planet, there are nine big planets. They form a large formation, surround the small planet, and echo with it.

"Tsk tsk, the population density of the 'Qinglong Holy Land' is not small. It seems that a group of people can be transferred to live here to relieve the pressure on the Mohists. In the place of cultivation, the population should not be too dense, otherwise, it will lead to some local problems. Insufficient supply of celestial energy!" Peng Fei's words are telling the truth, indeed, Qitian Road and the 'Qinglong Holy Land' are connected anyway, and there is no conflict between the two!

"The Great Emperor will do this in the future. Now you see, there is a command flag on the nine big planets. What is it?" The pig-headed Emperor excitedly said with his eyes shining.

Xuanyuan had seen it a long time ago, and said in a deep voice: "This is made by imitating the nine lore banners of the 'Eternal God's Court'. I think the 'Wanhua Saint Emperor' had experienced the 'Eternal God's Court' nine lore The power of the array flag, and then use the method of Wanhua to imitate and carefully refine, but the refining process must be extremely difficult!"

"There are nine lore banners in the 'Eternal God's Court'. Although I don't know the origin of these lore banners, I think there is absolutely no problem with the existence of the reincarnation of the Sacred Emperor, and it can definitely trap many respects. , but unfortunately it can only be used once!" Peng Fei sighed in his heart.

"Hehe, one time is already a big deal. This kind of thing can be encountered but not sought after. I'm afraid it was made by one of the 'Wanhua Saint Emperor' with painstaking efforts. If there are many, then we will be invincible in the world. , are you still afraid of him hunting saints? It's useless to have a 'stand-in saint puppet'!" Xuanyuan's heart was also very hot, his thoughts moved, and the nine formation flags flew through the air and merged into his body.

At this moment, a figure came out from the perishing holy sky. His figure was the same as that of the 'Emperor Devourer'. It was like a high mountain, and people could only look up at it!

Now that Xuanyuan is facing the 'Emperor Devourer', he will no longer look at his back and feel that he is unattainable in this life as he was back then. Instead, he will sit on an equal footing, which is a kind of indifference revealed in his heart.

"You finally came……"

"Yeah, it's coming!" Xuanyuan could sense that the thing in front of him contained surging vitality.

"This is, this is, the 'Ten Thousand Transformation Medicine', oh my God..." The Pig-headed Emperor almost screamed. , he is no stranger to the 'Ten Thousand Transformation Medicine', he was mentioned by the 'Emperor Devourer' once.

"What, 'Wan Hua Shen Yao', the 'Wan Hua Shen Yao' that devours the undead medicine to improve itself." Peng Fei was almost drooling, the 'Wan Hua Shen Yao' itself was not powerful, it was terrifying. Yes, it can combine the medicinal power of many undead medicines into one body, this is its scariest part, it can surpass many undead medicines!

"Come in!" There are many immortality medicines in Xuanyuan's body, and with a thought, he saw the 'Wanhua magic medicine' sinking into his body, and began to devour the immortality medicines contained in his body one by one, refining Transformation, and finally integrated into the 'Wanhua magic medicine', and then became a part of Xuanyuan's flesh and blood.

Since then, Xuanyuan's recovery ability is almost unmatched in the world, and no one can kill him easily!

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh)." My enemy..."

"Idiot, stop bragging..." Peng Fei who was at the side couldn't listen anymore, kicked him, his eyes were red, and he looked at Xuanyuan with envy and hatred.

However, the strength of the pig-headed emperor has indeed skyrocketed a lot. He has the same thoughts as the greedy old man, and he has a lot of experience in refining the memories of many saint emperors. It's just that he is used to being crazy and hides his strength. Care, it is true that at some point, the "Swallowing Immortal Mansion" needs someone to preside over the overall situation at a critical moment. Fu Xi is not impossible, but after all, mortals have too little precipitation, even if "Swallowing the Great" leaves her behind. Treasure house, it is also difficult for her to reach the realm where she can compete against the reincarnation of the Holy Emperor in a short time.

"Damn it, this emperor just likes to brag, can't he?" The pig-headed emperor did not refute now, he said to Xuanyuan: "Boy, hurry up and open the thirty-fourth heaven, the next third heaven, there must be many baby!"

"That's right, we don't have any hope of blackmailing you about the next thing, we know that these treasures belong to you, so let's open our eyes." Peng Fei, who was at the side, echoed.

"Let's wait a little longer, the time is not yet ripe." Xuanyuan gradually began to understand the 'Treasure of Devouring', and it needed time to open it.

In some cases, if you can't control these treasures, it will be a burden and a waste. The 'Wanhua Shengdi' is an extremely extraordinary figure. In the end, there must be many treasures in the third heaven. , Xuanyuan will never open it easily.

It's like the 'Tao God Kaihui Pill', if it wasn't for the accumulation of many immortal medicines in the Medicine Hall after so many years of precipitation, combined with the power of the first fighting wood and fighting water held by Qingdi and Heidi, it would have been a long time ago. Just open it, I'm afraid it will be a waste of this batch of 'Taoshen Kaihui Pill', not to mention a waste, but at least the effect of these pills cannot be brought to the extreme.

On the other side, 'Tao Soul Xuanyuan' gathered together with the saint emperor figures of various origins.

"'Sacred Emperor Slaughtering Flames', you made too many mistakes this time." "Sacred Emperor Blood Melting" expressed dissatisfaction with this time.

"'Blood Melting Saint Emperor', you are wrong to say that. Victory or defeat is a common matter in military affairs. The 'Sacred Flame Saint Emperor' used his troops like a god and broke three states in a row. Now it is justifiable to be assassinated once!" , 'Taohun Xuanyuan' spoke for 'Sacred Emperor Killing Flame'.

"Thank you, brother Wuhun, for your excuse, but the 'Sage Emperor of Melting Blood' is right. This time my mistake was too big. I accidentally fell into Xuanyuan's trick. I didn't expect that he would have already figured it out. In my mind, now that the major forces of the 'Origin of the Origin of the Origin' are only tiny, I am too eager to win." The 'Sacred Emperor' looked at the existence of the Saint Emperor, and said: "I am not a soldier Marshal Ma is here, let someone else command the army."

As soon as this remark came out, the many saint emperors of the "Origin of All Evil" stopped talking, and they asked themselves that no one who led the army in the battle could defeat the "Sacred Emperor of Slaughtering Flame".

Not to mention 'Origin of Blood', it is okay to let them form an formation to attack and invade, but they want to deploy elites from various origins to conduct reasonable control like 'Sacred Emperor' They are intertwined, and even the backhands have thought of it, blocking the attack of the hunting saint. They think that they are not as good as the 'killing flame saint emperor'.

"Don't be so angry. If there is someone present who can control soldiers and horses better than you, how can it be your turn to be the commander-in-chief of soldiers and horses? As the 'Sageless Emperor' said, victory or defeat is a common matter in military affairs , how can we blame you for this matter?" The 'Rotten Immortal Emperor' eased the atmosphere, and said: "Next, we will listen to your deployment!"

"We listen to you." 'Tao Soul Xuanyuan' also spoke, looked at 'Blood Origin', and asked: "'Blood Melting Saint Emperor', what do you think?"

"Now, what else can we say? Naturally, the 'Sacred Emperor Slaughtering Flame' will be the commander-in-chief of the soldiers and horses!" How could the 'Sacred Blood Melting Emperor' not know that victory or defeat is a matter of routine in military affairs, but this A group of elites died at one time, and many saint emperors almost suffered. She felt a little uneasy in her heart.

"Okay, we will not attack the 'Qinglong Holy Land' for the time being, let some disciples ascend through the 'Longevity Gate' to increase the cause and effect of our major origins and the 'Central World', and then we will be able to descend more Soldiers and horses, promise to wipe out the 'Qinglong Holy Land' in one fell swoop!" the 'Sacred Emperor of Killing Flame' said heavily.

"Our 'Curse Origin' is now only the three of us!" The expression on the face of the 'Innocent Sacred Emperor' was very ugly.

"Now there are not many soldiers and horses left in my 'Origin of the Underworld', and it will take a long time to establish cause and effect..." On the side, the 'Sage Emperor Rakshasa' also expressed his opinion!

"Hehe, we can seize the 'Longevity Gate' first, and then lay an ambush for heavy troops. Do you think that 'Origin of Hongmeng' may watch us take soldiers and horses, ascend, and increase the causal connection with the 'Central World' Is it? As long as we are still alive, it is the greatest cause and effect. As long as we communicate with our original will day and night, why not deepen the cause and effect? Said, this method of 'Killing the Flame Saint Emperor' is really too tricky!

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