Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 2060 Tactics of all parties

Under the tactics of the "Sacred Emperor of Killing Flames", there are only 100,000 elite soldiers and horses leading the various origins, but each of them is in the realm of the Heavenly Emperor and the reincarnated existence of other holy emperors, and has entered the "Eternal Life" God's Gate'.

Naturally, all the means deployed by the 'Origin of the Primordial Origin' and other holy emperors were wiped out in the first place.

Now, as long as they want to ascend to their respective origins, they can use the power of the "Longevity Gate" to ascend.

"Hehe, we have mastered the passage of ascension, which is equivalent to mastering everything. Everyone can let those people whose life span has come to the end in their respective origins, let them ascend here, so that the power we control will not be weakened. It can also deepen the cause and effect of our respective origins and the 'Central World', let's wait for a while, I think Xuanyuan should be in a hurry!" 'Sacred Emperor Slaughter Flame' smiled all over his face, and there was a cold light in his eyes, now Just wait for the 'Qinglong Holy Land' to lead the army and throw themselves into the trap!

During these days, the holy emperors of all major origins made successive moves, and laid a net at the "Sacred Gate of Longevity". Dare to use the 'Wanhuashen Cannon' to attack, because once the 'Longevity Gate' is damaged, they will spend a lot of resources to restore the 'Longevity Gate'!

It was bloody and at the cost of their lives, so they were unscrupulous. If the "Qinglong Holy Land" wanted to take down the "Longevity Gate", they could only rely on their own combat power to fight against the major origins.

At that time, the offense and defense will alternate, and it will be unpredictable who will win and who will lose, and there will be a hunting saint among them, which is the most unstable factor, and everything about the "Sacred Emperor of Flame" will be calculated clearly!

The major origins have stopped attacking the 'Great Origin' and obtained the 'Sacred Gate of Longevity', and Saint Hunting is naturally in their eyes.

"What should we do? Now that the big forces of 'Hongmeng Origin' can't shrink back, they must take advantage of this opportunity to get a chance to breathe, and the major origins have begun to fight steadily, if they don't fight each other to the death , In the future, they will deepen the cause and effect, I am afraid that it will be too difficult for us to obtain the 'Central World', not only the strength of the 'Qinglong Holy Land' will grow rapidly, even the major origins will be deeply rooted in the 'Central World'!" Hunting Saint Among them, the 'Tianfeng Shengdi' couldn't sit still anymore, and he even felt that this was a tacit understanding between the major origins and the 'Hongmeng Origin'.

"Under such circumstances, we have to provoke them with all our strength and let them fight to the death. Otherwise, once they are strengthened and stabilized, they will pose a huge threat to us!" The face of the 'Undead Saint Emperor' was extremely gloomy , the 'stand-in holy puppet' has been lost, this kind of thing is indispensable.

"It's not that easy. Unless we make an oath with one of them and sign a life-and-death covenant, they may make a move. The other party doesn't know our thoughts, so it's better not to think about things too simply. The realm of the reincarnation of these holy emperors , they are all masters of balance, we are balancing them, so why aren't they balancing us, the only advantage is that they don't know how much strength we have hidden!" 'Qingtian Shengdi' looked sharply, Xuanyuan didn't know For a day or two, including the latest war, he has been observing in secret. As for the 'Sacred Emperor of Slaughter Flame', he is a difficult old fox. God, will be united together as a last resort.

"We don't need to be anxious now, we should observe in secret for a while, 'Origin of the Primordial Mist' is not in a hurry, we need to be anxious about something, and the Lord of Hunting Saints has not appeared, presumably it has not yet reached the critical moment, so we just need to wait and see Just change, I believe that at the most critical moment, the Saint Hunting Lord will appear..."

The words of the 'Sage Emperor Qingtian' convinced the other saint hunters. Although they were very powerful, there were three saint hunters in total, and they never appeared.

Their strength is unfathomable, each of them is at least at the level of 'Chaos Saint Emperor', otherwise, how can they be their leader?

In the 'Qinglong Holy Land', Xuanyuan learned of the thoughts of the 'Sacred Emperor' at the first time, and he was still a little worried. I have to say that if they continue to occupy the 'Longevity Gate', it will be difficult for a long time. 'Central World' poses a huge hidden danger.

Now the power of the "Great Origin" is constantly weakening, because they keep fighting, so that the "Great Origin" has to consume its own strength to repair the damaged land. If the long-term war continues, the "Great Origin" With the power exhausted, the four great immortal states and the four great spiritual states will fall apart again. It will take a longer time for the next reunion until the 'Origin of Hongmeng' recovers.

He summoned all the great emperors and gathered in the Azure Dragon Hall to discuss matters.

"Now the 'Longevity Gate' has been occupied by various origins. They ambushed elite soldiers and horses, waiting for us to go. What do you think should be done now?" Xuanyuan walked on the 'Blue Dragon Palace', looking With so many reincarnated figures of the Holy Emperor, it's not that he has no ideas, but he wants to listen to more people's opinions and make a synthesis.

"It should have been guessed a long time ago that this is their purpose, and they must not be allowed to succeed!" Di Shitian said with a murderous look and a gloomy voice, "If they are allowed to do this, the cause and effect between their origin and the 'Central World' will be deepened." , in time, more soldiers and horses will inevitably descend, and it will not be a good thing for us at that time."

"Time is a double-edged sword. For our 'Qinglong Holy Land', what we lack most now is time. As long as we keep a low profile and accumulate strength, the soldiers and horses of all major origins will be difficult to compare with us. Now' You all see the development of Qinglong Holy Land, and I hope that we will not continue to provoke wars for the time being. Since the enemy is showing a stubborn posture, we will let them go. We only need to develop ourselves well." Xia Zi Yu also opened her mouth. Although she faced many holy emperors, she worked diligently to manage the 'Qinglong Holy Land'. She devoted herself to managing the 'Qinglong Holy Land' in an orderly manner and flourished. Although she is a junior, she is very extraordinary. She has won the attention of many holy emperors, so she also has the right to speak.

"What Holy Master Xia said is very true. Instead of us attacking the 'Longevity Gate', we should spend some time on our own people so that their strength will increase by leaps and bounds. Find a suitable time and take the initiative to attack. Get rid of all the origins!" Yang Linger's voice was majestic, and she looked at Xia Ziyu with eyes full of admiration.

"No, the characters of the Holy Emperor, through the 'Longevity Gate' to communicate with their respective origins, and combine with their warriors to ascend, can deepen the cause and effect with the 'Central World' in just a few hundred years. To the extent that their soldiers and horses come, if they join other Saint Emperor characters, it will be even more difficult to deal with. Now that they are all guarding the 'Longevity Gate', it is not so easy to set up an ambush against us Something?" At this time, the 'Yuhua Shengdi' spoke, his eyes were sharp, and he said coldly: "I will lead the 'Yuhua Shengwei' to attack their territory and kill their soldiers and horses. What will they do then? People go to ascend? What can be used to deepen the cause and effect, it will definitely be delayed!"

"The resumption of the war will inevitably increase the killing. There are innocent people in all major origins. I think we should put away the butcher knife in our hearts. We should not burn the lives of people. In every war, there are always countless innocent people dying... ..." Jin Chanzi obviously objected to the practice of 'emerging into a holy emperor', because what Buddhism advocates is that the enemy can fight back when they come, but they will not take the initiative to attack unless it is absolutely necessary.

"How the 'Tianchan Lingzhou' was destroyed, how the hundreds of millions of Buddhist disciples and the people of the Li people were treated, I don't want to repeat it, the result of a moment of kindness, don't repeat it, I agree with the 'Emperor Emperor' According to my opinion, I will lead 500,000 'Chaos Saint Guards' to take the initiative to attack, starting with the 'Origin of All Evil', what do you think of Xuanyuan?" The 'Chaos Saint Emperor' looked at Xuanyuan.

"Everyone is very reasonable, but I think time must be delayed, but we can't be passive. We should take the initiative." Xuanyuan fell into deep thought.

"Then Xuanyuan, what do you mean?" Nuwa's guardian looked at Xuanyuan.

"My idea is that since they have already occupied the 'Longevity Gate', it is better to let them guard for a period of time. During this period, they will also increase the power of the 'Longevity Gate'. For small growth, we can use their power to improve the 'Longevity Gate' first, after all, it will take a while to deepen the cause and effect..." Xuanyuan explained his thoughts from beginning to end, and many saints The emperor nodded again and again.

"Well, Xuanyuan's move is indeed feasible. Judging from the current situation, there is no need to act too hastily." 'Emperor Emperor' sighed softly, indeed he was too anxious. Although his method can effectively strike, it cannot be fatal. However, Xuanyuan's method can give them a heavy blow when they are most lax!

"If that's the case, then it's decided, and let them enjoy themselves for a while." Di Shitian's eyes were sharp and murderous, and countless disciples and people in the 'Tianchan Lingzhou' were captured alive and tortured to death. This breath, he always swallowed not go down!

"Forget it, Xuanyuan, pay attention to the enemy's movements. On the battlefield, the situation is constantly changing and unpredictable. We have to adapt to the situation!" After leaving a sentence, the "Chaos Saint Emperor" left...

The other holy emperors left Azure Dragon Hall one after another, and went to do their own things!

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