Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 2061 Released

The existence of many saint emperor realms, they are all in the 'Qinglong Holy Land', telling their own cultivation experience, this is not just speaking according to their heart, but carefully prepared by them.

Every holy emperor cooperated very well. They didn't talk about those too high realms. Like the things they said before, they were cloudy, mysterious and mysterious. Many people have only a half-knowledge. Only by constantly recalling and experiencing, and then having a moment of enlightenment, can we obtain huge benefits.

But now we talk about the improvement and changes in the realms of the ancient sages and the ancient sages, ancient emperors and emperors respectively. They have clearly explained their breakthroughs in each realm.

Originally, many people were trapped in their own realms and could not be promoted, but these holy emperors spoke a little bit, and for a while, the hut suddenly opened up, and the clouds were cleared, and those promotions that were not solid before, now all began to go back and consolidate, and now they are all gone. Obvious improvement.

These people in the Holy Emperor Realm can all see the development of the 'Qinglong Holy Land', but the disadvantages brought about by the rapid development also exist. Only after strengthening the foundation can they seek greater breakthroughs and improvements. Much stronger than Xuanyuan!

The development of the 'Qinglong Holy Land' is too fast, countless people exchange their experiences and experiences, and there are always some people who are eager for quick success and quick profit. It is difficult to make progress in this life, and when it is serious, it will make a person's cultivation completely useless and collapse.

Fortunately, the environment in the 'Qinglong Holy Land' was relatively harmonious and did not amplify their flaws, because the flaws of rapid breakthrough would split when they were fighting with others, which was especially obvious.

Nowadays, there are countless people in the 'Qinglong Holy Land' who need breakthroughs. With the help of these holy emperor figures, these people have made rapid progress, and the foundation has begun to become solid and solid.

Under Xuanyuan's suggestion, many holy emperors can recruit some disciples who feel suitable for cultivating their own system of supernatural powers, and make them become the holy guards of the holy emperors. When this voice spreads, many people naturally wish for it.

These holy emperor figures originally had their own military guards, and many people joined in one after another. After careful selection, the number of holy guards under the holy emperor figures increased.

I have to say that there are a lot of good seedlings in the 'Qinglong Holy Land'. Those who grew up in the 'Qinglong Holy Land' are born with extremely strong physical bodies. It is right to eat the rice seeds, vegetables, and fruits grown by the farmers. Their essence has been improved, and their innate nature has been well cultivated when they were in the mother's womb!

These people cultivated from childhood to adulthood, and their foundations are very solid and solid. They don't have the disadvantages of those who temporarily joined the 'Qinglong Holy Land' and broke through repeatedly in such a superior environment.

Xuanyuan quietly observed the changes in the entire 'Qinglong Holy Land', and at the same time, his external incarnation, 'Tiancha Xuanyuan' was also observing the movement in the direction of the 'Longevity Gate' all the time.

The holy emperors of the various origins and the elite soldiers they lead are waiting in battle. These holy emperors lead a group of people to ascend from time to time, and they themselves are using their own secret techniques to communicate with the original world. Going on like this, when the cause and effect deepen to a certain extent, a channel will be opened up at that time, so that the powerhouses of their major origins will come to the "Central World".

At that time, the strength of the major origins will skyrocket to an unimaginable level, and the people born in the "Central World" of their people will ascend again, and the causal cycle will continue to increase. Keep opening channels, and gradually occupy the 'Central World' completely.

"Xuanyuan, are you just watching them ascend like this, deepening the cause and effect with the 'Central World'? You know, what kind of consequences will this cause in the long run? In my opinion, they must be absolutely uncertain that they will make such a gesture. If you can beat the 'Qinglong Holy Land', you will do this, why don't you take this opportunity to reveal all the cards and kill them all!" 'Tianxiang Shengdi' has been guarding the 'Dongfu Xianzhou', She usually doesn't participate in the affairs of the 'Qinglong Holy Land', so as not to be seen through by others. She is very puzzled by Xuanyuan's decision-making.

"There's no way, this is all we can do now. The 'Qinglong Holy Land' needs years of precipitation and savings. They have also laid a net to wait for us to attack. They have to do so. And I'm not absolutely sure. As for the hunters, if they help, then the outcome is unpredictable. You have to understand that they have been hiding in the dark all this time, and I don’t know how many soldiers they have hidden. Emperor, after refining, you will be able to know the details of the hunter, but you haven't caught it, but you can see that there is definitely a stronger existence behind the hunter, but there has never been one. It's just showing up!" Tiancha Xuanyuan sighed softly, these days, his incarnation outside the body and the 'Sage Emperor of Fragrance' have been together day and night, Xuanyuan has obtained the rules of the 'Sage Emperor of White Bone' for himself, his cultivation experience, etc. Everything is shared with the 'Tianxiang Shengdi', which makes her physical strength and attacking power increase a lot.

After all, the first Saint Emperor I refined was the "Sage Emperor Tianxiang" who helped me to refine the "Sage Emperor Execution" without any mistakes.

"Then let's do what we have to do. The people of Heaven and the Protoss need to improve to prepare for the future war..." 'Tianxiang Shengdi' turned around and returned to the 'Dongfu Xianzhou', the Protoss location.

From the perspective of these holy emperor figures, once the 'Sect of Longevity' is occupied, the situation will be extremely severe. This is the portal on which the 'Great Origin' depends for survival, and now they are all gambling!

No matter what, what belongs to the "Great Origin" must be taken back, and it must not fall into the hands of other origins.

'Central World' is a huge springboard, which can be attacked in advance and defended in retreat. It is a transfer station through many lower planes of origin, and it must not be lost.

Now that Xuanyuan thinks about it, he has begun to understand what these holy emperors are thinking. I am afraid that they want to reincarnate in the lower plane with their own ideas, and compete for more control of the lower plane. On the one hand, I hope that someone can stand out in the battle of many holy emperors, similar to Xuanyuan.

If you want to make an origin strong, then from the very beginning, in the lower plane, there must be someone who dares to compete and fight against the reincarnated characters of the Holy Emperor Realm. For some of them, if these people can't even compete with themselves If you don't dare, you will lose the qualification to grow into a holy emperor in the future, and naturally death is not a pity.

Xuanyuan also understands why the 'Chaos Saint Emperor' oppressed him that day, making it hard for him to breathe, but the 'Wanhua Saint Emperor' felt that he was so oppressive, it was too cruel, almost killing Xuanyuan , That's why the shot was made, of course, because of the confrontation between the two of them.

The relationship between these holy emperors is very complicated. They not only want to suppress the future holy emperors who belong to the "Origin of Primordial Origin", but they also compete with each other.

Now that Xuanyuan looked at the problem from his own perspective, many of the doubts in his mind were easily resolved.

'Nanyan Xianzhou' and 'Tianyao Lingzhou' have entered an unprecedented calm, and almost all the fighters are calming down and improving their cultivation.

The Dragon Demon Hall and the Heavenly Demon Hall have recovered from the loss of the emotional atmosphere of the two holy emperors. Instead, it is their spirit and will to be strong that turn hatred into motivation, making countless disciples constantly break through and improve.

Nuwa's guardians, as well as many Saint Emperor figures, took turns to give them lectures and improve them.

This moved countless disciples of the Dragon Demon Palace and the Heaven Demon Palace. They knew that they had not been abandoned. Sooner or later, they would become even stronger!

Half a year passed in the blink of an eye.

During the past six months, Xuanyuan was in the 'Shen Hui Tian', and he used 'Swallowing Years' to cover this space, causing the time tassels to change, but after all, the people who refine medicine are extremely powerful and there are a lot of people. So Xuanyuan can't be like before, day by day, and more importantly, the power of this batch of "Tao God Kaihui Pill" will also affect the power of "Swallowing Years". They cannot be enveloped by 'swallowing years'!

Half a year, which is equivalent to three years, has passed through everyone's efforts, and finally the quality of this pot of 'Tao Shen Kai Hui Pill' has been raised to an unimaginable level for ordinary people.

It's not that the reincarnation of the 'Wanhua Sage Emperor' was not refined well before, but that he refined a prototype, and he refined it with the strength of one person. If he takes it, it will also have a great effect. All the people are masters of alchemy. Under the leadership of Shiwan, the "body of ten thousand medicines", and Yaochen, the holy son of the medicine hall, they have incorporated the power of many immortal medicines, and the first bucket of water , the first fight of fire, the power of the first fight of wood, coupled with the unique environment of the 'Qinglong Holy Land', made the 'Tao God Kaihui Dan' have an unprecedented transformation!

In the past six months, Xia Ziyu has not been busy with anything, and the armies of the major forces are still conducting non-stop drills every day.

And she is looking for those talented people who are worth cultivating in the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land'.

On this day, all 30,000,000 'Taoshen Kaihui Pills' were released, each of which shone with wisdom and contained incomparably strong power. Even the one supporting the fire was the No. Wood Qi, how can it not be strong?

The 'Tao God Kaihui Pill' was distributed, and immediately assigned to the geniuses of the major forces, and they took it one after another and carried out refining.

From every place in the 'Qinglong Holy Land', a filthy air rushed out, this is the ignorant air in their bodies, after being baptized one by one, the filthy air dispersed, followed by a powerful light of wisdom, straight to the sky !

This kind of light has a strong contagious power, and anyone who sees this light of wisdom can gain comprehension from it!

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