Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 2064 The Woman in White

"Who could it be?" Xuanyuan couldn't sense this. He spread his thoughts, but only saw a white figure.

Apparently, the other party has the means to prevent being monitored. Even if Xuanyuan has mastered the secret technique of "Heavenly Supervisor", he still cannot fully detect the enemy, but Xuanyuan feels that it is unfathomable.

To reach Xuanyuan's current state, and to be able to give such a feeling to a person of his level is extremely remarkable.

He condensed his own form and appeared on the land of 'Xiji Xianzhou'.

I saw a woman standing at the core of the "Yuhua Shenchao" that day, surrounded by bleak, wasteland, full of murderous aura.

She was dressed in white, with a white veil on her face, her long hair hanging down her waist, and between her eyebrows, there was a bloody sharp sword mark. Xuanyuan just took a look, and felt a tingling pain in his soul.

"This kind of breath, you are the dominant figure among the hunters, right?" Xuanyuan was not at peace, because the woman in front of him was extremely powerful!

"Xuanyuan, a mortal has grown to such a level. I want to invite you to join the Saint Hunter. How about combining the Saint Hunter characters in your hand and follow us to hunt the Saint Emperor characters of various origins? I am very optimistic." You!" The woman's voice was very slow, but every word revealed a shocking murderous aura.

"Sorry, I already have my own 'Blue Dragon Holy Land', and I won't join the Hunting Saint!" Xuanyuan said solemnly.

"There is no conflict between the two. You can manage the 'Qinglong Holy Land', but you can also join the hunting saint, just hunt the holy emperor with us, nothing else!" The woman in white still did not give up, as if Everything has been won.

"Oh? That means, as long as I cooperate with Saint Hunter, we can work together to hunt and kill all the Saint Emperors of the major origins?" Xuanyuan asked with a smile.

"Of course, but we want to kill someone from the 'Qinglong Holy Land', as long as you agree to our conditions!" The woman's eyes were sharp and murderous.

"Who?" Xuanyuan frowned!

"Peng Fei, this person is proficient in wind and water thaumaturgy. He has unusual blood in his body, which is what we need. Use his life alone in exchange for the peace of the entire "Central World". Complete expulsion, let this world belong to your 'Origin of Primordial Origin', or in other words, 'Sacred Land of Qinglong'." The woman in white looked at Xuanyuan, determined to win.

"Indeed, the conditions are very attractive. You can sacrifice Pengfei alone to save all living beings. I also believe that Saint Hunter has that ability. However, it is impossible for me to do that. He is my brother, even if it is not him. I would not even sacrifice an ordinary disciple of the 'Qinglong Holy Land'!" Xuanyuan's whole body also undergone earth-shaking changes, his voice became thicker, his eyes became deeper, and he approached the woman in white step by step.

Still motionless, she looked at Xuanyuan quietly, and said coldly: "Stupid, sacrificing one life can extend the lives of countless others. You know that if you use the strength of the 'Qinglong Holy Land', even if you can kill all the major origin How much will it cost to expel them?"

"You don't understand us, even if we pay a huge price, but this is guarded with our lives, we are walking on the same path together, not by sacrificing our brothers, so don't mention this matter again !” Xuanyuan retorted.

"It is said that Holy Master Xuanyuan values ​​friendship. In fact, he thinks that friendship is the most worthless thing in the world. Do you know what is the most valuable? That is power. When you have enough power, you can control everything. Pengfei is nothing, you have to think about your future future, although these holy emperor figures in front of you, although they can sit on an equal footing with you now, don't forget, these holy emperor figures, the spiritual wisdom of these holy emperor figures is only 100 million points of their original deities One idea, how many people do you think can accommodate you when you stand in front of their true deities? For you, the structure of 'Central World' is too small, sooner or later you will belong to us'Tu Saint Origin', only we can give you everything you want here. It can be said that my 'Tu Sheng Origin' can spend countless money to train you into a generation of real Saint Emperor characters, not the current Heavenly Emperor Realm. It's just a small idea that equalizes!"

It has to be said that the condition proposed by the woman in white is difficult for many people to refuse, but Xuanyuan resolutely rejected it: "I think that I need to step into the Holy Emperor Realm by myself, and I don't need others to achieve me. As for other It doesn't matter whether the emperor is equal to me or not. What's more important is that I can let my people live a better life and provide them with a better environment. I don't have to let them live in endless persecution, and they have nothing to do with them. I am like-minded, as long as I can do this, I don’t need anything else.”

"Really? Then take a look at what this is?" The woman in white took out a bead in her hand, bursting out with an incomparably rich vitality, looked at Xuanyuan, and smiled: "Wood spirit beads, you have already gathered four spirit beads , only one Wood Spirit Orb is missing, and it will make your vitality even more majestic. These five Spirit Orbs were not originally products of the 'Central World', and they all contain incredible power. As long as you can get it' Wood Spirit Bead', it is fundamentally difficult for someone to kill you!"

She seemed to have made all the preparations long ago. From the very beginning, she was absolutely sure that Xuanyuan would step into the Saint Hunter and cooperate with them.

"It's true that the Wood Spirit Orb is what I need, but a gentleman loves money and gets it in a proper way. It is impossible for me to sacrifice my brother for it." Xuanyuan turned around and stopped asking. It doesn't make much sense to say more.

"Please wait a moment, and listen to me a few more words. If you think I'm not sincere enough, then it's not too late for you to leave!" The woman in white said in a calm manner.

Xuanyuan stopped, no matter what, regardless of whether the other party harbored malice in his heart or not, since he took the initiative to ask him for an appointment for cooperation, and did not take any action to kill him, he would not do anything!

"Holy Lord Xuanyuan is really affectionate, and he is still unwilling to agree to such a good condition. If that is the case, then I just want to say, after killing Pengfei, I will share the power of his blood with you. At that time, there will definitely be a huge improvement for you, how, his life originally belonged to me, and now I will share it with you!" When the woman in white spoke, there was a vast magic power and a huge temptation.

"It may be useful for others, but it really doesn't have to be for me." Xuanyuan sneered, and said, "I have my own way, and this kind of thing, no matter how much benefits you give me, it's useless!"

"Really?" The eyes of the woman in white fluctuated slightly. It was just Peng Fei's life. Could it be that in Xuanyuan's eyes, it had such value, and said: "I'm afraid it's because I don't have enough bargaining chips? Holy Lord Xuanyuan, I I am willing to double cultivate with you, as long as Pengfei lives, you should know my strength, how far you can improve by then..."

"Haha, that's even more unnecessary!" Xuanyuan waved his hand, finally knowing what the woman in white's final bargaining chip was.

"Xuanyuan, you really don't think about the hundreds of millions of beings in your 'Qinglong Holy Land'. You only need to sacrifice the life of Peng Fei in exchange for their peace. As the Holy Lord of the 'Qinglong Holy Land', you But ignoring their lives, do you know what the result of your actions will be? In the future, their blood and bones will be used to pave a road that belongs to you, do you really think it is appropriate to do so?" The voice of the woman in white remained the same. Calm, with a little coldness.

"I believe that after they find out, they will definitely understand my intentions!" Xuanyuan was very confident in the disciples of the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land'.

"So what, if I, Hunter Saint, ask you for a good man, that's fine. Peng Fei is a man who commits all kinds of evil, stealing all the emperor's tombs in the world. He is extremely greedy. As the saying goes, the dead are the greatest. Your human Confucianism, the most respected is For the deceased, if an ancestor dies, every child must observe filial piety for three years, but the 'Qinglong Holy Land' accepts a person like Peng Fei, don't you find it very contradictory?" The woman in white looked behind Xuanyuan, slowly Approaching him slowly, Lingbo took small steps, each step exuding a kind of grace.

"That's just him in the past. Now he will naturally not do that kind of thing again." Indeed, Peng Fei has many bad things and is very greedy, but several times when the "Qinglong Holy Land" encountered crisis, , he never escaped, and Xuanyuan naturally wouldn't abandon him at this time!

"It's a joke. I'm afraid you already know him to the core of this person. As long as there is a big tomb that is tempting enough for him, do you think he might not be tempted? Digging someone's ancestor's grave is an extremely important task in itself. Immoral thing!" The woman in white was questioning Xuanyuan's true heart invisibly.

"Even though Peng Fei has his faults, he never harms innocent people. The dead are dead. He just wants to use them for his own use, and he doesn't wantonly trample and destroy them. Based on this alone, He is not worthy of death, since he is already a member of my 'Qinglong Holy Land', I will restrain his behavior in the future!" Xuanyuan was also very helpless in his heart, and Peng Fei's temperament did make people find a lot of excuses.

"What if I say that Peng Fei robbed my ancestor's tomb? He stole all the contents and took it as his own. Even my ancestor's tomb was taken away. Do you think this revenge will not be avenged?" , Am I worthy of my dead ancestors?" The woman in white's eyes turned cold, and her murderous intent began to spread from her body.

"I can ask Peng Fei to confront you face to face about this matter. If there is such a thing, I will definitely let him return many treasures face to face, and my 'Qinglong Holy Land' will make enough compensation for you!" Xuanyuan felt very headache, He dug his ancestor's tomb, he had already told Peng Fei to restrain himself a little earlier, this fat man refused to listen, now he has provoked such a terrifying organization and was completely targeted, Xuanyuan can only do his best to save it!

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