Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 2065 Difficult to get rid of

"Joke, Xuanyuan, if your ancestors' tombs were dug up, everything was stolen, the tombs were destroyed, and you were so desecrated, what would you do, I ask you?" The voice of the woman in white was as if Tiandi Xuanyin questioned Xuanyuan's true heart, and had to say that her methods were extremely powerful, and it was hard for ordinary people to compare.

"Naturally, the tomb robbers will be severely punished to comfort the ancestors' spirits in heaven." Xuanyuan looked at the woman in white and said solemnly.

"Then I just want you to hand over Pengfei and let me deal with it. It's reasonable and reasonable. As the Holy Lord of the 'Qinglong Holy Land', shouldn't you be the master for us victims of Shengdou? It's still you 'Qinglong Holy Land' If you become stronger, you can bully others at will? What you do is right, and we deserve to suffer? " The white-clothed woman approached Xuanyuan with a contemptuous voice, and pressed her step by step, never letting go. One's own Dao, this is something that can crack Xuanyuan's Dao Heart, as long as a person's heart is shaken, then he is not far from destruction.

"It's impossible for me to hand over Pengfei, but I, 'Qinglong Holy Land', will compensate you, no matter what the price is, I have already said that Pengfei's crime is not worthy of death, and I will teach him a good lesson. Ten thousand steps, which big tomb your ancestors are stored in, is it true or not, how can I believe it based on your one-sided words? How can I make a decision for you without evidence?" Xuanyuan looked directly at the woman in white. Why, how could the ancestor's tomb be dug up by Peng Fei? From the very beginning, he fell into a pit dug for him by the woman in white. Xuanyuan suddenly realized, but in his consciousness, why did Peng Feiji, There seemed to be nothing he couldn't do.

"Hey, I didn't expect that you jumped out in the end..." The woman in white stretched out her hand gently, seemingly slowly, her palm was like a knife, and cut Xuanyuan's chest straight.

Xuanyuan did not dodge or evade, and punched out, seemingly calm and unpretentious, the two fists and palms met.

There was no sound and no sound, but within a radius of a hundred miles around them, all the space collapsed and shattered in an instant.

"Holy Lord Xuanyuan can achieve such an achievement in such a short period of time, it is truly unmatched." As soon as the woman in white finished speaking, a blood sword imprint appeared between her eyebrows, emitting a terrifying blood light, piercing directly into Xuanyuan's soul.

Among his three souls, the three Xuanyuan have already condensed their own forms, possessing extraordinary strength, united into formation, the "Eternal Divine Soul Technique" was urged to the extreme, and an eternal rhythm flowed out, now How powerful Xuanyuan's soul is is far beyond ordinary people's imagination.

Among other things, he refined the 'Soulless Saint Emperor' and made great progress in the soul.

He has long been extremely proficient in the method of attacking and defending souls.

Xuanyuan's three souls condensed an eternal sharp sword and attacked it. When the two swords collided, an invisible wave swept away.

This is a kind of damage to the essence of the soul. Fortunately, here, it has been turned into a dead place. Otherwise, I don’t know how many souls have died. Crack into fly ash!

Xuanyuan's soul flowed with eternal rhythm, and stood still. The woman in white had long hair fluttering and her clothes fluttered. She looked at Xuanyuan coldly and sighed softly: "It seems that even I can hardly kill you now. You've grown so much these days that none of us expected."

"The girl is outstanding in martial arts, Xuanyuan thinks she is no match, so I will leave now!" Xuanyuan turned and left in a very flat voice.

"Cutting!" The woman tapped her finger, condensing a frightening white light, cutting apart everything it passed.

"Swallow!" Xuanyuan reacted immediately, spread his five fingers, and a huge black hole appeared out of thin air, protecting him in front of him.

I saw that the white light was neither swallowed by the black hole, nor was the black hole cut by the white light. The power between the two canceled each other out, creating a chaotic power that was tumbling.

"I want to leave, no one can stop me!" Xuanyuan took a step forward, jumped out of countless voids, and disappeared in front of the woman in white.

"It is true that it is very difficult for me to kill you completely now, even if I can severely injure you, I will have to pay a huge price, but it is still no problem to follow you." The woman in white was very calm and did not rush to kill Xuanyuan Thoughts, her voice reached Xuanyuan's heart by accident.

Xuanyuan didn't care about the words of the woman in white, because in his opinion, as long as he wants to leave, not only no one can stop him, but also not necessarily if he wants to follow him, not even the "Chaos Saint Emperor" can do it.

However, there is a specialization in the arts. Since the woman in white is one of the masters of hunting saints, she naturally has her secret technique. As a way to hunt down the enemy, Xuanyuan never thought that the woman in white would be able to follow behind him all the time.

Even if he turned into a myriad of ways, he still felt that the woman in white was like a ghost, following behind him lingeringly.

Xuanyuan manifested himself as his true self, turned into three pure spirits, and left in four different directions, leaving only one sentence: "If you think this is the case, can you still follow me?"

The woman in white still didn't change at all, she didn't answer Xuanyuan, she just followed one of Xuanyuan, but it happened to be Xuanyuan's real deity: "Your real deity is too different from Dao body, how can I not recognize it?"

"What, she can recognize my real deity and not go after my avatar?" Xuanyuan thought that his Taoist body and the deity were indistinguishable from others in the eyes of outsiders, even if he stood on his own point of view, possessed It's not easy to distinguish the many means of 'inspecting the Holy Emperor', but this woman in white can do it!

Xuanyuan instinctively felt that it was a very dangerous thing for the woman in white to follow him all the time, and he couldn't get rid of it at all. The only way was for him to return to the 'Qinglong Holy Land', and the woman in white could never enter.

But to a certain extent, it was as if he was afraid of her, so Xuanyuan would not do that, so he wanted to get rid of the woman in white completely!

After staying in the 'Qinglong Holy Land' for so long, he also figured it out and had a deeper temper for himself. He didn't know where the reincarnation of the 'Wanhua Saint Emperor' lives now, and how powerful the other existences of the Lord Hunter are. Xuanyuan is currently trying to find out all these things.

Xuanyuan left the "Central World" at his fastest speed, and traveled in the universe. Nowadays, it is difficult for many natural disasters in the universe to cause damage to him. He wants to get rid of this woman, thinking that it should be What kind of magic circle she set up in the "Central World", if she escaped from the "Central World" and came to the boundless universe, she might not be chased, but she was always closely followed.

"What the hell is going on? There is no way to get rid of her. What kind of secret art is she practicing? She can be so fast!" Xuanyuan couldn't feel the breath of "Shen Xing Dao Yin Shu" from the woman in white at all, so he must Another extremely powerful method.

One must know that with the "Shen Xing Dao Yin Shu" that can make Xuanyuan reach the speed of breaking through time, coupled with his "body of myriad transformations" that can combine with heaven and earth, it is difficult for ordinary people to discover.

But the woman in white chased him like this for three days and three nights, Xuanyuan knew that there would be no results if this continued, so he returned to the 'Central World', and he descended in the 'Tianchan Lingzhou'.

The atmosphere here is no longer peaceful, mixed with a lot of hostility, Xuanyuan stood on the mountain where the original 'Da Leiyin Temple' was located, looked at the entire 'Tianchan Lingzhou', and said helplessly: "I didn't expect that there would be someone You can sense my aura and follow me all the way, what kind of supernatural powers are you cultivating?"

"Hehe, this is natural. As I said earlier, the five-element spirit beads are not unusual, and there is an extremely close connection between them. Since you have four spirit beads on your body, I only need to grasp one of them to track you down." Of course it's not difficult, unless you abandon the four spirit beads, but this will also reduce your strength a lot!" The woman in white held the wood spirit beads in her hand and looked at Xuanyuan with a slight smile in her eyes.

"Actually, it doesn't matter. I am very happy to have such a powerful beauty who can be my follower!" Xuanyuan suddenly realized that it is indeed impossible for him to abandon the other four spirit beads. He was able to enter the earth without the slightest hindrance, and he was able to communicate well with the 'Origin of the Primordial Mist'!

"This is the power of Saint Hunting. I can chase you all the time and kill you when you are not prepared!" The woman in white said in a cold voice.

"Really? That requires you to have that ability!" Xuanyuan smiled coldly, looking at the devastated land, and said: "Look, the original 'Tianchan Lingzhou' was peaceful everywhere, and the people of the Li people lived and worked in peace and contentment. After the arrival, it will become the current scene, don’t you Saint Hunters have no people of your own?”

"Holy Lord Xuanyuan, are you trying to extract information about Saint Hunters from me? It's a pity that you may be disappointed. Among my Saint Hunters, every existence is mysterious, maybe there is, maybe No, at least I am alone, but whether their people die or not, what does that have to do with me?" The woman in white stood beside Xuanyuan, and the two looked like a couple, which was unimaginable. is the enemy.

"I think you have too much murderous aura, it's not good." Xuanyuan didn't ask further, but skipped the topic.

"Whether the murderous aura is heavy or not, don't bother Holy Master Xuanyuan to worry about it, you should take care of yourself!" The corners of the white-clothed woman's eyes were raised, and there was endless temptation in her eyes. She looked at Xuanyuan, and at the same time, she once again With a shot, out of thin air, a supreme Dao sword manifested, with murderous intent penetrating the sky and the earth!

"It's coming again..." Xuanyuan's heart skipped a beat, this woman in white is unpredictable, he can only block it with soldiers, and cover it with water!

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