In an instant, with a radius of hundreds of miles, murderous intent filled the air, and every murderous aura outlined tens of thousands of killing runes, wrapping the surroundings, forming a small killing array invisibly, which could maximize her killing power to the top!

The woman in white suddenly jumped up, which caught people off guard. The Supreme Dao Sword in her hand was flowing with white light, which was extremely sharp. The breath of the holy will envelope the four directions!

Xuanyuan could feel that on this sword, there was a lot of aura of the reincarnation of the dead saint emperor, and there was a shocking blood red on the tip of the sword, which was formed by the blood of many saint emperors and was refined into the sword tip , Fighting against people, this kind of breath will cause great oppression!

Even for the reincarnation of the Holy Emperor, there is still a huge oppression, and this kind of supreme Taoist weapon that is specially used to deal with the reincarnation of the Holy Emperor has great damage. This sword exists to kill the Holy Emperor.

From the body of the white-clothed woman, a wave of 'Slaying the Holy Spirit' suddenly raged out, echoing the Supreme Dao Sword in her hand, causing her killing power to skyrocket.

Xuanyuan knew that the woman in white had always had reservations about her strength, but she did not expect that her killing power would be so terrifying. In today's world, there are few people in the Saint Emperor Realm who can match her, and Xuanyuan can It is clearly felt that this is not all of her combat power, and it is the scariest thing to have reservations.

Even so, Xuanyuan is still not afraid. His physical body has long been integrated with the "Swallowing Myriad Transformation Dao Artifact", which is extremely strong. In addition, he has practiced the "Immortal Golden Body Art" to the extreme, and many spiritual objects from heaven and earth have smelted his body. Body, very powerful!

He punched out, covering the will of all beings in the world. Compared with before, after refining medicine, he has gained a lot of experience, and he has made great progress. The "Swallowing God" surged and rolled around him, forming a black wave and sweeping towards the four directions. The impact collided violently with the small killing formation condensed by the woman in white, checking and balancing each other!

In today's world, only the "Physical Body of Ten Thousand Transformations" dares to do this. Even the "Chaos Saint Emperor" must definitely use the "Chaos Green Lotus" when facing the woman in white, otherwise, he will bring a lot of trouble to himself. to great damage.

The 'Sacred God Rule' is no small matter, it is one of the supreme god rules representing the heaven and earth, it is extremely terrifying, and it contains the rhythm of the holy way.

However, Xuanyuan's punch is not weak, it contains the meaning of the holy way of life and death, and it also has the explosion of his own combat power!

When the fists and swords collided, there was a sonorous sound, which resounded throughout the world. The moment the two collided, it was the collision and tearing of thousands of gods.

On Xuanyuan's fist, there was a stern bloodstain, exposing thick white bones, even if it was a blow from the white-clothed woman and the Supreme Dao Sword combined with the "Sacred God Rule", it still couldn't penetrate Xuanyuan's bones.

Although he was injured, to Xuanyuan, it was just a flesh injury, it didn't matter, and in the next moment, he recovered quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The white-clothed woman missed a single blow and retreated in an instant. The Supreme Dao Sword on her body was also integrated into her body. She was ten feet away from Xuanyuan, her eyes were very flat, and she felt like an ordinary woman, without the slightest harm.

"The physical body of the 'Body of Ten Thousand Transformations' is indeed tyrannical, Holy Master Xuanyuan, it seems that if there are not three saint hunters among my hunters attacking at the same time, I may not be able to kill you, but I may be killed by you!" The woman in white stabbed the sword just now and collided with Xuanyuan's fist. At that moment, she felt her hand was a little numb. What she has to admit is that she is not as good as Xuanyuan in terms of pure strength.

Xuanyuan collided with her supreme Dao sword with bare hands, but only suffered a little injury, which is simply unimaginable.

"Girl, you have set me up from the very beginning. Until now, have you still not given up? Your strength is clearly above me, and if you want to hit me hard, you still have a way, so don't pretend to be inferior to me." Look, let me relax my guard and look for an opportunity to strike!" The woman in white is very strong, and Xuanyuan can clearly feel that the collision between the two is more like a temptation, and it is impossible to know who it is until the final decisive battle. Who will win!

"Holy Master Xuanyuan, you are also hiding very deeply. It is not as simple as it seems on the surface..." The woman in white stared at Xuanyuan like a prey, as if waiting for him to give him a fatal blow at the moment when he was most relaxed .

Xuanyuan can't get rid of her, but he doesn't want to fight her to the death, because it is very likely that there are other hunters setting traps waiting for him, or waiting for him to fight with the woman in white at the most critical moment. Speaking, it is very fatal, so he understands very well that she will not do her best when the two of them are not fighting to the death.

Another very important point is that Xuanyuan wants to obtain the power of her blood from the woman in white. As long as he can refine a drop of her blood, Xuanyuan can read a lot of information from it, even if it is not complete, he can also read it. Calculate based on one point, and then combine according to one point of core, and even condense out your own "Sacred God Rule" and integrate it into the "Swallow God Rule"!

The woman in white regarded Xuanyuan as a prey, and he also regarded her as his target, but Xuanyuan chose to stop with silence!

"What's your name?" Xuanyuan stood on the spot, motionless, looking at the entire 'Tianchan Lingzhou', with his back turned to her, and asked.

"Thank you Lu Sheng!" She spit out every single word!

"Thank you..." Xuanyuan frowned, this name was too naked, it didn't seem like a name a woman should have at all.

Both Wang Niyi and Xie Daoyun once existed at the level of Supreme Killer, so is there any relationship between them? It should be impossible, because the two created the 'Six Paths of Reincarnation', and the one who passed on their Killing Dao is Old Killer Nie!

"Is it strange?" Xie Lusheng asked coldly.

"It's not surprising!" Xuanyuan shook his head, turned his back to Xie Lusheng, and looked into the distance. He was thinking, why didn't any of the holy emperors of the demon clan appear, did they all die in the hands of the hunting saint? Where did the reincarnation of the Holy Emperor of Daozhou go?

"You hunters killed all the reincarnations of the demon clan and Taoist emperors? Is this why they haven't appeared?" Xuanyuan asked.

"Beheaded, but not all of them. I don't know the whereabouts of the others. Could it be that Holy Master Xuanyuan still expects that they can unite with your 'Qinglong Holy Land'?" The woman in white said in a cold voice.

"It's natural. We are all the inheritance of the 'Origin of the Primordial Origin'. It is the best to be able to unite together." Xuanyuan said with a smile.

"Xuanyuan, I still hope that you can think about it carefully. As long as Peng Fei's life is handed over, the future of the 'Qinglong Holy Land' will be bright. My purpose of hunting saints is only those saint emperors of the major origins. We each take what we want. Necessary!" The woman in white repeated the old saying, hoping that Xuanyuan would agree.

"Impossible, don't waste your words!" Xuanyuan sighed lightly, stood up, and he turned into a myriad of worlds, and in the next moment, he appeared in the "Lingzhou of Heaven and Earth".

The mobilization of the lore-killing array that day caused the collapse of many big cities in the 'Tiandao Lingzhou', and all the geomantic omens and powers were wiped out. Now the entire 'Tiandao Lingzhou' has been razed to the ground. If the source's power is used to repair it, I'm afraid it will take a lot of power!

"Looking at my masterpiece, how do you feel?" The moment Xuanyuan arrived, Xie Lusheng also followed behind him, mockingly.

"I don't have any feelings, I have something to give up, that's it. As long as people live, sooner or later, it will return to unprecedented prosperity. If we all die, it will be like giving up this piece of land to others." Xuanyuan said One sentence.

"That's true." Xie Lusheng didn't say anything more, she followed Xuanyuan all the time, entangled endlessly.

In most cases, she communicated with Xuanyuan, and occasionally launched a fatal blow.

Walking with her puts Xuanyuan on high alert all the time. Although it is very dangerous, Xuanyuan feels that this is a very exciting thing, and at the same time it can improve his abilities.

A month has passed, and Xie Lusheng can also see that Xuanyuan has been using her to sharpen himself.

But she didn't care, because in the process, she also benefited a lot from attacking Xuanyuan.

Both of them are extraordinary, they absorb what they need from each other and maintain this kind of relationship, which is extremely special.

On this day, Xuanyuan came to the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness. Since the integration of the "Central World", the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness has expanded, and the power contained in it has become stronger. He can even perceive that in the depths of the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness, hidden With an extremely terrifying existence, they can all contend against the existence of the reincarnation of the Holy Emperor.

It just never showed up.

"As the saying goes, the sea of ​​suffering is boundless, and you will be right when you turn back." Xuanyuan looked at Xie Lusheng and said in a harmonious voice.

"I should be the one who said this to you. Xuanyuan, you are now bound by the 'Qinglong Holy Land'. How can you have the freedom you used to have? You can walk the world alone without any worries?" Xie Lusheng began to switch to other words. One way to communicate with Xuanyuan is also to break his heart.

Xuanyuan could also feel that since the 'Qinglong Holy Land' became more and more powerful, he became less and less free. Many things were done with restraint and many considerations. He had to consider every time he did something. There are countless people in the entire 'Qinglong Holy Land'.

"Even so, so what, as long as the 'Central World' can be pacified, the people of the 'Qinglong Holy Land' can spread their branches and leaves in this land, and pass on the will and spirit of the major forces is enough." Xuanyuan said Very peaceful.

"Actually, your heart is already tired. You are not the kind of person who has ambitions to dominate the world. It is only because of Shiwan's vision that you have been pushed to where you are today. That's why I, Hunter Saint, think about it." I want to invite you, Xuanyuan, you are free, you can put aside the burden of the 'Qinglong Holy Land' to join the Hunting Saint, you can do whatever you want without the slightest restraint, and you can also use the power of the Hunting Saint to help the "Qinglong Holy Land" Holy land' one!" Xie Lusheng tried her best, it is true that she has a deep understanding of Xuanyuan, otherwise, she would not come to him blindly!

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