Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 2082 Lord of the Holy Spirit

"The third Lord of Saint Hunting? Hehe..." Peng Fei smiled strangely, as if he didn't care at all.

Xuanyuan soared into the sky, followed by Pengfei.

"The third Saint Hunter Lord didn't show up, what are they plotting?" Xuanyuan and Peng Fei were flying in the sky.

"Boy, what are you doubting? This Holy Emperor can help you analyze it." Peng Fei asked curiously.

"I think the third Saint Hunter Lord is either in the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land' or hidden in the 'Sacred Gate of Longevity', ready to go. I'm not sure yet." Xuanyuan said in a deep voice.

"It is indeed very possible, but if it were me, I think the value obtained in the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land' would be greater." Peng Fei analyzed it.

"This is also what I am worried about, so I want to lead out the third Lord Hunter to make the situation clear, so that when I do things, I can have no scruples, otherwise, there is such a Lord Hunter hidden , It really makes me feel uneasy!" Xuanyuan looked serious, and he felt more and more that the Lord of the Hunting Saints should be hidden in the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land'.

What is their conspiracy?

"Damn it, this is indeed a bit tricky, but there is nothing you can do if you are in a hurry. Later, the Holy Emperor came up with a trick for you. You must lure the Lord of the Hunting Saints. Now, let's go back first." 'Qinglong Holy Land'!" Peng Fei also knew the importance of this matter.

"There is one more important thing to do now!" Xuanyuan said in a deep voice.

"Oh? Could it be that you want to go to heaven?" Peng Fei immediately saw Xuanyuan's intention.

"That's right, how high is the sky, how deep is the sea, there is a sea of ​​suffering in the sea, and there are nine heavens in the sky. Since I have the approval of Empress Houtu, if I have the approval of Huang Tian, ​​the combination of the two will definitely be able to get twice the result with half the effort." Xuanyuan said solemnly.

"Hey, within nine days, there are not some good stubbles. Since ancient times, many immortal beasts, divine beasts, holy spirits, and alien species of all races have hidden in it. I think it would be better for you to call your Taotie, so that it will be better. Good communication!" Peng Fei grinned cheaply.

"You fat bastard, you're quite thoughtful!" Xuanyuan was stunned, and immediately opened a portal. Taotie was raised by Xuanyuan and has a deep connection with his soul. At the first moment, it came from this portal Burst out of the portal.

Taotie inherited many things from Xuanyuan, including the six ancient characters, etc., plus these years, accumulated in the 'Qinglong Holy Land', which made it break through the realm of the emperor of heaven.

Now Taotie's physical body is extremely powerful, almost able to compete with the existence of the Saint Emperor Realm, but there is still a gap.

But this has already made it impossible for ordinary heavenly emperors and great sages to fight against him. Even if Old Killer Nie is facing Taotie, it is difficult to tell the winner between the two.

"Tao'er, the strength has increased a lot recently, very good!" Xuanyuan did not expect that Taotie's growth is so fast, no wonder, it is like a big black hole, it can swallow and refine as many things as possible.

With the rapid development of the 'Qinglong Holy Land', it is impossible for Taotie to grow slowly.

Huang Yuechan regarded it as her own son again, so how could she not give it more resources.

"Tsk tsk, let's go, I'm envious of someone with such a powerful mount." Peng Fei smiled cheaply.

Taotie's body is huge, thousands of feet high and low, every move is turbulent, and the two of them fly down on Taotie's head, heading towards the depths of the nine heavens.

The so-called sky, if it keeps flying upwards, it means leaving the world and stepping into the universe.

The sky is another space that exists above the nine heavens and hides the portal.

Since ancient times, no matter which world it is in, the creatures contained in the nine heavens must be the most powerful.

They are aloof, looking down on all living beings, never paying attention to them, living among them, carefree and at ease, and the heights are extremely cold.

Taotie pushed forward all the way and reached the Gangfeng layer, which did not have the slightest influence on Xuanyuan and his party.

And Taotie's body is like a huge black hole, which can absorb anything, including Gang Feng.

I saw that wherever it went, it swallowed all the external power into its own body and turned it into its power.

Xuanyuan pointed the way, and he sensed it carefully until he reached the ninth hurricane layer. The power was huge, and the thunder was rolling. There was a portal hidden in the depths of the sea of ​​thunder, and the light tore through it. , are not easy.

Xuanyuan grasped the extremely powerful Dou Lei between heaven and earth, and with a movement of his mind, he saw this majestic sea of ​​thunder, which immediately became extremely docile, blending into his body bit by bit, nourishing the Dou Lei in his body.

The gate of Nine Heavens was formed by condensing and pouring thunderbolts, and it is currently closing.

With a movement of Xuanyuan's mind, he transformed the Tao with sound, thick and peaceful: "Xuanyuan, the Holy Lord of the 'Qinglong Holy Land', come to see me."

"What should come, will always come!" A voice came out, and a vortex emerged from the Thunder Gate.

Xuanyuan and Pengfei drove Taotie into it.

During these nine days, clouds and mountains were shrouded in mist, and flying immortals could be seen everywhere. Their temperament was cold and their feelings were weak. They had a taste of looking down on all living beings in their gestures. The world's beings make their own generated temperament.

In front of him is an extremely handsome man, dressed in white, with black hair falling down, narrow and long red phoenix eyes, two sword eyebrows into the temples, a straight nose, thin lips, and his gestures, giving people A breath of perfection.

His essence is not human, but the appearance of a human being, and his strength is extremely high. Beside him, there are three thousand women, each of whom is amazing and talented, has his own unique way and thoughts, and his strength has stepped into the world. He has reached the realm of the great sage, and he is not an ordinary great sage. Compared with the three thousand great scholars, he is only stronger but not weaker. It is such a group of women who are willing to be his women and assist him wholeheartedly.

Obviously above the nine heavens, this man is one of the supreme beings.

"Could it be that you are one of the Nine Heavens and Five Emperors, the Holy Spirit Emperor?" Xuanyuan cupped his hands and saluted.

"Hehe, that's right, Holy Master Xuanyuan has grown from a mortal to such a level, which is really admirable. This time, I can also be regarded as representing the other four emperors to discuss with you. Please speak up if you have any ideas!" Forget it, Xuanyuan will come to the Nine Heavens to seek rescue, the man looks at the powerful Taotie, he is slightly surprised.

"The Emperor of the Holy Spirit is the Lord of the Holy Spirit. He can mobilize all the holy spirits in the world to serve him. He is the core emperor of the Nine Heavens. The other four emperors also respect you. As long as you agree, it means that all the beings in the Nine Heavens have agreed. "Xuanyuan knew very well that the man in front of him was no small matter, he possessed the ability to counter the reincarnation of the Sage Emperor, and behind him, three thousand peerless beauties, all with unique skills, united, could seal the existence of the reincarnation of the ordinary Sage Emperor in an instant .

"I'm sorry, it's just that the other four emperors trust me. It's nothing. Holy Lord Xuanyuan can speak up if you have any thoughts!" The Holy Spirit Lord stood up, giving the impression that he was the most perfect person in the world.

"Now that the 'Central World' is in danger, the five origins are joining forces at the same time, and the hunter is watching. We are not sure that we will win. After all, the creatures in the nine heavens are also the blood of my 'Great Origin'. I hope to protect the 'Central World' together." , save hundreds of millions of people." Xuanyuan said solemnly.

"First of all, the common people in the 'Central World' have never made any contribution to us, and we have no reason to protect them. For a long time, Jiutian has been independent from the 'Central World' and does not participate in the war between worlds. Presumably this Holy Master Xuanyuan also knows that in the ancient times, the "Central World" collapsed and the four spirits and four immortals were separated, and we have never participated in it." The Lord of the Holy Spirit, slowly, every word, like the nine-day star language, is very Indifferently, at this moment, Xuanyuan realized what it means to be unworldly.

"Indeed, I know that such a request is a little too much, but in the ancient times, it was the internal struggle of the 'Great Origin', and now it is the union of the major origins. It is necessary to destroy the major forces of the 'Grandmist Origin'. The Lord of the Holy Spirit can also understand this truth!" Xuanyuan did not impose his will on the other party, but tried to persuade the other party.

"I'm afraid they know us very well. As long as we don't interfere, they won't think about attacking us." The Lord of the Holy Spirit is very calm, and no big force has ever attacked the Nine Heavens Space.

"Wrong, if we are defeated, they will completely occupy the 'Central World', then the major origins will be separated from each other, everyone wants to monopolize it, but they don't want to be threatened by the local forces of the 'Great Origin', the result is How? It is conceivable that they will join forces to kill the sentient beings of the Nine Heavens, leaving behind an insignificant small force to maintain the support of the 'Central World'." Xuanyuan was analyzing the pros and cons for the Lord of the Holy Spirit.

"Huh? If that's the case, there is a possibility, but it doesn't convince us. You have to understand that over the years, we have been high above the Nine Heavens, and no one dared to invade. The common people, all living beings are safe, and intervening in the 'Central World' 'During the war, I also have to bear a lot of pressure, and the reason of the Holy Lord Xuanyuan is not enough!" The Lord of the Holy Spirit also thought carefully, and indeed the threat of the five origins is relatively greater this time.

"I know that in the nine-day space, there are not human races with a long lifespan, but when people go to high places and water flows to low places, the Lord of the Holy Spirit can still stay here to preside over it, but because of your long lifespan, no one can match , Look at the concubines around you, some of them are already a little old, they may be able to last for more than a hundred thousand years, but what about a million years, tens of millions of years? When the "Longevity Gate" is occupied, they will Accompany you to die in this piece of heaven and earth, if you ascend to the "Origin of Hongmeng" together, the sea is wide enough for fish to leap, and the sky is high for birds to fly, then it is not impossible to create a nine-day space in "Origin of Hongmeng"!" Xuanyuan Cave looked at the fire, It was difficult for the people present to hide from his surveillance skills. Although these women looked stunning on the surface, some of their human origins had already begun to dry up. These women were all moved by Xuanyuan's words, indeed, this is also true. their voices.

"Even if you don't think about your concubines, you have to think about the sentient beings of the Nine Heavens. When they want to ascend to the 'Origin of the Primordial Mist' in the future, they will be turned away, and they will only be able to die here alone for the rest of their lives. How do you think in your heart, not to mention, when one day, Lord of the Holy Spirit, your lifespan is about to run out, and you are tired of this place, and want to ascend to the "Origin of Primordial Origin", can you guarantee that the other party can open the portal?"

Xuanyuan's every word was relaxed and relaxed, bit by bit penetrated into the soul of the Lord of the Holy Spirit...

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