Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 2083 Nine Heavens Stand

The concubines beside the Lord of the Holy Spirit were all moved. Every word Xuanyuan said hit the deepest part of their hearts. Indeed, with the passage of time, they felt the loss of the source of life in their bodies, and they felt a little helpless. However, the current situation In this way, they can only hold back.

The Lord of the Holy Spirit fell into silence, with his eyes closed, sitting upright and thinking carefully about Xuanyuan's question.

Xuanyuan pointed at Taotie, and said seriously: "It is also a natural source stone, and it has formed its own image. It has only been a few decades since it was conceived and born, and it has grown to the realm of the emperor. Presumably everyone present, except the Holy Spirit The lord can override it, and if other people want to fight it alone, they may not be able to be opponents. This is the power of the "Qinglong Holy Land". The world's strongest!"

Xuanyuan hit the iron while the iron was hot, and said impassionedly, "Now the 'Qinglong Holy Land' is extremely prosperous, combined with the power of many holy emperors, to elevate all living beings, unite as one, the sentient beings in the nine heavens are indeed powerful, but can there be a holy emperor reincarnated to give a lecture? No! So The improvement is limited, and I dare say that although the Lord of the Holy Spirit is powerful, if he wants to fight against the "Chaos Saint Emperor", "Eternal Saint Emperor" and others, he may not be able to take advantage of the slightest, what do you think?"

The corners of the eyes of the 'Lord of the Holy Spirit' twitched when he heard the words. Although Xuanyuan's words made people feel very uncomfortable, he had to admit that this was true, but for the people in the Nine Heavens Space, they are a whole, not separate Individuals fighting.

"I have to say that Holy Master Xuanyuan's words are very convincing, and I can admit everything you said, but this matter is of great importance, and it is not something I can decide alone, so we still need to consider After a while, I will think about it on my own. You can go back first, and I will not send it away. If we discuss it, we will naturally send someone to the 'Qinglong Holy Land' to inform. In addition, no matter whether I agree to the Nine Heavens Space or not, I hope that the Holy Master Xuanyuan will be able to treat the five majors. The origin goes all out!" The Lord of the Holy Spirit marveled at the impact of Xuanyuan's words, not to mention his concubine, even he himself began to waver, so he started to issue the order to evict guests and think calmly, otherwise, he agreed It is very likely that the entire Nine Heavens Space will be pulled into a place of eternal doom.

"It's natural, we must fight to the end for the 'Central World'!"

Xuanyuan and Pengfei didn't say anything more, they turned and left. From the very beginning when they entered the Nine Heavens Space, Xuanyuan didn't hold much hope, because this group is too special.

"Damn it, this 'Lord of the Holy Spirit' is too arrogant. He dared to issue an order to drive us away. If it wasn't on their territory, the Holy Emperor would have taken action to teach them a lesson.!" What did Peng Fei say? It was a time when someone told me to go there, and I felt uneasy for a while. On the way back to the 'Qinglong Holy Land', the more I thought about it, the more unwilling I became, and I was bragging.

"It's nothing. Nine Heavens Space has always acted like this. It's good enough to let us in. It's not that the 'Hongmeng Heavenly Emperor' hasn't looked for them, but it's a mess. I'm afraid it's because we are facing They will meet us only because of the five origins, and I think they should make the most correct choice." Xuanyuan has the memories of many saint emperors and knows a lot about many things, but the Lord of the Holy Spirit is indeed not easy lamp.

"Then what should we do now? Do we just wait like this?" Peng Fei knew that the matter had already happened and he could only accept it.

"Of course not. Back to the 'Qinglong Holy Land', you can help me think about it. Is there any way to attract the third Lord Hunter? I also want to improve their strength. In the future battle, absolutely They are not allowed to suffer any loss!" Xuanyuan said solemnly.

"They are your women, right? Why don't you think about the other people in Qinglong Holy Land? It's because you're so lustful." Peng Fei satirized Xuanyuan, smiling very meanly.

"I owe them too much. All along, they have been silently giving their all for the 'Qinglong Holy Land'. I didn't say much. I owe them a lot, both public and private. Now the final battle, I don't know When will it break out, so I have to improve their physique in advance to ensure that they can survive this battle." Xuanyuan said very seriously, all these years, he does not owe any sentient beings in the 'Qinglong Holy Land', because Now the development of 'Qinglong Holy Land' has given them enough feedback, the most indebted are those women who have silently paid for themselves.

"Boy, don't be so eloquent. Among those women, most of them have the body of Yuanyin. I'm afraid that you have been holding back for too long. I want them to make you comfortable. I still understand." , be careful of your weak body, after improving Yin Zhenluo's physique, you have weakened a lot, and you haven't recovered yet, can you bear with so many people?" Peng Fei winked his eyebrows, and his cheap smile really made him People can't stand it.

"You fucking..." Xuanyuan couldn't help but swear, and headed towards the 'Qinglong Holy Land' through the air, and didn't want to pay attention to it. This fat man has never been serious, and it was a mistake to tell him these things .

"Hey, I said you kid, don't leave me, what if I'm assassinated by the hunter!" Peng Fei yelled.

"Get out!" Xuanyuan didn't turn his head back, Peng Fei followed behind him cursing, and said, "I'm really getting out, do you really want me to get out? Are you sure you want me to get out? If it's me I'm really going to get out, considering it's dangerous outside, I'd better get out at home..."

In the space of nine heavens, the five emperors gathered together, all the officials bowed their heads, and the three thousand concubines of the Lord of the Holy Spirit stood aside, listening to the government behind the curtain.

Above the temple, Qionglou Yuyu, surrounded by clouds and mist, is magnificent.

"Indeed, the 'Qinglong Holy Land' has developed extremely fast these years. If we cooperate with it, we will have a big improvement!" The Lord of Beasts spoke. Its bloodline is extremely majestic, and it is an ancient chaotic beast. , the fighting power is tyrannical, and the reincarnation of the ordinary saint emperor is not its opponent, because the ancient beasts of chaos inherit the supreme memory. , the blood of fairy beasts, strange beasts, and fierce beasts will obey their orders.

"The human race today is much stronger than that of the 'Hongmeng Heavenly Emperor' back then, but the enemies they have to face are also stronger. Xuanyuan can gather so many reincarnated figures of the Holy Emperor in the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land' Among them, it is indeed unbelievable, and I have to say that he has his excellence!" The Lord of Myriad Dao is a woman, she is friendly with Tian Dao, controls the world, is extremely tyrannical, and is one of the Nine Heavens and Five Emperors .

"If Jiutian Space wants to have greater development, it is indeed better to cooperate with the 'Qinglong Holy Land', but the risks to be borne are also greater. I think the threat of the five origins, even if we do not participate in it now, will be in the future. It may not be possible to avoid it. So I think it is imperative to unite with Qinglong Holy Land." The Lord of all things also spoke, he is in charge of heaven and earth elixir, flowers and trees, and is also one of the Nine Heavens and Five Emperors, in charge of vitality!

"Kill it. After all, we are also a part of the 'Origin of Hongmeng'. Since ancient times, we have settled down to the present. The establishment of the Nine Heavens Space was also to save the 'Central World' from danger one day. It's just that we have been on the top all these years, looking down. Sentient beings, everything that happened before can be under our control, but the five origins, hunting saints, have gradually left the scope of our control. If they are not united at this time, it will be very difficult in the future !” The Lord of the Starry Sky opened his eyes, and in the depths of his eyes reflected the huge universe, with billions of stars circulating, and it has a great connection with the heaven, earth and stars, and is extremely powerful.

Among the five emperors of the Nine Heavens Space, no one is strong or weak, each is in charge of one side, and each has its own strengths.

Obviously, the other four emperors are not opposed to joining forces with the Qinglong Holy Land, but for so many years, they have entrusted everything to the Lord of the Holy Spirit, so at this time, they should also seek his opinion.

"Actually, I can calculate what you said. It is true that we cooperate with the 'Qinglong Holy Land'. If it is for a long time, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. But now on the sea of ​​suffering, the five origins pray together, and many saint emperors exchange magical powers. , promote each other, and within a few hundred years, countless powerful people will be descended. Now that the entire "Origin of Hongmeng" major forces are about to collapse, we must not only think about ourselves, but also think about the sentient beings in the entire Nine Heavens Space. "The Lord of the Holy Spirit stood up, looked at the four heavenly emperors for a moment, and said: "Over the years, our Nine Heavens Space has been high above the Nine Heavens, looking down on all living beings, and now we want them to fight for these living beings. I definitely don't want to, I think you all know this, so my idea is to wait and see what happens, if they really need our help at a critical time, I will help them, if they can't even resist the five origins , we unite with it, and we are only going to die!"

"You mean, we remain neutral, and we are not in a hurry to unite with them now. It would be best if they can resist the five origins. However, we are still high above and don't need to intervene. If they lack our help, they will be able to win. We will do our best when the time comes, and if they don't have much power to counter the five origins, then we don't have to be implicated and we can protect ourselves." The wife of the Lord of the Holy Spirit spoke.

"That's it, what do you think?" The Lord of the Holy Spirit looked at the other four emperors.

"Forget it, let's decide like this." The four emperors knew very well that the Lord of the Holy Spirit did this for the benefit of all beings in the Nine Heavens Space. For them, it was more about protecting their own interests. As a secondary factor, there is no absolute benefit, and the sentient beings of the Nine Heavens will also have opinions.

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