Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 2084 Wanhuatian

Xuanyuan and Pengfei quarreled all the way back to the 'Qinglong Holy Land'.

The source of the wear and tear he suffered for improving Yin Zhenluo's physique before has almost been recovered. On the way, Xuanyuan kept using the 'Wanhua God Medicine' to restore it, and now it has almost recovered.

Looking at the current situation of the 'Qinglong Holy Land', in Xuanyuan's heart, he hopes that it can be maintained forever. He does not ask for the 'Qinglong Holy Land' to dominate, but only hopes that all races can coexist, and they can continue to develop like this, so that they all have great power. Ascension, and finally ascended to the "Origin of Hongmeng", to each open up their own paths.

Seeing Xuanyuan's thoughts were heavy, Peng Fei stood aside, winked, grinned, and said with a mean smile: "Can you really do it, kid? You have an expression like you want a battlefield. This is going to send you off, not to die. You want a Come on, we still have to come together. If it’s the latter, that’s really not good. Although you will be able to transform into a clean state in one go, maybe other girls don’t want to. Time leaves them lonely but no one to comfort them, how pitiful..."

"Get out..." The corner of Xuanyuan's mouth twitched, this fat man is really cheap, now in the 'Qinglong Holy Land', only Peng Fei and Zhutou Dadi dare to joke with him like this.

"Yo, yo, you look so fierce. This Holy Emperor kindly reminds you, boy, I have to admit that you are awesome, but no matter how awesome you are, you can't mess around. Just do it and cherish it!" Peng Fei Like a gossiping woman, she kept thinking beside Xuanyuan, and her words were extremely cheap, and she kept teasing Xuanyuan: "Don't look at me, what kind of look is this, do you want to hit me? Come hit me!" , have the ability to fight? Come on, come on? Come on?”

Xuanyuan clenched his fists tightly, and his body couldn't help twitching. Peng Fei was taken aback, and hurried away: "Tsk tsk, I have a big temper, I have to do it myself, and I don't allow anyone to say it, you boy, hold back too much!" I have been ill for a long time, so be careful not to lift it..."

"I can't bear it anymore, I don't need to bear it any longer..." Xuanyuan turned into Sanqing in one breath, performed "Shen Xing Dao Yin Shu", chasing Peng Fei and beating him hard.

"Damn it, you really dare to beat up the Holy Emperor, are you looking for death?" Peng Fei roared, and the sound of being beaten came from his body.

"I'm going to beat you..." Xuanyuan raised his fist and beat Peng Fei so that he ran away with his head in his arms, his body full of fat dangling.

"Are you trying to force Ben Shengdi to turn his face? Damn it, don't slap me in the face. I rely on my face to make a living. If you want to break my face, countless little girls will be sad. Then I will How can you live!" Peng Fei grinned his teeth in pain, and escaped into the world of geomantic omen.

Xuanyuan couldn't do anything, many people saw this funny scene and discussed it.

"I heard that Peng Fei and Holy Master Xuanyuan have known each other for a very long time. The two of them are always like this. It's quite interesting to argue with each other."

"Pengfei's mouth, I have seen it very well, it can always make people speechless."

"Did Holy Master Xuanyuan become angry just now?"

"Well, that's right, it might be some embarrassing things that have been exposed..."

"What shameful things do you say about Holy Master Xuanyuan? Come, let's discuss it..."

Immediately, many people discussed in private. In the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land', speech is free, and all living beings have the right to talk about anything.

Xuanyuan regretted a little why he went to beat up that damn fat guy Pengfei, it was simply that there was no money in this place, and he was looking for gossip for himself.

However, in the 'Qinglong Holy Land', there will be no malicious slanderous words, at most they will be treated as jokes, just a talking point.

"Forget it, let's devour the treasure house first, it's time to open other treasure houses."

He first came to the thirty-second heaven, Shen Hui Tian, ​​to see how the 'Tao Shen Kai Hui Pill' was being refined.

I saw that Shi Hou was concentrating on presiding over the melting pot of the "Tao God Kaihui Pill", his forehead was covered with sweat.

The fire of origin is blazing, and the countless powers contained in the fire are all quenched into the elixir.

Now in this 'Wanhua Shending', there are already many 'Taoshen Kaihui Pills' derived.

This is not over yet, this kind of elixir needs to be conceived, as the saying goes, if three people go together, there must be my teacher.

The same is true for pills. They incorporate different wisdoms. Between pills, they need to communicate with each other and refine some things so that people who take them can absorb them better. You must know that these "Taoshen Kaihui Pills" all contain spirituality , with wisdom, only by allowing them to communicate with each other and develop a strong wisdom together can the efficacy of the medicine be better stimulated.

As the saying goes, if you are close to vermilion, you will be red, and if you are close to ink, you will be black. If you put them together for a period of time, they will only enhance each other's medicinal properties, and there will be no conflict at all!

The arrival of Xuanyuan has attracted the attention of countless people, and the most critical moment has passed.

Shihou stopped hosting, and Yaochen took over.

"Husband, you are here!" From her face, with a slight tiredness, it is obvious that refining the 'Tao God Kaihui Pill' is a very labor-intensive thing, and she is a body of ten thousand medicines. Essence blood stimulates the medicinal properties, but also neutralizes the power of many medicinal materials to make them cohesive, and does not blow the furnace, so it is still necessary to be very careful.

"Well, thank you for your hard work, how long will it be released?" Xuanyuan asked.

"In another nine years, with the 'swallowing years' shrouded, it will only be a few months outside, and it will be very soon." Shihou made a rough calculation, and she also knew that the current situation was in danger and had already been exhausted. All methods are used to speed up alchemy.

"Well, it's okay, don't worry, this batch of elixir is obviously better than the one left by the 'Wanhua Sage Emperor'." Xuanyuan smiled, obviously very satisfied with this alchemy, after it is released, it will definitely be able to Created a lot of talents for the 'Qinglong Holy Land'.

"That is, the 'Wanhua Saint Emperor' collects materials by himself and refines medicine by himself, and we gather the power of all living beings and saint emperors. How can he compare with us by himself? But I have to say, he is a An extremely powerful person, without him laying the foundation for us, there would be no "Qinglong Holy Land" today, the predecessors planted trees, and the descendants enjoyed the shade." Seeing that Xuanyuan was very satisfied, Shihou was also very happy in his heart. 'There is only admiration.

"Yeah, I don't know when I will be able to see him again, that's all, let's not talk about it, Wan Wan, come with me to the Thirty-Third Heaven to have a look!" Xuanyuan took Shi Hou's hand, "Eternal Soul With the urging of "Skill", a strong force poured into her body, quickly recovering her exhausted spirit.

A blush floated on Shiwan's face, her smile was bright, her little canine teeth sparkled: "Okay, I don't know what kind of treasure will be hidden inside!"

"Yaochen, everyone, I'll leave it to you first." Xuanyuan said.

"No problem!" Yao Chen's heart was boiling with enthusiasm, each of them was looking forward to how much energy this 'Tao God Kaihui Pill' would have after it was released, and how much benefit it would bring to all living beings. For their alchemists, This is the biggest expectation in my heart.

Xuanyuan took Shihou's hand and came to the thirty-third heaven gate, on which three large characters were written.


Xuanyuan was looking forward to it, and brought Shihou into it.

Inside, it is like a starry sky universe, so vast that people can't see the edge at a glance.

I saw nine ancient tombs hanging down in nine directions, accompanied by Xuanyuan's thoughts, rumbling, the nine ancient tombs seemed to have their own spiritual wisdom, rumbling open.

Xuanyuan's thoughts penetrated out, and inside the ancient tomb, there were groups of petrified warriors guarding beside a huge sarcophagus. Each warrior was extremely tall, with concentrated energy and fighting spirit, and swore to guard to the death.

Xuanyuan could tell at a glance that they were blocked by the law of myriad transformations from the flow of the original vitality in their bodies. As long as they were unsealed, they would be able to come back to life in an instant.

With a thought, from behind him, the 'Devouring God' turned into nine black dragons and crashed into nine suspended ancient tombs.

I saw that the surface of these petrified warriors began to have a few cracks, from which flowed an extremely rich vitality.

Bang, bang, bang!

From the nine ancient tombs, countless warriors broke through the air, and in each ancient tomb, there were a million warriors, each of whom was in the realm of the ancient emperor, ancient saint, and five heavens, and a hundred of them stepped into the sky. Heavenly Emperor Great Sacred Realm.

It must have been cultivated by the "Sage Emperor of Wanhua" through hard work. After all, the "Emperor Devourer" is only one of his lives and cannot represent all his reincarnations.

These warriors, a total of nine million, armed with bows, crossbows, swords, knives, spears, sticks, hammers, shields, and daggers, had amazing fighting power.

"Meet the Holy Emperor!"

Nine million powerful beings shouted in unison and bowed in salute. The person who can open Wanhuatian is the person they want to be loyal to.

"Mianli, now is the time when the 'Central World' is in danger, you guys come at the right time, go back to the 'Qinglong Holy Land' first, get acquainted, and come with me!" Leading an elite army of 9,000,000, out of the 'swallowing treasure house'.

"The 'Sage Emperor of Wanhua' is too powerful, leaving behind so many soldiers and horses!" Shi Hou was dumbfounded.

"It seems that he has come to such a day long ago. These were originally his life savings, and he planned it in advance. It's just that I got his inheritance. Good luck!" Xuanyuan sighed softly.

"I think the 'Wanhua Sacred Emperor' will be happy for you when he sees you building the 'Qinglong Holy Land' into such a state." Shiwan was on the side, speaking softly.

"I hope so!" Xuanyuan looked at the nine ancient tombs, they were all like a huge coffin, the whole body was piled up with mysterious boulders, carved with countless mysterious patterns on it, containing the power of the supreme seal, the whole body is simple and unsophisticated Thick, hidden mystery.

In the depths of the ancient tomb, there are only clothes tombs inside, which are the foundation of the sealing formation. With a wave of his hand, he saw that the nine ancient tombs shrank rapidly. People can stop.

"Isn't every treasure house suppressing treasures? Let's see what's in Wanhuatian." Shihou was very curious.

Xuanyuan smiled slightly, his mind moved, and a ray of divine light burst out of the air!

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