Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 2096 Gate of the Sun

"Then over the years, have you sensed where your patriarch is?" Xuanyuan knew that Peng Fei seemed careless on the surface, but he was thoughtful, so he should have discovered something.

"If Patriarch could have been discovered so easily, his void burial would have been hollowed out long ago. Don't you know that the Holy Emperor has been planning Patriarch's void burial?" Peng Fei He gave Xuanyuan an angry look, and said, "Only by stealing the great tomb of my patriarch is the greatest recognition for me to restore the truth of history. This can represent that I have reached the pinnacle in this way, and no one can compare to it!"

The corner of Xuanyuan's mouth twitched, and only a top-notch person like Peng Fei would think of stealing the tomb of his ancestor, but a person who is proficient in wind and water, indeed chooses the tomb for himself carefully and carefully!

It is impossible for ordinary people to succeed. As Peng Fei said, if he can steal the void burial of his patriarch, it means that his achievements far surpass his patriarch.

"Okay, first go and see what you need in the ancient coffin formed by the condensed yin god crystal, first improve your own strength and say, there are still many things waiting for us on this moon Deal with it!" Xuanyuan learned a lot of things from the ominous ancient energy, and he wanted to help resolve the 'Taiyin Yuanyuan' being shackled by the ominous ancient energy.

"Okay!" Although the 'Taiyin Holy Body' is no longer there, for Peng Fei, there are still many things to learn from in the 'Taiyin Temple'. There is something left over here, and he can also restore the overall situation of Feng Shui laid out by him before.

Xuanyuan's body spread out and merged into the whole moon. He was shocked to find that on the moon, the bodies of many creatures were stained with an ominous ancient air. Although it was not serious, if it lasted for a long time, the whole moon The creatures on the earth are very likely to be devoured. If the patriarch of the feng shui lineage is more ruthless, sacrificing them is just a matter of thought!

Little by little, he infiltrated his thoughts into the deep layer of the moon, and the "Taiyin Origin" manifested. She said helplessly, "I can't help you, I really feel powerless!"

"It doesn't matter, I can understand that you are restrained, and I came here this time to help you break away from the shackles of the ominous ancient spirit!" Xuanyuan said solemnly.

"Okay!" The eyes of the woman derived from the 'Taiyin Origin' are shining brightly. She originally thought that she would be shackled all her life and be used by others. She never expected to be released from the shackles. One day, even if Xuanyuan came, she didn't have any hope, but she felt that Xuanyuan's battle with that Fengshui ancestor master, such good luck, would definitely be able to resolve it for herself.

At the very first moment, Xuanyuan mobilized the supreme fortune of the 'Qinglong Holy Land', and a portal evolved behind him, shining on the 'Origin of Taiyin'.

Xuanyuan used the method of shackles to collect, bit by bit, the ominous ancient energy entangled on the "Taiyin Origin", and refined it to eliminate all the will left on it by the ancestors of the Feng Shui lineage.

The pure ominous ancient spirit was integrated into his body, evolved, formed runes, and continued to be complete as an ominous god, making this ominous god even more powerful!

"What a powerful luck!" Now that the "Qinglong Holy Land" has gathered thousands of races and many holy emperors, the hearts of the people are united and they are thriving. There is no reason why the luck is not strong.

I saw that the power contained in the 'Taiyin Origin' was dissipated bit by bit.

The majestic good luck, through the "Yin Origin", resolves all the ominous ancient spirits of all the creatures on the moon.

Countless ominous ancient spirits were all refined and gathered on Xuanyuan's body, making the 'Ominous God Rule' more complete and stronger.

It took a full eighty-one days for Xuanyuan to complete all of this. During this period, Peng Fei also walked out of the 'Taiyin Temple', and stepped onto a new level in the field of feng shui thaumaturgy.

In this 'Taiyin Temple', there are countless traces left by his ancestors. He sorts them out one by one, and constantly evolves everything that happened before. Another huge breakthrough in thaumaturgy.

He shot again and again, mobilizing the dragon's veins, and cooperating with the good luck of the 'Blue Dragon Holy Land' that Xuanyuan hooked out, all the many feng shui dark situations that his ancestors placed on the moon were all broken.

The two of them spent another ninety-nine days, and during this period, Xuanyuan assisted with the power technique. Even so, Pengfei felt that he was exhausted physically and mentally. He lost a lot of weight and his back was sore. It hurts, and the flesh on my body doesn't shake anymore.

It's no wonder that it was a waste of time for him to solve all the dark situations that his ancestors had set up on the moon in such a short period of time. According to the general situation of Fengshui, if you activate the 'Taiyin Origin', you can combine the luck of the 'Qinglong Holy Land' to launch an attack!

For one thing, if the Feng Shui master wants to shackle the "Origin of Taiyin" again, he will be hit by great luck, and what he will face will no longer be the "Origin of Taiyin" alone, but the entire "Sacred Land of Qinglong" and "Origin of Hongmeng" , they were able to arrive at the first time, and secondly, many powerful creatures on the moon were contaminated with more powerful luck, and they could also make themselves get a higher promotion!

"'Taiyin Origin', I hope you can unite with me, 'Qinglong Holy Land', to fight against those existences with ulterior motives together!" Although Xuanyuan tried her best to help the 'Taiyin Origin', she also did not treat Xuanyuan badly by citing her own origin. Power, infiltrated into the 'Qinglong Holy Land' and 'Hongmeng Origin', mutual benefit.

"No problem, I have been suppressed for a long time before, and many times it was a last resort. The 'Sun Origin' must have also been poisoned by him, so you should quickly rescue it, but this time, be careful, he is very powerful. It is possible to live in the 'Temple of the Sun', and combine the 'Saint Body of the Tai Yin' and the Holy Body of the Sun into one deity!" The words of 'the origin of the Tai Yin' made Xuanyuan's heart twitch violently. If so, how powerful will the strength of that feng shui patriarch be.

The ominous antiquity of countless years has been condensed in one body. You must know that his mind must have been completely eroded, otherwise, with the personality of the patriarch that Peng Fei said, he would definitely not do such cruel things.

The ominous ancient atmosphere is a very mysterious existence. Once contaminated by it, anything can happen. Those ominous ancient atmospheres were all introduced into his tomb by his overall situation, because most of the people went to Tomb robber, so in those ominous ancient atmosphere, there are endless curses, which made him completely lose his will.

For people of Fengshui lineage, this is an eternal bondage. Even if they don't go to the tomb, they will determine the Fengshui universe for others, gather luck, and in the dark, it will have a certain impact on themselves.

The so-called feng shui, if you make a game, benefit yourself, and harm the interests of others. The world is originally equal, and some feng shui is naturally generated by the world, and it is extremely powerful. People fight for it, and he has to bear the fight.

However, the general situation of Fengshui can turn an ordinary place into the dragon vein of Dingdu, and forcibly gather the luck of the world. This is something against the sky, so it will have a huge impact on oneself.

"Okay, I got it." Xuanyuan manifested in front of the "Taiyin Temple", and told Peng Fei what the "Taiyin Origin" said.

"Damn it, the Holy Emperor has already thought of it. With the wisdom left by the Patriarch, even if he is even attacked, he will still be able to do these things. I think we should not go to the 'Sun Temple' just yet." Now, I’m afraid that if the two of us work together, we may not be the match of the Patriarch!" Peng Fei was apprehensive, he knew the horror of the Patriarch, and the void burial can attract all kinds of power from the universe to merge into the ancient tomb. Refining day and night, coupled with the fact that he obtained the 'Sacred Physique of the Sun' and 'Physical Yin of the Taiyin' and combined the two, whether it is from close combat or thaumaturgy attacks, it is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

"It doesn't matter, when the critical moment comes, we can invite many holy emperors to join forces to suppress it. First, go to the 'Gate of the Sun'. If there is a 'Sun God', I will refine it, and my strength will definitely take a leap forward. , so what if he combined the 'sacred body of the sun' and the 'sacred body of the yin'?" Xuanyuan was very courageous, and he knew that if he backed down at this time, he might never have another chance in the future, because it is impossible for the five origins to in a state of stagnation.

"I can't help it. You are so fearless about death. I can't back down. Let's go to the 'Gate of the Sun' together. Let's refine the three 'Sun Gods' first." Peng Fei actually I am also looking forward to it in my heart, and I am afraid of returning home, but he still understands the path of wealth and danger. In the past, when his strength was not strong, he sneaked into the ancient tomb by himself and lived a life with his head pinned to his belt. , Now it has reached the point where it is today, let alone more.

Xuanyuan took a look at the fat man, clearly wanted to go, and pretended to be scared, he bid farewell to the 'Taiyin Origin', and Pengfei and he broke through the sky towards the direction of the 'Gate of the Sun'.

The moon is because of the light of the sun, making it more radiant, so the "sun god" in the "gate of the sun" is only stronger than the "lunar god".

Under Pengfei's path, through several mysterious voids, the two finally came to the 'Gate of the Sun'.

Before entering, both of them could feel the scorching heat in it, the 'sun energy' was violently rolling and raging, if the strength is not strong enough, entering it will be melted in an instant.

"Let's go!" The blood in Xuanyuan's body is surging, and the fighting spirit is soaring. Now that the "Taiyin God Principle" has been completed, and it can be traced back to his original holy law, if he can combine the Taiyin and the Sun, it will definitely improve himself. amazing.

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