Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 2097 Devour the Sun

"Boy, let me tell you first, this 'sun god' is different from the 'lunar god', your previous method must not work, if you still do that, you will be in danger." In front of the door, Peng Fei stopped Xuanyuan.

"Oh?" Xuanyuan frowned, he didn't understand these things, because among the saint emperors he devoured, he had never even entered the 'Gate of Taiyin', let alone the 'Gate of the Sun'.

"The 'Taiyin God' is the master of external attacks, while the 'Sun God' is the master of the interior, the soul attack is extremely powerful, and can even invade your sea of ​​consciousness, take away your soul, and occupy your body, so be careful! "Peng Fei said heavily.

"Huh? Yang is outside, and yin is inside. Why is yin and yang reversed? It stands to reason that the 'Taiyin God' should be the master of attacking souls!" Xuanyuan was a little puzzled, this was indeed a bit abnormal.

"I'm not too sure about this. It should be related to those people who died in the 'Eternal God's Court' back then. Don't pay attention to these details. Anyway, our ultimate goal is to suppress and refine them all!" Peng Fei shrugged, Smiling sinisterly.

"..." Xuanyuan had already prepared for it. He stepped into it, followed by Peng Fei. With Peng Fei's attainments in Fengshui and thaumaturgy, as well as his own strength, when he met the 'Sun God', even Stronger than the 'Lunar Gods', they are also fearless.

Inside the 'Gate of the Sun', Xuanyuan turned into three cleanses with one breath, and began to breathe out a strong 'sun energy'.

Looking around, a piece of red gold.

The red gold rivers formed by the "sun spirit" are rushing and rolling, like long golden dragons, contending and roaring, and the mountains combined with the "sun spirit" stand majestically.

The 'sun air' is hot and violent, full of vitality, sun trees are growing everywhere, and there are creatures that can only be bred by the 'sun air', such as the Golden Crow!

Above the nine heavens, rounds of suns rose up densely, and the temperature irradiated by them would melt the ordinary emperors and saints in an instant.

"Tsk tsk, as expected, the power contained in the 'Gate of the Sun' is much stronger than that in the 'Gate of Taiyin'. Fortunately, the Holy Emperor has traced the source from some traces left by the patriarch, otherwise If not, this 'Sun God' is really difficult to deal with." Peng Fei sighed with emotion.

"You hide in it, make the layout, and I will attract the attention of the 'sun god'!" As soon as the voice fell, one hundred and eight black holes rose from behind Xuanyuan, devouring them frantically, introducing countless 'sun spirits' into the 'swallowing myriads'. In the Dao Transformer', it is tempered.

These 'sun spirits' are extremely pure, and combined with the previous 'sun spirit', they produce a mysterious power, surging vitality, and the avenues flow, even the 'swallowing myriad transformations' have produced incomparably wonderful changes, making it Impact artifact, go one step further.

Now the spirit of the "swallowing myriad of transformations" is no longer a greedy old man. He got the "body of myriad transformations", broke away from it, and gained a new life. Together, a mass of Xuanyuan's independent will, integrated into it, gradually produces spiritual wisdom, especially in the collision of the "Taiyin spirit" and the "Taiyang spirit" itself, the blending changes are more obvious, and Xuanyuan integrates his own thoughts into it, As a result, this group of spiritual wisdom grew rapidly, and the 'swallowing myriad transformation tools' became even more divine!

Xuanyuan's momentum was mighty, walking in the mid-air, he saw long rivers of red-gold 'sun energy' converging straight up, pouring into the black hole, and being absorbed directly.

As soon as he raised his hand, the mountain formed by the "sun energy" was also thrown into the black hole, and turned into pure "sun energy", nourishing the "swallowing myriad transformations".

Xuanyuan deduced it in detail, using his own ideas, through his previous understanding of the "Taiyin spirit", to appreciate the "Sun God Rule", evolved into a series of runes, and started to combine them, which was quite effective, but he wanted to To truly appreciate the profound meaning contained in the "Sun God Rules", one must start with the "Sun God".

The deity and the three Dao bodies devoured everything, and the huge black vortex swallowed countless "sun gods" into it. He made such a big movement that he was about to draw out the "sun gods", as expected.

The three men were covered in red, as if they were surrounded by flames. Anger rolled between their brows, and the power in their eyes made people feel the tingling of their souls, as if they could tear others apart at any time.

"Sinner, how dare you come to offend our territory!" I saw one of the 'Sun Gods' turn into a brilliant light and rush towards Xuanyuan.

Xuanyuan didn't dodge or evade, this 'sun god' smiled coldly, and rushed directly into his sea of ​​consciousness, wanting to seize his soul.

The other two 'Sun Gods' were about to make a move, but Xuanyuan's body suddenly disappeared, and even the three Dao bodies also disappeared.

In the "Gate of Taiyin", the majestic "Gate of Taiyin" is flowing. As early as when the "Gate of Taiyin" was arranged, Xuanyuan had already established a portal, allowing himself to return to the "Gate of Taiyin" immediately , at this moment he is in the 'Gate of the Sun', since he can occupy the ground, there is no need to fight hard on the opponent's battlefield.

The strong 'Taiyin spirit' rolled and condensed into an incomparably huge force, pouring into Xuanyuan's sea of ​​consciousness,

Lunar yin and sun, mutual generation and mutual restraint.

In Xuanyuan's Sea of ​​Consciousness, the three souls condensed the power of Taiyin and evolved into tens of thousands of Taiyin lotus, which contained eternal rhythm and majestic momentum, colliding with the "Sun God", making it difficult for him to resist, and his body melted.

In the first moment, the 'Sun God' was suppressed in an instant, and Xuanyuan induced the 'Swallowing God' to rush into the body of the 'Sun God', refining and eliminating its memory, and penetrated its body with the 'Swallowing God', Extract its power bit by bit and condense it.

This 'Sun God' didn't even have the slightest resistance. Xuanyuan occupies an advantageous position in the 'Gate of Taiyin', and the 'Sun God' couldn't compete at all, and he also saw three 'Taiyin Gods' in Xuanyuan's sea of ​​consciousness Among them, looming.

"Ah, sinner, I want to die with you, and let you know what will happen if you offend the 'Eternal God Court'!" From the 'Sun God', six mysterious ancient characters appeared, flowing a kind of control over the soul, just When people look at it, they can't help but want to indulge in it.

"So it's because of the ancient characters. The previous 'Taiyin Gods' mainly attacked and killed, and it was also because of the power of the ancient characters they obtained. This ancient character can reverse Yin and Yang!" At this moment, Xuanyuan's thoughts moved, thirty words The ancient characters emerged one by one, and the six ancient characters were absolutely suppressed!

The expression of the "Sun God" was shocked: "What, how is it possible!"

Almost all of the thirty ancient characters have obtained the essence of the true meaning of the "Eternal Divine Court", and their power is terrifying. It is unimaginable that one person can obtain so many ancient characters.

In an instant, all his six ancient characters were suppressed, ground, devoured, and turned into a pure and condensed method, which was obtained by Xuanyuan.

This refinement took half a month, and finally Xuanyuan condensed the Sun God Principle, although it is not complete, but it complements the Tai Yin God Principle and is already extremely powerful.

One yin and one yang are two great Taiji diagrams, circulating, and the gods are intertwined, making the power of the "swallowing gods" skyrocket!

From the memory of this 'Sun God', Xuanyuan obtained some memories about the 'Eternal Court of God'.

For them now, many are incomplete, and even some memories are fragmented.

However, he still maintains his lofty thoughts, devouring all living beings, and cannot stay at all.

Xuanyuan discovered that after devouring them, the wisp of remnant soul belonging to the "Eternal God Court" would make his own soul essence produce a kind of divinity, which seemed to be a kind of essential transformation. Although it was not obvious, he could still I feel that this should only become more obvious when it reaches the "Origin of the Primordial Origin".

Xuanyuan returned to the place where the 'Gate of the Sun' was at the first time, and passed everything he had obtained to Pengfei with his thoughts to share with him.

"Okay, okay, this 'Sun God' is really powerful. The combination of the yin and yang of this holy emperor can make the strength skyrocket again. You kid quickly refine the other two 'Sun God' together. Don't wait until the patriarch wakes up. When the time comes Trouble, we refined his ominous ancient spirit, and shattered all his layout on the moon. I don’t know if he sensed that being eroded by the ominous ancient spirit, his mind would become unclear. Act according to instinct, if he finds out, he will definitely come to hunt us down, we must hurry up." After Peng Fei got the memory of the 'Sun God', he got a lot of insight, as if he had sensed something, reminded him One sentence.

Xuanyuan's heart skipped a beat, the existence of that patriarch, even if he devoured three 'Sun Gods', he might not be able to compete with it, and immediately he entered the 'Gate of the Sun', and in the same way, he attracted another one 'Sun God', return to the 'Gate of the Sun', and suppress again!

It took fifteen days for Xuanyuan to refine the second "Sun God" this time, making the "Sun God" more and more powerful. As long as the next "Sun God" is suppressed together, "Sun God" Then you will be able to achieve Dzogchen, pursue the original holy way, and give birth to the power of holy rules!

Xuanyuan returned again and shared his other gains with Pengfei. He entered the 'Gate of the Sun' and continued to make mistakes!

The black hole tumbled and swallowed violently, but the third 'Sun God' did not appear again.

Although he was formed from a strand of remnant souls, it didn't mean he was stupid. The two 'sun gods' in front of him all disappeared one after another, obviously swallowed by the suppression, and it could only hide itself.

At this moment, after Peng Fei absorbed the memory of the second "Sun God", the improvement was more obvious, and his understanding of the Taiyin and Sun became more profound, and he screamed: "Xuanyuan, hurry up, my patriarch's The will is waking up, if you wait until he wakes up, you won't be able to catch the third 'Sun God' by then, and you won't have a chance!"

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