Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 409 Purple Haired Man

Chapter 409 Purple Haired Man

The depths of the 'Forbidden Land'.

"This aura? 'Emperor Yingtian', isn't he dead yet? How is it possible, the lifespan of the human race is not worth mentioning compared to my race." A very gloomy voice rippling, making people feel chilly, His scalp was numb, his voice seemed to come from the underworld, soul-destroying...

"'Emperor Yingtian' has fallen. This is the restriction left by him. It should be his successor who touched the restriction left by him, huh? These little things actually moved. I thought there was nothing in the previous stage. Where did you go? It turned out to be the successor of 'Emperor Yingtian'. It's really interesting. You go, I want to watch the descendant of 'Emperor Yingtian' become the food of my little things, hahaha..."

This voice is not majestic, very plain, and very friendly, but it makes the former fear, admire, and worship.

"Subordinates obey, Crown Prince!"

In the sky, the body of the life-like existence 'Chaotiandiao' was exposed through thousands of holes, bit by bit, gradually fragmented, and turned into a rain of blood that poured down the sky. The blood smashed those flimsy black mountains into a large area of ​​potholes, and the strong fighting spirit and the majestic life essence filled the radius for dozens of miles.

For Xuanyuan and Zhutou Great Emperor, there is no doubt that this rich life essence contains extremely strong world fighting spirit, which is a rare tonic.

Devouring is the nature of Xuanyuan and the pig-headed emperor.

Facing such a rich life essence, it is absolutely not allowed to waste it for their physiques like the "Physical Body of Myriad Transformations".

Xuanyuan only felt comfortable all over his body, full of power from top to bottom, that 'green dragon inner alchemy' seemed to be dyed red by blood, and from Xuanyuan's dantian, light flowed, rolling with extremely thick power.

This is the 'Qinglong Neidan', which contains the lifelong power of the ancient Qinglong. However, before Xuanyuan refined it, he couldn't get a trace of power from it for his own use. He could only continuously temper it and nourish it , at the stage of the first-rank Doudi, the color of the golden core is red. When the golden core turns from red to orange, it means stepping into the realm of the second-rank Doudi.

By analogy, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple, and finally the seventh-rank purple golden elixir, the seventh-rank Doudi, the purple energy comes from the east, the ultimate emperor, after the breakthrough, it will be a great transformation from Fan Dengxian! Break out of the cocoon and become a butterfly! Become a fairy! Countless people are looking up, just want to take this step!

It's just that, for Xuanyuan, every step is very difficult, and it's not difficult to see from Xuanyuan's refinement, but this time, the 'Chaotian Diao' is the existence of the supreme life immortal, who was named by the 'Emperor Yingtian'. 'The remaining prohibition formation was killed, like a big trap that fell from the sky, allowing Xuanyuan and the pig-headed emperor to pick up a big deal for nothing.

In less than a while, the golden core in Xuanyuan's dantian began to turn from red to orange. Xuanyuan only felt that his whole body was full of strength. Although Xuanyuan's fighting energy was sealed, Xuanyuan couldn't use it, but it didn't affect Xuanyuan's breakthrough at all!

boom! Xuanyuan only felt that the golden elixir in his dantian shook, and the whole golden elixir turned into orange. In the dark, he seemed to have a little bit of power to grasp the green dragon inner elixir!

Xuanyuan faintly activated the green dragon inner alchemy, and found that he could activate a trace of battle energy. Although it was not much, Xuanyuan was no longer completely sealed by the restricted terrain.

In less than a day, Xuanyuan directly stepped into the realm of the second-rank Doudi from the first-rank Doudi, and his power leaped to the power of seventy-two emperor dragons, which was extremely astonishing.

The golden hair on the whole body of the pig-headed emperor trembled, and Xuanyuan felt an extremely huge aura churning in the pig-headed emperor's body, and the terrifying fighting spirit surged. It was obvious that the pig-headed emperor, who had already half-stepped into the realm of two-turn fighting immortals, was in this "challenge to the sky" In the rain of the eagle's blood, a breakthrough! It's just that the pig-headed emperor hid it so deeply that he didn't alarm anyone at all!

What made Xuanyuan even more amazed was that the "Swallowing Myriad Transformation Dao Armor" and "Swallowing Myriad Transformation Dao Boots" on my body, they devoured this huge life energy and strong battle energy at a speed comparable to that of a pig-headed emperor, even once Nothing worse than that, Xuanyuan knew that it must be the greedy old man who made a ghost, how could the greedy old man who is a weapon spirit let all this go for nothing?

Xuanyuan only saw that on his body, the 'swallowing myriad of transformations Dao armor', bit by bit, the broken parts began to emerge, and the 'swallowing myriad of transformations' Taoist boots' under his feet became more delicate, and they no longer looked like like a piece of rotten iron...

But at this moment, Xuanyuan and his party cannot be allowed to stay here. Xuanyuan is holding the 'Yingtian Immortal Sword' in his hand. He knows that if he wants to break through this place, this 'Yingtian Immortal Sword' is his biggest trump card!

"It's cool, it's cool..." The pig-headed emperor laughed loudly, devouring it with great joy, and from his eyes, the light shot out, devouring everything greedily.

Xuanyuan saw that the pig-headed emperor actually stopped for this bloody rain, and immediately turned around and kicked the pig-headed emperor fiercely:

"Damn, my life is almost gone, what's the use of devouring these."

"Wow..." The Pig-headed Emperor roared: "You have the 'Yingtian Immortal Sword' on your body, what are you afraid of, come and kill one and kill two, this is a rare and good opportunity, as long as other fierce beasts come again, In a short period of time, you can break through to the seventh-rank Doudi, or even the realm of Douxian! With the restriction left by 'Emperor Yingtian', you can kill all existences below the heavenly immortals!"

The golden core in Xuanyuan's body was running all the time. At this moment, there was a loud bang, and the golden core in Xuanyuan's dantian changed from orange to yellow, and Xuanyuan's power changed from seventy-two The power of the emperor dragon stepped into the power of eighty emperor dragons, the blood was rolling, and the power was rushing...

For a split second, Xuanyuan couldn't help but sigh in his heart:

"Fate Immortal, this is Fate Immortal! The Life Essence of Fate Immortal allowed me to break through two ranks in a short period of time. If I break through by myself, I can't stop it even if I want to."

If it was normal, Xuanyuan would have been extremely happy, but at this moment Xuanyuan didn't feel any pleasure, because Xuanyuan felt a huge danger spreading towards this place.

"Go!" Xuanyuan roared.

"If you don't go, I just won't go. This is a rare opportunity. What are you afraid of, kid?" The pig-headed emperor had a humble face, and small black holes emerged from his body, frantically devouring the energy that filled the space between heaven and earth. The essence of life made the pig-headed emperor extremely happy.

Xuanyuan's face was about to turn green. In the sky, in all directions, countless terrifying qi machines rushed towards him. It was obvious that even more terrifying beasts had killed him, but the pig-headed emperor still looked like a dead pig who was not afraid of boiling water. .

"One last word, let's go!" Xuanyuan shouted angrily.

"Don't go! You're still young, don't you feel those ferocious beasts? If you want to kill them long ago, how can they hover outside? They are afraid of the prohibition of 'Emperor Yingtian'!" The pig-headed emperor continued to devour .

At this moment, from the depths of Xuanyuan's heart, there was a violent convulsion, the power of the 'Heart-eating Dragon Insect' returned to its peak, full of vitality, and it rushed to kill the seal crazily, a sharp pain spread across Xuanyuan's body in an instant. Throughout his body, Xuanyuan even felt that deep in his heart, the strength of that 'Heart-eating Dragon Insect' had grown tremendously!

"Damn it, you don't want to die here. The 'Heart-eating Dragon Insect' in my body is moving. It seems that there are other 'Heart-eating Dragon Insects' coming to meet it. I can raise the 'Heart-eating Dragon Insect'." With the existence of a monster, how long do you think the remaining restrictions of 'Emperor Yingtian' can stop him?" Xuanyuan was really angry, roared, and ran forward, really not wanting to care about the pig-headed emperor.

A group of people were running for their lives covered in blood, the pig-headed emperor was so frightened that he jumped up, with a swipe, he rushed out like a rocket, and ran in front of Xuanyuan with a flick of his fingers, riding the dust!

"Damn it, why didn't you say it earlier when you had a feeling in your heart, withdraw, withdraw..." The pig-headed emperor with four legs ran the fastest, and rushed directly behind Yiyi's ass, Xuanyuan was so angry that his face turned black , almost spit out without a mouthful of blood.

"This dead pig...knows the danger and runs faster than anyone else!"

In all directions, the endless stretch of black mountains seemed to have no end, no direction, no way out, which made people feel desperate, and the terrifying aura penetrated towards Xuanyuan and his party, which made people feel palpitating.

Xuanyuan and his party ran wildly all the way, babbling at an extremely fast speed, like a white lightning.

At this moment, it seems that there will be a huge danger coming at any time. Suddenly, a babbling sound came, pointing to the mountain not far ahead:

"Great, we're saved, Yiyi said there's a large teleportation array ahead!" Wukong screamed.

"No matter where it leads, as long as you can get rid of the current danger, you will be fine!"

Xuanyuan felt a danger approaching quickly, at this moment, suddenly the killing intent rushing in all directions receded like a tide, the pig-headed emperor was extremely sensitive, and hurriedly said:

"What's going on, many beasts have retreated."

The danger in Xuanyuan's heart was getting closer and closer, and he roared almost crazily:

"That's because there is a more terrifying existence coming, go! Go! If you don't go, there will be no chance!"

A group of people ran desperately towards the top of the mountain. In the boundless rain of blood, Xuanyuan saw a man with purple hair billowing in the wind. In the midst of it, there was a bloody riot, and the purple robe rolled from his body, and invisible, there was an aura of extinction, as if everything in front of him would eventually be destroyed!

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