Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 410 Narrow Escaping

Chapter 410 Narrow Escaping

"Are you the descendant of the 'Emperor Yingtian'? Sure enough, the 'Yingtian Immortal Sword' is this aura, that's right, you stay here, don't even think about leaving, die here for me, haha Haha..." The man in purple smiled and raised his flawless hand, as if carved from beautiful jade. The moment he raised his hand, it made people feel hopeless, and everything would eventually be shattered!

The purple-clothed man had purple hair soaring to the sky, and his forehead was covered with purple scales, giving people an indescribably ferocious look. At this moment, a faint purple light was flowing.

At this moment, Xuanyuan and his party have arrived in front of the large teleportation formation on the top of the mountain.

The moment the man in purple raised his hand, it seemed as if the whole world was going to be shattered, and everything fell into endless darkness, giving people infinite despair!

Seeing a giant purple palm suddenly pressing down from the sky, Qian Duoduo was the first to be unable to bear this terrifying force. Her clothes were stained red with blood, and her face was pale.

Xuanyuan only felt that his physical body was about to burst apart, but the power of myriad transformations in his body was constantly dissolving this power.

At this moment, Xuanyuan really felt what powerlessness is. Seeing Qian Duoduo getting weaker and weaker, the anger in Xuanyuan's heart rose, he pulled out the 'Yingtian Immortal Sword' in his hand, and slashed at the giant purple palm in the sky, angrily growled:

"Kill! Anyone who dares to stop me will be killed and killed!"

The moment Xuanyuan pulled out the 'Yingtian Immortal Sword', he saw a restraint buried deep in the ground, like a long dragon, coming out through the air, and the dragon surged with sword energy, smashing towards the man in purple.

The 'Yingtian Immortal Sword' in Xuanyuan's hand burst out with infinite sharpness. This sword seemed to pierce the entire sky. for crushing.

The expression of the man in purple changed drastically:

"I didn't expect that 'Emperor Yingtian' would still keep this hand!"

The terrifying dragon of sword energy driven by the prohibition tore through the gloomy sky, and the black mountains with a radius of thousands of miles collapsed in an instant. The screams of countless beasts sounded, and a jade mirror appeared in the hands of the purple-clothed man. A breath of great avenues, lines intertwined and running, also erupted with endless purple awns, facing a long dragon of sword aura!

The fluctuations of fighting spirit swept through the nine heavens, the jade mirror shattered, the man in purple was soaked in blood, and his robe was in tatters, revealing that the purple scales on his body were cracked, and the flesh and blood rolled, which was extremely terrifying.

At this moment, the scabbard of the 'Yingtian Immortal Sword' in Xuanyuan's hand vibrated violently, and came out of Xuanyuan's hand, and once again restrained the 'Yingtian Immortal Sword' that was swallowing endlessly sharp light, Xuanyuan only felt tingling pain all over his body, as if he had been stabbed by thousands of people. Cut to pieces, the Qinglong's essence and blood seeped out, and quickly returned to the large teleportation formation, facing the purple-clothed man's eyes.

"One day, I will come back and kill you." Xuanyuan pointed the 'Yingtian Immortal Sword' at the purple-clothed man.

The man in purple had a ferocious expression on his face, but Xuanyuan couldn't do anything about it. The teleportation array where Xuanyuan and his party were located disappeared in a volume of brilliant light.

The moment Xuanyuan and his party disappeared, the man in purple vomited blood, his face was ashen and extremely gloomy:

"'Emperor Yingtian', I didn't expect you to hide such a lore ban after your death. You are worthy of being an ancient emperor! It's a pity that I am a Taoist artifact. This is the emperor of the human race. No wonder the king wants us Living in seclusion, keeping a low profile, one day, this world will be the world of my royal family!"

The man in purple couldn't stop trembling all over. Under the tattered purple clothes, flesh and blood squirmed, and granulation kept growing and reorganizing. From his body, the terrifying sword energy rushed back and forth. If he wanted to kill everything, he could only The endless recovery is not because he doesn't want to kill Xuanyuan and his party, but because he doesn't have the ability to kill them. If he didn't have that jade mirror, he would have died long ago.

The entrance to the 'Forbidden Land'.

The brilliance flowed, a door opened, and Xuanyuan and his party appeared. At this moment, it is truly safe.

Xuanyuan looked around and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief:

"After all, it's not teleportation to a deeper place, escape from death!"

Xuanyuan paused in his heart, and looked at Qian Duoduo, only to see that Qian Duoduo's face was pale, obviously seriously injured.

The power of that palm was simply the scariest palm Xuanyuan had ever seen in his life, even comparable to the power he had when he was possessed by the "Nightmare Ghost Fairy". What kind of existence is it that is so terrifying? It sounds like he has a great hatred with 'Emperor Yingtian'.

Xuanyuan Shensi paused for a moment, and immediately picked up Qian Duoduo. From within his body, the Qinglong blood essence flowed along Xuanyuan's fingertips and merged into Qian Duoduo's body. The medicine primers needed by many supreme immortal medicines are extremely rare, because there is only one green dragon in the world, so it is not easy to obtain the blood essence of the green dragon?

Accompanied by Xuanyuan's thoughts, the Qinglong's blood essence melted into Qian Duoduo's body bit by bit, and Qian Duoduo's complexion quickly improved a lot. From the broken flesh and bones on her body, the Qinglong's blood essence Under the nourishment of the body, it quickly reorganizes and recovers.

Qian Duoduo was covered in blood, opened his beautiful eyes, stared at Xuanyuan, and said powerlessly:

"Xuanxuan, I'm sorry to cause you trouble."

"Fool, I am already very grateful that you are willing to go through life and death with me, how can you cause me trouble?" Xuanyuan gave Qian Duoduo an angry look, seeing that Qian Duoduo's injury improved, Xuanyuan felt relieved.

"I didn't expect you to be able to come out alive, so let us send you on your way!"

Suddenly, a monstrous killing intent came from all directions, and Xuanyuan's heart shook:


This time, everyone, at least all of them had the strength of a rank one Dou Xian, murderous intentions filled the sky, and Xuanyuan felt the breath of death in an instant.

"Damn it, I don't show off my power, I'm a sick monkey, 'Great King Kong's net'." Wukong was extremely angry, if he was bullied by those horrible beings in the "Forbidden Land", it would be fine, after all, he couldn't beat them, He had just narrowly escaped from the inside, and someone dared to kill him and his group, how could he not be angry.

I saw the 'King Kong Immortal' on Wukong's body turned into a vast giant net in an instant, covering it from the sky, and the terrible fighting energy surged. Eighteen people from the 'Six Paths' and 'Samsara' Immortal Fighting Killer's expression changed drastically in a turn, and it was hard to breathe due to the fighting pressure. They were so sad that they were about to vomit blood, and a sense of powerlessness filled their hearts.

"Inferior Immortal Artifact, Vajra Sky Monkey! Withdraw quickly!"

"It's too late!" Wukong snorted coldly: "Give it to me!"

The 'King Kong Immortal' is like an inescapable net, blocking all voids, making it impossible for eighteen terrifying killers to escape, and only eighteen from the 'Six Paths' The killer of 'Reincarnation' was trapped in one piece in an instant, and fell from the sky.

As soon as Wukong raised his foot, he saw a terrifying vajra fighting spirit transforming into a huge foot, and directly stomped hard on the eighteen killers captured by the 'King Kong Immortal'.

The terrifying roar was accompanied by the sound of bones and flesh crumbling, and the eighteen killers were trampled into flesh by Wukong without any suspense.

The corner of Xuanyuan's mouth twitched, this is the gap, suddenly remembered something, and hurriedly said:

"Quick, torture their souls, I want to see who is going to kill me!"

"Leave this kind of thing to me." The pig-headed emperor turned into a deep and mysterious black hole, devouring the souls of the eighteen killers and their flesh, life, and essence. After a while, the pig-headed emperor laughed road:

"You kid gave the 'Son of Han Tian' a cuckold, it's no wonder they don't kill you."

The corners of Xuanyuan's eyes twitched wildly, he didn't expect that the 'Holy Son of the Cold Sky' was so cruel and merciless, nothing happened between him and the 'Holy Maiden of the Cold Sky', but he was used as a shield by the 'Holy Maiden of the Cold Sky', it was too wronged up.

"Could it be that the 'Holy Son of Han Tian' hired so many immortal killers to kill me alone?"

"Of course not, the Hai family offered a reward of 30 million pure Douyuan, 'Doulong Immortal Mansion' and 'Huawu Xianzun' offered a reward of 20 million pure Douyuan, Jiang Yitian, Lu Tianxiang, and the Xie family offered a reward of one million catties of pure Douyuan, Hahaha, your kid is already on the list of the two major killer organizations of 'Six Paths' and 'Reincarnation'." The pig-headed emperor smiled very wickedly, because since ancient times, there is no one who is favored by heaven, and no one has not been assassinated Yes, there are so many people assassinating Xuanyuan, which is enough to show Xuanyuan's weight.

Xuanyuan took a breath and said calmly:

"Well, I won't let any of these people go."

"Xuanxuan, what are your plans for the future?" Qian Duoduo's injury quickly recovered, and within a moment, she was alive and well, no longer sick as before, but at the moment she was still lying lazily and naturally Xuanyuan's arms.

"Next, I will go to the Imperial Capital of Beizhou and thank the 'Nine Heavens Xuannv'. Without her help, I am afraid I will not be able to pass this level so easily." Xuanyuan looked at In the direction of Beizhou Imperial Capital, grateful for the 'Nine Heavens Profound Girl', paused, Xuanyuan continued:

"But before that, I want to see how Shihou led the demon army to help the Beizhou Dynasty rebuild the city and rebuild their homes for the common people."

"Oh..." Qian Duoduo was a little disappointed, and said, "Xuanxuan, what do you want to do after finishing all this?"

"Of course it's a murder. Those who want to kill me, I won't let them have a better life. Kill them one by one. The three-year agreement between me and Jiang Yitian is coming soon, and it's time to go back to the 'Doulong Immortal Mansion'." Come on, at least kill him first, to comfort the spirit of Gu Xing in the sky." Xuanyuan's eyes flashed a crazy murderous intent, even if all the water from all corners of the world was poured out, it would be difficult to wash away the hatred between Xuanyuan and Jiang Yitian. Star died so pitifully.

"Then Xuanxuan, can I follow you?" Qian Duoduo looked at Xuanyuan and asked cautiously.

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