Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 413 Returning to Tianshuang

Chapter 413 Returning to Tianshuang

Xuanyuan, flying through the air all the way, was extremely fast. He found that after refining the 'Qinglong Neidan', he was not affected by any wind pressure at all, and the flying speed was so many times faster that it was comparable to Turning to Fighting Immortal, this made Xuanyuan feel happy.

The war between the Beizhou Dynasty and the demons broke out on a large scale, and the scale of reconstruction was also huge.

Along the way, Xuanyuan saw that various places were being rebuilt, including demon warriors and soldiers from the Beizhou Dynasty.

They either face each other with evil faces, or speak evil words at each other, and mutually exclude each other, but they all have a common action, that is, reconstruction! There was no fighting, at most, it was only the demon warriors clamoring to kick the balls of the Beizhou warriors, and the Beizhou warriors clamoring to beat the demon warriors to pieces...

At the same time, Xuanyuan also saw that there were quite a few Li civilians fighting with the demon warriors, laughing and laughing. In their eyes, it could be seen that the demons were not as scary as in the legend. Obviously, getting along with demon warriors day and night and rebuilding their homes, in such an atmosphere, they overturned their previous understanding of demons and gained a new understanding.

The warriors of the Demon Race, they are also bold, daring to love and hate, straight to the point, they also have family members, feelings, their own beliefs, and their own persistence, that is Shiwei.

Through these demon warriors, every human commoner has a deeper understanding of Shihou. Among the demons, what kind of things he has done for the demons, Shihou's influence has suddenly expanded to Beizhou In the streets and alleys of the imperial dynasty, everyone felt sincere admiration for this little princess of the demon clan.

There are already many human races who worship the little princess Shihou as a god. The same beliefs make the human race and the demons have a common heart, that is, the respect for the little princess Shihou of the demons makes them walk closer together. This is the power of faith.

However, just such a little princess was assassinated by mysterious assassins nine times in a row in this rebuilding day. These assassins were not stopped by the "Six Paths" and "Samsara", but their strength is beyond doubt. This aroused the nerves of many people of the human race and demon warriors, and almost triggered a big riot. The people of the human race and the demon warriors felt extremely angry. They were angry because of what happened to Shihou alone!

However, every time after being assassinated, this little demon princess did not have any anger or complaints, only her indifferent smile, bright little canine teeth, her kind eyes, and her firm words, Gentle, but full of firmness.

"No one can stop me from rebuilding your homeland for you. Demons and humans can coexist peacefully. Our hatred does not come from ourselves, but from the wrong beliefs passed down from generation to generation!"

What Shihou did not only made the demon warriors worship him, but also made countless people of the human race admire him. Such a mind and spirit made them admire him from the bottom of his heart!

The places that were invaded by the wars in the Beizhou Dynasty were gradually revived under Shiwan's unremitting efforts. Many people even built temples called Goddess Temples.

However, Tianshuang City at this moment is not peaceful.

Tianshuang City stands in the wind and snow, like an eternal giant, mighty, majestic, majestic, majestic, and unshakable!

Its body is covered with thick snow, and under the snow is a solid city wall, inside which there are prohibitive lines and various killing methods, making it fearsome like a prehistoric beast lurking in the dark.

In front of the city, there are tens of thousands of demon elites stationed. All of these elite demon warriors have reached the realm of fighting emperors. Their huge energy and blood are boiling, and their fighting spirit is overwhelming. Looking at Tianshuang City!

At the gate of the city, thousands of elite warriors of Tianshuang City, like tigers and wolves, mighty as hell, dressed in bright armor, armed with knives and guns, guarded the gate of the city! Every warrior has at least reached the realm of Emperor Dou. They faintly stand in a killing formation to prevent these demon warriors from suddenly violently attacking!

The confrontation between the two armies made the atmosphere a bit tense, because not long ago, the eldest prince of the Mozhou Dynasty, Shiba and the eldest princess Shi Da led ten thousand demon elites to rush here. Now the army is stationed outside. The existence of the highest status has already entered it and went to find Emperor Taishan.

"Damn it, I can't take it anymore. Let me tell you, Emperor Taishan, my little sister is going to have troubles in the territory of Beizhou Dynasty. I must poke a big hole in the sky of Beizhou Dynasty." Shiba The roaring sound rolled in the tent filled with ice and snow, and countless wind and snow were shaken into powder. In a short period of time, Shihou was assassinated nine times in a row by the mysterious assassin. Although each time the assassination failed, who He would be willing to put his little sister in danger all the time, which makes Shiba not angry.

Shi Ba is holding the 'Ba Lei Immortal Spear', wearing a fairy armor, long hair billowing like a dragon, menacing, murderous all over his body, brave and mighty, and between his brows, there is an extremely fierce and murderous aura.

"That's right, Emperor Taishan, you are in charge of the military and political power of the Beizhou Dynasty, and you are known as the number one city defender in Beizhou. Can't you find out who assassinated my sister? How many days have passed?" Shi Da was also caught. She was in a hurry, and Shihou was almost killed several times, which made her a little crazy. She asked Shihou to return to the demon camp, but Shiwan refused, and ran around, just to mediate the friction between the demons and the human race. Contradictions, I hope to rebuild their homes for the Li people of the Beizhou Dynasty as soon as possible.

"Don't be impatient, both of you. I have already mobilized the commander of my guards to protect the little princess Shiwan. As for who sent someone to assassinate the little princess, I will definitely investigate this matter clearly. The princess's heart is kind and won the hearts of the people, and now there are people with such sinister intentions, it is clear that they want to provoke the relationship between my Beizhou Dynasty and the Mozhou Dynasty!"

Emperor Taishan frowned, obviously this matter also made him quite distressed, the methods of those killers were extremely ruthless, the souls had already been engraved with a curse, once the assassination failed, they would blew up their bodies and souls, leaving nothing left behind. The evidence is simply impenetrable.

"Now that I have sent someone to protect the little princess, unless it is the emperor's figure, otherwise, no one will think of hurting the little princess. It's not just that you love this little girl, the emperor also admires this little girl. I, I have just established a good relationship between the Beizhou Dynasty and the Mozhou Dynasty. It is better to maintain it for a long time. Is there any water?"

"If this is the case, it would be great. If something happens to my little sister, I will only ask you." Shiba was full of anger, but he was not a fool. The emperor's pressure can guarantee the safety of the teacher to the maximum extent, and this is enough.

"Emperor Taishan, indeed, is broad-minded and open to all rivers. My brother and sister are a little anxious. Please forgive me if we offend you!" Concentrated the anger in my heart, smiled gracefully, and apologized to Emperor Taishan.

Shi Da was originally an extremely beautiful and charming peerless misfortune, with tall snow-white breasts, straight long legs, and an indescribably enchanting figure, and her words and deeds gave people an indescribable charm, enough to make people All unsteady men are fascinated by it.

"Hey, what are you talking about? In the land of the Beizhou Dynasty, the little princess Shiwei was assassinated many times. It was originally the emperor's fault. It is only natural for the two teachers to ask the crime. What I have to do now is Guarantee the absolute safety of the little princess Shiwan, and please rest assured." Emperor Taishan can also understand the feelings of the brothers and sisters of the brotherhood and brotherhood in front of him. He was also trying his best to find a solution to a vicious assassination.

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded from outside the tent.

"Report to Emperor Taishan, Master Xuanyuan asks to see you!"

"Oh? Haha, I just said it, little brother Xuanyuan is very human, and he will be safe and sound. Hurry up and invite little brother Xuanyuan!" Taishan Emperor's frown relaxed, and Xuanyuan was able to get out of the "Xuanban" It would be the best thing to come out from the ground. Obviously, he also knows what happened in the "Forbidden Land" in the previous stage. Although he knows what Cheng Yin did, he has nothing to do. This is a matter for their younger generation, and it can only be resolved by their young people themselves.

"Hahaha, Emperor Taishan, long time no see." Xuanyuan opened the cowhide tent, inside the tent was still a world of wind and snow, when he came in for the first time, he had a drink with Emperor Taishan and Luo Fengxiao.

"Huh? The eldest prince Shiba and Princess Shida are also there?"

"Boy, it seems that your strength still hasn't improved much, the little fourth-rank Doudi, the person who is chasing my little sister, the fourth-rank Douxian is a lot of people, just look at yourself, oh... ..." Shiba held the 'Ba Lei Immortal Spear' and looked at Xuanyuan, only to see Xuanyuan wearing a broken black battle armor, and his eyes were more or less contemptuous, because Xuanyuan's strength at the moment was still too weak to be It's worth his attention. In the world of demons, the strong are always respected.

"Hahaha, come on, sit down, you will be a family sooner or later, so you don't have to be so born, don't I know what that little girl Shiwan is thinking?" Emperor Taishan laughed loudly, intending to relax atmosphere.

Who knew that Xuanyuan's cold words slammed at Shiba with a hint of disdain:

"Who is a family with him, and doesn't look at himself in the mirror, what kind of onion is it! Is the Mozhou Dynasty amazing? Ridiculous!"

When Shiba heard this, he was furious:

"Boy, you don't know what's good and what's wrong! My little sister is able to take a fancy to you. It's a blessing that you can't cultivate in thousands of lifetimes! If it wasn't for my little sister, I would have beaten you like a pig."

I saw that Shi Ba was so angry that his eyeballs almost popped out, and even Shi Da felt uncomfortable. If Shi Wan was present, his eyes would be red.

"You don't have the place to talk here." Xuanyuan hated Shiba very much, but for the sake of elder brother Shihou, Xuanyuan didn't speak ill at each other, and his attitude was considered good, which was indeed the case in Xuanyuan's view.

"Boy, do you dare to say one more thing?" Shiba's 'Balei Immortal Spear' sharpened, and there was a terrifying whistling sound, and the black 'Falling Thunder' made a sizzling sound, which was extremely terrifying. A shot directly pierced Xuanyuan's eyebrows!

Xuanyuan, on the other hand, was unmoved, only to see that the 'Balei Immortal Spear' stopped less than a foot away from Xuanyuan's eyebrows, Xuanyuan glanced at Shiba contemptuously, and said coldly:

"Could it be that the eldest prince of the demon clan is educated like you? I have something to discuss with Emperor Taishan, why are you interfering?"

Shiba was speechless by Xuanyuan's words, and said viciously:

"Okay, okay, you kid..."

"Shut up!" Xuanyuan scolded coldly, causing Shiba's face to turn black, wishing he could kill Xuanyuan directly.

"Uh..." Taishan Emperor was stunned for a moment, why did Xuanyuan really have sex with his future brother-in-law? Immediately, Emperor Taishan laughed, to ease the atmosphere, and said:

"Hey, don't hurt your temper, little brother Xuanyuan, if you have anything to do, just talk about it."

Xuanyuan took out a piece of 'Civil and Military Tea' from his fighting ring. The lines on this piece of 'Civil and Military Tea' are intertwined. It is a newborn baby, sleeping soundly with eyes closed, giving the impression that it is really a living baby breathing and sleeping. , there is an aura of the Great Dao in it, which makes people feel like the heaven and the earth have just opened, and all things are born, which is extremely mysterious.

Emperor Taishan looked shocked, and said in surprise:

"'Wenwu Tea' is still an old leaf, oh my god, it turned out to be 'Tian Shen Xian Guo Wen', it is extremely precious, worth hundreds of millions of resources, it is priceless in the market, it is a rare fairy treasure of enlightenment! What a pity, I've already used 'Wenwu Tea' once, and if I use it again, it won't be very effective, otherwise I'll just buy it!"

Shi Ba and Shi Da are both among the demons, they are extremely noble existences, and they are naturally knowledgeable people, knowing that what Emperor Taishan said is true, the 'civil and military tea tree' was planted by ancient sages The different species of heaven and earth, bred "civil and military tea", integrated into the ancient sages' perception of the great way of heaven and earth, can be met but not sought!

Ruo Xinye is okay, because he doesn't have a deep understanding of Dao, but Lao Ye's words are really priceless, and everyone is rushing to them, and they can't get what they want!

"I want to trouble Emperor Taishan to give this 'Civil and Military Tea' to Miss Shihou!" Xuanyuan said.

"Hahaha, I never imagined that little brother Xuanyuan still cared about the little princess Shihou in such a dangerous place as the 'Forbidden Land'. This thing is extremely precious, and it was bought with the life of little brother Xuanyuan. I dare not Send it for you, if the little princess Shiwan receives this item but can’t see your person, the emperor will be resented to death by her? No, no, absolutely no!” Emperor Taishan laughed loudly, Shiba His complexion has also improved a lot, at least Xuanyuan is still good to Shihou, this kind of thing is not something that everyone can get, Shida's eyes are raised, Xuanyuan can treat her little sister like this, she naturally also I'm happy now, at least it proves that Shihou's vision is good, at least Xuanyuan is worth her effort.

"Emperor Taishan, I have something important to do..." The three-year agreement between Xuanyuan and Jiang Yitian is only a few months away, and he wants to rush back to Dongzhou as soon as possible. Originally, Xuanyuan really wanted to see Shihou, but seeing Seeing Shiba's face, as if he was a phoenix man who wanted to borrow Shihou's position, so that Xuanyuan Qi would not fight anywhere, so he didn't want to see him anymore, so he would save himself from seeing Shiba's face.

"What is more important than the life of little princess Shiwan? Little brother Xuanyuan, do you know that little princess Shiwan was assassinated nine times in a short period of time! She was almost in danger after several stabbings!" Emperor Taishan interrupted Xuanyuan's words.

When Xuanyuan heard this, he was startled and furious:

"who is it!"

"What's the use of knowing who it is? The person who assassinated my little sister for the last time was a person in the realm of fighting immortals at the third turn. Just because you want to protect my little sister? Don't look at how many catties you have, so why don't you take it first?" Let's save my own life." Shiba said in a ambiguous manner beside him.

Xuanyuan didn't bother to pay attention to him, but looked directly at Emperor Taishan.

"I don't know, how about this, you just practice here for a few days, and I will send an order to let the little princess Shiwan go back to Tianshuang City. She must know that you are back, and she will be happy to come back. At this stage, she has been day and night. Running around in the night, and being assassinated nine times in a row, he must be physically and mentally exhausted, and it would be best to come back and recuperate for a few days, I wonder what you two think?"

In fact, Shi Ba and Shi Da felt distressed seeing Shi Wan working so hard for the human race, but the human race actually sent someone to assassinate Shi Wan, how could they not be angry? It is naturally the best thing to let Shihou take a good rest now.

Glancing at Xuanyuan, although Shiba was a little displeased, but for the sake of Shiwan's safety, and wanting Shiwan to have a good rest, Shiba agreed, but Xuanyuan was fine with the little girl they couldn't call, It made Shi Ba feel very uncomfortable. Shi Wan was raised by him since he was a child. Whoever wants to be raised by his own sister will run away with others!

"Then take the little girl back to Tianshuang City!"

As soon as the words fell, Shi Ba and Shi Da left. After all, there are tens of thousands of demon elites outside Tianshuang City, so they didn't stay any longer. To a certain extent, they still believed in Emperor Taishan. Ability to handle affairs.

"Young Master Xuanyuan must have just come out of the 'Forbidden Land', you should also take a good rest and wait for the return of the little princess Shiwan." Emperor Taishan laughed.

Xuanyuan nodded, now this is the only way to go, he already knew that Shihou was doing this thing, it would definitely not go so smoothly, there would definitely be many obstacles and hardships.

But I didn't expect that in a short period of time, Shihou would be assassinated nine times, which is simply outrageous. The last time was the terrifying existence of the third-rank Fighting Immortal, and Xuanyuan was assassinated by a white-clothed woman who had been a first-rank Fighting Immortal. Assassinated, he almost died. Xuanyuan knew the horror of these killers, so when Shiba shaved him just now, Xuanyuan didn't say much. He did kill a rank three killer. Xuanyuan couldn't resist it at all. Now Xuanyuan can What I thought of was to cultivate, to seek a breakthrough.

"Are those killers from the 'Six Paths' and 'Samsara'? When I came out of the 'Forbidden Land', there were eighteen killers from two organizations waiting for me." Xuanyuan said.

"No, those killers who assassinated the little princess Shihou are more like dead men cultivated by a certain powerful force with secret methods. Their supernatural powers are extremely strange and their killing power is amazing!" Emperor Taishan thought for a while, and there was such a possibility. The two organizations of 'Six Paths' and 'Samsara' were never afraid of being exposed to the public. In ancient times, they even dared to assassinate the Great Emperor. That's why these two organizations have such a notorious reputation, which makes people talk about it.

"Forget it, I'll practice first, and I'll talk about it when Miss Shihou comes back. I think her previous experience is the clearest." Xuanyuan knew that Shihou was an extremely intelligent woman. She had been assassinated nine times in a row, so it was impossible for her I feel nothing at all.

"Okay, then I won't bother you, little brother Xuanyuan, you can find a place to practice!" Taishan Emperor smiled, stepped out, and disappeared into this world of wind and snow.

"It seems that this girl is not at all more relaxed than me. She only wants to do good, but so many people want her to die. What is the reason? Is it just because she hopes that the human race and the demon race can coexist?" Xuanyuan felt emotional in his heart.

"Shiwan, this girl is really stupid, but since ancient times, there have been very few people who can persist like her, boy, have you never been tempted by Shiwan? In fact, if you like it , why is it so secretive? Just take it, you are the future emperor, and all the wonderful women in the world belong to you, this is the emperor!" The greedy old man instilled in Xuanyuan the idea of ​​three thousand in the harem.

"I didn't hide it, but it's just so what if I like it. As Shiba said, if you don't have strength, you can't even protect yourself. How to protect others? I will work hard for her ideals, at least for her. On this path I insist on, I will always be with her, just for the firm belief in her heart."

Gathering his mind, Xuanyuan found a cave that was not covered by wind and snow. Now he has cultivated to the realm of the fourth-rank Doudi. The breakthroughs along the way are too fast. 'The life essence and blood, and more importantly, after he devoured the will of the green dragon, the aura of soul and blood!

It's just that the continuous surge in strength forced Xuanyuan to stop and consolidate his cultivation first.

Xuanyuan sat cross-legged on the ground, and from the golden core in the dantian, a trace of fighting energy was swallowed out from the golden core, and merged into Xuanyuan's body. Although this fighting energy could only be spit out a trace, it was incomparably pure and incomparably pure. The refinement and lethality are extremely astonishing, far from being comparable to ordinary grudges.

Soon, Xuanyuan sank into cultivation, and began to carefully understand the experience of life and death contained in the life essence of the 'Chaotian Diao'!

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