Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 414 Dream

Chapter 414 Dream

Xuanyuan was in the cave, cultivating cross-legged, with five hearts turned to the sky, and a vicissitudes of time swirled around him, giving people a very strange feeling, as if the years were passing before his eyes.

From Xuanyuan's sea of ​​consciousness, blood surged and murderous intentions surged to the sky. Xuanyuan swallowed the life essence of "Chaotian Diao" with his own "everything body". The memory of ', grew up step by step from childhood to adulthood, and it took four thousand years for 'Chaotian Diao' to step into the Realm of Destiny!

The painstaking practice that has been going on for four thousand years is now ruined, and Xuanyuan feels a little regretful in his heart. It is not difficult to see from the body of the 'Chaotian Diao', how many times each fierce beast has to pass through to reach the Immortal of Destiny Fighting, how many times of life and death, and then they can stand out.

Derived from the essence of life, countless fights are vividly displayed in front of Xuanyuan, as if Xuanyuan has experienced four thousand years from beginning to end, and Xuanyuan has benefited greatly from it.

In the dark, the golden elixir of Xuanyuan's dantian was running, watered by the lifelong experience of martial arts will of the 'Chaotian Diao', and intertwined into mysterious supernatural powers, an aura of slaughtering all beasts, instantly rolled up, and the murderous intent from Xuanyuan's body surging.

The killing method of the 'Chaotian Diao' kept evolving, evolving, and evolving in Xuanyuan's sea of ​​consciousness.

Xuanyuan only felt that the blood in his body was boiling, and every corner of his body was turning, transporting, and a force couldn't help but surge upwards, impacting.

The existence of the Immortal Realm is so powerful, one finger can pinch Xuanyuan to death, Xuanyuan was in a hurry to escape that day, and he let his own body devour and transform it, obviously there are still many lives in Xuanyuan's body that have not been transformed Jingyuan was gradually refined by Xuanyuan and integrated into the golden elixir.

Xuanyuan looked inside at his golden elixir, the green elixir, which was running crazily. From the color on its surface, it gradually changed to blue color bit by bit.

I saw that Xuanyuan's whole body was shaken suddenly, and in an instant, Xuanyuan's power directly reached the power of ninety-nine emperor dragons from the original power of ninety emperor dragons.

The power of the ninety-nine emperor dragons seemed to be an extremely huge shackle, which gave Xuanyuan a feeling that it would be difficult to break through in terms of strength.

Even so, Xuanyuan still felt a huge force rushing and impacting in his body non-stop, which made Xuanyuan feel uncomfortable.

Xuanyuan opened his eyes, and his hands were like eagle claws, smashing out:

"Kill in the sky!"

In an instant, killing intent surged, and a picture was intertwined. Countless terrifying beasts roared and screamed, blood shadows floated, and murderous intent filled the sky. "Seven Profound Emperor's Pill to Immortal Art", through the memory of "Chao Tian Diao", the killing experience and martial arts will poured out, and comprehend a means of lore!

Ten fierce battle qi burst out from the cave, and plowed ten deep ravines in the wind and snow outside. It was shocking. Countless wind and snow were shattered by this force and turned into pieces. The fly ash was annihilated, and there was a thousand-year-old murderous intent in the ten ravines, which made people tremble.

"Okay." Xuanyuan felt extremely satisfied with the method he had just comprehended, but Xuanyuan faintly felt that his strength seemed to have reached the peak, giving people a feeling that it was extremely difficult to break through, and said in his heart:

"What the hell is going on, there is a feeling that my strength can no longer advance an inch."

"Extreme ninety-nine, except for the emperor, no one can break through this shackle. If you can break through the shackles of the ninety-nine emperor dragons, then it means that you are qualified to become the future emperor!" The voice of the greedy old man suddenly sounded.

Xuanyuan fell into silence, and the greedy old man continued:

"Actually, this is not the only criterion. It can only prove that you are talented. Great emperors since ancient times have also been dull in aptitude. Even those who only have the power of seven emperor dragons in the realm of seven emperors can finally prove their way and become a generation of emperors." Don't care about temporary gains and losses, stick to your beliefs and seek breakthroughs!"

Xuanyuan understood the meaning of the greedy old man's words:

"I know that even if I break through the ninety-nine extreme number of emperors, I will not be proud of it. Now I have no strength, and my fighting spirit is as vast as the sea, but I don't have the terrifying skills of attacking and killing. The five elements Spiritual objects are the scariest attacking spiritual objects in my body now, let me comprehend the "Five Elements Devouring Great Immortal Art", the attacking and killing skills combined with five elements of spiritual objects must be terrifying!"

Xuanyuan closed his eyes again, and combined the "Five Elements Swallowing Great Immortal Art" obtained from the "Nightmare Ghost Immortal" and the elders of "Doulong Xianfu", now Xuanyuan does not need to practice how to integrate the five elements. It is an attack method formed by the combination of many supernatural powers, which is not easy, and Xuanyuan needs to comprehend it.

Xuanyuan closed his eyes, and the spirits of the five elements circulated in his body. Since Xuanyuan took over the spirits of the five elements, the spirits of the five elements regenerated and circulated endlessly, so that Xuanyuan had reached a certain level of control over them. Five different fighting qi surged out of Xuanyuan's body, each of which contained supreme power and turned into five elements gods, and Xuanyuan was like the five elements immortal emperor in the center.

If it weren't for the "Physical Body of Ten Thousand Transformations", it would be impossible to derive so many kinds of vindictiveness, and to carry out the combination of vindictiveness and supernatural powers. This is the innate advantage of a special physique. , devouring all memories, using them for oneself, devouring all skills, and displaying billions of supernatural powers, it is no wonder that the "Swallowing Emperor" was so against the sky. There are even more dramatic changes.

Time passed bit by bit, I don't know how long it has passed, the five elements of spirits are constantly running and washing in Xuanyuan's body, and various supernatural powers are constantly assembled and disassembled in Xuanyuan's sea of ​​consciousness, so that Xuanyuan's little by little Begin to comprehend the mystery of "Five Elements Swallowing Great Immortal Art".

This is fundamentally for the "body of the five elements", and only the "body of myriad transformations" like Xuanyuan can be fortunate enough to cultivate.

Xuanyuan only felt that the meditation practice these days had allowed everything in his body to settle down very well, and he exhaled a breath of turbid air lightly, only feeling relaxed and a lot thicker.

Xuanyuan opened his eyes, only to see a face that is all over the country and the city, the eyes on the face are like stars in the sky, shining brightly, and the pear dimple smiles, the smile is refreshing, making people feel like a spring breeze, a pair of sparkling little tiger teeth are really beautiful cute.

"Miss Shihou, you're finally back!" Seeing that Shihou was in high spirits, Xuanyuan felt relieved.

"It's Mr. Xuanyuan, you finally woke up. I've been back for seven days. Seeing that you are immersed in your cultivation, I won't bother you anymore. It seems that this trip gave Mr. Xuanyuan a great breakthrough!" Shihou smiled brightly, and her beautiful eyes narrowed, turning into a pair of crescent moons, which made people intoxicated and dimmed the stars in the night sky.

"Miss Shihou, this is for you." Xuanyuan froze for a moment, then took out the piece of "Civil and Military Tea" with "Tian Shen Xian Guo Pattern" from the fighting ring, and handed it to Shihou.

Shihou could tell at a glance that this is a rare spiritual thing in the world. The 'Civil and Military Tea' can only be conceived from the 'Civil and Military Tea Tree' planted by the ancient sages. After taking this piece of 'Civil and Military Tea' from Xuanyuan, the teacher I was very moved, I didn't expect Xuanyuan to be able to think of himself when he entered such a dangerous place as the 'Forbidden Land'.

"Thank you, Mr. Xuanyuan." Shihou cherished this piece of 'Civil and Military Tea' and collected it. This was the first time he had received a gift from Xuanyuan. To Shihou, it was very meaningful.

"What's there to thank, life at this stage is very hard! How is it, are you happy?" Xuanyuan looked at the extremely beautiful Shihou sitting cross-legged across from him, with black hair like a waterfall, like an elf in the snow, There is a warm aura about her, which makes Xuanyuan like it very much. From Xuanyuan's heart, he fell in love with this feeling.

"I am very happy. I believe that the human race and the demon race can coexist. The people of the human race and the warriors of the demon race get along very happily. Although it was a bit hard at the beginning, I saw that they understood each other later, and gradually began to abandon their prejudices. , I think no matter how hard it is, it is worth it, only in this way, the war between the human race and the demon race will become less and less, and they will coexist peacefully!" Shihou was in high spirits, and his eyes were shining brightly, giving people A kind of indescribable brightness, kindness, and peace of mind. Regarding the fact that he was assassinated, Shihou never said a word.

Seeing Shiwan so excited, Xuanyuan was also happy for Shiwan in her heart. This is her dream and the direction she has been working hard for. How many people now, except in front of desire, can still stick to their original dream and never change? Who sticks to their beliefs, knows that the world is not perfect, and still spares no effort to work hard, persist, and create?

This is the most unique temperament in Shihou, it is unique and shining!

"Okay, as long as you are happy, I hope that one day, your dream will truly come true. No matter what, if I, Xuanyuan, don't die, I will always stand by your side and help you realize your ideal world." Xuanyuan said. At this moment, in his eyes, there is only Shiwan, nothing else.

"Mr. Xuanyuan..." Shihou was very moved. She was very fortunate to know Xuanyuan. She was able to persevere until today. In fact, she learned a lot from Xuanyuan, so she persisted.

"Huh?" Xuanyuan looked at Shihou, and said with a light smile, "What's the matter? Are you so moved that you want to make a promise with your body?"

Shihou's pretty face flushed, and said:

"It's a little bit!"

Xuanyuan's heart skipped a beat, and he didn't know what to say. Shiwan looked at Xuanyuan with a smile on his face:

"Master Xuanyuan, can I lean on your shoulder?"

Xuanyuan resolutely lay down on the cave floor, as if the sky was the quilt and the ground was the bed.

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