Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 438 Eternal Loneliness

Chapter 438 Eternal Loneliness

(Chapter 2, 9,000-word long chapter, 4,000 words added, 18,000 words still owed!)

The reason why this area becomes its own space is because of the pagoda that is as transparent as glazed glass on the top.

This pagoda spewed out fringe-shaped battle qi, which fell down to form an independent space, protecting the fighting immortal coins, pure spiritual sources, peerless heavenly weapons, and elixirs hidden here from the evil spirit. .

This is an exquisite pagoda with a height of about one foot and a width of no more than two inches. It is golden yellow in color, and the whole body is crystal clear and moist like jade. Humans are carved with extremely exquisite gesture patterns, which contain extremely terrifying suppressive power!

Now this 'Heaven-Suppressing Spiritual Source' uses itself to suppress this space and prevent evil spirits from blending into this space. It is conceivable how terrifying its power is!

"This 'Tiantian Lingyuan' Linglong Pagoda is at least from the hands of a geophysicist. The pattern on it is too delicate. This kind of feeling seems to be eternal suppression, which is terrible."

Just as the blood was surging in Xuanyuan's heart, the greedy old man screamed. Obviously, he also discovered something, and saw a piece of broken iron like cow dung lying quietly on the ground with lumps and green rust. Among the piles of jewels, it was so conspicuous that even Xuanyuan's heart couldn't help throbbing.

"Haha, I didn't expect to be able to get my original memory here, it's great."

I saw that the original memory belonging to the greedy old man quickly merged into the 'Swallowing Demon Sword', Xuanyuan knew that the greedy old man needed to swallow it, and it is very likely that the greedy old man will be able to step into the realm of fighting immortals of the second rank next. There will be a great transformation.

"This dead old man, he can't wait so much, it's okay to stay here for a few more days, but it's a pity that if we fight alone with Jiang Yitian, we can't use the "Swallowing Dao Jue", otherwise, we will have more chances of winning."

Sitting cross-legged, Xuanyuan collected five million Dou Xian coins, 40,000 catties of pure spiritual sources, thirty 'Dou Xian Pills', three hundred pieces of peerless celestial artifacts, and three semi-immortal artifacts in this space. During the precept, this "Suppressing Heaven Spirit Source" Linglong Pagoda Xuanyuan wanted to collect it, but found that he didn't have that ability.

"It seems that some great supernatural being used to suppress something, and I can't collect it with my current ability." For a while, Xuanyuan was a little depressed, as if looking at a golden mountain, but couldn't put it away. As if being moved away, he finally understood the mood of the pig-headed emperor, and Xuanyuan would admit it if there was an obstacle, but now there is no obstacle at all, the biggest obstacle comes from his own strength!

"Forget it, you can't force it!"

Just when Xuanyuan couldn't take away the Linglong Pagoda of "Zhentian Lingyuan" and sighed, he suddenly found that a rusty ring was lying quietly on the ground, motionless, and flowing on it was something similar to Xuanyuan's cultivation. The corresponding breath of supernatural powers.

The moment he saw this rusty ring, Xuanyuan's heart twitched violently, and he almost jumped up:

"This is, the 'Ring of Devouring'! This kind of breath is just like the 'Bracelet of Devouring'. I didn't expect to get a second key to open the 'Devouring Immortal Mansion' here! Great!"

Xuanyuan was ecstatic, the harvest this time was too great, if he didn't come to the 'Tiansha Mountain', he would never have the chance to open the 'Swallowing Immortal Mansion' if he slaughtered these bandits who did all kinds of crimes. The world of dou qi is vast, and it is really difficult to find the nine keys to open the 'Swallowing Immortal Mansion', they are all indispensable! Even if it is impossible to collect the Linglong Pagoda of the 'Suppressing Spiritual Source', it is not bad to be able to get the 'Ring of Devouring'.

Xuanyuan knew that the greedy old man was devouring his original memory at this moment, so he didn't bother him. If the pig-headed emperor was present, he might have snatched the 'ring of devouring' from Xuanyuan immediately!

Xuanyuan put this seemingly inconspicuous "Ring of Devouring" into the Dou Ring. Although he didn't know if he could collect nine keys, at least he was one step closer to the "Ring of Devouring Immortal Mansion". When I can open this Immortal Mansion, it means that I have enough strength to challenge the dynasties, families, and Immortal Mansions in this world.

I calmed down my excitement and began to practice. Now I haven't even made a small achievement in the "Physical Transformation". ,

Xuanyuan closed his eyes, and circulated the golden elixir in his dantian. This purple golden elixir was surrounded by purple mist, and the golden elixir seemed to be floating in the mist, which was very miraculous.

Xuanyuan devoured the life essence of countless people, these are the essence of their life, and there are many experiences of will, martial arts and supernatural powers in it, which are extremely heterogeneous.

The lowest of these supernatural powers is mysterious level supernatural powers, and the highest level also has immortal skills, but there are very few of them. Basically, everyone can't compare with the 'Chao Tian Diao', but Xuanyuan still hasn't abandoned them all.

Extract the essence of these people's martial arts experience, pour their own golden elixir, and evolve it into "Chaotian Killing". The combination of "Dan Cheng Xian Jue" has evolved the strongest blow, a fresh move, and it can be eaten all over the world. It doesn't need too many complicated and gorgeous methods, only a fatal blow is needed, this is Xuanyuan's understanding!

From Xuanyuan's golden elixir, colorful clouds began to flow out, and seven mysterious portals opened, and various experiences of will, martial arts, supernatural powers evolved, gradually gathered together, blended, impacted, and evolved a shocking world. screen.

The 'Vulture in the Sky' spread its wings and soared, countless fierce beasts roared and screamed, the sky was full of blood and the will of a hundred thousand practitioners gathered together, and they all rolled forward, and the power of thousands of troops rushed out, giving people A feeling of invincibility, powerlessness, and despair.

This is Xuanyuan's supreme supernatural power derived from the "Seven Profound Emperor Pill to Immortal Art" in alchemy, and it is extremely terrifying.

Xuanyuan only felt that he had cultivated the realm of alchemy of Emperor Dou to the extreme, and felt like he wanted to break through the realm of Dou Xian.

With a thought, Xuanyuan wanted to seek a breakthrough, so he still sat quietly and evolved the supernatural powers he had learned all his life, from the Yin family's Tianlong supernatural power, to the five elements and five viscera supernatural powers, the demon clan's blood-refining supernatural power, and the green dragon supernatural power. Every part of my body communicates them one by one.

From behind Xuanyuan, there was originally a five-element Asura Qinglong Emperor, now with Xuanyuan constantly penetrating, connecting, and carefully sensing every part of his body, adhering to his supreme devouring thoughts, he began to be transformed into himself by Xuanyuan His appearance is exactly the same as himself, with the power of the five elements, the fierceness of Shura, the aura of Qinglong Emperor, and his firm will and belief, forming a most unique god!

The god is himself, and nothing can make him convert to faith, not even the 'Emperor Devourer'!

This is a derivation of one's own belief, which is extremely rare.

This sitting, Xuanyuan sat for a month. When Xuanyuan opened his eyes, there was a faint celestial light in the pupils. Now Xuanyuan's power has reached the peak of a celestial number, three hundred and sixty With the power of an emperor dragon, as long as one more step is taken, Xuanyuan will transform from a mortal to an immortal, possessing supreme power, which will be a huge transformation!

At this stage of life, whenever Xuanyuan wants to break through to the realm of fighting immortals, there will always be an extremely hazy feeling, blocking his steps, making him unable to break through, unable to advance an inch, and Xuanyuan simply does not force it. , I feel that everything goes with the flow.

"Hahaha, you kid finally woke up." The greedy old man's voice echoed.

"Huh? It seems that you have devoured your original memory. How about it? Has there been any new changes in the 'Devouring Shield'?" Xuanyuan always felt very excited about the 'Devouring Shield' with a full head. Egg hurts.

"How can it be so fast, but I have indeed stepped into the realm of fighting immortals at the second rank. I have already devoured those pure fighting sources and three hundred pieces of superb heavenly weapons!" The greedy old man laughed loudly, Xuanyuan The corner of his mouth twitched violently, and he felt an urge to scold his mother. Originally, he wanted to take these three hundred pieces of heavenly artifacts back to the 'Xuanyuan Gate' and develop his own power, but now it was in vain.

"Fuck, you old man, you are so ruthless, you don't even leave me a piece of it! You're so cheating!"

"Haha, it's pretty good to be able to leave you with 40,000 catties of pure spiritual sources, and you still have so many different kinds of fighting sources on you. Keeping those pure fighting sources is not of much use to you. Speaking of it, it is very useful, now that I have reached the realm of Rank 2 Fighting Immortals and recovered some strength, how can the benefits of this be beyond what you can imagine?"

The greedy old man is very arrogant. Obviously, at the current stage, he has already begun to have his own confidence. Although there is still a big gap compared with his peak period in his heyday, he is much better than before. The key is Xuanyuan still has five million fighting immortal coins on his body, which makes him more confident. As long as these broken stones of fighting immortal coins can be used to stimulate the combustion, he can evolve a complete "Kingdom of Ten Thousand Transformations" and eliminate all magical attacks. Do everything possible!

Xuanyuan looked at his 'Swallowing Myriad Transformation Dao Armor' and 'Swallowing Myriad Transformation Dao Boots', there were a few more lines, all extremely mysterious, startled, and said:

"You old man, it turns out that you are one with the 'Swallowing Myriad Transformation Dao Tool', not just the 'Swallowing Demon Sword', they will all change because of your strength!"

"Hahaha, do you know it, kid?"

"You old man is misleading me, I think you have to spend a lot of money to restore them!"

"They are me, and I am them. Otherwise, the life essence of hundreds of thousands of monks, two million catties of pure Douyuan, and three hundred pieces of peerless heavenly weapons would not have allowed me to recover to the status of a second-rank Douxian." Strength, I have to repair the heavy damage they have suffered, you have to understand that what they suffered back then was the power of the Supreme Dao Tool! It is not easy to repair!"

Xuanyuan rolled his eyes and yelled cheating, it seems that his future life will be even more miserable, the greedy old man is simply a bottomless pit, no matter how many things go down, it may not be enough to fill, but Xuanyuan has already made preparations, the only lucky thing It's just that the pig-headed emperor is not around, otherwise, I'm afraid the days to come will become even darker.

Raising his head, Xuanyuan looked at the magnificent pagoda of 'Zhentian Lingyuan', and looked outside, only to find that the evil spirit outside had become thinner, and he saw a huge force flowing out of that 'Baigu Mountain Hall' , much stronger than before.

"Haha, it seems that this piece of 'White Bone Mountain Hall' has not only recovered, but also become stronger. It seems that it is about to break through the evil spirit that has been swallowed up for a month." The greedy old man laughed.

"It's no wonder that the baleful aura here is so strong that it cannot be compared with 'Tiansha Mountain' at all. One month in it is better than 30 years in 'Tiansha Mountain'! But it has always been shackled there. One step, not an inch."

Xuanyuan took back the 'White Bone Mountain Hall'. This magic weapon can only be used when he is the killer of 'Samsara'. When he goes back to deal with Jiang Yitian's magic weapon, I'm afraid he still has to buy it from the 'Taibai Chamber of Commerce'!

"Let's see, with your current strength, see if you can withstand the power of the second portal." Xuanyuan stood up and looked behind him, the one separated by the Linglong Pagoda of "Suppressing Heaven Spiritual Source" A closed black stone door, with a terrifying evil spirit flowing through the gap of the black stone door, Xuanyuan's first feeling is that it must not be forced, if it is counterattacked, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Xuanyuan walked to the edge covered by the Linglong Pagoda of 'Zhentian Lingyuan', and approached the black stone gate, only feeling the traces of evil spirit flowing out of the second gate, like a sharp sword, piercing Pain, just when Xuanyuan was about to step out of the space covered by the Linglong Pagoda of the 'Suppressing Heaven Spirit Source', the greedy old man hurriedly said:

"My intuition tells me, don't go out of this area, don't you have real eyes? Just use the real eyes to see what is hidden inside, don't open the second door easily, otherwise, or you will die inexplicably .”

Although the greedy old man also wants to know what is hidden at the other end of the door, but this must be under the premise of being able to enjoy it with life.

Xuanyuan nodded, and the spiritual light flowed out of his eyes and directly merged into the black stone gate.

Xuanyuan only saw the endless darkness surging, and in this endless darkness, there is an extremely terrifying aura, which makes people feel frightened, but Xuanyuan is not afraid, and continues to explore with his real eyes. There is no treasure hidden in this mysterious cave!

Suddenly a pair of eyes emitting bleeding light appeared from the darkness, and looked at Xuanyuan, an extremely terrifying force surged in, and within this force, Xuanyuan saw countless ferocious beasts wreaking havoc, The picture of blood flowing into rivers and lying dead for thousands of miles.

This momentum suffocated Xuanyuan's heart. The moment the eyes of the two met, Xuanyuan only felt a pain in his eyes, and quickly retracted the perspective of his real eyes, only to hear a thought coming from the other end of the second portal. , Like thunder rolling, deafening.

"let me out……"

This voice was extremely horrifying, as if it came from the roar of death in the Nine Netherworld, making people's soul tremble, tremble, and surrender!

"Who are you?" Xuanyuan asked instinctively. He was shocked. There was absolutely a terrifying existence suppressed inside. Xuanyuan raised his head to look at the exquisite pagoda of "Suppressing Heaven Spiritual Source" above his head. He already had himself in his heart. guess.

"I'm the one who can help you. Break the seal and let me out. I'll help you kill the enemy and achieve your immortal dominance. I will make you the overlord of the human race and become an immortal legend!" The voice carried a kind of Temptation, the soul-stirring magic sound poured into Xuanyuan's sea of ​​consciousness.

But Xuanyuan is a strong-willed person, so naturally he will not be manipulated by the magic sound, and said coldly:

"My enemy, I kill myself, my hegemony, I complete it myself, no need to rely on external force to complete it!"

"Okay, then let me go out. As long as you let this clone of me go out, I will owe you a favor. If you want me to do something, I will definitely not go back on my word. I can swear a blood oath!" When the speed came, the power and momentum rolled like a tide, and every syllable exploded was shaking Xuanyuan's heart and shaking Xuanyuan's will!

"Who the hell are you?" Xuanyuan frowned. This force is really terrifying. If he hadn't been caught in the area of ​​the Linglong Pagoda of "Suppressing Heaven Spiritual Source", I don't know if he would be able to resist this terrifying magic sound. !

"If you don't make it clear, how can I let you go out with confidence? If you endanger the world, wouldn't it be my crime!"

"Haha, you kid said killing evil in front of me, you attracted thunder to kill hundreds of thousands of people, your killing is already big enough, don't pretend to be kind in front of me, you are also a cruel and merciless master! "Just as this voice came out, the 'Baigushantang' in Xuanyuan's hand trembled violently, and some evil spirits penetrated the resistance of this space, trying to connect with the 'Baigushantang' Together.

"Not good! This 'Bone Mountain Hall' is the tool spirit that forms its mind. It can manipulate the 'Bone Mountain Hall' in a short distance. He wants to summon the 'Bone Mountain Hall' to open the second portal. He lied, he erased everything about him from the memory of the three leaders of 'Tiansha Mountain'."

As soon as the greedy old man finished speaking, he immediately used the supreme sealing method, directly suppressing the 'Baigu Mountain Hall' and isolating the inexplicable call. In the center, it felt much safer. Looking at the second black stone door, he said coldly:

"It seems that the three leaders of the 'Tiansha Mountain' are constantly plundering and killing monks. I'm afraid it was you who induced them?"

"Hahaha, you're really smart, boy, you have a non-weak weapon spirit in your body, very good, it seems that you have also obtained a non-weak inheritance, let me devour him, I will become your weapon spirit, help me open it Seal it, liberate my clone, and it will be easy to kill the Fate Immortal expert! I will definitely fulfill my promise to you!" That voice came out again, continuing to seduce Xuanyuan.

"Just because you want to devour me? It's almost as good as I devour you. Wait for me, and when the old man recovers his strength, I will be the first to devour you! I'm so mad!" Qi Ling, now that Huluo Pingyang has been bullied, how can he not be angry!

"Then come on, open the door, let's try it and we'll know." The voice laughed.

"The old man's strength has only recovered a little now, so I don't care about it with you. I will come to take you in later." The greedy old man manifested a black shadow, and his figure was very thin.

"meet again……"

At this moment, suddenly a breath came from behind Xuanyuan, Xuanyuan was startled, the greedy old man reacted very quickly, and hastily struck a terrifying blow, covering the sky with endless black holes, but this black hole was in an instant The room was broken up like a child's play by a slap from the visitor.

When Xuanyuan saw it, it turned out to be the thin old man he saw when he went up to the 'Tiansha Mountain', with a lifeless face, but he didn't know why he was still alive.

The old man had a withered beard and hair, a disheveled appearance, a wrinkled face, a stooped body, an old man, and he was dying.

"It's you, old man!" Xuanyuan's heart twitched, this old man is so powerful, how could he be surrounded and beaten by those Doudi mountain bandits? When Xuanyuan thought of this, his scalp tingled. Could it be that this old man likes to be abused? Like to seek pleasure in other people's beatings? who knows!

"Since the day I saw the sun again, the old man has gone through this world for a while. The changes are really great. It's a pity that things are different and people are different. Whether it is my friends or enemies, they have all disappeared between the heavens and the earth. Even their inheritance has perished, it's too lonely, even if I can survive for countless years with the secret method, what can I do in the end, if I can't step through the threshold of God, I will die one day." The old man's eyes were very empty, His leisurely voice spread out, like a elegy of Jiuyou, extremely sad.

"You can't stay in the years, you can taste all the suffering in the world, but that's all..."

Xuanyuan was startled, and said joyfully:

"Senior 'Nightmare Ghost Fairy', it's you!"

Xuanyuan knew that this physical body did not belong to the 'Nightmare Ghost Fairy', it was possessed by him casually. This is a unique method in the mysterious organization 'Eternal Life'.

"Hehe, boy, you are very good. In such a short period of time, you have achieved such a great achievement. Even I looked up to the 'Emperor Yingtian'. You actually used the ancient blue dragon's thoughts to break through his A trace of thought left over from 'Ying Long', very good! Be courageous and resourceful!"

The eyes of the 'Nightmare Ghost Fairy' turned from empty to clear, but there was an indescribable sadness in his expression, a peerless loneliness, an aura of eternal loneliness, which even touched Xuanyuan's heart greatly.

"I, the time is not long, and this day will come after all, but unfortunately I can't get rid of the 'heart-eating dragon worm' in your body, all of this can only be done by yourself, your heart is very good, kind There is a way to evil, although I really want to inherit the way I have pursued all my life, but this kind of way, no matter if you don’t want it, but I have to leave something for you.”

As soon as the voice fell, the 'Nightmare Ghost Fairy' looked towards the second portal, and an extremely violent breath flowed from the second portal:

"It's you! 'Nightmare Ghost Fairy' didn't expect you to be alive today, hahaha! It really surprised me. I didn't expect that you are an existence that is not tolerated by the human race!"

"Aren't you the same? When you massacred people, we followed behind to absorb those powerful souls and cultivate them. Now that I think about it, I find it a bit ridiculous. I didn't expect you to be suppressed here by the 'Great Desolation Emperor' for so many years. He didn't even die, the ancient royal family is really blessed, and the bloodline is unmatched by the human race, 'Emperor Dragon King', don't come here without any harm!"

'Nightmare Ghost Fairy' looked calm, consistent, quiet and peaceful.

Xuanyuan was extremely shocked when he heard the words. He didn't expect that the terrifying ancient royal family was suppressed here, and they have survived from the era of "Nightmare Ghosts and Immortals" to this day. This is simply too terrifying. ', 'The Profound Forbidden Land' suddenly had a feeling of scalp tingling, wondering how many of these terrifying existences are in their depths?

"'Nightmare Ghost Immortal', I thought you were an existence that was comparable to the ancient sages back then, but I didn't expect that after so many years, your strength is much weaker. It's a pity, but we are all tolerated by the human race. Let me go, I have had enough of this place! I will extend the life of your soul for you, with my ancient royal family's secret method!" The devilish voice of the 'Evil Dragon King' rippling, tempting the 'Nightmare Ghost Immortal'.

"The young man in front of you will naturally unseal the seal for you in the future and release your real body. Now I will tie you with his fate. The majestic 'Evil Dragon King' wants to protect a human race. This is a very important task. Interesting thing, although my strength has dropped a lot, you still can't stop me if I want to do something!" 'Nightmare Ghost Fairy' laughed inscrutablely.

"What are you going to do, 'Nightmare Ghost Fairy', what are you going to do?" The voice of the 'Shalong King' was trembling, roaring angrily. If it was its real body, it would naturally be fearless, but now it is Its distraction, ten more will not be enough to die!

'Nightmare Ghost Immortal' waved his dead branch-like hand, and the terrifying force instantly collapsed the second portal, even the restriction was shattered, even if it was the restriction set by the 'Great Desolation Emperor', after such a It's been a long time, and I don't know how much it has weakened, let alone a character like 'Nightmare Ghost Fairy'.

I saw the 'Nightmare Ghost Immortal' poking his hand into the second portal, and in an instant, a ten-foot-long demon dragon was captured by a gathering of evil spirits, his eyes were bloodshot and ferocious, exuding a tyrannical aura, Rolling raged.

The greedy old man hastily cast the 'Wanhua Kingdom' to protect around Xuanyuan, otherwise, Xuanyuan is likely to be hit by this aura and is about to be severely injured. As expected, he only endured this tyrannical aura a few times, "Wan "Nationalization" began to show cracks.

Xuanyuan's heart jumped wildly and he looked at the 'Nightmare Ghost Immortal', and saw that he drew an inexplicable thing from the 'Evil Dragon King' and smashed it into the 'Bone Mountain Hall'. In an instant, the 'Bone Bone Hall' shook, Terrifying power rushed out, stepping directly from the low-grade fairy artifact into the middle-grade fairy artifact, and this 'Bone Mountain Hall' also evolved into a bone sword in the next instant!

"'Evil Dragon King', you originally wanted to build your body from the bones of the human race, but now I can help you realize it. You don't have to hide it like this. How do you say you thank me? Hahaha." 'Nightmare Ghost Fairy' held Holding a white bone sword, the bone spurs are ferocious, extremely destructive, and the evil spirit is breathed out, as majestic as a prison, the "Evil Dragon Bone Sword" is the true face of "Baigushantang".

'Nightmare Ghost Immortal' pointed at the 'Sharon Bone Sword', and once again drew out an inexplicable thing, which was pressed into the center of Xuanyuan's eyebrows. With the flick of a finger, I don't know how many runes penetrated into the center of Xuanyuan's eyebrows , countless lines of light flowed, and soon returned to calm.

Xuanyuan only felt that he seemed to be able to sense the thoughts of the 'Evil Dragon King', and even if he wanted to destroy the 'Evil Dragon King', it was just a thought.

"Damn it, 'Nightmare Ghost Immortal' I want to kill you, but you actually brought my soul and this kid's life together, it's a shame, you let a humble human race control me, I am the ancient royal family The unsurpassed bloodline of the Sha clan has become a servant of the human race, I will kill you!"

The evil dragon that gathered evil spirits bit the 'Nightmare Ghost', but was scattered by the 'Nightmare Ghost', and it didn't have the strength to compete with the 'Nightmare Ghost'! Countless evil spirits condensed a more vigorous body for it, winding ferociously.

"'Evil Dragon King', you should thank me when I set you free. This young man set me free. Now that I am about to perish, the only thing I can do is to leave someone to take care of him. And, one day, You will know that he is not humble." 'Nightmare Ghost Fairy' is as immobile as a mountain, standing beside Xuanyuan, although his stature is thin and short, his aura is like heaven and earth, making it hard to resist.

This avatar belonging to the 'Evil Dragon King' has extremely terrifying power. Xuanyuan feels that it is even above the 'Chao Tian Diao', it is simply unfathomable, 'Evil Dragon King' looked at the 'Nightmare Ghost' viciously Xian', said:

"This is impossible. I would rather die than protect a humble human race."

As soon as the words fell, the 'Evil Dragon King' immediately broke through the air, flew out of this cave, and looked for his own freedom. He had waited for this day for too long.

"Well, if this boy dies, you won't be able to survive. It will be a great shame for you to die at the hands of the human race! Haha!" Laughter spread into the sea of ​​consciousness of the 'Evil Dragon King', the body of the 'Evil Dragon King' shook, and he still left without looking back.

Xuanyuan shrugged, looked at the 'Nightmare Ghost Fairy', and said with a wry smile:

"Senior 'Nightmare Ghost Fairy', why are you bothering?"

"The clan of the 'Evil Dragon King' has been completely wiped out, and there are only a handful of bloodlines of the ancient royal family. Even if it escapes here, it is homeless and has been suppressed for countless years. I understand it. Heart, let's take it as an act of letting you restrain it! Moreover, there will inevitably be a huge disaster in the future for the human race. If you can subdue it, you will definitely have a deep understanding of the ancient royal family. difficult!"

The eyes of the 'Nightmare Ghost Fairy' became extremely deep, and he didn't know where to look, as if he had seen an extremely distant future.

Xuanyuan's heart was shaken, and he lost his voice:

"Could it be that these ancient races will rise up and cause chaos in this world?"

'Nightmare Ghost Fairy' didn't answer Xuanyuan's words, and said slowly:

"Xuanyuan, you must cherish a woman like Shiwan. It's so rare. In the past, I once abandoned the person I loved for the sake of strength, cut off my own love, and wanted to seek eternal life. Now my life is coming to an end. In these endless years, I am left with eternal loneliness. If I can turn back, I will definitely not take this road. I will stay with her forever, and sit down together. It is a pity that these are irreparable .”

Xuanyuan felt sad when he heard the words. This is the eternal regret of the 'Nightmare Ghost'. He nodded and said firmly:

"I will always protect Shihou!"

'Nightmare Ghost Immortal' raised his withered hand, took down the exquisite pagoda of 'Tiantian Lingyuan' hovering above his head, and handed it to Xuanyuan, who immediately put it in the ring.

Immediately afterwards, the 'Nightmare Ghost Immortal' reached out again, grabbed into the depths of the second portal, and took out an incomparably mysterious fighting talisman flowing with the rhythm of the emperor, intertwined with various patterns carved by the emperor himself. The lines that come down can suppress the heavens and all things, saying:

"This is the 'Dragon Talisman of Qinghuang Township', which came from the hands of 'Great Emperor Qinghuang'. It is the supreme treasure of the Linglong Pagoda of 'Suppressing Heaven Spiritual Source'. Your strength is not enough, so don't push it indiscriminately, otherwise If you can't control it, you will only suppress yourself forever."

Xuanyuan put away this 'Qinghuang Town Tianlong Talisman' again, remembering the warning of 'Nightmare Ghost Immortal'.

"Besides the empathy of being suppressed by the eternal seal, there is another reason why I let it be free. It is because back then, its true love was also a woman of the human race. This woman wanted to make peace between the Sha race and the race of humans. However, some people in the human race regarded her remarks as demons to confuse the public and shake people's hearts, and finally beheaded her. The "Evil Dragon King" was furious, and the whole family launched a world-shattering massacre, and was finally killed by the "Emperor Qinghuang" of Dongzhou. It was suppressed by the 'Qing Huang Da Di' thinking that it was hurt by love. The Dongzhou people did bear it first, so they didn't kill it, but suppressed it here forever. At the end of this cave, there is a The tomb, the place where its loved ones are buried, suppresses its real body, but it is actually very pitiful!"

The 'Nightmare Ghost Fairy' looked as calm as water, and there was a sad look in those eyes. Rather than saying that he was mourning the 'Shalong King', it would be better to say that the 'Nightmare Ghost Fairy' was mourning himself.

"I understand." Xuanyuan understood what the 'Nightmare Ghost Fairy' meant, and he never thought that the 'Shalong King' had such an unknown past.

"Let's go, I still owe you a promise, you have to hurry up." 'Nightmare Ghost Fairy' left only one sentence before disappearing.

Xuanyuan's purple awns revealed a little fairy light, and he muttered to himself:

"Don't let yourself regret, don't let yourself regret, just for the eternal belief in your heart, live with your own will, and protect the one you love until eternity!"

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