Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 439: Emperor Shitian's Name!

Chapter 439: Emperor Shitian's Name!

(Today's first chapter, I don't need to secretly change the concept. Each chapter is 3,000 words. Yesterday, 13,000 words were updated. After subtracting 9,000 words from the third chapter, there are 4,000 words left. It is correct to offset the 18,000 words owed Right? Brothers on WAP, you can do the math yourself. If some people insist on counting words with me, you can check the word counts of previous chapters. I never intentionally control chapters to 3000 words. 3400 3500 words, I count them as 3000 words, I just want everyone to read it more comfortably, nothing else! I hope some book friends will not be aggressive!)

"Greedy old man, what's the matter, what do you think? You once told me that only yourself is real, only power is eternal, and everything else is false. The only person who can believe is yourself, and everyone else is unbelievable." " Xuanyuan walked out of this corridor slowly, speaking very calmly, and asked the greedy old man.

"Perhaps there is no right or wrong in such things as 'Nightmare Ghost Fairy'. Who can say clearly, what everyone wants is different. What he gets is what countless people want, even if it is eternal. As long as they can live forever, I think many people are still willing to give up everything and seek eternal life with the way of longevity." The greedy old man was very silent, paused, and then he said that the achievement of "Nightmare Ghost Fairy" is no better than The 'Swallowing Great Emperor' is low, one is an existence comparable to the ancient sages, and the other is an existence that can reach the realm of the ancient great emperor, but the ideas of the two are completely different.

"People are like this. They always worry about what they can't get, but they think it's not worth mentioning what they get. They always think that what they can't get is the best. In fact, maybe when they get it, they may be the only ones." You will find that this is not as good as what you had before." Xuanyuan sighed, and walked to the entrance of this cave, and the 'Evil Dragon Bone Sword' in his hand spewed out a cold sword light, hitting the black stone door , the door fell down, and the woman buried here was a remarkable woman, Xuanyuan didn't want anyone to disturb her tranquility.

"Where are you going now, are you going back to 'Samsara' to hand over the mission?" the greedy old man asked.

Xuanyuan put away the 'Evil Dragon Bone Sword', looked in the direction of 'Doulong Immortal Mansion', and said:

"Of course I'm going back to the 'Doulong Xianfu', Jiang Yitian, I'm coming to take your life, no one can save you."

"You have to be careful, Jiang Yitian is a descendant of the Jiang family from an ancient family in Zhongzhou. With his cultivation talent, his status in the family is definitely not low. The Jiang family will not let you kill him!" The greedy old man Caution Road.

"It depends, Jiang Yitian, I will kill him, otherwise, how can I be worthy of Lone Star." Xuanyuan looked up at the sky, now that he has become stronger, but the Lone Star that used to be with him has disappeared forever, feeling a little lonely in his heart Lonely, he has begun to understand the feeling of 'Nightmare Ghost Fairy'.

Xuanyuan walked a few steps, looked down, there was an endless abyss under his feet, the deepest part of the abyss, suppressed was the real body of the 'Evil Dragon King', and in the depths of this cave, buried the beloved son of the 'Evil Dragon King' woman.

"The 'Great Desolation Emperor' used the grave of his favorite woman to suppress his real body, and let him guard the body of his beloved woman with his soul and thoughts. This is both kind and cruel..."

Just when Xuanyuan was deep in thought, suddenly a terrifying breath descended, making Xuanyuan unable to breathe.

Xuanyuan looked up and saw a man dressed in black, with blood in his eyes and a smoldering aura. This aura was none other than the 'Evil Dragon King'.

"Boy, quickly untie my shackles. I will spare you from death. From now on, you and I will have nothing to do with each other again." A voice as majestic as a prison came, crushing it, making Xuanyuan extremely uncomfortable and wanting to vomit blood.

"Believe it or not, if you think about it, you will die." Xuanyuan didn't get angry. It would be crazy for a person to be suppressed for so many years, let alone an existence like the 'Evil Dragon King'.

Sure enough, upon hearing Xuanyuan's voice, the 'Evil Dragon King' restrained his breath, and said coldly:

"Quickly untie my shackles!"

"I don't bind you, you can do whatever you want, go, my future road, I will break through the obstacles all the way, no one can reach, and I don't need anyone to help, today's world is the world of the human race, you have a big heart Hate, I can't untie the bond between you and me. If you kill innocent people indiscriminately, then you will surely die. If you don't want to be manipulated by me, go back to the cave. You will be suppressed inside forever, you will not be free, it is up to you to choose!" Xuanyuan raised his head and chest, his body was tall and straight, and he was not intimidated by the aura of the 'Evil Dragon King' at all.

"You..." the 'Evil Dragon King' glared at Xuanyuan, bloody light erupted in his eyes, and he rebuked angrily:

"If you die, I have to die too!"

"I will not die, I am the future emperor, and I want to achieve my road of becoming an emperor, so I will not die!" Xuanyuan looked at the 'Shalong King' very firmly, paused, turned around and flew through the air To the direction of 'Doulong Xianfu'.

The 'Evil Dragon King' stepped out and directly blocked Xuanyuan's way, like a sky wall, which was impossible to cross. In an instant, a wave surged from the 'Evil Dragon King' like the nine hells, making people With a breath of despair, one can see a dragon winding and rising behind him surrounded by black evil spirit. The roar of the dragon ripples for thousands of miles, and every syllable bursts out, making people feel weak and want to surrender.

Xuanyuan is not afraid of the "Evil Dragon King", the golden core in his body is running crazily, and the "green dragon blood" on himself boils, rushing straight into the sky. That magic dragon resisted from a distance!

"Ancient Azure Dragon, you are the descendant of the Azure Dragon!" In the pair of blood-colored pupils of the 'Shalong King', the bloody light rolled even more frighteningly.

Xuanyuan took out the "Yingtian Immortal Sword" in his hand, and slightly opened the "Yingtian Immortal Sword" from the scabbard with a gap, and a great emperor's breath surged, which shocked people's hearts!

"'Emperor Yingtian'!" The eyes of the 'Shalong King' didn't know whether it was shock or fear, but the bloody eyes became more glaring and penetrating!

"Get out of the way, kill you, I don't need to draw my sword, I am the future emperor, you can't stop me." Xuanyuan's tone was sonorous and stern, no resistance was allowed.

The two held each other in the air for a while, and the 'Evil Dragon King' finally stepped aside and left a sentence:

"You better not die!"

As soon as the voice fell, the 'Evil Dragon King' disappeared in front of Xuanyuan. Xuanyuan let out a long breath, and his whole body was already wet. It was too difficult to resist the breath of the 'Evil Dragon King'. The original aura in Qinglong Neidan', relying on its own aura, it's hard to compete with it!

Xuanyuan directly took out a jade platform, engraved with a teleportation restriction on it, and it was in the direction of "Dragon City".

A month ago, countless people saw purple thunderbolts rolling on the 'Tiansha Mountain', and the sound of thunder was extremely alarming. No one dared to approach it. Seven days later, when everyone came to the 'Tiansha Mountain' to investigate At that time, it was discovered that the 'Tiansha Mountain' was completely changed, and almost all the bandits were dead.

Then, after the fish that slipped through the net in 'Tiansha Mountain' was caught that day, it was rumored that it was a killer from 'Reincarnation' who killed hundreds of thousands of people with the power of one person, which caused a great shock. Almost everyone knows the intersection of 'Doulong Xianfu' and 'Dongzhou Dynasty'!

There was a quick response in 'Samsara', which was done by a disciple named 'Di Shitian'.

"Tsk tsk, I didn't expect Brother Shi Tian to be so powerful. Hundreds of thousands of people in the 'Tiansha Mountain' were killed by him like this? I should have known that I should also take this task, and have a good time with him." !” This was the feeling of Zui Guchen who was finishing his mission in a big city of Dongzhou Dynasty after hearing the news.

"I already knew that Brother Shi Tian was not simple, but I didn't expect it to be such a simple method. Could it be that he was stepping into the realm of Fighting Immortals, which triggered a thunder calamity, tsk tsk, crossing the immortal calamity, this will not happen in ten thousand years The proud son of heaven!"

"That's good, brother Shitian, if you don't sing, it will be a blockbuster. The Buddha said that you have to send a few more wicked people to hell, so that you can go to the Paradise as soon as possible. The little monk will recite the "Sutra of Rebirth" for you."

Tian Youqing's expression remained the same, but there was a huge turmoil in his heart. Xuanyuan's performance shocked him so much, which made him want to see who Xuanyuan was and how terrifying the forces behind him were.

"Good, cultivating women are the treasures of heaven and earth, you must not miss them, um, chivalry list, female thief? The Buddha said, fuck her! You monk, get rid of the evil!"

Not only the two of them, but even all the elders of the entire 'Samsara' Taoist sect were extremely surprised.

"Even if the head of the 'Tiansha Mountain' was killed by the Yin family, it would be unimaginable to destroy the entire 'Tiansha Mountain' with his power."

"This son is bound to go on the road of the Great Emperor. If he can be recruited into my 'Samsara', when he grows up, he will definitely have the opportunity to become the supreme 'Samsara Emperor' in my 'Samsara'."

"What about others? Have you come back? Xuancheng really picked a big deal this time! I didn't expect to pick a disciple who stepped into the realm of fighting immortals and could trigger the 'crossing the immortals'!"

"what happen?"

"An elder from Tianmen came down and wanted to take a look at this 'Di Shitian', obviously he valued him and wanted to accept him as a disciple!"


"Since that battle, he has disappeared inexplicably. Maybe he also died in that battle."

"No, the 'Secret Order of Reincarnation' has not collapsed, which means that he is not dead. It may be that he was seriously injured and hid to heal his injuries."

"That's right, just wait for him to come back!"

Luo Wudi, with a gloomy face, he has cooperated with 'Tiansha Mountain' for so many years, 'Tiansha Mountain' has removed many obstacles for him, but he did not expect that it would be destroyed by a new person who joined the reincarnation.

While Luo Wudi was angry, he was also terrified, and immediately sent countless people to find 'Di Shitian' and kill him.

"Anyone who offends me, don't want to live! If you can't find 'Di Shitian', you go around assassinating the children of the princes of the Dongzhou Dynasty, and don't let the children of the Yin family and the Hai family be spared. Assassinate one a day, every time you kill One, leave the name of 'Di Shitian'!"

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