Chapter 440

'Dragon City' is still prosperous.

The hustle and bustle is all for profit, and the hustle and bustle is all for profit. Countless people are rushing around for their own interests.

There are also people who walk on this road of no return for their own strength, and Xuanyuan is one of them. He fights all the way and stands out, and only then has he achieved his current achievements and has attracted the attention of countless people.

In the sky, a portal opened, golden light radiated in all directions, the splendor flowed, and terrifying spatial fluctuations rippled, attracting the attention of countless people. Xuanyuan walked out of this portal calmly.

That human skin mask had been destroyed in the thunder calamity. Xuanyuan wore the 'Tongxian Crown' on his head, and wore the 'Swallowing Wanhua Dao Armor' and 'Swallowing Wanhua Dao Boots'. On the city', the mighty and extraordinary, invisibly, flowing from his body, a huge aura hangs down from the sky, penetrating the bones of countless people, making people unable to help but kneel down and surrender to Xuanyuan!

You must know that Xuanyuan had fought against the supreme existence of the 'Emperor Yingtian' and 'Yinglong', the remaining will, which greatly changed Xuanyuan's own aura.

The people present, those with low strength, can only surrender to this supreme will breath, nothing else!

Xuanyuan didn't speak, as if everything had nothing to do with him, he just looked at the "Taibai Chamber of Commerce" in the "Dragon City", and said slowly:

"Young lady, I'm back."

Xuanyuan's voice was not loud, but it spread far and wide. For Xuanyuan, the people in the 'Taibai Chamber of Commerce' were no strangers, so no one stood in the way. It was no secret that Bai Youniang's heart was for this newly-rising proud son of heaven. up.

Xuanyuan stepped out, directly entered the 'Taibai Chamber of Commerce', and went to the Chenxiang Pavilion where Bai Youniang was.

It was very quiet inside, but in the outside world, turbulent waves had already been set off, and there was a lot of noise.

"He's back, Xuanyuan, number one in the 'Dragon Fighting List', he's finally back!"

"That's right, Xuanyuanmen is now in full swing and extremely prosperous. It has already been able to compete with Donghuangyue, Xitianluo, Beixiaoxuan, Nanwanjian, and Zhongyitian. Now that the rightful master is back, will it break the current situation? Respect Xuanyuanmen?"

"What, you say he is the owner of my Xuanyuan Xianshan?"

"Haven't you even met Xuanyuan, the owner of Xuanyuan Xianshan?"

"Many people have never seen him before. We are all new disciples. We have only heard his name, but never met him in person!"

"This time, when he comes back, there will definitely be another bloodbath! Wherever he goes, there will be no peace!"

"That's right, it seems that the battle between him and Jiang Yitian is unavoidable. A few years ago, everyone thought he was asking for his own death. Now it seems that the outcome is unpredictable. The world is really like a chess game. Unpredictable."

"Yes, the inheritance of the 'Da Luo Immortal Emperor', the inheritance of the ancient Qinglong, cultivated to the extreme, is enough to shock the great power of the nine heavens and ten places, even the great families of the immortal mansion must treat it with caution. To a certain extent, Xuanyuan has already It has surpassed Jiang Yitian."

"Just a joke, do you know who Jiang Yitian is? He is a descendant of the Jiang family of the ancient Zhongzhou family. The Jiang family possesses the existence of the supreme Dao weapon 'Shenping Whip'. I don't know how deep the accumulation of various backgrounds is. Xuanyuan How to fight with the Jiang family? He is just a lucky enough person, in front of an ancient family, he is like a mayfly, nothing!"

"That's right, not to mention an ancient family like the Jiang family, Jiang Yitian also bumped into a mysterious fairy fate, with extraordinary means, he may not lose to Xuanyuan, and don't forget, Xuanyuan and Jiang Yitian still have a certain level of strength in the end. I don't believe the huge gap, in just three years, Xuanyuan can surpass Jiang Yitian, who was already a Dou Emperor at that time, from a small Dou Wang realm!"

These people were spitting, citing scriptures, and discussing non-stop, and their faces were flushed, and many people even got into a fight.

On the day Xuanyuan came back, the whole 'Dragon City' started to stir, and all kinds of rumors started to spread, and then there was an uproar in the whole 'Dulong Immortal Mansion'.

Xuanyuan entered the Beizhou Dynasty by himself, and within a few days, he destroyed a huge Chengmen Shifang. He was invited by the 'Nine Heavens Xuannv' and the 'Hantian Saintess', and became the two new generation in Beizhou. The person who is valued by the charming girl of the sky, and then brought the little princess of the demon clan "the body of ten thousand medicines" Shihou, and the second lady of the Yin family of Dongzhou "the true fairy body of Tianlong" Yin Zhenluo, to the palace of the imperial city of Beizhou alone, and argued hard , and finally fought for a situation where the demons and the Beizhou Dynasty lived in peace and rebuilt their homeland.

In any case, the impact of what Xuanyuan did was too great, and it was too dazzling, not to mention, after Xuanyuan entered the "Forbidden Land" for several months later, when everyone thought Xuanyuan would die, he He came out from the 'Forbidden Land' again, beheading 18 killers of 'Samsara' and 'Six Paths' in a row, almost killing them with one blow. Everything has given Xuanyuan too much mystery.

Many disciples of Xuanyuanmen worship Xuanyuan almost blindly!

No one knew how terrifying Xuanyuan's hole cards were, but they knew that the next battle between Xuanyuan and Jiang Yitian would be a battle between dragons and tigers, with turbulent winds and storms.

Outside the log cabin of Agarwood.

A string of wind chimes made of Polygonatum woven lightly collides together, which is pleasant to the ear, continuous, and has the sound effect of driving away distracting thoughts in the heart.

The water in the pool is gurgling and flowing, and the dragon carps are swaying happily, wanting to dangle in the pool, and there are rainbows coming out of them, rising in the steaming mist, which is beautifully beautiful.

On the pool, the lotus is in full bloom, and the fragrance is floating for miles, blending with the agarwood, which makes people enchanted.

Xuanyuan stood outside the door, smiling without saying a word.

"Come in, Young Master Xuanyuan!" Bai Youniang's voice came from inside the house.

Xuanyuan pushed away the agarwood wooden house, and saw that the sky was full of fairy flowers in the room, and countless golden glows intertwined, forming various mysterious patterns. The white young lady was dressed in white, with a long skirt mopping the floor, holy as snow, standing in it, smiling, gazing at Looking at Xuanyuan.

"Second Rank Fighting Immortal!"

"Thank you, Mr. Xuanyuan, for the 'Civil and Military Tea'. I have gained a lot just by feeling the lines and aura on it. I have stepped into the realm of Fighting Immortals at Rank 2. I am worthy of being an old Ye Xianzhen, with myriad mysteries hidden in it! "

Bai Youniang's smile is like a flower, her eyebrows are like spring mountains, and her beauty is like autumn water. She is incomparable, bright and charming, with a graceful figure, and she moves slightly in lotus steps.

"Well, thanks to those fighting talismans, I have been saved several times, otherwise, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to stand in front of you now." Xuanyuan smiled lightly.

"That's Mr. Xuanyuan, you have the foresight to strategize!" Bai Youniang smiled, she was very beautiful, and made people's hearts sway. The proud Shengnvfeng, straight long legs, and everything was full of extreme temptation.

Xuanyuan smiled slightly, a woman's face flashed in his mind, and he fell silent.

"It's very noisy outside." Bai Youniang stared at Xuanyuan and said slowly.

"Let them go." Xuanyuan sat on a grand teacher's chair and said indifferently.

"It's been almost three years!" Bai Youniang went to her bed and sat down, her beautiful eyes were bright, and she sighed:

"You and I have changed a lot!"

"Is there any news about Zi Yun?" Xuanyuan asked slowly without responding to Bai Youniang.

Bai Youniang's body trembled, she paused, and said:

"No, we can't find her whereabouts, even let the 'Tianji' calculate her, there is no information, several gentlemen in the 'Tianji' said, maybe she is no longer there, or lives in a place that can be isolated from the 'Tianji' calculation. Even if I've been looking for you these days, the gentlemen of 'Tianji' couldn't figure out your location, if I hadn't met Mo Chou's master, I would have gone mad with anxiety."

Bai Youniang smiled sweetly, for Xuanyuan, she never concealed her love for him.

"It's nothing, don't worry, just tell me how many things happened in the 'Doulong Immortal Mansion' at this stage!" Xuanyuan said calmly.

"Fang Yuyou was assassinated 18 times in total. Fortunately, she was only injured and not fatal. Now she has stepped into the realm of Fighting Immortals, because Youxue was responsible for protecting Fang Yuyou, and she has fallen." Bai Youniang's tone was also calm.

"Old man, why didn't you tell me?" Xuanyuan questioned the old man in his heart.

"It's just an insignificant matter. On the road to the great emperor, too many people will die because of you. You Xue is just a puppet. What is there to care about?" The greedy old man spoke even more indifferently.

"Who killed it! Who has shot it?" Xuanyuan didn't tangle with the greedy old man on this issue, and asked Bai Youniang directly.

"Jiang Yitian's subordinates, as well as Xi Tianluo, Bei Xiaoxuan, and Nan Wanjian seem to have attacked Xuanyuanmen. Fortunately, Donghuangyue took care of Xuanyuanmen at the beginning, plus Bu Jingsha's leadership ability, and Feng Lie's Sitting in the township made Xuanyuanmen rise rapidly, and those assassins have already been punished!" Bai Youniang sighed.

"I have no grudges with Xi Tianluo, Nan Wanjian, and they dare to attack my Xuanyuanmen? Hmph, I will pay back this debt!" Xuanyuan thought for a moment, then continued to ask:

"Anything else?"

"No, everything else is trivial. Chen Jinsi, Liu Xiangxiang, Qing Xiao, and Zhao Manfeng all suffered serious injuries, and they were all healed later. Fang Yun was directly abolished in order to protect Fang Yuyou. Life is better than death." , It was the hands of the 'Hua Wu Immortal'! This matter has already been investigated by Dou Xian in Fang's family, but there is no conclusive evidence, and they have nothing to do!" Bai Youniang said.

Xuanyuan's heart was filled with anger, and he could still remember that when he entered the "Doulong Immortal Mansion" and his strength was weak, Fang Yuyou was so angry that he asked Fang Yunlai to vent his anger on him, but he didn't expect that Fang Yun actually wanted to protect Fang Yuyou. How could he not be angry if he died?

Xuanyuan stood up, with murderous aura surging on his body, and was about to walk out of the sunken cabin, Bai Youniang stood up to stop Xuanyuan, saying:

"what you up to?"

"Kill." Xuanyuan spat out a word.

"Calm yourself first, there is a bigger conspiracy waiting for you, led by the 'Dragon Fighting Son' personally, the battle between you and Jiang Yitian is destined to be the focus of attention, so you want to kill , when the time comes, the best time will be under the watchful eyes of everyone!" Bai Youniang's voice was very gentle.

Xuanyuan's expression froze. He didn't expect that even the "Dragon Fighting Son" would be involved in this dispute. He immediately calmed down the killing intent in his heart, nodded, and said:

"Okay, then I'll wait for news here."

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