Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 452 The Son of the Ancient Demon

Chapter 452 The Son of the Ancient Demon

On the edge of the dilapidated rocky cliff, Xuanyuan sat quietly for ten days, motionless, comprehending the mystery of the "Five Elements Swallowing the Great Immortal Technique". The aura of things surges and circulates, forming a five-element reincarnation.

Suddenly, Xuanyuan and the god behind him opened their eyes at the same time, and two five-color auras rushed out far away. The mysterious five-element aura flowed in a rhythm, giving people a feeling of being naturally integrated with the heaven and the earth.

Xuanyuan stood up, let out a long breath, exhaled like a sword, and directly cut off the remnant stone not far in front of him. At the beginning, Yin Zhenluo plowed a trace on the ground with one breath, but now he exhaled, but Being able to cut off the remnant stone, Xuanyuan felt very satisfied.

"How is it, did you break through?" the voice of the greedy old man came out.

Xuanyuan thought:

"How should I put it, I can only say that this "Five Elements Swallowing Great Immortal Technique" has a greater understanding. The supernatural power combined with the power of three five elements is not very easy to grasp, but it is not impossible. You can do it all at once. try."

"Haha, that's enough." The greedy old man smiled, and he already knew how far Xuanyuan has progressed. Basically, as long as Xuanyuan has this attitude, it means there is nothing wrong.

During these ten days, no one came to assassinate Xuanyuan again, very calm, as if waiting for something, and the news that Xuanyuan was assassinated by a strong man has already spread in the "Doulong Xianfu", and many people In the insinuation, the spearhead is directed at 'Sword Immortal', 'Hua Wu Xianzun' and 'Ruyi Elder'.

In the process of guarding Xuanyuan, the "Five Elements Immortal" has also been greatly improved, and all five of them have stepped into the realm of fighting immortals of the sixth rank without making a sound.

"Brother Xuanyuan, you're finally awake." Seeing that the god behind Xuanyuan had merged into Xuanyuan's body, Mo Chou jumped to Xuanyuan's side, wrapped her arms around Xuanyuan's arms, and pointed to the rebuilt flower garden with It is full of exotic flowers and plants, so beautiful and full of vitality:

"Brother Xuanyuan, look, I planted this myself in the past few days, does it look good?"

"Well, it's beautiful." Xuanyuan smiled slightly, waved his hand, and the 'Biluotianshui' sprinkled down, nourishing the exotic flowers and plants in the flower garden. I saw that these exotic plants bloomed more brilliantly at a speed visible to the naked eye, but Xuanyuan felt a little emotional in his heart, even though these flowers can be replanted, they are no longer the same.

"Wow, Brother Xuanyuan is so powerful, no wonder sister Zhixie wants you to help her nourish the flowers and plants." Mo Chou's small eyes were shining, looking at the blooming flower garden, she seemed to feel the thoughts in Xuanyuan's heart. There was a flash of sadness, and he said in a low voice:

"Mo Chou doesn't even think about it, it's all those bad guys."

Xuanyuan smiled, forgetting that this girl is a 'body of a thousand spirits' who is extremely sensitive to people's hearts, touched Mo Chou's long hair, and changed the subject:

"Is it comfortable to live here these days?"

"You still say that you are worried all day, afraid that someone will assassinate you, so it's strange to be comfortable." Huang Yuechan rolled her eyes and said angrily:

"Isn't it just training? Can't you just practice in the palace? You have to show your eyes on the edge of the cliff, hoping that people won't recognize you, and don't think about how many people are worried about you."

"Yes, Mo Chou is also very worried." Mo Chou nodded, agreeing with Huang Yuechan for the first time.

Xuanyuan rubbed his nose in embarrassment, and didn't refute anything. At this moment, an extremely terrifying demonic energy rolled in, Xuanyuan frowned, and then Fang Yuyou and Feng Lie fell from the sky.

Fang Yuyou looked a little unnatural, and said:

"The Tsing Yi from the 'Chaos Immortal and Demon Mansion' arrived three days ago, and the 'Ancient Demon Son' from the 'Ancient Demon Sect' just entered the 'Doulong Immortal Mansion', and called by name and said he wanted to find you, so fast."

Fang Yuyou succinctly explained the major events of the past few days to Xuanyuan, Xuanyuan nodded, and looked into the clear blue sky, the monstrous devilish energy surged, and the fighting spirit rose, obviously looking for trouble .

Xuanyuan held his head high and held his chest high. Since someone came uninvited, he didn't have to go to see him. The thick devilish energy that emerged from the sky was very ferocious, and the faces of all kinds of strange beasts emerged.

A man came out, and I saw this man with tumbling purple hair and double blood pupils in his eyes. He was so handsome that every ordinary woman in the world would be jealous to the point of madness. He was wearing a black magic robe , there is an ancient demon embroidered on the magic robe, giving people a sense of vicissitudes and desolation, but it has an indescribable deterrent force.

He descended from the sky and came alone. It was the 'Ancient Demon Sect' and 'Ancient Demon Sacred Son'.

In his blood pupils, blood was flowing, and he stared directly at Xuanyuan, his voice was very slow and soft, but there was an amazing magic sound, which was directly introduced into Xuanyuan's sea of ​​consciousness, like a thunderbolt on the ground, a terrifying The devil evolved out, roaring ferociously in Xuanyuan's sea of ​​consciousness:

"You are Xuanyuan?"

Xuanyuan's body trembled and his face turned pale. With his current strength, he still couldn't bear this temptation. He just felt that the world was spinning, and the 'Ancient Demon Son' was too strong. Xuanyuan felt that he even surpassed the 'Dou Son of the Dragon' above.

Xuanyuan only felt a sweetness in his throat, and when he was about to spit out a mouthful of blood, Xuanyuan swallowed it back abruptly, Xuanyuan narrowed his eyes slightly, and said coldly:

"Yes, what does the 'Ancient Demon Son' want from me?"

"Very good, with your current level seven Doudi's strength, you are proud enough to be able to withstand my greetings. Even if you are a first-rank Douxian, some people will become fools when I greet you. They will be demented all their lives, and even die directly. You really have some strength, but I advise you to leave the little princess Shiwan early, you are a human race, you and her will never be possible, don't wishful thinking, today I just came to give you a few words of advice." 'Ancient Demon Saint Zi' had a soft voice and a calm expression, he didn't discriminate against Xuanyuan, and even admired him somewhat.

"Presumptuous, do you dare to attack my Junior Brother Xuanyuan?" Feng Lie stepped out, and the 'jidao tianfeng' swept across, boom, boom, boom, the seals in Feng Lie's body were broken layer by layer, and strands of 'jidao tianfeng' The aura of Tianfeng became extremely fierce, and the tumbling demonic energy in the sky was unintentionally smashed into pieces. The expression of the "Ancient Demon Son" changed, and he looked at Feng Lie, and said in a leisurely manner:

"Feng Lie, 'Extreme Heavenly Wind', the reincarnation of Fengxian is really extraordinary, unsealing the seal is even enough to kill Mingxian, but I still have to say, you can't kill me, only you will die in the end."

Xuanyuan's heart tightened, he waved his hand quickly, and said:

"Brother Feng Lie, I can handle this matter. The visitor is a guest, and the guest is rude. As the master, we should tolerate it."

Feng Li glanced coldly at the 'Ancient Demon Son', the aura on his body began to subside, and he did not speak.

Xuanyuan looked at the 'Ancient Demon Son' and said with a light smile:

"Whether I leave Shiwan or not has nothing to do with you. Moreover, your way is completely different from Shiwan's way. No matter how strong you are, you can't get together with Shiwan."

The 'Ancient Demon Son' smiled, and he didn't care about Xuanyuan's words, and said self-righteously:

"Smart-tongued, the little princess Shiwan just thinks that the people of the human race are very funny. Seeing them suffer, she wants to feel sorry for them. We can all understand it. After all, doing good deeds is a good thing. No one will object, but you have to remember that the human race is the human race. , the demon clan is the demon clan, even if there is no war between the two, it is impossible to become friends, Xuanyuan, you are very young, there are not a few women who are by your side, who love you, Shihou is the supreme of my demon clan Holy girl, don't get involved with her, I'm here today, if it's the magic commander, he won't be like me."

"Sister Shihou will never like you for someone like you, the 'Ancient Demon Son'." Mo Chou looked at the 'Ancient Demon Son' and said this seriously.

The 'Ancient Demon Son' looked stagnant, looked at Mo Chou and asked:

"'A body of a thousand spirits', why do you say that?"

"That's all." Mo Chou took out a piece of sapphire from her bosom, and the bloody pupils of the 'Ancient Demon Son' shrank:

"'Void Sapphire', this is the personal belonging of the little princess Shiwan, why is it in your hands?"

"Sister Shiwan gave it to me. I know Shiwan better than anyone else. Sister Shiwan knows what happened today. Sister Shiwan asked me to tell you that in her life, she will only let brother Xuanyuan protect her. Dao, she hopes that the human race and the demon race can live in peace, not as you said, but just for fun, if you dare to hurt brother Xuanyuan again, she will return to the demon race and let the ancestor demons punish you." Mo Chou said very Qing Cui, Qing Yu Zhong Guang instigated, she did not lie.

The 'Ancient Devil Saint Son' looked the same, very proud, even after hearing what Shi Wan said, he never gave up his thoughts, he soared into the sky, merged into the monstrous devilish energy, and left, leaving only one sentence:

"Xuanyuan, take care of yourself. If you want Shihou, defeat me first, and I'll wait for you."

The 'Five Elements Immortal' was very silent and didn't speak. They knew that Xuanyuan had to face this matter by himself, and they couldn't intervene. .

Xuanyuan's injury almost healed within a moment, and now Xuanyuan only had one thought, that was that he was still too weak.

The 'Sage Son of the Ancient Devil', the Holy Son of one of the demon clan, is so powerful that he can see the whole leopard at a glance. Naturally, the 'Sage Son of Fighting Dragon' also has his own means, but because of being in the same sect, he wants to To maintain his own image, he had never done anything to Xuanyuan.

"Xuanyuan, are you okay?" Yin Zhenluo stepped forward and said softly.

"It's okay, what can I do? They are all existences who have practiced for many years before me. I have practiced for about three years. Time will prove everything. I can prove it with my own strength. Since Shiwan chose me to be her guardian , I will not give up on her." Xuanyuan clangs forcefully.

Everyone was silent.

In the next few days, basically all the Tianjiao-level figures in Dongzhou arrived one by one.

The battle between Xuanyuan and Jiang Yitian is imminent.

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