Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 453: Stage of Life and Death

Chapter 453: Stage of Life and Death

(囧, it seems that there are only four chapters, and the flowers are full of 1200, and I owe 16,000 words! I must work hard to make up!)

Life and death stage.

This platform of life and death is made of black and white huge stones. This kind of stone is called the "stone of life and death", because on the "stone of life and death", the white part is alive and full of vitality, while the black part is full of vitality. Part of it is the extinction of vitality, lifelessness, and the circulation of life and death, which has its own mystery.

The entire platform of life and death covers an area of ​​ten miles, and is blocked in all directions by the great supernatural powers. This is because they are worried that the supernatural powers of the life and death fighters will spread out from inside and hurt other disciples. up.

On this day, all the Tianjiao who were invited to the "Doulong Xianfu" were seated one by one. The "Dongzhou Dynasty" was dominated by the "Dongzhou Divine Body" Ji Chen, and Ji Wu and Princess Pingyao were beside him. , Haiya sits on Ji Wu's left, and Yin Zhenluo and Yin Qianxun sit on Princess Pingyao's right.

"Doulong Xianfu" is headed by "Donglong Shengzi", and Tianluo is standing beside him. On the other side of "Doulong Shengzi", there is an extremely beautiful woman in neon clothes, with a beautiful figure. Graceful, fair skin, bright eyes and white teeth, looking forward to brilliance, not square, her long hair falls like a waterfall, the fairy light flows behind her head, and the aura emanating from her body is no less than that of the "Dragon Fighting Son" ', on an equal footing with the 'Doulong Shengzi', she is the 'Dulong Shengnv' who has rarely appeared in the 'Doulong Immortal Mansion', and has already gained a good reputation in Zhongzhou.

Where the 'Ancient Devil Saint Son' was, the devilish energy was tumbling, forming a momentum of its own. From its pair of blood pupils, blood sprang forth, and its purple hair fluttered. It was extremely handsome and attracted the attention of countless people.

Not far from the 'Ancient Demon Son', there stood a woman who surprised everyone.

Autumn water is the god, jade is the bone, hibiscus is like face and willow is like eyebrow.

She was dressed in a blue and black palace dress, with a long jade neck and round shoulders, standing gracefully in the air. The exquisite curves looming on the palace dress made people feel ups and downs, and her figure was infinitely enchanting.

From top to bottom, there is no part of her that is not beautiful to the extreme. There are thousands of charms in her eyes, thousands of winds, and three thousand black hairs dancing with the wind. She is so beautiful that it makes people tremble. The presence of the Saintess of the Yaofu'.

"The battle is about to begin, and we don't know who will win."

"You'll know it when you see it, this is definitely a fight between dragons and tigers!"

"That's right, although Xuanyuan is only at the realm of the seventh-rank Doudi, he has profound attainments in stone art. He can unite people and power, and use the power of power to counter the Dou Xian!"

Everyone is waiting for today's protagonist, and they are discussing one after another.

In a hall, a vast aura flows, and there are three extremely terrifying existences inside.

Yin Tuxian and Bai Qishao sat in the hall, and were personally entertained by the head of the 'Doulong Immortal Mansion'.

"Hehe, I didn't expect that Xuanyuan could attract two people to come to my 'Doulong Immortal Mansion' together. It's really unexpected!" The master of Doulong Mansion laughed like thunder.

"Xuanyuan is my savior. Now he has a life-and-death contract with Jiang Yitian. I will take it for myself. It's just that some people have despicable methods. They assassinated Xuanyuan a few days ago. Allowing me to teach them a lesson can also be regarded as a reminder to them that the person my Yin family wants to protect is not just anyone who can do it." Yin Tuxian's words were filled with an aura of gold and iron horses, as if Tens of thousands of troops galloped to fight, the murderous aura swept across the sky, there was no room for the master of Doulong Palace to refuse.

The Master of Doulong Palace hesitated for a moment, and said:

"Do you know who assassinated Xuanyuan?"

"Haha, even if we don't know, with the ability of my 'Taibai Chamber of Commerce', let the strong people of heaven and earth calculate it, we should know. If the palace master agrees, I also want to teach them a few times, otherwise, I feel really depressed. Xuanyuan is the person my daughter misses and misses day and night. It would be fine if someone assassinated him outside. Now that he is back in the 'Doulong Immortal Mansion', these people are too disregarded by the 'Doulong Immortal Mansion' ' It's the law." Bai Qisha smiled gently, and every word in his words carried weight.

If it was Yin Tuxian alone, the master of Doulong Palace could refuse, presumably Yin Tuxian would not force it, but if he added Bai Qisha, if he refused to refuse, he might offend Bai Qisha Yes, after weighing the pros and cons, Palace Master Fighting Dragon immediately said with a smile:

"Forget it, Xuanyuan is also a disciple of my 'Doulong Immortal Mansion'. If it's my sect's fault, it's okay for Brother Yin and Brother Bai to teach them a lesson for the law enforcement elders. Please."

Immediately, Yin Tuxian swiped his hand, and a space was cut out. He saw one of his five fingers, and in an instant, it turned into a terrifying giant claw of a heavenly dragon, and grabbed that space suddenly, and two howling sounds came Come on, I saw 'Hua Wu Xianzun' and 'Ruyi Elder' were directly caught out, thrown on the ground like dead dogs, since they were pierced by the terrifying giant claws of the heavenly dragon, their bodies were bloody Chung was seriously injured, and the two of them looked shocked!

Bai Qisha didn't even look at it, he just punched out, this punch seemed to have pierced through a lot of space, only heard a loud bang, and a miserable howl spread, Bai Qisha shot it with his hand, "Sword Immortal He was also taken out of this heavy space, with a look of horror on his face. At this moment, his bones were broken and his legs and feet were weak.

"Palace Master Doulong, I believe that the calculations of the seven sons of 'Tianji' should not be wrong. Whether they assassinated Xuanyuan, you can tell if they have assassinated Xuanyuan. If not, I will compensate the entire 'Taibai Chamber of Commerce' in 'Dulong City' to Doulong Xianfu', as compensation!" Bai Qisha said kindly.

The more amiable Bai Qi's killing is, the master of Doulong Palace does not dare to neglect, in fact, he already knew who probably did it, but Xuanyuan is fine, and there is no sign of pursuing it, so he doesn't want to be troublesome Well, now that the three of them have been caught and revealed, it is naturally impossible for the Master of Doulong Mansion to excuse them:

"Haha, what did Brother Bai say? How can it be wrong for the seven sons of 'Tianji' to calculate them? You three, go to the 'Fighting Dragon and Kuwu Immortal Prison' to think about it for a year. If you still don't want to repent, Then just stay in there."

Hearing this, the three of them trembled all over, they didn't dare to say more, without him, Yin Tuxian and Bai Qi's killing of these two great Bodhisattvas was too terrifying, it was beyond their power to resist, instead of staying here anytime There may be danger, it is better to enter the "Dragon Fighting Kunwu Immortal Prison" to suffer.

I saw the master of Doulong Mansion rolled his hand, and directly locked the three of them into a unique fairy prison in the 'Doulong Immortal Mansion'.

"The Master of Doulong Palace is really discerning and impartial." Yin Tuxian smiled indifferently, and then looked at the platform of life and death.

"Ha, human life is one breath. If this is an upright situation, even if Xuanyuan is killed, I have nothing to say. Young people, we all came here like this. We are not strong enough. If we don't get killed today, tomorrow I will also die in the hands of others. Only after countless fights can I stand out, but if the older generation makes a move, then I can only take care of it. I killed just such a daughter for nothing, and I don’t want her Widowed." Bai Qisha said and acted without restraint, and 'Doulong Xianfu' was taken aback for a while.

"Hehe, Xuanyuan is also a disciple of our sect. I intend to make him the future 'Dragon Fighting Son'. If he is oppressed, I will stand up for him." The words of the master of Fighting Dragon Palace are not false. , he once went to Beizhou to find a way to get rid of the 'heart-eating dragon insect' for Xuanyuan, but unfortunately he returned without success.

Several strong people chatted and laughed.

The people under the stage of life and death are not qualified to be equal to the saint sons, but their cultivation qualifications need not be questioned. They are also a generation of elites. It is not possible that no one will be able to become a saint son and saintess in the future.

For example, the Lu family, the Xie family, the Fang family, and some other families from the 'Linglong Immortal Mansion'.

It's just that among these people, there are two people who are extremely conspicuous. I saw a monk who was extremely pink and tender, with a pair of peach blossom eyes, watery, very charming. Compared with the 'Ancient Demon Son' in appearance, each has its own merits, and he is just heavenly.

"The Buddha said, this time came at the right time, Tsing Yi, this is Tsing Yi from the 'Chaos Immortal and Demon Mansion'! I can finally see her true face, I am so moved, thank you Buddha."

Beside Tian Youqing, a man is holding a folding fan, with silver hair fluttering, his face is also beautiful enough to make countless women jealous, the aura inadvertently revealed from between his brows, has its own coquettish, his smile is full of coquettish, look Said "Dragon Fighting Maiden":

"Everyone asks 'Doulong Shengnv', she is the number one beauty in 'Doulong Xianfu', seeing her today, tsk tsk, it really opened my eyes, I want them to remember my pure smiling face , I hope my smile can make them have a flawless heart in their lives."

"Brother Guchen, look, that's Yin Zhenluo, the 'Tianlong True Immortal Physique' of the Yin family, tsk tsk, she is also a unparalleled beauty in the world. This time, I really have a feast for my eyes." Several high-ranking women pointed out Jiangshan, but they didn't care.

"Actually, this time, I didn't want to see them when I came here, but to see what Xuanyuan, who was on the Xuanmen's co-killing list and who was angry with humans and gods, looked like. Is he as handsome as me? You can win the hearts of so many beauties." Zui Guchen had a heartbroken look on his face, as if Xuanyuan ruined his family's golden girl, making him burst into tears.

While the two were talking, Jiang Yitian was wearing a bronze battle armor, a bronze battle helmet on his head, and a bronze war spear in his hand. He descended from the sky, mighty and extraordinary, with sword eyebrows and star eyes. From him, there was an extremely ancient and vicissitudes of life. oppressive.

"This is the Jiang family's 'Monster-Slaying Bronze Immortal Artifact'. It has already reached the realm of a low-grade immortal artifact. I don't know how many years it has been conceived. It is really shameless. Even this kind of magic weapon has been brought out. You must know that he is a The existence of the second-ranked Dou Xian!" Tian Youqing said with contempt.

Countless people gave Tian Youqing a look, but they didn't cause any trouble. Moreover, Tian Youqing and Zui Guchen even dared to point fingers at the saint son and saint daughter. It is conceivable that they naturally have their horrors.

"Jiang Yitian is here."

"Brother Jiang Yitian is finally here, hahaha, I think Xuanyuan is too scared to come out."

"That's right, how can you defeat Senior Brother Jiang Yitian in a mere seventh-rank Fighting Emperor realm?"

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