Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 454: This Great Emperor Comes!

Chapter 454: This Great Emperor Comes!

Zui Guchen stroked his smooth silver hair, looked at Jiang Yitian, smiled coquettishly and said:

"If I fight him, it will probably be a tie. I really look forward to it. How can Xuanyuan, who is angry with both humans and gods, fight against the second-ranked Tianjiao with the realm of the seventh-rank fighting emperor? If this is really the case, I will call him directly." Brother, you are too awesome!"

"Yeah, he is the number one reward on the Taoist co-killing list. I really want to see the demeanor of this murderer who is above us. Anyway, we are also on the co-killing list together. The Buddha said, this It's fate, I support that Xuanyuan." Tian Youqing was solemn and serene, but what he said made everyone around him look at the two of them as if they had seen a ghost, and instinctively took a few steps back.

The people who can be on the list of "Samsara" and "Six Paths" are absolutely terrifying existences. Zui Guchen said that he can draw with Jiang Yitian. He was originally despised, discriminated and sneered by many people. Now that he and Tian Youqing were on the joint killing list, many people believed it three-pointed at the moment, because the general foreign forces are not the arrogance of the two major forces of the 'Dongzhou Dynasty' and 'Linglong Xianfu'. Not allowed here, but they can enter, which is enough to prove their ability.

At this moment, in the distant sky, a group of people vacated, headed by Xuanyuan. He was wearing the 'Tongxian Crown', wearing the 'Swallowing Wanhua Dao Armor' on the table, wearing the 'Swallowing Wanhua Dao Boots', with his hands behind his back. Behind him, he took a leisurely stroll in the courtyard, one step slowly stepped out to a distance of several thousand meters, and in a blink of an eye, Xuanyuan came to the sky above the platform of life and death.

Behind Xuanyuan, Zhixie wore a white gauze, her eyebrows were like willow leaves, her eyes were like autumn water, full of waves, and Lingbo descended to the mortal world with small steps. The dusty temperament on her body attracted countless people's attention. A kind of supreme holiness that makes people admire, worship, and respect!

Zui Guchen pointed at Xuanyuan as if he had been spat with blood, tremblingly said:

"Xuanyuan has such an appearance? My God, compared with this young master, it is simply a world of difference. How should I describe this kind of appearance? It is delicate and beautiful. Compared with this young master, it is a world of difference. Look at him The magic weapon on his body is a big black lump, tasteless and extremely ugly, why does he attract the attention of so many peerless women?"

Zui Guchen's heart was broken, he and Tianyouqing looked at Zhixie and Mochou behind Xuanyuan, as well as Huangyuechan and Fang Yuyou, his eyes were straight, Feng Lie was instinctively ignored by them.

"Beast, let her go! Miss, I'll save you!" Zui Guchen yelled when he saw Mochou wrapping his arms around Xuanyuan's arms, feeling tired of Xuanyuan.

Xuanyuan looked over when he heard the words, the corners of his eyes twitched, he didn't expect these two guys to come too, but Xuanyuan remained calm.

"You are the beast, Brother Xuanyuan is not the beast." Mochou held Xuanyuan's arm, stuck out her tongue at Zui Guchen, and said playfully.

"Girl, you misunderstood me." Zui Guchen burst into tears.

"Hmph, don't think I don't know what's going on in your heart." Mo Chou snorted, with a pure and flawless smile on her face, which was imprinted in Zui Guchen's heart in an instant.

Tianyou let out a sigh of emotion, and comforted him:

"Brother Guchen, don't be sad, this is fate..."

At this moment, not far away, a woman dressed in white came through the air, attracting the attention of Zui Guchen and Tian Youqing.

"is her……"

"'Taibai Chamber of Commerce' Bai Young Lady!"


Bai Youniang has a graceful figure, her delicate body is almost perfect, her chest, her legs, and her back all give people the impression of being so flawless, she is a stunner in the world, countless people stare straight at her eyes, she fell into Xuanyuan Beside him, Yingying smiled, and said slowly:

"Xuanyuan, kill Jiang Yitian, I'll watch you!"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone present was shocked.

"Junior Brother Xuanyuan, you are finally here, please!" Jiang Yitian's face was calm, slow and gentle.

Xuanyuan stepped out one step at a time, and the whole person fell directly into the 'Taiwan of Life and Death'.

Bai Youniang, Mochou, Zhixie, Huangyuechan, and Feng Lie gathered together, Tian Youqing and Zui Guchen moved over to them, and greeted them with familiar faces:

"Hi, Miss Bai..." They knew that Bai Youniang, as the head of the branch of the 'Taibai Chamber of Commerce', had a lot of contacts with people on weekdays, so it was easier for them to start.

Bai Youniang looked at the two of them, smiled slightly and said:

"Are you two?"

"Haha, my son is brother Xuanyuan's troubled brother. Alas, now that I heard he was fighting with Jiang Yitian, I came here to watch the battle." Zui Guchen showed his white teeth and a charming smile. An ordinary woman would have been fascinated by him Dizzy, but Bai Youniang doesn't like this.

But Bai Youniang's eyes are very good, the two people in front of her are definitely a generation of arrogant figures, Mo Chou wrinkled her nose when she heard this, and said:

"Isn't it that you, like Brother Xuanyuan, are on the co-killing list of 'Six Paths' and 'Samsara'? Brother Xuanyuan doesn't know you, so don't try to get close."

Mo Chou's eyes were bright, and she laughed.

When Bai Youniang heard the words, her beautiful eyes lit up, she smiled, and said:

"Well, if that's the case, let's watch the battle together! Indeed, we can be regarded as suffering brothers!"

"Ah, sister Youniang..." Mochou was about to say something when Bai Youniang smiled lightly and said, "It's okay, Mochou, they have no malicious intentions!"

Mo Chou shrugged her shoulders, as if there was nothing she could do about it:

"Okay, that's what Young Niang and Sister said."

Zui Guchen and Tian Youqing laughed heartily, and the smiles on their faces became even brighter. At this moment, Feng Lie gave them a sideways glance, causing them to suddenly have goose bumps all over their bodies and chills down their spines. , immediately looked serious.

Zui Guchen said to Feng Lie:

"Don't use your evil eyes to speculate on my flawless Dao heart."

The heavenly treasure has a solemn appearance, and said solemnly:

"The Buddha said, when the world looks at your pure body with dirty eyes, you just need to accept it."

Feng Li had the urge to shoot these two people to death.

In the stage of life and death.

There are black and white qi circulating inside, filled with the breath of life and death. Entering this place to fight with people is either life or death, which can stimulate people's fighting potential to the extreme.

Jiang Yitian is wearing bronze fairy artifacts, all of which are the best of the low-rank fairy artifacts. They are magic weapons given to Jiang Yitian by the Jiang family. In order to ensure that he will win this battle, he clearly knows that Jiang Yitian is fighting against the seventh-rank Doudi with the strength of a second-rank Douxian , The Jiang family is still acting like this, which shows how much this big family attaches importance to this battle!

Without him, it is only because Xuanyuan's inheritance is worthy of the Jiang family's heavy copy. As long as Jiang Yitian obtains the "Da Luo Tianshu", everything in the ancient Qinglong's inheritance will eventually be worthwhile, and it is trivial to invest in Jiang Yitian.

On the stage of life and death, an elder sat withered. This elder's beard and hair were black and white, and the aura of life and death spread from him, giving people a feeling of inscrutability and extraordinary strength. elders.

"Are you ready for the battle between the two of you?" Elder Life and Death's voice was very slow, but it felt very heavy. Every word contained the thought of life and death.

Jiang Yitian bowed to the elder of life and death:

"Disciple Jiang Yitian, I'm ready."

Just when Xuanyuan opened his mouth, a portal suddenly opened from the zenith, and a lone wolf with golden hair all over his body came out, he was quite proud, his eyes had a feeling of contempt for the world, and from his eyes Beside him, a woman was dressed in gold-threaded clothes and gold-threaded shoes, with golden bells in twos and threes adorning her body, making the sound of bells and bells.

"The great emperor is here! Boy, you are really worrying. Come, come, let's start betting, let's bet, Xuanyuan wins or Jiang Yitian wins, come and place your bet, after this village, there will be no such shop Already!"

"Why is this voice so familiar?"

"This great emperor, is he the pig-headed emperor beside Xuanyuan?"

"It really is him, why did he become like this?"

"Damn it, this guy is here again. He won badly last time. Now he must win it back and let him lose everything. Only then can I relieve my hatred!"

When Jiang Yitian saw the appearance of the pig-headed emperor, he couldn't help being shocked, because the appearance of the pig-headed emperor at this moment was no different from that of Lone Star, except that Lone Star's hair was silver, and it was golden.

This made Jiang Yitian couldn't help but have some kind of association...

Seeing the Zhutou Emperor coming again, the 'Dragon Fighting Son' looked very strange, paused for a moment, and said:

"I bet Jiang Yitian's younger brother wins, ten million pure Douyuan!"

The pig-headed emperor gave Jiang Yitian a disdainful look, and said:

"When you are the great emperor, you can carry hundreds of millions of catties of pure fighting resources all over the world? Use pure spiritual sources, you know? What is pure spiritual source, and those who don't have pure spiritual source should not gamble."

The expression of the 'Dragon Fighting Son' changed, paused, and said:

"Then 10,000 catties of pure spiritual source, bet Jiang Yitian Junior Brother wins!"

The 'Dragon Fighting Son' immediately threw out 10,000 jin of pure spiritual source, only to see that this pure spiritual source exudes an extremely strong heaven and earth fighting spirit, and emits bright aura.

'Dragon Fighting Maiden' looked at Xuanyuan, then at Jiang Yitian, and said suddenly:

"Twenty thousand catties of pure spiritual source, I bet Jiang Yitian will win."

Another 20,000 pure spiritual sources fell into the hands of the pig-headed emperor.

"10,000 catties of pure spiritual source, I bet brother Yitian wins." Hai Ya said, and threw 10,000 spiritual sources to the pig-headed emperor. He didn't believe that Xuanyuan could defeat Jiang Yitian with the realm of seventh-rank fighting emperor.

Ji Chen, the 'Dongzhou Divine Body', looked at Xuanyuan with a calm expression, paused, and said in shock:

"Twenty thousand pure spiritual sources, I bet that Young Master Xuanyuan will win."

Even Hai Ya looked at Ji Chen in astonishment, unable to say a word.

With a wave of his hand, Yin Qianxun hit the 10,000-jin pure spiritual source at the pig-headed emperor, saying:

"10,000 catties of pure spiritual source, Xuanyuan wins."

The pair of bloody pupils of the 'Ancient Demon Son' looked at Jiang Yitian, paused for a moment, and said:

"Thirty thousand catties of pure spiritual source, I bet Jiang Yi Tian wins!"

Everyone was in an uproar, 30,000 catties of pure spiritual source had set a new high, and the bet this time was simply impossible for ordinary disciples to gamble.

Tsing Yi from the 'Chaos Immortal and Demon Mansion' looked at Xuanyuan, then at Jiang Yitian, didn't speak, just watched quietly.

At this moment, a voice rolled like thunder from the sky:

"I, the Jiang family, still have confidence in Yitian. One hundred thousand catties of pure spiritual source, gambling Yitian wins!"

Boom, everyone present was shocked, this is a 100 million jin of pure Douyuan, the Jiang family is worthy of being an ancient family, and the 100 million jin of pure Douyuan will be sold immediately.

At this moment, Mo Chou looked at Tian Youqing and Zui Guchen, smiled and said:

"Hey, didn't you two say that you and Brother Xuanyuan are brothers and sisters? Why don't you make a move and bet that Brother Xuanyuan will win?"

"Okay, since Miss Mochou has said so, I will risk my life to accompany the beauty, 10,000 catties of pure spiritual source, bet Xuanyuan brother wins!" Zui Guchen's heart was bleeding, but in order to win the beauty's favor, he also Pressed it down, after all Xuanyuan was fighting against the second-rank Dou Xianjiao with the seventh-rank Doudi, and the opponent was the terrifying existence of the Jiang family.

Tian Youqing looked at the eyes of Bai Youniang, Zhixie and Huang Yuechan, the corners of his mouth twitched, and said:

"The little monk also bet against Master Xuanyuan with 10,000 jin of pure spiritual source."

"10,000 catties of pure spiritual source, I bet Junior Brother Xuanyuan will win!" Feng Lie was full of confidence in Xuanyuan.

The corners of Xuanyuan's eyes twitched a few times:

"Damn it, I knew this dead pig would never miss this opportunity to make money."

Jiang Yitian smiled and said:

"Junior Brother Xuanyuan, I also bet myself that I will win, with 20,000 catties of pure spiritual sources, but I just don't know that this great emperor, you have so many pure spiritual sources that you can pay back. We all know your forbidden law. Wushuang, if Junior Brother Xuanyuan lost and you ran away, wouldn't we be wronged?"

Hearing Jiang Yitian's words, Zhu Tou Dadi had an indescribable disdain for Jiang Yitian, and said:

"This emperor is on the same level as the 'Nightmare Ghost Immortal'. Would you still fool you children? Even if the ancestors of your Jiang family have to call me senior in front of this emperor, let me let you, an ignorant child, see it for a while. , a lot."

The pig-headed emperor was extremely arrogant, and Qian Duoduo's big eyes were very bright. With a flick of her jade finger, a 'Treasure Gathering Great Immortal Cauldron' fell into the sky, spitting out an incomparably wide river of immortal coins. The quality emanating from the fairy coins left countless people dumbfounded.

"There are so many high-grade fighting immortal coins!"

The 'Dragon Fighting Son' groaned, stood up, and said in a startled voice:

"This is the 'Jubao Great Immortal Cauldron', are you the inheritor of the 'Duobao Taoist'?"

'Dragon Fighting Maiden', Ji Chen, 'Ancient Devil's Son', Tsing Yi's expressions could not help but be surprised, Taoist Duobao is an extremely extraordinary figure.

Qian Duoduo was noncommittal, and said crisply:

"You just need to know that even if Xuanxuan loses, I still have money to pay you."

"Okay..." Everyone took a reassurance, and a shocking big gamble was fully launched. The bets on Xuanyuan and Jiang Yitian soared rapidly. There are several big aristocratic families, as well as many forces, some elders in the 'Doulong Immortal Mansion', and the elders of the Taishang also all bet, and the bets are getting bigger and bigger, which makes people frightened...

The pure spiritual sources all over the sky converge into an ocean, making everyone's eyes red. This is a huge fortune...

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