Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 457 Crossing the Tribulation of Immortals

Chapter 457 Crossing the Tribulation of Immortals

From the spine and coccyx of Xuanyuan's body, there was a violent shock, and the mysterious door was thick and solid, and Xuanyuan's previous bombardment could only shake it, but could not blast it away.

Now Xuanyuan has swallowed 20,000 jin of pure spiritual sources, gathered together and turned into a torrent of battle energy, and the colorful fairy lights gathered together, accompanied by Xuanyuan's stern shout.

That torrent of battle energy and immortal light rushed straight up, like a green dragon, with great power, impacting on that mysterious portal!

boom! A deafening roar resounded through the sky.

A mysterious portal was blasted open in an instant, as if opening a new world to Xuanyuan.

Seeing from the sky, a steady stream of heaven and earth spiritual energy poured down, Xuanyuan only felt that the power in his whole body was surging in an instant.

Xuanyuan broke through! Stepping into the realm of Fighting Immortals, the power of his whole body soared, even Jiang Yitian felt a sense of shock, Xuanyuan's power soared too terrifyingly, he sensed that Xuanyuan's physical body became stronger.

Xuanyuan only felt that in his dantian, the green dragon inner elixir was violently revolving, and in an instant, the whole body turned into nothingness, only countless vortex black holes were swallowing everything, as if it contained the entire universe, which could contain everything. A feeling that the world is contained in the chest, and the sea is open to all rivers.

The "Swallowing Dao Jue" swallowed the "Seven Profound Emperor's Pill to Immortal Jue", and after a shock, it directly became the existence of three-star immortal-level supernatural powers.

"Swallowing Dao Jue" is to rely on constantly devouring various supernatural powers to enrich one's body and gradually step on the peak of the supreme Dao Jue realm.

"Haha, boy, the 'Body of Myriad Transformations' has finally become small. Look at your body at the moment, what does it look like?" The greedy old man laughed and asked Xuanyuan.

"It's like a universe. My internal organs are still there, but why can't I see them when I look inside?" Xuanyuan exclaimed. In the past, only a part disappeared for a while, and then it would appear again. Now Xuanyuan I just feel like my body is an empty shell, nothing is there.

However, Xuanyuan has a feeling of incomparable roundness and completeness all over his body, as if everything is connected together, forming a cycle, making his physical body stronger.

"Haha, this is the small achievement of the 'Body of Myriad Transformations', which allows you to have a supreme physical body and cover your body with the universe of myriad transformations. It can contain everything in the world, and with infinite power of the universe, it can transform and swallow everything. Power! This is the power shown after the "Swallowing Dao Jue" refines skin, flesh, bone, veins, marrow, internal organs, blood, orifices, and alchemy! Although there is no magical power, it can I'll give you a body that can rival a Rank 3 fighting immortal!" The greedy old man laughed.

Xuanyuan understood in an instant, and felt that in the "Swallowing Dao Jue", a supernatural power evolved. This supernatural power is called "Tianji Bian", flowing in Xuanyuan's sea of ​​consciousness, which is obviously what the greedy old man said before, Being able to evolve the appearance of other people and cover up the calculations of the 'secret' is a rare means to save one's life and hide.

Seeing that Xuanyuan was safe and sound, standing in mid-air, Yin Zhenluo's complexion recovered, her whiteness was rosy, and her eyes were filled with surprise. There is no doubt that the scene just now was too thrilling for her. Bai Youniang, Mo Chou, Huang Yuechan, Zhixie, and Feng Lie couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief, with smiles on their faces, the situation has begun to gradually reverse.

Zui Guchen stopped howling wolves, jumped up and down excitedly, veins popped out on his incomparably handsome face, and his face was flushed, he roared loudly:

"Brother Xuanyuan, kill him, kill this Jiang Yitian, I almost lost 10,000 catties of pure spiritual source!"

With a solemn appearance and a peaceful expression, Tianyouqingbao looked like a well-educated eminent monk, and said slowly:

"The Buddha said, "The Sutra of Rebirth" is given to the enemy. Brother Xuanyuan, fuck him, fuck him to death, Jiang Yitian, let this little monk recite the Sutra of Rebirth for you!"

Tian Youqing faced Jiang Yitian with a gloomy expression. How could there be the compassion of a Buddha to save people from rebirth?

"Jiang Yitian, you go to die, Jiang Yitian, you go to death, go to death, go to death..."

Hearing Tian Youqing recite his so-called "The Sutra of Rebirth", even Zhixie, who has a dusty temperament, like a fairy descending from the sky, without any trace of fireworks, couldn't help but rolled his eyes and said with a light smile:

"Young Master, what kind of "Rebirth Sutra" is this?"

Tian Youqing smiled awkwardly and said:

""The Sutra of Rebirth" is one of the highest in the "Ji Le Buddha Temple". It is only a few dozen syllables, but it can pass the living to the next life. It has extremely terrifying methods. How can I learn it..."

With a serious expression on Jiang Yitian's face, he quickly grabbed the 'Bronze War Spear', and his whole body was filled with bronze celestial light, as if he never thought that Xuanyuan would be able to break through and step into the realm of Fighting Immortals.

Feeling the terrifying power on Xuanyuan's body, it was almost on par with him.

However, at this moment, from the sky of the 'Doulong Immortal Mansion', dark clouds were densely covered, and a force that overwhelmed everyone was circling.

Someone exclaimed on the spot:

"How is it possible that the 'Doulong Immortal Mansion' is located in the sky, even if the weather changes, it will not be able to cover the 'Doulong Immortal Mansion' with dark clouds. Could it be that some terrifying person has come?"

I saw that the dark clouds in the sky quickly became extremely gloomy, as if possessing the power of ten thousand junjun, releasing a series of mysterious powers, soaring above the nine heavens, making people feel scalp numbness, a wave of heartache The suffocating power made many people unable to breathe.

"This is Jieyun, Xuanyuan is about to cross the catastrophe, all the disciples quickly evacuate a distance of ten thousand zhang, so as not to be affected."

The 'Elder of Life and Death' was the first to feel this terrifying aura, soaring into the air, a loud shout spread throughout a hundred miles.

All the people who watched the battle looked shocked, and they spread in all directions at a speed of almost desperation. Even the 'Elder of Life and Death' himself was far away from the 'Taiwan of Life and Death'.

When the 'Dragon Fighting Son' heard the words, his expression was shocked:

"He is actually stepping into the realm of fighting immortals and attracting Lei Jie. He actually attracted Lei Jie just after stepping into the realm of fighting immortals. What kind of supreme immortal art is he practicing!"

In the beautiful eyes of the 'Dragon Fighting Maiden', she also couldn't hide her shock:

"My son, it's really terrifying. This is the 'Crossing the Immortal Tribulation'. This person must be a great monster in the world. Otherwise, there would be no 'Crossing the Immortal Tribulation'. Only those physiques, aptitudes, and magical powers are too terrifying. Only those who are tolerated by the heaven and earth can attract the 'Crossing Immortal Tribulation'."

There was a slight throbbing in the bloody pupils of the 'Ancient Demon Son', and he said coldly:

"Hmph, there are two questions about whether he can survive the thunder calamity, but he doesn't know whether Xuanyuan will live or die after the thunder calamity passes."

"At least Jiang Yitian is in it, he won't be able to survive." Yin Qianxun laughed loudly, and his voice spread far away.

Inside the 'Taiwan of Life and Death', Jiang Yitian's face was extremely ugly, almost crazy, and the 'Bronze Immortal Artifacts' all over his body gathered into a series of protective fairy lights, entering the 'Taiwan of Life and Death', life and death are up to them, less than one person decides Life and death, you can't go out!

"Junior Brother Xuanyuan, it seems that you have already calculated all of this. You want to lure the thunder tribulation of 'Du Xianjie' to kill me. Well, it's easy to calculate. Immortal Tribulation'."

As soon as Jiang Yitian finished speaking, a celestial flute sound swayed out from the sky, and fell down, penetrating the heaven and the earth.

This fairy song gives people an unspeakable ethereal, faintly, in its melody, there is a power to transform people into immortals. In less than a moment, dozens of people from the "Doulong Immortal Mansion" were seen The disciple couldn't control his heart and soared into the sky.

Immortal light lingered from their bodies, like a rosy sky ascending to immortality, and their bodies, as they soared into the air, gradually disappeared as they ascended to higher altitudes, and finally turned into wisps of mist, completely disappearing in this piece of heaven and earth.

"This is the 'Du Xian Song', everyone be careful, don't be tempted by the 'Du Xian Song'." Feng Lie shouted loudly, and in an instant, he drank the thoughts of many disciples who were shining brightly, one After recovering from the psychedelic experience of "Du Xian Qu", the whole body broke out in a cold sweat, and fled in all directions of "Doulong Xianfu" like crazy.

Of course, there are also a large number of people who stay in the "Doulong Xianfu" and resist the temptation of "Du Xianqu" to hone themselves, such as Chen Jinsi, Zhao Manfeng, Liu Xiangxiang, Qing Xiao, these disciples from Xuanyuan Xianshan, one by one. A mind of iron will not be tempted.

Bai Youniang looked up at the sky, the clouds were surging, and she chanted "Du Xian Song" softly for nine days, with joy in her heart:

"The man that my Bai Youniang likes is really extraordinary. The calamity of 'Crossing the Immortal Calamity' is not something that ordinary saint children can encounter."

After Xuanyuan's death, the "Nation of Ten Thousand Transformations" was gradually taken over. He understood that the "Crossing the Immortal Tribulation" could only be overcome with his own body, and it was useless to resist with the "Nation of Ten Thousand Transformations". Only through the "Crossing the Immortal Tribulation" Baptism can be regarded as truly stepping into the realm of fighting immortals!

In that great hall, the master of the Doulong Immortal Mansion's heart was shaken, with a look of joy on his face, he said:

"Unexpectedly, there will be a person in my 'Doulong Xianfu' who can lead to the 'Crossing the Immortal Tribulation', which is the first time in my life to see the 'Crossing the Immortal Tribulation', which is only recorded in legends! "

The power of the Jiang family was full of astonishment, and he was also shocked by Xuanyuan's power, that he was able to elicit the 'Crossing Immortal Tribulation', which further confirmed that Xuanyuan possessed those terrifying Taoist supernatural powers, Tao is the supreme power of heaven and earth, Immortals are no longer able to measure, these treasures must be obtained, fortunately they have been fully prepared before.

Yin Tuxian and Bai Qisha looked at each other, their expressions were very dignified, the 'Crossing the Immortal Tribulation' is extremely terrifying, there are not no arrogant characters who triggered the 'Crossing the Immortal Calamity', but six or seven out of ten died in the 'Crossing the Immortal Tribulation' 'among.

They know that the situation is not optimistic!

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