Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 458 Thunder Sea! Thunder sea!

Chapter 458 Thunder Sea! Thunder sea!

The lead-gray robbery cloud rolled like a dragon, rising and falling in the sea of ​​clouds covering a radius of ten thousand zhang, surging up and down from the robbery cloud, spewing out gusts of wind that swept across the entire world.

The sound of "Duxianqu" is getting louder and louder, and the fairy lights are falling from the nine heavens, like fairy light waterfalls, beautiful and charming. Getting bigger and bigger is almost unstoppable.

The true disciples of 'Doulong Xianfu', I don't know how many people have all kinds of colors in their bodies. After all, many people did not resist the temptation and went up through the sky. Their bodies were all flying up, and their expressions were happy, as if I have really become a fairy, but their bodies turned into a little bit of white light in the eyes of everyone, and the feathers dissipated in the whole world, and they died invisible. Everyone died in the feeling of being a fairy. Horror, makes people feel chills.

However, they are just the characters who were swept away by the aftermath of the 'Dancing to the Immortals'. The main person who should be robbed is Xuanyuan. Regulus.

Xuanyuan felt as if he was in a wonderful fairyland, with pavilions, towers and pavilions, carved beams and painted buildings, flying cranes, spirit deer holding medicine, dense like a sea, filling nine days, young girls, fat and thin, laughing, Yingyingyanyan, Graceful, enchanting and charming, with rising desire, extremely alluring.

An irresistible temptation made Xuanyuan want to rush upwards, as if as long as he rushed upwards, he could get everything, and if he stretched out his hand, he could get everything for himself. As long as Xuanyuan jumped lightly, he could become Fairy!

However, Xuanyuan's will is so strong that Xuanyuan has never been afraid even in the face of the wisp of will left by the "Emperor Yingtian", let alone now, mere becoming a fairy is not a temptation for Xuanyuan at all. Because he wants to become a great emperor.

"Break it for me, what's the 'Crossing Immortal Song', all of this is just like a dream, broken!"

Xuanyuan's will soared to the sky, and with Xuanyuan's punch directly hitting the sky, the fairy lights that were falling down were smashed by Xuanyuan, booming, and in an instant, the sound of "Du Xianqu" disappeared completely.

In "Doulong Xianfu", there are hundreds of true disciples who died under the temptation of "Du Xian Song", but there are also a large number of disciples who have greatly honed their own skills under the tempering of "Du Xian Song". Will will be of great benefit for them to step into the way of fighting immortals in the future.

Jiang Yitian's complexion is not very good-looking. It is obvious that he is the closest to Xuanyuan, and the temptation of "Du Xian Qu" is obviously not low, but he still resists it. The doom of the opening dish is killed.

The moment the 'Du Xian Song' was broken by Xuanyuan, in the sky, in the sea of ​​lead-gray clouds, nine cloud dragons collided together, rumbling, and the terrifying thunder rolled, rolling towards the 'Taiwan of Life and Death' , deafening, dizzy, and extremely frightening.

This burst of thunder contains great coercion. Suddenly, this coercion quickly condenses and becomes even more terrifying. This coercion keeps increasing. The coercion felt under Xianfu' became more and more terrifying.

'Dragon Saint Son', 'Ancient Devil Saint Son', 'Dragon Saint Maiden', and 'Dongzhou Divine Body' looked shocked, this force of calamity was so terrifying that even they could kill them, it was equivalent to a Zun Mingxian came and chased after the Earth Immortal.

Yin Zhenluo, Bai Youniang, Huang Yuechan, Mochou, Zhixie, and Feng Lie all turned pale.

"What's going on, how can this 'Crossing Immortal Tribulation' be so terrifying? It has been promoted to the realm of 'Fate Immortal Tribulation', isn't Xuanyuan sure to die? Horror, that's not what the records say." Zui Guchen was shocked that there would be such a terrifying thunder calamity.

"Quickly rewind!" Tian Youqing yelled, his whole body shrouded in golden light, like a golden God of War.

"Quickly retreat, I know the reason. It is the ban of the 'Life and Death Terrace'. It is too late to withdraw now. The Heavenly Tribulation is blocked by the ban, and its power has doubled!" After rushing away, all the saint child-level figures retreated. Even if they were saint child-level figures, they were not strong enough to resist this terrifying thunder disaster.

Hearing the words 'Elder of Life and Death', not only Jiang Yitian, but even Xuanyuan's face turned green. If he died here like this, it would be too unworthy.

Almost at the moment when everyone retreated.

Chi la!

A white bolt of lightning pierced the sky. This white bolt of lightning, like a heavenly knife, cut the entire sky in half, and cut a path from the calamity cloud that covered thousands of feet.

This lightning bolt from the sky slashed down, and its momentum was so great that the expressions of the saint children present were greatly changed, and they were shocked.

I saw this white sky knife blasting above the prohibition on the 'stage of life and death'.

The prohibition on the 'stage of life and death', the flow of black and white air, collided fiercely with the white lightning sky knife.

boom! In an instant, the Heavenly Knife shattered, and the restriction on the flow of black and white air that had been set up on the 'Taiwan of Life and Death' also shattered.

Boom, the terrifying power fluctuated and swept away, centering on the 'Life and Death Platform', sweeping away indiscriminately.

Xuanyuan could only feel this terrifying force sweeping over his body, the severe pain came, cracks appeared on the blue dragon scales on the surface of his body, and the bones all over his body were shattered, a bloodstain spilled from the corner of Xuanyuan's mouth, Xuanyuan devoured again frantically With the pure spiritual source in the body, the bones in the body are quickly repaired. This is Xuanyuan's "Body of Myriad Transformations". Wearing the "Dao Armor of Devouring Myriad Transformations", he has melted a large part of his strength. You must know that Xuanyuan's physical body can already It is comparable to the existence of Rank 3 Fighting Immortal, and this is the result. The horror of this aftermath power can be seen from this!

Jiang Yitian also reacted quickly, and directly sacrificed three fourth-rank amulets, which unfolded in an instant.

I saw these three fourth-grade amulets turned into black awns that overlapped all over the sky. After resisting for a moment, bang, bang, bang! quickly collapsed.

Immediately afterwards, the restriction supported by the bronze fairy artifact on his body was also instantly shattered by the aftermath of that force, and the remaining aftermath of power swept across Jiang Yitian's body, causing the bronze fairy artifact on his body to appear one after another The crack, Jiang Yitian was also swept by this aftermath force, and directly spit out a big mouthful of blood.

Jiang Yitian quickly took out a bottle of elixir and took a healing elixir, only to hear his bones crackling and recovering quickly.

At the moment when the Heavenly Knife shattered the restriction of the 'Taiwan of Life and Death', the incomparably terrifying coercion in the sky faded away quickly, which made everyone feel relieved.

"Sure enough, no one can help him resist the legendary 'Crossing the Immortal Calamity'. If someone intervenes, it will only bring down a more terrifying thunder calamity, and it will kill the existence that helps it protect it. It is extremely terrifying."

Zui Guchen exclaimed.

"Brother Xuanyuan is able to survive under the power of this terrifying thunder, it is really not easy."

"Good, thunder calamity is here." Tian Youqing looked at the sky, and saw nine gray cloud dragons forming a vast sea of ​​fairy light and thunder. Every lightning bolt in the sea of ​​thunder contained terrifying power, enough to fight The second turn of Fighting Immortals caused a fatal blow.

Hardly any warning!

Booming, the vast sea of ​​white thunder fell down like a waterfall of the Tianhe River, making it impossible to avoid and resist, and hit the 'Taiwan of Life and Death'.

The 'Tongxian Crown' on the top of Xuanyuan's head was crushed by the white thunder sea for a moment, and then it exploded into pieces. His long black hair fluttered, and white lightning bolts struck Xuanyuan's body again and again. It seemed as if it was about to be torn apart.

From within his body, countless black hole vortexes revolved, and part of the power of the terrifying thunder sea disappeared, so he could bear it. Even so, his whole body was still cracked, and the green dragon essence blood overflowed. He was covered in blood. At this moment, Xuanyuan's body Only with the medicinal effect of the 'Mad Emperor Crazy Demon Pill' can it be resisted.

Jiang Yitian's bronze celestial weapon was already cracked by the aftermath of that terrifying power, but now it was crushed by the white thunder sea, leaving only a bronze sword in his hand, which fell from his body. The vision of "God of War Slays the Demon Immortal" rose up, this kind of vision was extremely terrifying, I saw that the thunder sea that had been crushed was all resisted by his vision.

"Xuanyuan, die!" Jiang Yitian held a bronze war spear, mighty as a demon, resisted all the white thunder seas, and slashed at Xuanyuan with the sword. The blue sharp lights seemed to be enough to tear everything apart, killing them again and again Xiang Xuanyuan.

The 'Swallowing Myriad Transformation Dao Armor' on Xuanyuan's body automatically protected the lord, and evolved a huge black shield, which resisted the blue sharp lights.

Xuanyuan only felt that his whole body was about to collapse, but he didn't expect Jiang Yitian to be able to resist such an extremely terrifying sea of ​​thunder with his vision. Xuanyuan roared frantically, and a 'Taibai Yinxing Sword' manifested in his hand , In an instant, Xuanyuan cast the Azure Dragon Immortal Art.

"Qisu show power, come to the world, protect my real body, Qinglong Yudi!"

In an instant, an infinite mysterious aura erupted from the 'Taibai Yinxing Sword' in Xuanyuan's hand. Among the seven stars in Zhoutian's east, a real shadow of a green dragon floated, and the seven stars vibrated violently, as if being pulled, and the seven stars came out of the sky. , falling down, each star flower turned into a green dragon, attacking and killing Jiang Yitian!

At this moment, Xuanyuan stepped into the realm of fighting immortals, coupled with the medicinal power of the 'Mad Emperor Crazy Demon Pill', what a terrifying supernatural power he displayed.

Long Yin screamed and fell down, Jiang Yitian immediately gave up attacking Xuanyuan, unless he wanted to be severely injured and then drowned by this white sea of ​​thunder, so he rushed forward!

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