Chapter 459

The vision of "God of War Slaying Demon Immortals" rises from Jiang Yitian's body. A bronze God of War is mighty between heaven and earth. He is seen holding a long dagger in his hand. In the scene of endless corpses and seas of blood, demons dancing chaotically, he kills monsters. The Great Immortal cuts down, his aura is as mighty as the sky, and it shocks people's hearts. It reproduces the shocking scene of the battle between the human race and the monster race in ancient times.

"Xuanyuan, today I will let you see the full strength of my Jiang Yitian, don't hold back anymore, let me see if you can hold it!"

Jiang Yitian has also played a real fire now. Xuanyuan never fought him with his real strength. First he used the "Mad Emperor Crazy Demon Pill", and now he used his own Thunder Tribulation to attack and kill him. The power that can resist the vision of 'God of War Killing the Demon Immortal' is limited. He had long ago beheaded and killed Xuanyuan recklessly. He felt so humiliated that he fought Xuanyuan so embarrassingly, using three offensive and defensive fighting talismans in a row. , the bronze battle armor on his body was also shattered, which he had never thought about.

Seven star dragons with a height of 100 meters rushed forward, and each star dragon was extremely fierce. From their bodies, the stars were shining brightly, and they were as hard as gold and stone. They attacked and killed Jiang Yitian with the purest power.

Jiang Yitian held the 'Bronze Battle Spear' in his hand, swung it to kill, and saw that Jiang Yitian integrated his martial arts into the vision.

From the bronze God of War in his vision, holding a long dagger, as if opening up the world, stepping out from the world of mountains of corpses and seas of blood, and demons dancing wildly, swinging the dagger!

"Jiang God slays demons, the first slash!"

This cut was incomparably mysterious, fast and ruthless, a rush of breath that made countless monsters feel trembling, I saw Chang Ge slashing past, a star dragon was cut off by Jiang Yitian in an instant, and let out a mournful dragon cry , into a little bit of stars, dissolved in the invisible!

In the distance, an extremely cold voice came.

"Hmph, what a big tone, Jiang God Slaying Monsters, I'm going to meet you Jiang God for a while today!"

On Tsing Yi, the blue and black palace attire fluttered from the sea of ​​wind and thunder, and its three thousand threads of love danced with the wind. Her eyes, all the time, inadvertently revealed a seductive aura of the world, all kinds of charming , all kinds of incomparably charming, soul-stirring, and obsessive, she is like a beautiful snake, beautiful and deadly!

Tsing Yi stepped out, and was immediately stopped by the 'Elder of Life and Death'. The breath of the 'Elder of Life and Death' was surging, obviously not letting him intervene easily:

"'Saint in Tsing Yi', why are you angry because of the name of supernatural means? And the two of them are fighting alone, fair duel, if you intervene, the 'Son of Ancient Demon' and 'Son of Fighting Dragon' will fight "Dragon Saintess" has the right to fight, and Xuanyuan will definitely lose at that time."

In Tsing Yi's eyes, the murderous intent diminished slightly, and he looked at the battle between Xuanyuan and Jiang Yitian and fell silent.

Jiang Yitian swung another slash, and the fifth star dragon was slashed to pieces. At this moment, Xuanyuan was covered in blood, and the blood and qi all over Xuanyuan's body were fading at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Xuanyuan couldn't resist anymore, he wanted to use the power of the 'Mad Emperor Crazy Demon Pill' to help him resist the thunder calamity. Now that the thunder calamity has not subsided, the medicinal power of the 'Mad Emperor Crazy Demon Pill' has dissipated, and he must die..."' Fighting Dragon Saint Son' said.

Everyone knows that the side effects of the "Mad Emperor Crazy Demon Pill" taken by Xuanyuan have taken effect. Those who take this "Crazy Emperor Crazy Demon Pill" almost have a narrow escape from death. able to use.

However, they didn't know that the damage caused by the "Mad Emperor Crazy Demon Pill" to Xuanyuan's physical body was minimized by the "Body of Myriad Transformations", and did not cause any harm to Xuanyuan!

At this moment, Xuanyuan's body was battered by the white thunder sea, and his flesh and blood were broken in some places, revealing his white bones. Every bone was crystal clear, very powerful, but at this moment, Xuanyuan's whole body was shaken by vitality. To be extinguished is like a candle in the wind.

Yin Zhenluo looked anxious, Bai Youniang knew that Xuanyuan still had a hole card, so she watched calmly, Huang Yuechan couldn't help but wanted to pounce, but was pulled back by Mochou.

"Don't be impulsive, Brother Xuanyuan still has a backup!" Mo Chou can sense Xuanyuan's state of mind because of the "Thousand Spirit Body", and the absence of the slightest panic means that Xuanyuan is sure to get through.

After all, Huang Yuechan chose to believe in Mo Chou and resisted her impulse.

Jiang Yitian stood against the endless white thunder sea, resisted the white thunder sea with the vision of "God of War Slaying the Demon Immortal", and slayed seven star dragons in a row. Xiang Xuanyuan made the final verdict.

"Xuanyuan, I've only performed the first slash of my Jiang God's demon slasher. Now you can die under my second slash, and you can be proud."

As soon as the voice fell, the vision around Jiang Yitian's body burst into hundreds of bronze-colored glows, which evolved into an extremely desolate picture, with millions of dead bodies. This is the battlefield after the war between the human race and the monster race. On this battlefield, only The bronze god of war stood alone, and when he stepped out, the earth shook!

Regarding Jiang Yitian's stern drink, Xuanyuan didn't care about it, and directly took out a 'Nirvana Rebirth Elixir'. This 'Nirvana Rebirth Elixir' was enough to bring people back to life. It was given to Lu Tianxiang by the Lu family on the same day. 'Linglong Xianfu' communicates feelings and presents it to 'Linglong Saintess' Zhixie, which is a fourth-grade elixir.

The moment Xuanyuan took out this 'Nirvana Rebirth Elixir', only a phantom of a phoenix appeared, reborn in the endless sky fire, Xuanyuan just took a mouthful of the medicine emitted by the 'Nirvana Rebirth Elixir' Xiang, the dry skin and flesh on his body immediately improved.

He immediately swallowed this 'nirvana rebirth elixir', and in an instant, the huge life force exploded from Xuanyuan's body and merged into every corner of Xuanyuan's body.

Almost at the same time Xuanyuan took the 'Nirvana Rebirth Elixir', the white sea of ​​thunder in the sky became even more terrifying. From the sky, it hung down like a waterfall from the 'Taiwan of Life and Death'.

"How is it possible? Isn't there only one level of Thunder Tribulation in the 'Crossing Immortal Tribulation'? How could there be a second level." The "Elder of Life and Death" almost screamed, and the countless terrifying existences of "Doulong Immortal Mansion" couldn't help being shocked.

Jiang Yitian's face changed drastically. He didn't expect that the white thunder tribulation would have a second stage. Even so, he still swung at Xuanyuan, raising the power of his vision to the extreme:

"Jiang God Slaying Monsters, the second battle! Drink!"

In an instant, the vision derived from Jiang Yitian, the incomparably terrifying bronze God of War stepped out with one step, swung his spear and slashed, and in an instant, the void was cut apart, pointing directly at Xuanyuan's head.

Xuanyuan did not dodge or dodge, and a huge black shield was derived from the 'Swallowing Myriad Transformation Dao Armor' on his body again.

Ge Dun collided with each other, and boom, a wave of martial arts will that was integrated into the Jiang family passed through the huge black shield, and directly hit Xuanyuan's body, causing Xuanyuan to spit out a big mouthful of blood, and Jiang Yitian's second slash, after all, It can only stop in front of the black giant shield. In any case, the "Swallowing Myriad Transformation Dao Armor" is the existence of a supreme Taoist weapon. Even if its rank is knocked down to a low-grade fairy weapon, it is not something that Jiang Yitian can break through , otherwise, it would be a waste of the greedy old man absorbing so many superb heavenly artifacts and various treasures of heaven and earth.

At this moment, in the sky, a more terrifying sea of ​​white thunder slanted down.

There is a vast expanse of whiteness in a radius of ten thousand zhang, and it seems that there is only white left in the world. White electric dragons roll over and hit Xuanyuan's body again and again. Amazing resilience, self-repair, and in the constant destruction and remodeling, Xuanyuan's physical body was tempered to become stronger.

From behind Xuanyuan, the red light circulated, and a phoenix was reborn from the ashes. The majestic vitality merged into Xuanyuan's body, filling Xuanyuan's whole body. The blood essence made Xuanyuan recover from his injuries to the extreme!

Jiang Yitian blocked Bai Leihai from the outside with a vision. Obviously, in this duel, not only Xuanyuan was promoted, but also a proud person like Jiang Yitian was no exception.

Going forward without hesitation, Jiang Yitian once again displayed his vision and beheaded Xiang Xuanyuan.

"Jiang God slays the demon, the second slash!"

This cut gathered all kinds of magical powers of the Jiang family, and incorporated the desperate wailing breath of countless monsters before they died. Seeing the murderous intent rushing from Tsing Yi's body, it seemed to her that this was a great shame.

Xuanyuan's body was glowing, and his blood was soaring to the sky. He was covered in blood, with long hair dancing wildly, like a madman.

Seeing Jiang Yitian entangled him relentlessly, Xuanyuan endured the terrifying impact of white lightning, and once again used the 'Taibai Yinxing Sword' to entice the Qinglong Qixingsu, and shouted loudly:

"Qinglong Immortal Wall, block!"

In an instant, the Qixing Constellation vibrated violently again, converging into a beam of starlight, and on this beam of starlight gathered a phantom of a green dragon, which contained extremely strong protective power, blocking Xuanyuan's face.

Jiang Yitian attacked, Xuanyuan defended, the 'Qinglong Immortal Wall' shattered, and Jiang Shen's second slash was also blocked.

Jiang Yitian attacked and killed almost selflessly, and swung out with another slash, the 'Qinglong Immortal Wall' shattered in response, Xuanyuan roared, and directly urged the third-grade fairy talisman in the fighting ring, and punched it out.

This third-rank fairy mansion is called 'Jiuxiao Xianlei Talisman', and it was found from Zhu Liuzhi and Lei Shalong.

The 'Jiuxiao Xianlei Talisman' is refined from the 'Jiuxiao Xianlei' which ranks nineteenth on the Dou Lei List, and its power is extremely terrifying!

The moment the 'Jiuxiao Xianlei Talisman' was shot by Xuanyuan, dozens of terrifying fairy thunders immediately evolved, each one was the size of a water tank, and the violent aura wreaked havoc on it, containing the fierce power of destroying everything, and smashed into the sky. Jiang Yitian.

Jiang Yitian didn't expect that Xuanyuan would still keep this hand. At this moment, he also had to use the secret treasure given to him by the Jiang family.

I saw a yellow wooden box in Jiang Yitian's hand, directly facing the dozens of 'Jiuxiao Xianlei' that were enough to destroy him.

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