Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 460 Unyielding Will!

Chapter 460 Unyielding Will!

With Jiang Yitian's thoughts, the yellow wooden box turned into thousands of golden tassels in an instant, covering his whole body, making Jiang Yitian like an immovable mountain, no one could break it.

The ten thousand golden flowers are filled with extremely heavy fighting energy, rushing out towards a radius of 100 meters, turning into tiny ripples, swaying, and seeing the dozens of 'Nine Heavens Thunder' and the tiny ripples They collided together, bit by bit, and finally disappeared silently, melting into the thick golden vindictive ripples.

At this moment, Xuanyuan has already passed the side effects of the "Mad Emperor Crazy Demon Pill". Behind him, the red light is soaring into the sky, and a phoenix reborn from the ashes is looming. Every point of damage suffered will be repaired, making Xuanyuan like an undead battle fairy, proud of the thunder calamity!

The damage of the second thunder calamity to Xuanyuan, under the restoration of the "Nirvana Rebirth Elixir", allowed Xuanyuan to survive safely, only to see that Xuanyuan's body became like a glass, shining with divine light, indestructible, even after three turns If a strong fighter fights against Xuanyuan, he will be hated if he is not careful!

"Monster, this kid is simply a monster, and he was able to withstand the second thunder tribulation. It seems that his future path can no longer be blocked by the 'Crossing the Immortal Tribulation', and he has already embarked on the road of immortality! "The 'Elder of Life and Death' was very excited, trembling with excitement, and made such an evaluation of Xuanyuan.

"Anyone who can survive the 'Crossing Immortal Tribulation' is a sage, an immortal emperor, or a figure in the realm of a great emperor in the future! The future of this child is bound to be limitless!"

There were not a few people at the Saint Child level present, but they felt extremely uncomfortable when they heard the words of "Elder of Life and Death", especially the "Sage Child of Fighting Dragon". It's Jiang Yitian.

"Hahaha, 10,000 catties of pure spiritual source, I'm going to win." Zui Guchen smiled coquettishly, and a hint of shock flashed in that pair of evil eyes. No matter what, it would be good for him if Xuanyuan could win. Bad, he also fully admitted in his heart that it is not unreasonable for Xuanyuan, a ruthless person, to be able to stay at the first place on the list of co-killers.

"Jiang Yitian, go to death, go to death, go to death, you can earn 10,000 catties of pure spiritual source after you die, I am sorry for my 10,000 catties of pure spiritual source..." Tian Youqing solemnly , reciting his "Sutra of Rebirth" solemnly.

However, at this moment, nine cloud dragons descended from the sky again, an even more terrifying aura was suddenly suppressed, and an even more terrifying power of thunder and calamity was born.

"How is it possible, triple thunder tribulation, this is only the birth of a peerless monster! How could this be!"

The words of the "Elder of Life and Death" made the eyes of the "Ancient Demon Saint" shine with a cold light. He is also a person who has been baptized in the "Crossing Immortal Tribulation", but he has only gone through one thunder tribulation, and now he has not Thinking that Xuanyuan actually dropped a triple thunder calamity, it was extremely terrifying.

"This son must not stay, otherwise, it will be a great disaster to our demon clan!" The 'Ancient Demon Son' has already sentenced Xuanyuan to death in his heart, and the demon clan cannot live in a corner forever, and with Sooner or later, there will be an earth-shattering war between the human races. Although it is not at this time, some arrogant people of the human race must be wiped out in order to prevent them from growing even stronger in the future.

"Be sure to kill him while he is still fledgling, otherwise, I will definitely be excluded or even suppressed by him in the future. This son's heart will be revenged, and the grievances between me and him can no longer be resolved. It's better to strike first." The 'Sage Fighting Dragon' also had a decision in his heart, murderous intent surged in his eyes, and the 'Sage Fighting Dragon' at the side also felt the killing intent of the 'Sacred Dragon Fighting Son'. Consciously glanced at Huang Yuechan, Xuanyuan is already so terrifying, if he double cultivates with Huang Yuechan, Qinglong Xianhuang will become more terrifying, no one knows!

At this moment, there were many people present, and they whispered one after another, expressing their shock and admiration.

However, the most noisy existence has become the most silent existence. The pig-headed emperor looked very solemn, watching the third thunder calamity in the sky is about to come, he felt the aura of a terrifying existence in all directions, obviously coveted Xuanyuan, The trees are beautiful in the forest, and the wind will destroy them, not to mention Xuanyuan, a "body of all transformations" that cannot be tolerated by heaven and earth.

It has already prepared the prohibition formation, and is ready to take Xuanyuan away at any time, so from the moment the competition starts, it does not want to attract anyone's attention, and hopes that someone can forget it, otherwise it will be in the "Doulong Immortal Mansion" 'Block the teleportation and prohibition formation, this time it is really dead.

Just in the midst of everyone's amazement!


The third thunder tribulation came.

This heavy thunder calamity is the baptism of sin. Every thunder calamity is filled with endless blood red, and there is a destructive power in it, which makes people feel palpitating.

In the hall.

The master of Doulong Mansion sighed, stood up, with an expression of disbelief:

"This is the baptism of evil, and it is a symbol that heaven and earth cannot tolerate. How could Xuanyuan lead to such a thunder calamity!"

That Jiang Family Da Neng stood up, laughed loudly and said:

"This son's heart, or physique, must not be tolerated by heaven and earth to trigger this kind of thunder disaster. He must die."

Yin Tuxian and Bai Qisha frowned, looked at each other, speechless, now they can only let Xuanyuan fight the last thunder disaster, saying anything is useless.

Jiang Yitian held a yellow wooden box and didn't dare to get close to Xuanyuan. He could feel that even with his strength, he could not resist the last heavy thunder disaster by activating the vision. He immediately withdrew from the range of the thunder disaster and planned to wait for Xuanyuan After being seriously injured by this thunder calamity, he shot again.

Just when Jiang Yitian was about to withdraw, the voice of the "Elder of Life and Death" came:

"Jiang Yitian, if you withdraw from the scope of the 'Taiwan of Life and Death', then you will be considered a loser!"

The words of "Elder of Life and Death" made Jiang Yitian's eyes twitch, and Jiang Yitian hurriedly came to the edge of the "Taiwan of Life and Death". He guarded it tightly.

A sound of thunder rolled and galloped, covering thousands of miles, and a ferocious blood-colored thunder dragon was seen, slashing towards Xuanyuan.

Xuanyuan held the 'Taibai Star Yin Sword', and the infinite battle energy rushed out from his body. On the 'Taibai Star Yin Sword', there was an incomparably mysterious attracting power, and I saw the blue dragon in the seven stars in the east. The real shadow hangs down.

"The incarnation of the blue dragon!"


The sky-shattering dragon's howl raged, and the incarnation of the green dragon rushed from the sky, and collided with the ferocious blood-colored thunder dragon, both of them perished, and the terrifying power fluctuations swept away, causing Xuanyuan to retreat After a few steps, he looked dignified.

From the heart came the voice of the greedy old man:

"It seems that your physique may be exposed. You can't hide it from the people who live here, but you can't hide it from the strong ones in the 'Secrets of Heaven'. "It will also fail! Every time you pass through the catastrophe, it will be extremely dangerous. Since the 'Body of Ten Thousand Transformations' stepped into the realm of fighting immortals, every time you break through, you have to go through the catastrophe, and you have a narrow escape."

Xuanyuan heard the words, his heart was solemn, but he was not afraid, because he had already made all preparations, and at worst he would give up all the foundations in the 'Doulong Immortal Mansion'. Anyway, when he was in the 'Xuanyuan Immortal Mountain', he had already After handing over those 'Dou Xian Pills' to Fang Yuyou, he was very relieved, at least after he left, Xuanyuan Gate would definitely be in the hands of Fang Yuyou and Feng Lie, and would not be swallowed up by others.

Xuanyuan's body was full of precious light soaring into the sky, and the celestial flowers flowed and illuminated the sky. Now, with his physical body, he can already compete with the existence of the peak of the low-grade fairy artifacts. His physical body is so strong that even ordinary middle-grade fairy artifacts cannot hurt Xuanyuan.

In the sky, blood clouds surged, and the originally white sea of ​​thunder turned into a blood-colored sea, and ferocious faces evolved in the sea of ​​thunder, roaring ferociously, the baptism of sin, the third stage of thunder calamity, In an instant, it was about to explode at the touch of a button, and the overwhelming massacre towards Xuanyuan.

Booming, the blood-colored sea of ​​thunder surged, and countless true disciples were vomited blood repeatedly by the power of this blood-colored sea of ​​thunder, and some were even directly seriously injured, enough to see how extensive the blood-colored sea of ​​thunder affected, and more importantly It is a killing breath that exterminates everything, making countless people tremble in their hearts!

Xuanyuan felt a breath of heaven and earth killing him, this breath made him feel isolated, as if the world could not accommodate him, and made him feel powerless and hopeless, as if everything in the world was against me , there are enemies everywhere, at this moment, it is not difficult for Xuanyuan to understand why the "Swallowing Emperor" was alone in the first place.

The 'Ancient Demon Son' was suspended in the sky, with the blood in his eyes floating and his purple hair tumbling, he sneered at Xuanyuan and said:

"Xuanyuan, the heavens can't tolerate you. You are already doomed to wither here. It seems that I don't have to kill you. The little princess Shiwan can give up. People like you are not tolerated by heaven and earth. How can the princess be with you?"

The "Son of the Ancient Devil" wanted to use words to shake Xuanyuan's determination, making Xuanyuan question himself, so that Xuanyuan would die in the thunder calamity of the baptism of sin.

"That's right, Xuanyuan, no matter how strong you are, the sky won't tolerate you, and you can only drink your hatred. It's a great honor for you to die in this kind of thunder calamity!" Tian Luo said with a sinister smile.

"Xuanyuan, you are considered the pride of the generation. It seems that you don't have to wait until the catastrophe of the 'Heart-eating Dragon Insect'. Today is your day of death. It's a pity that I, Haiya, didn't kill you personally, but you made such a monster." Big murder, it is understandable that the heavens will accept you, I want to see, even if there is a 'Nightmare Ghost Fairy' protecting you this time, can he still save you!"

Hai Ya laughed out loud, seeing Xuanyuan die was the happiest thing in his life, the baptism of sin, this kind of terrifying thunder calamity, even the peak powerhouse of the three-rank Douxian might not be able to resist it.

"Xuanyuan, I originally thought you would be my opponent, but I didn't expect that even the sky can't tolerate you." Ji Chen, the 'Dongzhou Divine Body', sighed, and there was a kind of lament in his words, as if he had lost an important opponent. From Ji Chen's point of view, in this world, every celestial arrogance who can trigger the "crossing the immortal calamity" is extremely rare, and every time a celestial arrogance withers, it is a great loss, because they are all human races.

"Hahaha, Junior Brother Xuanyuan, it seems that if you don't need Senior Brother to kill you, the sky will not be able to tolerate you, so you can die in peace. I will pass on all the inheritance on your body for you." Jiang Yitian looked very excited , the yellow wooden box in his hand is enough to protect him, this is also the last resort provided to him by the Jiang family, this yellow wooden box is a secret treasure refined by the Jiang family's terrifying power, it can send out an The protective attack can only be used three times. At this moment, there are two cracks in the yellow wooden box, and it can be used once!

"Open your eyes, if the sky wants to kill me, I will break the sky."

Xuanyuan soared into the sky, shouted sharply, and held the 'Taibai Star Yinxing Sword', pointing to the sky, seal formulas flowed from Xuanyuan's heart, and from his body, majestic fighting spirit rose into the sky.

"Seven Star Bodyguard!"

In an instant, seven stars revolved around Xuanyuan, and in the sky, a vast sea of ​​blood-colored thunder surged across the sky. The sound of thunder was bursting like hundreds of millions of galloping horses. In this sea of ​​blood-colored thunder, hidden endless The power of evil and destruction directly crushed Xuanyuan's surroundings.

I saw that the seven stars gathered around Xuanyuan started to rotate, resisting the sea of ​​bloody thunder. The seven stars contained all kinds of mysteries and possessed extremely strong protection power.

The vast blood-colored thunder sea and the stars released by the seven stars collided with each other. There is no doubt how the supernatural power displayed by Xuanyuan alone can counter the power of the world.

In a split second, the seven stars shattered inch by inch and were swallowed up by the blood-colored sea of ​​thunder. In an instant, they hit Xuanyuan's body.

The 'Taibai Yinxing Sword' in Xuanyuan's hand was shattered inch by inch by the bloody thunder sea, and turned into pieces. It can be seen that the fierce power of this bloody thunder sea, the baptism of sin, is so terrifying.

"Ah..." Xuanyuan roared out.

Rao Xuanyuan's physical body is already strong enough to compete with ordinary middle-grade fairy weapons at this moment, and the "Swallowing Myriad Transformation Dao Armor" and "Swallowing Myriad Transformation Dao Boots" on his body are running crazily to minimize the damage caused by the baptism of sin. Xuanyuan still feels The whole body is going to split apart, and the skin is cracked like spider lines.

The blood-colored thunder ruthlessly tore Xuanyuan's body apart, broke into Xuanyuan's body, and raged crazily.

The green dragon's essence and blood surged, frantically repairing Xuanyuan's body. Since his whole body's energy and blood soared to the sky, to contend with this endless sea of ​​blood-colored thunder, a phantom of a green dragon manifested behind Xuanyuan, resisting the will of the world .

Yin Zhenluo, Bai Youniang, Huang Yuechan, Mochou, and Zhixie all looked at Xuanyuan in the sky with solemn expressions. They all had a common prayer in their hearts, that is, they hoped that Xuanyuan could survive this calamity!

Feng Lie didn't expect Xuanyuan to trigger such a terrifying thunder calamity, and now he can only trust Xuanyuan, hoping that he can break through all these obstacles.

Countless disciples of the "Doulong Xianfu" retreated again and again, and many of them were crushed by the bloody thunder sea, and their bodies were broken, and they were seriously injured and died. difficult to contend with.

All the people held their breath and watched Xuanyuan fight against the baptism of evil. They were shocked by Xuanyuan's physical strength, and they were able to resist it. Even the 'Taibai Yinxing Sword' was broken, but they were able to resist it. This had a great impact on their hearts.

In their eyes, Xuanyuan is like a god, contending against the sky, with unyielding will flowing in this piece of heaven and earth, a sense of heroism and sadness emerges spontaneously.

The moment Xuanyuan was hit by the sea of ​​bloody thunder, he felt as if he was in an endless hell. This hell is a real mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood, broken weapons, shattered bodies, breath of despair, countless people dying without regret, and everyone's temperament Extraordinary, it can be seen that they were definitely not ordinary cultivators before they died.

Xuanyuan was shocked:

"This is simply the burial place of the proud son of heaven!"

A sigh came from somewhere, and this sigh contained an extremely terrifying momentum, impacting on Xuanyuan's will, Xuanyuan stood still, resisting this momentum far away!

If it was an ordinary person, his will would be broken in this sigh. Xuanyuan stood tall and straight, only to hear a voice coming out.

"Another generation of Tianjiao died, and this is your burial place!"

How tenacious Xuanyuan's will is. He has resisted the "Emperor Yingtian" and "Yinglong".

"I won't die!"

Xuanyuan stood in this piece of hell, looking at the dark red sky, surrounded by desolation, without any living things, only endless life withered, this is a land of death.

"You have come here, and you are doomed to die." That voice continued to be heard, like the judgment of heaven and earth, which made it impossible for people to resist. Only a pair of pictures of Tianjiao crossing the catastrophe appeared, and they Strong-willed, tyrannical body, against the world, but their fate can be seen, just these corpses present, they are amazing and brilliant, but under the baptism of sin, they still fall, leaving only endless regrets.

"Then I will devour this place and become myself."

Xuanyuan's heart was as firm as iron, and almost instantly, he unfolded his 'everything body', and the "Swallowing Dao Jue" was activated.

In the sky, Xuanyuan's body suddenly became an incomparably huge black hole, devouring the sinful thunder calamity raging all over the sky, and an endless sea of ​​red thunder poured into Xuanyuan's body!

Seeing Xuanyuan's behavior like this, everyone's hearts were shocked, and the eyes of the "Dragon Fighting Son" couldn't hide the shock:

"He took the initiative to drain the baptism of sin into his body? Could it be that he is looking for death?"

"He is already desperate, and wants to end his life earlier, haha, it seems that Xuanyuan is nothing more than that!" the 'Ancient Demon Son' sneered, even he felt the will to destroy the world. Heart palpitations, let alone Xuanyuan, in his opinion, Xuanyuan must die.

"A generation of geniuses." Ji Chen sighed, his eyes were full of pity, Xuanyuan's fall was inevitable, and the human race was another genius who died in the barrier of heaven. He with the Dongzhou divine body naturally has a lot of catastrophes. Seeing the fall of the eternal Tianjiao Xuanyuan, he can't help but feel a kind of sadness in his heart.

Tsing Yi was in high spirits, the palace clothes were flying, and three thousand blue silks were dancing. She said sonorously:

"No, he is devouring despair and accepting the baptism of sin. He never gave up."

"That's right, it's impossible for Brother Xuanyuan to give up." Mo Chou said firmly.

Yin Zhenluo, Bai Youniang, and Huang Yuechan were all silent, holding a glimmer of hope in their hearts, Qian Duoduo knew what the pig-headed emperor was thinking, she didn't dare to make a sound, and could only wait, waiting for the final result.

Xuanyuan was in the sky, devouring the endless sea of ​​blood-colored thunder into his body, somewhere in the dark.

In this sea of ​​blood-colored thunder, there is endless destruction, part of which is derived from Xuanyuan's "Body of Ten Thousand Transformations", and there are also many dead but still unyielding wills in it. These are the heroic spirits of those who died!

Xuanyuan endured the severe pain of his body, carefully comprehended the mystery, and communicated with those heroic spirits of the arrogance, he roared in his heart:

"Are you willing to spend your whole life here?"

Xuanyuan's voice is a hoarse roar, and his voice can inspire people's will and spirit.

"Unwilling!" This is the instant response of all the heroic spirits!

"Heavenly pride is unyielding, devouring the world!"

Xuanyuan let out a last cry in his heart, which contained an unyielding aura, and this will, in an instant, aroused the resonance of countless dead heroes!

I only felt the shock of the heroic soul in my submarine chakra, the sighs, roars, roars of countless dead heroic spirits, and the resentment rushing into it, Xuanyuan only felt that my heroic spirit continued to grow, my blood became Even more powerful, faintly, a vision rose from Xuanyuan's lower body and manifested in the sky.

In the dark, Xuanyuan's unyielding will is intertwined with the Dao of this world, refining a vision.

Everyone's expressions changed.

In the main hall, the fingers of Palace Master Doulong could not help but tremble, and he said in a startled voice:

"He actually devoured the baptism of sin and used the power of thunder to create a vision. What kind of vision is this?"

Bai Qisha's heart was full of enthusiasm, as if he also had a feeling of wanting to fight against the sky, and against the sky, he laughed loudly:

"Okay, what a Xuanyuan, it's no wonder that he is a person my daughter values, and he can fight against the sky without dying. It seems that I will change my life against the sky, and stepping into the realm of the earth fairy is not far away."

Immortal light burst out from Yin Tuxian's eyes, and he was also very happy. Just as Bai Qisha said, they have been trapped in the realm of life immortals for a long time, and they have not been able to step into the realm of earth immortals for a long time!

Xuanyuan's unyielding will to fight against the heaven and the earth brought a great shock to their hearts, and also aroused their inner resonance, confronting the sky and changing their fate against the sky, that's how it is.

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