Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 462: The Supreme Dao Tool

Chapter 462: The Supreme Dao Tool

'Dou Cangtian', with white beard and hair, looks like a handsome young man. The aura emanating from him is extremely compelling and fierce. He has been in charge of 'Doulong Immortal Mansion' for two hundred years. Feel this After having a heart to govern the world, he abdicated to the virtuous, and stepped into the realm of the earth fairy. From then on, he cut his way all the way and stepped into the peak of the earth fairy. characters.

He looked at Xuanyuan, and there was an invisible pressure that made Xuanyuan suffocate.

"He won't do anything that endangers the human race." Xuanyuan looked at 'Dou Cangtian' bearing the tremendous pressure, and said slowly and forcefully: "He and I have an inseparable bond. If I die, he will also die." death, so he took the initiative to protect me."

The pair of pupils of 'Dou Cangtian' erupted with brilliance, swept Xuanyuan once, nodded, and said:

"Sure enough, it seems that someone with great supernatural powers has integrated his original soul into your body, and he can take an ancient royal family in the realm of the earth fairy as your servant, so it must be the 'Nightmare Ghost Immortal'?" "Dou Cangtian" Although he doesn't ask about worldly affairs, it doesn't mean he doesn't know what happened in 'Doulong Xianfu'.

"Indeed, I don't know how the old Palace Master plans to deal with me?"

"I'll accept you as a closed disciple." 'Dou Cangtian' was shocked, making the face of the Jiang family's Mingxian powerhouse pale!

"'Dou Cangtian', do you know what you are doing?" The terrifying existence of the Jiang family pointed at 'Dou Cangtian' and shouted.

"I'm 'Dou Cangtian' and I can't ask you to tell me what to do." 'Dou Cangtian' spoke calmly, his eyes were like lightning, just a look, and the Jiang family who pointed at 'Dou Cangtian' was shocked , a bloodstain spilled from the corner of his mouth, and he dared not say another word, 'Dou Cangtian' has always been strong, and he dared to kill anyone, but he was a strong man who could aspire to the top of the gods.

'Dou Cangtian' looked at Xuanyuan, and said slowly:

"However, there is a prerequisite. The "Swallowing Dao Jue" you cultivated is too demonic. It is not tolerated by the fighting spirit world to devour others to achieve your own body. It must be abolished. Break it first and then build it. I will teach you the supreme dragon fighting!" Daoism, although compared with the "Swallowing Dao Jue", can't perfectly complement your "Body of Ten Thousand Transformations", but it is not bad, so you can save yourself from the fruit of sharing the enemy with the world, what do you think?"

Xuanyuan looked at 'Dou Cangtian', paused, and thanked:

"Thank you, old palace lord. The 'Body of Ten Thousand Transformations' was exposed to the world. The old mansion lord can still give Xuanyuan a chance to speak. Xuanyuan is very grateful, but I think Xuanyuan's actions are not against my heart. People are free and fair in their hearts. It has been known for a long time that you don't need to abolish your supernatural powers, bind your hands and feet, and give your life to others. If you say that you are an enemy of the world, I will kill one of them. The road of the emperor is covered with white bones. Even in the face of the 'Emperor Yingtian' and 'Yinglong', I never flinched, if I abolish my supernatural powers, it would be equivalent to cutting off my future path to becoming a great emperor."

Hearing Xuanyuan's words, the sharp light in the eyes of 'Dou Cangtian' became even more intense. Xuanyuan's skin felt tingling just being looked at, but Xuanyuan didn't flinch, and said slowly:

"It's the great dynasties and immortal families who think more about themselves. Now in the forbidden areas, the ancient royal family has been keeping a low profile for many years. Human races have been cheating and fighting each other. Sooner or later, the ancient royal family will come back together and tear up the ancient world. According to the agreement of the great emperor and the sages, the human race will usher in a bloodbath, and it is unknown how many people will die in his hands."

"For example, the headquarters of 'Samsara', in the depths of the 'Eternal Ancient Realm', they must have a greater chance of cooperating with the ancient royal family. If I, Xuanyuan, cooperate with the ancient royal family, why should I appear in front of the world? In the middle of cultivation, the human race will be wiped out at the flick of a finger in the world. Don't you feel ashamed to put such a big crime on the head of me, Xuanyuan, a mere one-turn immortal figure, instead of pursuing "reincarnation"? You Jiang Everyone keeps saying that it is for the righteousness of the world, why don't you drive your Jiang family's supreme Taoist weapon, the "God Whip", to enter the "Eternal Ancient Realm" and destroy the headquarters of "Reincarnation" to prevent them from cooperating with the ancient royal family? Do you think that my Xuanyuan is important to the entire Is the threat of the human race greater? Or is the "reincarnation" hidden deep in the "Eternal Ancient Realm" bigger? It's ridiculous, I'm afraid that what you want is nothing more than the Supreme Heavenly Book on me, Taoism?"

What Xuanyuan said made many of the Jiang family's life immortals blushed and turned into anger, but with 'Dou Cangtian' present, they dared not make a move.

Jiang Yun's face turned black, and he angrily reprimanded Xuanyuan:

"You, a junior, are talking nonsense here, smearing my Jiang family. As a 'body of all transformations', you must be killed as the root of evil. No one can save you today. My Jiang family will immediately have the Supreme Immortal!" People come here, I am afraid that the ancient royal family beside you will not be able to save you, and they will all die here together!"

"Get lost, there is no room for you to speak here." Xuanyuan sneered, scolding Jiang Yun even more ugly, and looked at 'Dou Cangtian'.

Countless true disciples of the 'Doulong Xianfu' were stunned, and even the 'Dulong Shengzi' and 'Dulong Shengnv' couldn't help but remain silent. The Jiang family has such a huge power, with a long history and profound heritage, even they can't help it. Dare to offend, Xuanyuan even dared to open his mouth to scold, it can be said to be audacious.

The eyes of 'Dou Cangtian' looked directly at Xuanyuan, Xuanyuan did not avoid it, and met the eyes of 'Dou Cangtian', proud and unmoved!

"Okay, just based on your words, I'll let you go, 'Doulong Xianfu' can't keep you, otherwise it will definitely become a troublesome place, if you violate what I said today, I will be the first to kill you , I hope you can take care of yourself!" 'Dou Cangtian''s words were sonorous, like a sword strike, shocking people's minds, this man's will is like the sky, extremely terrifying.

Xuanyuan felt as if he was in front of 'Dou Cangtian', with nothing to hide, but he had nothing to hide, so naturally he had nothing to fear.

"Thank you, old Palace Master." Xuanyuan smiled slightly, but this 'Dou Cangtian' is not the kind of indiscriminate person!

'Dou Cangtian' looked at Zhu Tou Dadi, and said slowly:

"Presumably you are the mount of the 'Myriad Transformation Sacred Beast' and the 'Emperor Devourer' back then?"

Seeing that his identity was exposed, the pig-headed emperor had nothing to hide, and laughed loudly:

"That's right, the Jiang family's supreme beast 'Sixiang' died in my hands, and your supreme beast 'Zhan Daolong' from 'Doulong Xianfu' also died in that battle, you Does 'Doulong Xianfu' not want to keep me?"

Hearing the Zhutou Emperor's words, the faces of the Jiang family's Mingxian powerhouses all turned pale. It's not like they don't know how terrifying the "Wanhua Holy Beast" is, but at this moment the "Wanhua Holy Beast" is no longer what it used to be. They were all pissed off. They wanted to do something but they were forced to have 'Dou Cangtian' present, fearing that he would intervene. Now they could only watch 'Dou Cangtian' react.

'Dou Cangtian' saluted the pig-headed emperor neither humble nor overbearing:

"I have seen the seniors. Although I, 'Dou Cangtian', am a junior, I know right from wrong. As long as you and Xuanyuan do not harm the human race, I will not embarrass you. Take Xuanyuan away. Those things have become the past. Back then So many people besieging the 'Emperor Devourer' is not a glorious thing, if you die, you will die, so there is no need to mention it."

Hearing this sentence, the faces of the Jiang family's Mingxian characters became even uglier.

"Hahaha, baby, you are very good. This emperor will pass on the role of Godless Forbidden to you. I hope you can comprehend it thoroughly and step into the realm of immortals!" One corner was integrated into the body of 'Dou Cangtian', 'Dou Cangtian' realized it carefully for an instant, his expression was happy, he bowed to the Zhutou Emperor, and said:

"Thank you senior!"

The strong man of the Jiang Family Mingxian saw the corners of his eyes twitching wildly, and the Zhutou Emperor came to Xuanyuan's side with Qian Duoduo:

"Boy, let's go!"

"Hmph, don't any of you want to leave today!" An incomparably vast voice was like the voice of the sky, attacking, and the space in all directions was imprisoned in an instant, and it was impossible to leave if you wanted to.

I saw a huge portal opened, and eighteen Jiang family immortals came together. The terrifying coercion made everyone breathless. When the immortal breathed at the same time, Xuanyuan was about to die.

Without him, just because the gap is too big.

The face of Zhu Tou Dadi suddenly became extremely ugly, even the expression of 'Dou Cangtian' could not help but change, and said coldly:

"Could it be that your Jiang family thinks that there is no one in my 'Doulong Immortal Mansion'? Now that Xuanyuan has not left 'Doulong Immortal Mansion', he is still a disciple of my 'Doulong Immortal Mansion'. Who of you dare to fight him?"

"'Dou Cangtian', do you think you can protect Xuanyuan alone?" A middle-aged man from the Jiang family stepped forward with a single step. For a while, it seems that everything can be settled, this person is the head of the Jiang family, Jiang Yixian, and the father of Jiang Yitian!

Seeing Jiang Yitian's arrival, Jiang Yitian laughed out loud, and said to Xuanyuan with a sinister smile:

"Xuanyuan, let me see how you can walk out of the 'Doulong Xianfu' alive today. I want you to die without a place to bury you."

Xuanyuan ignored Jiang Yitian, looked at Jiang Yixian coldly, and said:

"It seems that your Jiang family is obsessed with the supreme scriptures and Taoism on me."

"Little thief, I, the Jiang family, came here today just to eliminate the root of evil in your world!" Another Jiang family's earth fairy yelled, and the incomparably vast earth fairy power crushed them, and they were all crushed by the "Shalong King" 'Give it away.

'Dou Cangtian' shouted:

"Exit the 'Doulong Immortal Mansion', or don't blame me for being rude!"

With a big wave of Jiang Yixian's hand, a burst of supreme power suddenly emerged from a portal, which changed the expression of 'Dou Cangtian' greatly.

"The supreme Taoist weapon, the 'God's Whip'."

The power of each Supreme Dao Artifact is extremely terrifying, and it is difficult for non-Emperors to fully activate it. Now that the Jiang family uses the Supreme Dao Artifact, the "God Whip", it is enough to see that the Jiang Family wants to kill Xuanyuan. determined.

At this moment, from the depths of the 'Doulong Immortal Mansion', the same supreme power erupted, and it competed with the 'God Whip'. The confrontation between these two terrifying supreme powers caused countless The hands and feet of the true disciples are weak, the body is about to split, and the body and soul are involuntary. Even many saint-level figures feel oppressed and have difficulty breathing.

Jiang Yixian's expression sank, and he said

"The supreme Taoist weapon, the 'Heaven-Slashing Dragon Sword'."

"Qinglong magic medicine, "Da Luo Tianshu", Qinglong Taoism, 'Nightmare Ghost Immortal' supreme Taoism, Qinglong Neidan returned to Doulong Immortal Mansion, 'Body of Ten Thousand Transformations' brought back by your Jiang family, beheaded by the world In front of you, honor the prestige of your ancient family!" Such a voice came from the depths of the 'Doulong Immortal Mansion'.

Jiang Yixian's expression changed when he heard the words, and he said coldly:

"Could you be too greedy in the 'Doulong Immortal Mansion', at least half of the income from the 'Physical Transformation' should be shared with my Jiang family?"

"Didn't your Jiang family say that, for no other reason, they would only kill the root of the evil 'Body of Ten Thousand Transformations'? Why have you changed your mind now?" 'Dou Cangtian' sneered.

Jiang Yixian laughed angrily, pointed at Xuanyuan and said:

"At this point, your 'Doulong Immortal Mansion' is bound to protect Xuanyuan?"

"So what?" 'Dou Cangtian' just got the benefits of the Zhutou Great Emperor, and the corner that is not forbidden by God is extremely precious. This is the forbidden pattern that people at the level of the Great Emperor can understand. It contains the mysteries of the heavens and is extremely precious. Not to mention, if Xuanyuan doesn't do harm to the world, and has a good relationship with the "Body of Ten Thousand Transformations", it will naturally benefit endlessly in the future.

"Then let's try a fight between two Supreme Dao Weapons. Is it your 'Doulong Xianfu' that has done more damage, or my Jiang family that has done more damage!" Jiang Yixian's expression was ferocious, revealing a sense of supreme resolute domineering And out, is a generation of heroes.

'Dou Cangtian' burst out with supreme murderous intent, and sternly shouted:

"Jiang Yixian, do you dare?"

"There's nothing you dare to do. Divide everything in the 'Body of Ten Thousand Transformations' equally. Otherwise, let the two supreme Taoist weapons confront each other in the air. I want to see how many disciples in your 'Doulong Immortal Mansion' can die." " Jiang Yixian said forcefully.

"Jiang Yixian, do you really think that I, Xuanyuan, are dead?" Xuanyuan looked at Jiang Yixian coldly, holding the 'Nightmare Ghost Talisman' in his hand, and a wave of thoughts merged into the 'Nightmare Ghost Talisman'.

"Senior 'Nightmare Ghost Fairy', one last promise, help me get out of here!"

The moment Xuanyuan's thoughts merged, a person quietly walked out of the space that was suddenly imprisoned.

This is a short and thin old man, with yellow eyes, withered beard and hair, and a dead face, which makes people feel very ordinary, but he can enter this confined space, and Jiang Yixian's expression can't help but change drastically!

Xuanyuan looked at the 'Nightmare Ghost Immortal', and couldn't help but bow and salute:

"I've seen Senior 'Nightmare Ghost Fairy'!"

Countless people present couldn't help gasping, Jiang Yitian was taken away by the strong Jiang family, and they all approached that portal, ready to use the supreme Taoist weapon to fight against the 'Nightmare Ghost Immortal'.

An extremely terrifying aura surged, as if it might erupt at any time!

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