Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 463 One Sword

Chapter 463 One Sword

(Chapter 1, 5,000 words, sorry, I have been brewing, I am late, please ask for various tickets!)

'The Holy Son of Fighting Dragon', 'The Holy Maiden of Fighting Dragon', 'The Holy Son of Ancient Demon', Hai Ya and Ji Wu were all shocked. They never thought that things would develop to this point today. It would take no effort at all to kill them. If it weren't for the last sliver of pride of being a saint child, they would have already wanted to escape.

Without him, it's too scary. A character like 'Nightmare Ghost Fairy' may not be able to compete with the strongest people in the great fairy houses and aristocratic families. The mysterious organization 'Eternal Life' created by him alone can already Let the great immortal mansions and aristocratic families be afraid, let alone him, the founder.

'Nightmare Ghost Immortal' with disheveled hair, standing in the sky, looking at nowhere, his eyes were white, his face was calm, he didn't have a trace of breath, but he gave endless pressure to the people present,

"Finally, this day has come." 'Nightmare Ghost Fairy' sighed leisurely, making the scalps of many Jiang family powerhouses tingle, and a trace of instinctive fear rose in their hearts. A person with supreme Taoism who has lived longer than the emperor, and the "immortality" he created has been passed down to this day. It is so terrifying that all major dynasties, immortal mansions, and aristocratic families are afraid of it.

'Nightmare Ghost Fairy' looked at the many strong men of the Jiang family, as well as the passage opened by the supreme Taoism tool 'God Whip', and said slowly:

"In the past, the ancestor of the Jiang family, who held a 'divine whip', counted through the house without entering. In order to save the human race, he entered the ancient prohibition and beheaded the invading ancient royal family. He narrowly escaped death and fought bloody for the human race. He has made immortal contributions to the human race, and has become the reputation of the ancient sages of the Jiang family admired by thousands of people, but he did not expect that today, the descendants of the ancient sages of the Jiang family have hit the magic whip with the supreme Taoist weapon. "Threatening human life is only for the cultivation of Taoism and the treasure of life extension. If the ancestor of the Jiang family is still alive, I am afraid he will kill you alive with his own hands. It is simply embarrassing the ancestor!"

Jiang Yixian's face was extremely ugly, and he shouted angrily:

"'Nightmare Ghost Fairy', don't pretend to be righteous. The 'eternal life' you created has killed countless people and died for you. You have devoured endless souls. How dare you Said that you have never had selfishness? Also, don’t think that I don’t know. Your strength today is far inferior to that of the past. I don’t believe it. With you now, you can compete with my Jiang family’s supreme Dao weapon, the magic whip ','The body of all transformations' is a sinful constitution, the root of evil, and must be obliterated. You get out of the way quickly, and my Jiang family can let you go. If you want to persist in your obsession, I will let you die today. here!"

'Dou Cangtian' raised his eyebrows coldly, and shouted:

"I don't know if my 'Dragon Slaying Dragon Dao Sword' from 'Doulong Xianfu' can compete with your Jiang family's supreme Taoist weapon 'God Whip'?"

Jiang Yixian's complexion changed drastically. If "Doulong Xianfu" and "Nightmare Ghost Immortal" joined hands together, they would have to be wiped out here today, even if there was a "Magic Whip", "Slaying the Dragon and Dao Sword" 'Extremely terrifying, enough to compete with 'Magic Whip'.

From the depths of the 'Doulong Immortal Mansion', the aura of the 'Heaven Slashing Dragon Dao Sword' has become even stronger. Invisibly, Jiang Yixian was frightened and wanted to retreat.

At this moment, a voice came from the depths of the 'Doulong Immortal Mansion', the voice was long and lingering, making people palpitating:

"Junior Brother Cangtian, you alone cannot be the master of everyone in our entire 'Doulong Immortal Mansion', join forces with the Jiang family to destroy the 'Nightmare Ghost Immortal' with two supreme Taoist weapons, and the 'Body of Myriad Transformation' is created Take it from the Jiang family, and keep the other supreme Taoism and treasures in the 'Doulong Xianfu'."

I saw an old man coming out. He was hunched over, his face was wrinkled, extremely old, his white hair was withered and yellow, and the energy and blood from his whole body was declining, but he was a twilight strong man, because His aura is stronger than that of 'Dou Cangtian', and he is obviously a figure who has stepped into the level of a fairy.

"Senior Brother Killing God, what are you doing?" When 'Dou Cangtian' heard the words, his expression was startled, and he couldn't help but sternly shouted, his brows were cold. Obviously, such words and deeds of 'Dou Cangtian' made him angry.

"Without him, I just want to take the green dragon medicine from the 'Ten Thousand Transformation Body' to prolong my life. I want to enter the realm of sages and live a few thousand years longer. I hope that one day soon, I can find the God of Breakthrough. The day when the 'Dou Killing God' practiced two thousand years earlier than 'Dou Cangtian', and he is also an old monster of the living treasure level. From his eyes, there is an unwillingness to come to this step. , It can be said that it was a narrow escape, I don't know how many dangers I encountered, I struggled hard, I practiced day and night, but in the end I was going to die in the silent years, he was extremely unwilling, he needed to continue his life, he wanted to break through to the sages Realm, which is the dream of countless people.

"Senior 'Nightmare Ghost Fairy', although you existed countless years ago, you are now at the end of the road, and with two supreme Dao weapons, you can already be killed!"

"Hahaha, 'Dou Killing God', you are too naive to think. Do you want me, the Jiang family, to make a wedding dress for your 'Doulong Xianfu'? Divide everything on 'Wan Hua Zhi Body' equally, otherwise it will be impossible !" Jiang Yixian sneered, apparently facing the 'Nightmare Ghost Immortal' now, with the background of the Jiang family, it might not be impossible to wipe out the 'Nightmare Ghost Immortal', the supreme Taoist 'Spiritual Whip' is Jiang Yixian's greatest reliance!

"Then you guys get out of the 'Doulong Xianfu', 'Nightmare Ghost Fairy', I have wanted to fight him for a long time." 'Dou Slaughter God' looked at the 'Nightmare Ghost Fairy' without any fear, he A crumpled withered yellow robe, I don’t know how many years I have worn it, it is extremely old, but the air of aging is hanging down from his body all the time, this is a kind of sadness, no matter how strong a person is, when he is about to die On that day, I was unwilling.

"Nightmare Ghost Fairy" has seen too much of people like "Dousha Shen". Because he was unwilling, he created the supreme Taoism to prolong the life of the soul. He made a big mistake and regretted his life. He looked up to the sky and sighed:

"Eternal life, is it really that important? Countless years have passed, and the world is still unable to understand this level. It's a pity that I don't have my own Taoist artifact. In today's battle, I want to protect the 'Body of Ten Thousand Transformations'. None of you can stop me, even though my strength is not as good as before, but I want to deal with you, but it is enough!"

Xuanyuan's heart moved, he quickly took out a sword from his fighting ring, threw it to the 'Nightmare Ghost Fairy', and said in a heavy voice:

"Kill them, don't worry about me."

The 'Nightmare Ghost Immortal' grabbed the long sword thrown by Xuanyuan with a joyful look on his face. He held the hilt of the sword with his withered hand and pulled it out of the scabbard, screaming...

A sword light that pierced through the ninth heaven rushed straight up, as if a huge hole had been pierced in the sky, the sword light that made people palpitate could not spit out, its power was extremely terrifying!

"'Yingtian Immortal Sword', although the supreme fairy weapon, is the treasure that 'Yingtian Great Emperor' accompanies day and night. It has the aura of the great emperor in early pregnancy, and the will of the great emperor, which is comparable to a Taoist weapon. It is enough!" 'Nightmare Ghost Immortal' held The simple and unpretentious 'Yingtian Immortal Sword' looked at the 'Doulu Shen' and the strong members of the Jiang family, and said slowly:

"Let me see today whether the Supreme Dao Tool still has the style of the past. How many people in today's human race can completely activate the Supreme Dao Tool?"

His voice came out slowly, and it immediately caused countless people to have goosebumps all over their bodies. A kind of fear rose from their hearts. After all, the "Nightmare Ghost Fairy" is an extremely ancient figure with extremely terrifying strength.

Looking at the 'Yingtian Immortal Sword' in the hands of the 'Nightmare Ghost Immortal', a burst of emperor's aura erupted across a hundred thousand miles, all the restrictions were shattered in an instant, and from the sky, the emperor's aura fell down , This kind of supreme aura makes countless people feel like kneeling down. This is the surrender and awe to the Great Emperor from the heart!

I saw a phantom of the "Emperor Yingtian" appearing, it was extremely miraculous, countless true disciples of "Doulong Xianfu" bowed down one after another, Hai Ya, Ji Wu, Tian Luo without exception, only a few saints The sub-level characters are still holding on!

"'Emperor Yingtian' turned out to be 'Emperor Yingtian'. This is the way of 'Emperor Yingtian'. Xuanyuan has been recognized by the 'Emperor Yingtian'. It can be seen that he will definitely not harm the human race. , otherwise, it is impossible to get the recognition of an immortal soldier accompanying the emperor day and night!"

The voice of 'Dou Cangtian' was a little trembling. Although the 'Yingtian Immortal Sword' was a supreme immortal weapon and did not step into the ranks of Dao utensils, the 'Yingtian Immortal Sword' gathered the imperial aura of 'Emperor Yingtian' day and night , let it be enough to compete with Taoism!

The face of "Dou Slaughter God" was also very ugly, "Nightmare Ghost Fairy" looked up at the sky, he was as calm as ever, as calm as water, and sighed softly:

"Now that I have the 'Yingtian Immortal Sword' in my hand, if there is a fight, most of the 'Doulong Immortal Mansion' will be destroyed. I don't know how many people will die in this battle. Have you thought about it?"

'Dou Cangtian' looked at 'Dou Slaughter God', and sternly shouted:

"Brother, if you dare to fight, I will be the first to kill you. If you think that my countless disciples in the 'Doulong Xianfu' are not worthy of a magical medicine, then you will never step into the realm of sages!"

'God of Fighting' trembled, paused, and sighed:

"Forget it, let's go with the 'Body of Myriad Transformations', maybe this is fate!"

Even if 'Dou Slaughter' wants 'Green Dragon Medicine' to continue his life, but with his status, he would not dare to let 'Doulong Immortal Mansion' have many disciples buried with him. The bottom line is that he is going to die too.

Jiang Yixian didn't expect that the 'Dou Slaughter God' would give up, his face became ugly and ferocious, he said gloomyly:

"That's fine, if that's the case, let my Jiang family do it. Everything in the 'Physical Transformation' belongs to my Jiang family! Activate the Supreme Dao Weapon, 'Beat the God Whip', destroy the 'Nightmare Ghost Fairy' and 'The Body of Ten Thousand Transformations', these two are the same breed, and they are a disaster for the world, so we must not keep them!"

"Today, I, 'Nightmare Guixian', will initiate another killing ring. Everyone in 'Tianji' listen, if you dare to calculate Xuanyuan's location again, as long as I am alive, I will kill 'Tianji' and kill everything. "As soon as the 'Nightmare Ghost Fairy' finished speaking, without any warning, a sword was struck out in an instant. This sword, in an instant, made the whole world eclipse.

This sword, simple and unpretentious, without any fluctuations in fighting spirit, but it made the portal opened by the Jiang family's supreme Taoist weapon "Shen Whip" tremble violently. From another section, separated by hundreds of millions of miles of void, a wave The same terrifying force was launched!

There is a celestial strongman from the Jiang family, who is in the part of the emptiness of hundreds of millions of miles, controlling the supreme Taoist weapon. The "Magic Whip" is fighting against the "Nightmare Ghost Immortal". With one blow, all the strength in his body was still sucked dry!

The two terrifying forces collided together, and in an instant, the 'Nightmare Ghost Fairy' drew a big hand, and a powerful restraining force was cast in a radius of hundreds of feet in an instant, protecting the 'Doulong Immortal Mansion', otherwise, the impact of this blow Dou Qi fluctuated and swept away, and it was unknown how many people would die.

The terrifying wave of battle energy rolled away, shattering everything in the air, not even leaving their most fundamental life essence behind, the heartbroken thing was that the pig-headed emperor jumped to his feet, except for Jiang Yixian who was still alive, the other seventeen The immortal and the six immortals all died, Jiang Yixian fled into that portal without saying a word, only to see that portal closed in an instant.

"Damn it, if I can devour the life essence of these seventeen earth immortals and six life immortals, I will become stronger." The pig-headed emperor couldn't help scolding his mother.

"Nightmare Ghost Immortal" uses its own supernatural powers, holds the supreme immortal weapon, and "Yingtian Immortal Sword" against the Jiang family's supreme Dao weapon "Shen Whip". In the end, the Jiang family was defeated, and this force rushed out through the restriction The breath made countless people prostrate and kneel, they couldn't bear the breath at all.

'Nightmare Ghost Immortal' looked at the 'Ying Tian Immortal Sword' in his hand, with fine cracks appearing one after another, and sighed:

"Worthy of being called the 'Magic Whip', the 'Yingtian Immortal Sword' has been half-destroyed, the blow of the Great Emperor's breath, the 'Yingtian Immortal Sword' is unbearable after all, Xuanyuan, please put away this 'Yingtian Immortal Sword', it will be used in the future It will bring you an opportunity, whether you can grasp it or not depends on yourself."

'Nightmare Ghost Fairy' seemed to see through something, which made Xuanyuan feel a little confused, 'Dou Killing God' couldn't help being shocked when he saw this scene in front of him, but fortunately he didn't fight 'Nightmare Ghost Fairy' just now, he just knew now' How terrifying is the strength of Nightmare Ghost Immortal, no wonder the Hai family didn't summon high-grade Taoist artifacts to compete with 'Nightmare Ghost Immortal'.

With just one blow, the Jiang family was completely defeated. Although there were cracks in the "Yingtian Immortal Sword", you must know that the Jiang family activated the supreme Taoist weapon, the "Spiritual Whip"!

"Okay, let's go, I can finally do what I want to do with peace of mind, keep the jade talisman I gave you, maybe one day, you will use it again."'Nightmare Ghost Fairy' Looking at Xuanyuan, he explained in a very peaceful voice.

The 'Evil Dragon King' was very silent, looked at the 'Nightmare Ghost Immortal', and sighed helplessly:

"Unexpectedly, it seems that in the end, I will be the only one left."

"As an ancient royal family, you have a long lifespan, and your body was suppressed by the 'Great Emperor Qinghuang' with the supreme source. Your body is immortal, your will is immortal, and you can live for a long time. If you live well, the past will be like smoke. Go, if one day your heart knot is untied, it will be the day when you will be truly free!" 'Nightmare Ghost Fairy' spoke in a gentle voice, leaving 'Evil Dragon King' speechless.

On the body of the pig-headed emperor, the runes flowed and intertwined into a huge teleportation restriction, and a huge portal opened.

"Wait, Xuanyuan, I want to go with you. You promised Qinglong that you would take good care of me. I want to be with you. No matter how dangerous it is, don't reject me!" Huang Yuechan stood up from the crowd. After coming out, she was magnificent, from now on, there is no doubt that Xuanyuan is the existence of the world's common enemy, but Huang Yuechan can still make such a decision, even Xuanyuan couldn't help but feel a little touched.

Xuanyuan hesitated for a moment, but finally nodded and said with a light smile:

"Well, stay with me, life and death are up to you."

Mo Chou was just about to take off into the air, but suddenly she was slapped on the shoulder by a frighteningly strong woman. The woman also wore a white gauze and shook her head. After Mo Chou pouted, she turned towards The pig-headed emperor transmitted sound.

"Deep in the Xuanhan Mountain Region!"

The pig-headed emperor remained calm, Mochou was a very smart woman, since she transmitted the sound, she must have some deep meaning.

Bai Youniang also wants to go with Xuanyuan, but she knows that she can't go, only in the 'Taibai Chamber of Commerce', the higher the achievements, the more places she can help Xuanyuan, if she leaves, she will only end her own life , even if Xuanyuan is the "body of all transformations", she has never changed her mind.

"Xuanyuan, I don't care if you are the 'Body of Ten Thousand Transformations' or not, you will always be my good brother Feng Lie, whoever dares to kill you, I will kill his whole family."

"Brother Feng Lie, thank you very much. From today onwards, Xuanyuanmen will be handed over to you." Xuanyuan was very moved. He originally thought that the whole world was an enemy, but he never thought that Feng Lie still dared to stand up and defend himself.

Feng Lie nodded, there is no need to say anything between brothers.

Yin Zhenluo remained silent and looked at Xuanyuan with an extremely firm expression. Even if Xuanyuan would become the common enemy of the world, she would not abandon Xuanyuan.

"Junior Brother Xuanyuan, if you are in trouble, you can come to my 'Linglong Immortal Mansion' for refuge. I believe that those who can be recognized by 'Emperor Yingtian' will never harm the human race, otherwise, 'Emperor Yingtian' will not be able to He has become the great emperor of the human race." Zhixie's words were soft but powerful, which made countless people wake up from it. No matter what Xuanyuan's "body of ten thousand transformations" is, he has been recognized by the great emperor of the human race. This is the most powerful evidence!

"Senior Sister Zhixie, take good care of Mochou..." Jinhua circulated, Xuanyuan and his party walked into that portal and disappeared in front of everyone.

'Nightmare Ghost Immortal' and 'Emperor Shalong' saw Xuanyuan and his party leave safely, and they also disappeared in the 'Doulong Immortal Mansion' in the next instant.

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