Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 465 Attitudes of all parties

Chapter 465 Attitudes of all parties

(Chapter 3, 7,000 words, a total of 15,000 words were updated today. After deducting the originally updated 9,000 words, the remaining 8,000 words are owed, and there are still 2,000 words owed. However, the PK tickets are full of 50 and the flowers are full. 1,200, so I still owe 8,000 words, and I will make up for it tomorrow! I am exhausted this month! Brothers have the ability to subscribe and hurry up!)

Among the stretches of deep mountains.

There are frost flowers all over the place, and an extremely cold breath emanates from the ground. It is icy cold. If the strength is below the realm of fighting immortals, they will not be able to resist this severe cold. They will definitely be frozen into ice sculptures, freezing life, and even In the realm of Fighting Immortals, the fighting spirit in the whole body will be blocked here, the blood will not flow freely, and the movement will be inconvenient. Here, it can be said that it is simply a must-kill place for fighting immortals.

There are no snowflakes here, only cold currents, one after another biting cold wind blows, penetrating into the bone marrow, and the rocks everywhere are broken, as if the traces left by a shocking war are about to be wiped out by the years, but you can still feel it if you look closely. It can be concluded that there must have been a tragic war here.

"Damn it, dead pig, where did you bring us? Why is this place colder than Beizhou Dynasty!" Three feet on the ground, everyone wanted to find Xuanyuan, but he was cursing here so no one knew.

Xuanyuan has already stepped into the realm of fighting immortals at this moment, not to mention the 'red lotus karmic fire' in his body, even the green dragon's blood essence in his body is enough to resist this cold current.

"Wang, just go deep, when will this great emperor let you die?" The pig-headed emperor howled unhappily, Xuanyuan was too long-winded, and asked many times along the way.

"You have done too many unreliable things." Xuanyuan looked down on the pig-headed emperor, feeling that this dead pig must have some secrets hidden.

"Yeah, Xuanxuan, in the early days, Zhuzhu and I almost died when we were teleported into the 'Eternal Ancient Realm' by accident." Qian Duoduo felt the same way, she had already stepped into the realm of Rank 3 Fighting Immortals, and her strength Unfathomable, even Xuanyuan is not an opponent, so naturally he will not suffer any harm here.

The pig-headed emperor said forcefully:

"This great emperor made a mistake, just occasionally."

Xuanyuan was speechless at this dead pig.

Huang Yuechan was dressed in a fairy phoenix dress, with icy muscles and bones, graceful and enchanting, extremely stunning, incomparable, with a phoenix bun on her head, strands of hair hanging down, fluttering with the wind, beautiful eyes full of waves, delicate Qiong Nose, seductive red lips slightly parted, making people obsessed.

She smiled, making this cold place feel warm.

"Little husband, it turns out that coming out with you is such a fun thing. If I had known that day, I would have come out with you and went to Beizhou Dynasty, so I wouldn't have to worry so much."

Xuanyuan didn't know that Huang Yuechan had cried for him.

Hearing this, Xuanyuan was speechless, and Huang Yuechan was basically screaming from her little husband these few days, so Xuanyuan could only sigh.

"Miss Huang, Xuanxuan is not your husband. I've said it a hundred times, don't bark!" Qian Duoduo blushed with anger, the golden bells on his body rang, Jump straight.

"Miss Qian, don't you know the fate of Qinglong and Xianhuang? I have already decided that Xuanyuan is my little husband. Why, do you like my little husband too? So you are jealous? Actually, I don't mind There is an extra sister like you." Huang Yuechan's eyes were as charming as silk, and she walked with a charming and charming style.

Qian Duoduo blushed, shook his head again and again, and said frantically:

"No, it's because Xuanxuan doesn't like you calling him husband, I'm not jealous, I'm not jealous!"

Xuanyuan's head was full of black lines, Qian Duoduo and Huang Yuechan basically hadn't stopped these few days, chattering along the way, Xuanyuan was used to the feeling of thousands of crows flying in the sky,

"Sizhu, tell me quickly, why did you suddenly bring me here?" Xuanyuan stopped and directly ignored the words of the two girls, and questioned Sizhu.

Here, the grass all over the ground is covered with a thin layer of hoarfrost, which is crystal clear but extremely cold.

The same is true on the ground. The fierce beasts along the way attacked Xuanyuan and his party several times, but they were all beheaded by Xuanyuan in an instant. The terrifying aura made some less powerful beasts retreat.

"You kid is really annoying, forget it, then I will tell you. Before I left, the little girl Mochou sent me a voice transmission, saying that in the depths of this 'Xuanhan Mountain Region', I guess there are hidden treasures inside." I'm looking for some treasure, so I came here to have a look first." The pig-headed emperor was really annoyed by Xuanyuan Wen, so he confessed directly.

"Damn it, I knew that you, a dead pig, must want to steal the treasure all by yourself, so you refused to say anything along the way, just strike first when you think of it!" Xuanyuan knew that this dead pig must have some secrets, and sure enough, everything was hidden. As he expected!

"So what, would you be able to come here without this great emperor? So what if there is any treasure that this great emperor can get, you kid got so many treasures in the cave of 'Emperor Yingtian', I didn't even tell you Grab, now you still want to come and steal from me?" The pig-headed emperor was confident.

Xuanyuan rolled his eyes and said with a sneer:

"That's because you can't grab it. Even if you can grab it, you won't be able to use it. Can a pig's hoof and dog's claw hold the Emperor Sword?"

"I! @#¥%...\u0026*(." The pig-headed emperor had the urge to bite Xuanyuan to death.

"Okay, since I already know that there is a treasure in the depths of the 'Xuanhan Mountain Region', then I can find it myself, and you take Miss Qian and leave here first." Xuanyuan said solemnly.

"Fuck, I knew you would drive me away as soon as you found out, don't even think about it." The pig-headed emperor bared his teeth and growled.

"I'm serious. I guess people all over the world are looking for me. Your restraint method is unparalleled in the world. Bringing a lot of money will attract most people's attention. They won't catch you anyway. We It's good to practice on your own." Xuanyuan said seriously.

"No, then I have to wait until I get the treasure of the 'Xuanhan Mountain Region' before I leave. Mo Chou is the 'Physical Body of Thousand Spirits', and the treasure that she can comprehend is definitely not ordinary." The eyes of the pig-headed emperor There was unstoppable greed in the eyes, the green light burst out, and the saliva was about to flow out.

"Well, since you want to follow, give me half of the 240,000 catties of pure spiritual source you won, and I only need 120,000 catties of pure spiritual source!" Xuanyuan said.

"Damn it, boy, you robbed. This is what the great emperor earned through hard work, a drop of blood, and a drop of sweat. You say half is half? Is this emperor still a mess?" The pig-headed emperor bared his teeth, as if he didn't want to admit it look.

Xuanyuan had the urge to strangle the pig-headed emperor to death, so he scolded his mother angrily:

"Fuck you, who earned it hard with a drop of sweat and a drop of blood? I didn't have to fight bloody battles to resist the thunder disaster. You were already in debt and were chased all over the world. Do you think I don't know you? ? Give it or not, if you don't give it, you go to me immediately, and you don't want the treasure in the 'Xuanhan Mountain Region'."

"No, I won't give it if I say I won't give it." The pig-headed emperor had a humble look on his face, obviously wanting to take it all by himself.

"Okay, then I'll tell everyone in the world that there is a treasure here, which is probably left by the ancient sages. Who can get it when I see it?" Xuanyuan said fiercely.

"Boy, if you are ruthless, here you are." The pig-headed emperor had a bad look on his face, he fully believed that Xuanyuan could do such a thing.

With a smile on his face, Xuanyuan collected 120,000 catties of pure spiritual sources, gathered them together, and this vast force of heaven and earth fighting spirit was unbelievably thick, extremely thick, Xuanyuan knew that after he stepped into Douxian, what he needed The amount of pure Douyuan will increase again, so I have to prepare more for myself.

"It's not bad, let's go." Xuanyuan was very satisfied, with a smile on his face, but he deserved it.

The 'Xuanhan Mountain Domain' is very large, covering an area of ​​millions of miles. It is located at the junction of the 'Doulong Immortal Mansion' and 'Linglong Immortal Mansion'. Everyone thought that Xuanyuan would escape from Dongzhou and go to Beizhou. Can you imagine that Xuanyuan is located in this vast mountain area of ​​Dongzhou?

"Where is this 'Xuanhan Mountain Region'?" Xuanyuan asked.

The face of the pig-headed emperor turned black, he had just been robbed of 120,000 pure spiritual sources by Xuanyuan Pit, making his brothers grin in distress, and he replied reluctantly:

"This used to be a territory inhabited by an ancient race. Later, this ancient race was exterminated in the war. Their territory was not occupied. Due to the harsh climate here, it was not suitable for human habitation. Over time, it was abandoned. For some fierce Speaking of beasts, but cultivating in the Holy Land, there is today's 'Xuanhan Mountain Region'."

The 'Xuanhan Mountain Region' covering an area of ​​one million miles is no small matter. Xuanyuan also felt the vicissitudes of life here, but he didn't expect that this place was actually the place where the ancient race once lived.

Xuanyuan nodded and continued to move forward. Huang Yuechan did not argue with Qian Duoduo anymore, but asked Xuanyuan:

"Little husband, if you find the treasure from this 'Xuanhan Mountain Region', where do you want to go?"

"Continue to practice, kill people, Haiya, Tianluo, 'Dragon Saint Son', 'Ancient Devil Saint Son', I will kill them all by myself, but before that, I will kill the Lu family, Xie family, etc. The elite children of the great family have been uprooted, and I will kill all those who stand in my way!"

Huang Yuechan smiled brightly, and said charmingly:

"As expected of my little husband, you are so domineering, I love you to death..."

Xuanyuan rolled his eyes, to be honest, Huang Yuechan was able to abandon her identity as the future saint of the 'Doulong Immortal Mansion' when she was an enemy of the world, follow her, live and die with her, share adversity, Xuanyuan was moved, Moreover, I have already promised the ancient Qinglong to take good care of the heirs of Xianhuang. It is impossible for Xuanyuan to know Huang Yuechan's safety all the time. Only when Huang Yuechan is with him can he know, so he did not reject Huang Yuechan. Yuechan is gone.

go all the way.

Xuanyuan was communicating with the greedy old man in his heart. A few days ago, he practiced the "Ten Thousand Transformation Heroic Soul Method", which is also part of the "Swallowing Dao Jue". All the black holes look like nothingness, which is very frightening, but what I can clearly feel is that my heroic spirit has become stronger in essence.

Xuanyuan looks at his own chakra, which is the place where the heroes are hidden. A sea of ​​blood is rushing, and thunder is rolling. In the blood and thunder, there are a lot of figures who respect the sky, their aura is like the sky, and their might is extraordinary.

"Xuanyuan, I really didn't expect you to refine the unique vision of 'all the sons of heaven singing together', it's amazing!" The greedy old man's tone was full of admiration, and he continued:

"Now, you can use these heaven's favored sons. Each of them has their own unique vision, which is their perception of the great way of heaven and earth, and it becomes yours!"

Xuanyuan was stunned when he heard the words, and immediately turned to one of the women. She is also an extremely powerful child of heaven, but she is hurt by love and wants to kill all the men in the world. If she is an ordinary person, it doesn't matter. However, she is a rare and proud daughter of heaven, so she attracted the "Crossing the Immortal Calamity". During the Transcending Immortal Calamity and the baptism of sin, she created a vision, "Red beans grow in the South".

Xuanyuan hooked it with his heart, and saw a red bean appearing from under Xuanyuan's body. This red bean was only the size of a thumb, and it contained endless mysteries. A southern country grew out of a single red bean, which was so vast and oppressive that it was hard to breathe.

Huang Yuechan and Qian Duoduo were shocked, they knew that Xuanyuan was cultivating himself and manifesting visions, so they didn't bother.

Xuanyuan's heart was shocked, he didn't expect that he could trigger the vision of 'Red beans grow in the South'.

Xuanyuan started to run "Hongdousheng Nanguo", and saw that the derived Nanguo, like a world, hit a fierce beast at the level of fighting immortals hiding in the dark, and the beast couldn't dodge and was smashed It became a smash!

"It's so powerful." Xuanyuan couldn't help sighing when he saw this scene.

"Haha, try again, kid. It's not only in the 'Traveling the Immortal Tribulation' that there is the baptism of sin. It also exists in the 'Fate Immortal Tribulation', but it appears later and the power is more terrifying. Among these heaven's favored sons, there must be those who survived the 'fate calamity' and fell!" The greedy old man laughed.

Xuanyuan immediately seduced a Tianjiao who also died of the baptism of sin during the "Fate Tribulation".

Behind Xuanyuan, a vast Tianshan appeared, a round of bright moon rose up, and the bright moonlight enveloped the earth, which was extremely beautiful.

"The bright moon rises from the Tianshan Mountains!"

This is the supreme vision refined from the lifelong insights of that proud son of heaven. If he steps into the realm of immortality, Mingyue will be able to turn eight times in total, and the power of each turn will increase, enough to collapse a whole world. I don't know how much stronger the so-called Jiang God Slaying Monsters from 'Jiang Yitian' will be.

However, Xuanyuan at this moment can only cast "Bright Moon Out of the Tianshan Mountains". In the first turn, I saw a round of bright moon rising from the Tianshan Mountains. The surface of the mountain cracked and collapsed inch by inch. Some weak and ferocious beasts in this mountain were killed by the shock.

You must know that the mountain here is extremely strong, but it was hit by the first turn of the "Moon Moon Out of Tianshan", and it collapsed directly, shaking the earth and shaking the mountain, which shows how terrifying this vision is.

"This vision of mine is simply a collection of all the perceptions of the heaven and earth avenues of the proud sons of heaven who died in the past generations. Their visions can be derived at any time, which is no small matter!" Xuanyuan was shocked by himself. , At that time, I didn't think too much, but I didn't expect that I could arouse their sympathy into the body, cultivate into the hero, and feel their great way of heaven and earth. All this was far beyond Xuanyuan's expectation .

"Haha, if it's an ordinary person, there's nothing you can do about it, but if you practice the "Ten Thousand Transformation Heroic Soul Method", you can naturally develop various visions. If you can get the other party's sense of heaven and earth, you can develop Exactly the same vision of heaven and earth!" The greedy old man laughed loudly, Xiao Cheng, the 'Body of Ten Thousand Transformations', is the happiest person.

Xuanyuan couldn't help but gasped, the horror of the 'Physical Transformation' was gradually manifested after Fighting Immortals.

Qian Duoduo and Huang Yuechan were so surprised that they couldn't speak a word, they were not surprised, but they were shocked by the horror of the 'Physical Transformation', which could produce all kinds of extremely powerful visions, which were simply unseen and unheard of, No wonder it will be called a great evildoer between heaven and earth.

Xuanyuan was very excited in his heart, which made him extremely excited. Entering the realm of fighting immortals was like opening a new door for him, a new world. He had to carefully understand the mystery of this realm of fighting immortals.

Just as Xuanyuan and his party were advancing all the way in the 'Xuanhan Mountain Region', heading deep into the depths, a tremendous change took place in the 'Doulong Immortal Mansion', which was unexpected.

Due to Huang Yuechan's departure, 'Donghuangyue' almost collapsed, Fang Yuyou, Feng Lie, and Bu Jingsha immediately absorbed the elites of 'Donghuangyue' with excellent conduct and extraordinary talents into Xuanyuanmen .

The methods of 'Xi Tian Luo' are extremely astonishing. With the help of 'Dulong Shengzi', most of the 'Donghuangyue' has been annexed directly, and the strength has skyrocketed. In addition, 'Dulong Shengzi' has also supported Lu Tianxiang, He knew that this son was extremely tolerant, loyal to him, and able to be moderate, so he merged the two major forces of Zhong Yitian and Bei Xiaoxuan to form a "Tianxiang Gate", which was in charge of Lu Tianxiang, and then Let the serious injury heal again, break and stand again, Hua Wushang, who has greatly improved in strength, controls the original Nanwan Sword, and re-establishes a "No Wound Gate".

Before the last trip of the "Doulong Shengzi", Nan Wanjian, Bei Xiaoxuan, and Xitianluo were all his confidants. He did not expect that Xuanyuan's appearance would cause such a big change, and he could only reconfigure it. It was worthwhile to annex Zhong Yitian. This time the reshuffle made the forces under his control stronger and stronger.

It's fine if things are just like this, 'Xitianluo', 'Tianxiang Gate' and 'Wushang Gate' proposed at the same time that 'Doulong Xianfu' should dismantle 'Xuanyuan Gate', only because the word Xuanyuan has a bad influence.

After all, Xuanyuan is the "body of all transformations", the root of evil, and it is not appropriate to name it with "Xuanyuanmen" now. In the recent period of time, people like Chen Jinsi, Liu Xiangxiang, Zhao Manfeng, and Qing Xiao have all stepped into the realm of fighting immortals in the "Dou Xian Pill" left by Xuanyuan.

'Xuanyuanmen' keeps growing, which makes them extremely jealous!

The Deputy Palace Master of the 'Doulong Immortal Mansion' thought about it and agreed to them. Indeed, 'Xuanyuanmen' is indeed very inappropriate.

Under the consent of the deputy palace master, 'Xi Tian Luo', 'Tianxiang Gate' and 'Wu Shang Men' led all the elite disciples to the 'Xuanyuan Xianshan' without fear, in order to let the 'Xuanyuan Gate' collapse, but they were killed by a little aunt I called back, and this little aunt was none other than Mochou, the future saintess of the 'Linglong Immortal Mansion'.

How powerful the 'Thousand Spirit Body' is, because the relationship between Mo Chou's 'Doulong Immortal Mansion' and 'Linglong Immortal Mansion' is getting closer, which will be of great benefit to the future competition with the Dongzhou Dynasty, so they dare not hurt Mo Chou Worry can't hurt.

Even the 'Dragon Saint Son' was a headache, but 'Dragon Saint Son' still made a move, restrained Mo Chou, and let the three strong men force the 'Xuanyuan Gate' to disband, this is left by Xuanyuan,' Fighting Dragon Son' does not allow it to exist.

Feng Lie was furious, and wanted to start a massacre, but was stopped by Bu Jingsha, who went directly to the deputy palace master, and finally the deputy palace master dispelled the idea of ​​disbanding 'Xuanyuanmen', which made Fang Yuyou feel relieved big breath.

No one else, because Xuanyuanmen is run by Fang Yuyou, Feng Lie, and Bu Jingsha, even if it is named after "Xuanyuanmen", but this does not affect their status in the hearts of these disciples at all. Said, 'Xuanyuanmen' is just nameless, but he deeply understands that Xuanyuan is the spiritual pillar of these 'Xuanyuanmen' disciples, and it is the goal they must work hard for.

In order to avoid more trouble, Bu Jingsha changed the name of "Xuanyuanmen" to "Qinglongmen", with the consent of Fang Yuyou and Feng Lie.

There is no other, because what Qinglong is referring to is also Xuanyuan, but it is not so obvious, there is no need to cause trouble, try to keep the 'Qinglongmen' in a state of keeping a low profile.

Even so, under the instigation of the "Sacred Son of Fighting Dragon", the entire "Qinglongmen" was kept in small troubles all day long, causing Feng Lie to be furious for several times, and after beheading and killing the offenders in the future, he became more peaceful.

Mo Chou did not go back to the 'Linglong Immortal Mansion', but went back and forth between the 'Blue Dragon Gate' and the 'Five Elements Fairy Mountain', because she knew what Xuanyuan was thinking, she must keep the 'Blue Dragon Gate', as long as she was there , 'Doulongxianfu' will take into account the overall situation and keep the 'Qinglongmen' safe!

The 'Linglong Immortal Mansion' has nothing to do with Mo Chou, but the 'Doulong Immortal Mansion' is very happy for Mo Chou to stay. This will strengthen the exchanges between the two parties. The reputation of 'Linglong Immortal Mansion' is too good. Has always been aloof from the world, and being able to have a close relationship with such an immortal mansion, any power has to consider the "Linglong Immortal Mansion" which is closely related to it when it comes to the idea of ​​"Doulong Immortal Mansion".

The "Five Elements Immortals" lived in seclusion and practiced day and night. Ever since they knew that Xuanyuan was the "body of myriad transformations", they were shocked, but they understood more clearly that Xuanyuan was their disciple, and they absolutely would not allow anyone to bully Xuanyuan!

So they are going to let themselves break through the realm of seventh-rank fighting immortals, and directly enter the 'Void of Time'.

Zhixie went back to 'Linglong Immortal Mansion' and after explaining everything, the 'Linglong Mansion Master' said that if Xuanyuan was in great danger and sought the protection of 'Linglong Immortal Mansion', 'Linglong Immortal Mansion' would definitely go all out .

Because Xuanyuan is a person recognized by the 'Emperor Yingtian', such a person is not only impossible to be a treacherous person, on the contrary, it is absolutely possible to be a shocking figure in the human race in the future, 'Linglong Xianfu' also faintly feels that The ancient royal families who have been to various places have been hiding their strengths and bide their time for so many years. If they come back together, the human race will inevitably have a shocking disaster at that time. Therefore, the arrogance like Xuanyuan who can be recognized by the emperor cannot be wiped out, and can only be protected as much as possible!

The Yin family of Dongzhou Dynasty.

Several ancestors of the Yin family came forward directly, grounded Yin Zhenluo, and ordered her not to have any further contact with Xuanyuan.

Because the "Body of Ten Thousand Transformations" is too scary, especially Xuanyuan has also received the inheritance of the "Emperor Devourer". They say that the "Emperor Devourer" destroys humanity. In order to achieve his own body, he can even devour his beloved woman. Its inheritance must not be a good person. Yin Zhenluo strongly rebounded, but was restrained by an invincible force. She had no choice but to be restrained from the Yin family.

Since Xuanyuan did have a great favor to the Yin family, saving Yin Tuxian's life is a well-known fact in the entire Dongzhou. If Yin Jiaen avenges revenge, it will cause even greater negative effects, so Yin Tuxian Under the opinion of the Yin family, they decided to keep silent about the 'Body of Ten Thousand Transformations', not to hunt down, but not to help, and let it fend for itself. Yin Qianxun quietly left the Yin family and continued to enter the 'Reincarnation'.

On the side of the 'Taibai Chamber of Commerce', Bai Qisha didn't say much to Bai Youniang. This is her daughter's business, and everything is decided by Bai Youniang. He feels that even if he is a father, he can't replace what his daughter thinks, so everything is up to Bai Youniang. , which made Bai Youniang feel particularly gratified.

From the headquarters of the 'Taibai Chamber of Commerce', the 'Taibai Immortal Territory' issued an order that the 'Taibai Chamber of Commerce' should not provide any help to the 'Body of Ten Thousand Transformations', otherwise it would be severely punished, or even killed!

Bai Youniang didn't pay attention to this order, nor did she resist it, she just waited, waiting for Xuanyuan's return...

She knew that when Xuanyuan came back next time, she would definitely have a world-shattering cultivation. Every time Xuanyuan left and returned to the country, she would undergo incredible changes. Every transformation made Bai Youniang feel amazed from the bottom of her heart .

Therefore, she believed in Xuanyuan, because Xuanyuan was the man her Bai Youniang valued, and he would become a figure of a generation of great emperors!

Unknowingly, half a month has passed, because the terrain of the 'Xuanhan Mountain Region' is complicated, and there are hidden forces in the sky, it is very dangerous. place.

Xuanyuan finally understood why he was abandoned here. In the depths of the 'Xuanhan Mountain Region', if his strength did not reach the realm of Rank 2 Fighting Immortal, he would not be able to resist the deadly cold air at all.

Looking at the big mountain in front of him, Xuanyuan turned his real eyes and saw that this big mountain is the main mountain range of the "Xuanhan Mountain Region". What a treasure!

"Haha, here we are, here we are, what Mo Chou was talking about is here, in the depths of the 'Xuanhan Mountain Region', baby, here we come!" The pig-headed emperor laughed.

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