Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 466 Exhaustion of the Genkan Mountains!

Chapter 466: The End of the Xuanhan Mountain Region!

(Chapter 1, 7,000 words! Damn, the brothers are really awesome, and 50 PK tickets are full, and I owe 11,000 words, don’t worry, I will make up for it!)

In the depths of the 'Xuanhan Mountain Region'.

This place is surrounded by special mountains, and ordinary people can't walk in at all. If Xuanyuan is not proficient in the terrain and cracks all the way, I am afraid that I will be lost in the endless mountains, let alone come here.

In front of him is a big mountain, which is the main mountain range in the 'Xuanhan Mountain Region'.

In front of Xuanyuan's group, there is a tall and large cave, leading to the deep interior of the 'Xuanhan Mountain Region'. It is unknown how many dangers are hidden inside.

I can only feel the cold and murderous breath coming out, and the desolation and loneliness flowing through the ages, which are the traces of the years. I don’t know how many histories were staged here. Leave endless desolation.

Through his real eyes, Xuanyuan saw that there was an extremely terrifying cold current in this mountain, and they were all flowing, connected together, forming a cycle. This cycle of cold current was bred for many years, and it was endless. , paused for a moment, Xuanyuan said slowly:

"If you enter it, you will be frozen to death if your strength does not reach the realm of the third-rank Douxian. I have the 'Red Lotus Karma Fire' body protection, how about you?"

"Xuanxuan, I have already reached the realm of fighting immortals at rank three, and I also have a special physique, so I am not afraid."

Huang Yuechan's eyes fluttered, and she smiled charmingly:

"Although I'm only at the pinnacle of the second turn fighting immortals, I still have the 'fire of nirvana' on me, so you don't have to worry about me, my husband. I know you love me, but don't worry if I will be hurt. !"

Hearing Huang Yuechan's words, Xuanyuan couldn't help but gasped, and directly ignored the following words:

"Ranked ninth on the fire fighting list, 'Fire of Nirvana', are you kidding me?"

Xuanyuan, who has five elements, naturally has a little understanding of the rankings of these heaven and earth spirits.

"Of course I'm not joking, you kid is really ignorant and ignorant, it's too embarrassing, 'Fire of Nirvana' is unique to the inheritance of Xianhuang, otherwise, 'Body of Xianhuang' is not complementary to 'Fire of Nirvana', how to proceed Nine times of Nirvana rebirth?" The pig-headed emperor seized the opportunity and scorned Xuanyuan fiercely.

"Hmph, dead pig, you just lived longer than my little husband, and you know more than my little husband. What are you so proud of? My little husband will one day become the existence of the Great Emperor. When the time comes, you Just obediently give him a mount!" Huang Yuechan rolled her eyes at the pig-headed emperor, obviously vowing to defend everything about Xuanyuan to the death, and she would not allow anyone to despise Xuanyuan.

The pig-headed emperor bared his teeth angrily:

"Damn, I'm pissed off, I'm pissed off."

Xuanyuan laughed, and then said seriously:

"Then let's go, and go into the depths of the 'Xuanhan Mountain Region' to explore. I don't know what Mo Chou is referring to. Is it really a treasure?"

"That's right, Mo Chou is the 'body of a thousand spirits' and has an extremely keen sense for the treasures of heaven and earth. I don't think the quality of this treasure will be too low!" The pig-headed emperor said with certainty, Xuanyuan was noncommittal.

"There is an extremely terrifying murderous intent flowing in here. There must be a powerful beast. You are ready to strike at any time and kill it. Everyone is uplifted." Xuanyuan took out the fire lotus platform from the fighting ring, and set up Stimulated, the moment the power of the 'Red Lotus Karma' merged into the Fire Lotus Platform, the crystal clear Fire Lotus Platform floated above the heads of Xuanyuan and his party, and streams of fire rain and tassels spewed out from the fire lotus leaves in all directions.

This fiery rain tassel was cast like crystal jade, it was extremely strong, exuded extremely high temperature, and resisted the severe cold, and even some not so thick mountain rocks could not withstand the scorching heat, and they burst open. In short, Here it is enough.

Fire and rain tassels covered a ten-meter radius, protecting the entire group. Xuanyuan and his group walked directly into the high and wide cave.

The cold current was severe, the strong wind poured into the cave, and there was a whistling sound. It sounded like a ghost howling and howling. It was extremely scary and gloomy, but all the people present were daring people, and no one would be scared arrive.

There is only one passage in this cave, which is about 100 meters high and wide. There are many decayed ashes on the ground, and some broken bones are frozen in the frost. It is obviously left over from many years ago. , more of a skeleton of a foreign race with thick bones, must have gone through a battle here.

Xuanyuan said with emotion:

"If I can reach the realm of Tianshixian, I will be able to use the power of the original earth veins here to derive everything that happened countless years ago, and I will know exactly what happened."

I don’t know why Xuanyuan is very interested in these things that happened in a very long time, as if he is still worried about the fact that the strange stone in the “Forbidden Land” cannot be produced, such a scene, It's so magnificent. Xuanwu, Baihu, Suzaku, Qinglong, and Xianhuang coexisted together. In the age when thousands of races fought and killed each other in the ancient times, that kind of tragic and magnificent momentum will never be seen today. It was the era of the prosperity of all races Era.

"Thousands of ancient races are fighting and killing each other. It's just the ups and downs of each race. There is nothing to see. These have become the past, and only the present is real." , no matter how brilliant it was once, now the 'Emperor Devourer' has been annihilated in the years.

Xuanyuan was silent, it was true, he turned his real eyes, and through the dark mountain wall, he saw one after another strange lines, they were invisible, as if explaining everything in the world, such as the sun, the human race, Birds, fish... etc., Xuanyuan only made superficial understandings from those strange runes, which may be the ancient races in the 'Xuanhan Mountain Region', and they belonged to their characters, and now they are also submerged.

On the top of Xuanyuan's head, a fire lotus platform was suspended, and fire rain and tassels were floating, protecting the whole body, walking all the way.

The sound of footsteps echoed back and forth, and it was so quiet here that even a little sound would be infinitely amplified and reverberated. Coupled with the rumbling cold wind, the climate became even colder.

Fortunately, the 'Red Lotus Fire' is a battle between heaven and earth, so it is not a problem to resist the cold in this environment.

On the dark mountain wall, there are traces left by all kinds of magical means and various magic weapons. On it, there is a faint fighting spirit that will disappear at any time. It is conceivable that in this cave back then Inside, there must have been a fierce fight, so that the remaining fighting spirit could not be dissipated. What kind of war was that?

Everyone held their breath, the more they walked into the depths of the cave, the more frightening they became. Just as everyone was walking, there was a sudden scream, and a black shadow directly rushed towards Xuanyuan and his party. Xuanyuan didn't hesitate at all. , the vision rises from behind him:

"'The bright moon rises from the Tianshan Mountains'."

On the vast Tianshan Mountains, the bright moon hangs high, and at the moment this round of moon turns, a terrifying moonlight falls down and hits that black shadow, only a loud bang is heard.

Qian Duoduo reacted very quickly, grabbed a large handful of 'Fighting Immortal Coins' in his hand, and threw them out. Jingling bells rang, and a soft drink resounded through the cave.

"Douxian Cannon."

The terrifying gold-earth battle energy surged and spread in all directions. I saw that black shadow let out a miserable howl, and a column of blood shot up into the sky, staining the mountain road with blood. A flame in the shape of a fairy phoenix burst out and hit that black shadow. In an instant, that black shadow was completely enveloped by that flame, howling even more fiercely, with the "Nirvana spirit" all over its body. Fire' fled.

Xuanyuan saw through his real eyes that this was a 'Xuanhan Ice Wolf' with an extremely strong body, at least able to fight against the strong of the third rank fighting immortals, but under the siege of Xuanyuan's group, he was obviously not an opponent. It is impossible to survive.

"Everyone, be careful. The deeper you go, the more intense the murderous intent is inside. It should be the beast king in this 'Xuanhan Mountain Region'. You must be careful if you live in this cave!" Xuanyuan said. heavy voice.


The echo of Xuanyuan's voice came from the cave, layer upon layer, and spread far away, giving people an extremely strange feeling.

Going on all the way, after a while, Xuanyuan saw a pile of black ash emitting a terrifying temperature on the mountain.

There is no doubt that the 'Xuanhan Ice Wolf' who sneaked up on them just now couldn't resist the fierce power of the 'Nirvana Fire', so it could only be burned alive here.

Xuanyuan looked in front of him, and not far away, layers of frosty mist began to appear. These frosty mist were like living things, relaxed and rising, and looked very beautiful, but they blocked the sight ahead .

These thin frost mist do not seem to have the slightest lethality, but in fact they can make the blood of the strong three-rank Douxian stagnant, stagnant. A Rank 3 Fighting Immortal who has not cultivated a vision may die at any time if he enters this place.

The deeper one goes, the more intense the murderous intent becomes, making one's heart palpitate.

At this moment, one after another low growls came, Xuanyuan's heart tightened, and in the eyes, the movement shot out, and the light flowed.

True eyes can see through many existences, Xuanyuan sees through this thin layer of frost mist, and sees the other side of the frost mist, in the eyes of the fierce 'Xuanhan ice wolf', there is a gloomy light , One of their eyes is enough to freeze and kill a Doudi powerhouse.

A head of 'Xuanhan Ice Wolf' is several meters tall, extremely strong, without boiling blood, but has an extremely solid body, and their ferocious claws are enough to tear the body of a third-rank fighting immortal Broken, there is no suspense.

Their perception is very sensitive, as if they feel that they have been discovered, this terrifying 'Xuanhan Ice Wolf' did not hesitate at all, and charged forward decisively, dozens of 'Xuanhan Ice Wolves' culled together Coming, the sound of terrifying wind cannons roared again and again, and terrifying howling sounds surged up. This is the power and influence aroused by their actions in an instant.

As soon as Xuanyuan saw them, he sternly shouted:

"Dangerous! Meet the enemy! Don't hold back!"

Almost in an instant, Xuanyuan no longer had any reservations, and directly displayed the vision:

A proud son of heaven stands behind Xuanyuan, standing proudly between the heavens and the earth. They are the proud sons of every era. When they gather together, it is the beginning of a prosperous age.

All kinds of great immortal arts and Taoist arts are played out with their thoughts, radiant and colorful, and the terrifying aura of arrogance frightens the nine heavens and ten earths. Their power is incomparably condensed, gathered at one point, and both ends rush to the front." The Xuanhan Ice Wolf was directly smashed to pieces, leaving flesh and blood all over the ground.

Qian Duoduo is even better than Xuanyuan. I saw that six bags of money bags were thrown out of his body, which were filled with high-quality Douxian coins. Duoduo sternly shouted, picked up seals one after another in his hand, and put them into the purse:

"Money Bomb!"

All kinds of weird lines are intertwined together, the terrifying aura rolls, and finally the golden light shines, almost blinding people's eyes, the destructive fighting energy ripples, turning into all-indestructible ripples, rumbling!

in an instant.

The earth shook and the mountains shook, and the terrifying roar echoed again and again from inside the cave, shaking people's hearts, and howls came out one after another. I don't know how many 'Xuanhan ice wolves' died in Qian Duoduo's money bomb .

This is the first time Huang Yuechan has seen Qian Duoduo show off his power. She did not expect it to be so terrifying. It is worthy of the inheritance of the 'Taoist of Many Treasures'. Anyone who can become a Taoist has understood the profound meaning and mystery of the Tao. Ordinary people can't imagine it.

Huang Yuechan did not show any weakness. From the fingertips of her green and jade fingers, one after another 'Nirvana Fire' in the shape of a fairy phoenix shot out, and the surface of each 'Nirvana Fire' that turned into a fairy phoenix flowed with the ancient rhyme of the fairy phoenix, intertwined With exquisite runes.

Immortal phoenixes sang and sang out, giving people the impression that they were flying phoenixes one by one. It was beautiful, but it contained extremely terrifying dangers, which made people shudder.

Huang Yuechan was extremely precise, capturing the sound and locating it, and ejected nine 'Fires of Nirvana' in a row. The nine-headed fairy phoenix was like a sharp sword off the string, without missing any, piercing through the nine-headed 'Xuanhan Ice Wolf', their bodies The 'Fire of Nirvana' was ignited and turned into a ball of fire, making howls one after another, it was very shrill!

After a round of attacks, Xuanyuan and his party took the lead, causing heavy losses to the 'Xuanhan Ice Wolf'.

Even so, there were still more than a dozen 'Xuanbing Hanlang' who came up to kill them. They were so fierce that they were as fast as a thunderbolt.

On the fire lotus platform, the precious light circulated, and Xuanyuan urged the battle energy derived from the majestic 'Red Lotus Karma Fire' in his body, pouring it into it, supporting the restraint from being broken.

They allowed their bodies to collide with Huoyu Tassel, leaving scars. It was a desperate attack with only one purpose. Obviously, it was to kill Xuanyuan and his party. They used themselves to beat Huoyu Tassel Cracks spread one after another, as if they were about to burst open at any moment, but Xuanyuan and his party naturally couldn't sit still and wait for death.

'All the Sons of Heaven' screaming together', one after another of terrifying immortal cannons, and Huang Yuechan's 'Fire of Nirvana', they shot out again and again, these 'Xuanhan Ice Wolves' who attacked and killed them in front of them, they couldn't resist at all, one by one. dead.

The pig-headed emperor was smiling, and he didn't do anything, he was devouring the life essence of these 'Xuanhan ice wolves'.

"Thanks to Xuanxuan, if Xuanxuan didn't find out in advance, I'm afraid we will have a hard fight." Qian Duoduo patted his little heart, with a look of rejoicing, stuck out his tongue, and spun around on the spot. The circle, the golden bell on the body is jingling, very playful and cute.

Indeed, if Xuanyuan hadn't discovered these 'Xuanhan Ice Wolves' preemptively with his real eyes, there would have been more than 50 'Xuanhan Ice Wolves' attacking together. If they kill them, they will inevitably suffer severe injuries!

"Of course, with my little husband here, I am invincible and unstoppable!" Huang Yuechan smiled brightly, exuding a pure body fragrance from her body, which made people feel very comfortable.

"Xuanxuan is not your little husband, nonsense, nonsense." Qian Duoduo muttered.

But at this moment, the pig-headed emperor's expression changed a lot, and there was a green light in a pair of eyeballs.

Obviously, he had been devouring the life essence of these 'Xuanhan Ice Wolves' just now, and also obtained their memories, so he must have discovered something in their memories.

"Boy, deep inside, there is definitely a treasure. These ferocious wolves have no memory. They only know to guard here and not let anyone enter it. Go in quickly. If there is no treasure, they will not guard here. "

Xuanyuan's heart skipped a beat, and he couldn't help being a little excited. He didn't expect that there really was a treasure here, and he wanted to come here. Otherwise, Mo Chou would not have asked the pig-headed emperor to bring her here for no reason.

Xuanyuan activated the 'Red Lotus Karmic Fire' again and merged into the Fire Lotus Terrace. The shattered fire and rain tassels healed again, forming an extremely strong protective barrier, protecting the group from the cold air, and once again facing the walk forward.

When Xuanyuan walked into the thin frost mist, he saw that the thin frost mist became thicker, and the cold air rose sharply and gushed out. Definitely, he quickly took out a few pieces of pure spiritual sources from his body, drew patterns on them with his fingertips puffing out fighting energy, and then directly threw these pieces of pure spiritual sources in different directions. It was Xuanyuan who saw with his true eyes to where the foundation forms a natural texture.

Boom, boom, boom, there were three terrifying loud noises one after another, and the battle energy surged, and the frost fog in front of him gradually dissipated.

A hole was blown out of the mountain walls that formed the natural lines, and the terrain pattern was destroyed, and the terrain naturally disintegrated.

"This is the 'Flying Frost and Flowing Fog'. It doesn't look like mountains or dews, but its power is extremely terrifying. As long as we walk into this terrain, if we don't crack the terrain, it will become more and more terrifying. In the end, it is able to mobilize the cold current contained in the entire 'Xuanhan Mountain Region' to suppress us." Although Xuanyuan has the 'Red Lotus Fire' body protection, but knows that this place is extremely cold, maybe there is something better than the 'Red Lotus' Yehuo's fighting water may also be.

Just now he saw that in this mountain, countless cold qi are connected together and flowing.

Even if Huang Yuechan's 'Fire of Nirvana' is still in this terrible terrain, it will kill terrifying beasts at any time, it is also very dangerous, it is impossible for Xuanyuan to put himself and his party in danger middle.

A group of people continued to move forward, and the murderous intent became more intense, making people even more frightened.

After a group attack by those 'Xuanhan Ice Wolves', they have never been attacked again, and it is extremely quiet, and it is precisely because of this unusual quietness that it makes people feel terrified, wondering what will happen Things popped out.

Xuanyuan operates the real eye all the time, penetrates the mountain wall, or looks deep ahead, but the power of the real eye is also very limited, unless Xuanyuan steps into the realm of the earth eye, he can see through the mountains and rivers, but if he wants to To reach the realm of Earth Eye, one must step into the realm of Destiny Immortal to be eligible to have it!

A group of people walked along the meandering cave. Since the cave was dark and the light was very dim, the fire rain and tassels from Xuanyuan's fire lotus platform illuminated the cave. Immortals entered here, I am afraid they will be frozen into ice sculptures, but Xuanyuan and his party are warm all over, without the slightest discomfort, the 'red lotus fire' is enough to resist the cold here.

I don't know how long they walked, but Xuanyuan and his party came to the end of the cave. In front of them, there was a piece of darkness. This is the place where the extremely terrifying energy came out. Walking here, the more people feel asphyxia!

There is no way under his feet, it is an endless abyss, Xuanyuan turned his real eyes, and the light shot out, the thick mountain wall in front of him, and under his body, there is an extremely dark abyss, revealing a sense of darkness. The extremely frightening cold, even a Rank 3 Fighting Immortal expert, couldn't resist it, as well as the murderous air that permeated every inch of space.

Xuanyuan just exhaled hot air, and this piece of hot air turned into frost spots in the air and fell.

"What to do, there is no way." Xuanyuan frowned, not knowing how much danger lay beneath this endless abyss.

"Why don't we go back, the qi machine below is very dangerous, and we can't resist it anymore." Qian Duoduo is very sensitive in her heart. She has walked in the world of fighting qi for so many years, and every time she encounters a huge danger, she can feel it in her heart. induced.

"No, we've already come here, how can we turn back?" The pig-headed emperor standardly did not shed tears when he saw a coffin, did not cast an eagle when he saw a rabbit, did not look back until he bumped into the south wall, and did not die until he jumped off a cliff.

"Okay, then you can jump off." Xuanyuan said solemnly.

The face of the pig-headed emperor turned green:

"Damn it, you kid is too disrespectful, so you're willing to let me go down alone?"

"You are not human." Huang Yuechan said.

The pig-headed emperor's face turned dark, he watched Xuanyuan and Huang Yuechan, the adulterous couple making love, paused for a while, and said righteously:

"No, we have to go down together, I don't worry about you being on it."

"Don't worry, I won't run away. Even if you die, we will remember the great contribution you made to us, and the people will always remember you!" Xuanyuan said with a look of trust.

The pig-headed emperor still had no intention of going on, and finally spoke the truth:

"No, it's too dangerous."

"Then turn around!" Qian Duoduo patted her chest, obviously even the extremely nervous she was a little nervous.

"No, I can't go." The pig-headed emperor sat down on the ground and didn't want to go, shaking his golden hair.

Xuanyuan shook his head, knowing that the pig-headed emperor was going to play a scoundrel, so he didn't want to bother, saying:

"Then let's go and leave it here."

Just when Xuanyuan was about to turn his head back, he suddenly felt a wave of terrifying beast aura rushing from behind, densely packed and extremely astonishing.

Xuanyuan's expression changed, and his real eyes pierced through the air, only to see densely packed, all kinds of fierce beasts rushing towards him, and said in a startled voice:

"What's going on, so many beasts!"

"Hey, I said earlier that I can't turn back. They have all been guarding here for generations. Some of them have gone out. We made such a big noise just now. They all sensed and rushed back, so I still go down to see Watch it." The pig-headed emperor smiled cheaply, obviously he already knew about it.

Xuanyuan had no choice but to immediately put on the burlap garment of 'Emperor Yingtian' on his body. This burlap garment was worn by 'Emperor Yingtian', and it exuded the aura of the supreme emperor. It was made from the skins of the ancient royal family, which is enough to deter some fierce beasts, and now I can only go down to have a look.

Xuanyuan broke off the legs of the wooden bed that "Emperor Yingtian" sat on with the branches cut off from the "Medicine King Immortal Tree", and gave each of Qian Duoduo and Huang Yuechan a bed leg, explaining:

"Hold it, there is the aura of 'Emperor Yingtian' on it. The aura of the Great Emperor is strong enough to resist any and all terrifying auras. Hold them just in case, don't let go, you must take them with you!"

Xuanyuan didn't know how dangerous the divine fate under his feet was, and now he could only do his best.

The pig-headed emperor looked at Xuanyuan with green eyes, drooling:

"Boy, what about the Great Emperor?"

Xuanyuan glanced at the pig-headed emperor, paused, and said:

"You don't need it."

The pig-headed emperor jumped straight:

"I¥#%...\u0026*(, you are too eccentric."

"It's not that I'm too partial, it's just that I don't feel at ease. If I give it to you, you will definitely swallow the legs of the bed, and you won't be able to come back." Xuanyuan said seriously.

The pig-headed emperor burst into tears:

"Why am I always the one who's hurt."

"Because you are more likely to get hurt." Xuanyuan rolled his eyes, not pretending to be a poor pig-headed emperor at all.

At this moment, countless terrifying beasts approached behind him, Xuanyuan said in a heavy voice:

"Stop talking nonsense, are you going or not?"

"Go down slowly!" The pig-headed emperor soared into the sky, Xuanyuan, Huang Yuechan, and Qian Duoduo followed closely behind. The fire lotus platform above his head formed a fire rain tassel, enveloping Xuanyuan and his party like a fireball, illuminating the entire group. The endless abyss mountain wall with a radius of 100 meters.

Just when the group of people jumped into the abyss, many fierce beasts rushed to the end of this cave, watching Xuanyuan and his group slowly fall, they roared one after another, their momentum was extremely terrifying, but they did not dare to jump down, their eyes There is a deep fear in it.

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